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The root of the problem: There are no REAL leaders. I listened to part of Biden's broadcast this morning. He bumbled and stumbled through, even while reading his text. This is shameful; absolutely shameful.

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Isn't Biden allowed to have an off day? Compared to TFG, he's doing a MUCH better job. Maybe President Biden has a LOT on his mind. He's had to deal with SO MUCH in ONE year. I for one am incredibly GRATEFUL President Biden is the leader he is, in so many ways. So, while I too may cringe while Biden has the occasional stumble, I'll take him ANY day!

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I support his efforts. He has an unimaginable amount of stuff on his plate. He is essentially the torch bearer of the free world for starters. He is one brave man to be willing to tackle all of what we face

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Make no mistake, I like Biden and I voted for him. Still, he IS on the world stage as our country's #1 representative. The damage done by and being done by TrumpiNazi will take years to repair, understanding that 100% repair will not take place. His minions are still hard at work trying to dismantle our Republic.

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OK - I get it. But, despite ALL of the good President Biden has done, he's getting so little recognition for ALL of the good he has done (pointing to the American press). So, I will defend him because he IS putting in the hours and the work since he started just over a year ago. Yes, there is a LOT of damage to repair and that does take time - and yes, there will be a few bad days.

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The press/MEDIA has been wholly unfair to Biden. Much of the media thrives on the daily celebration of Trump. The Democrats should blown their own horn, and make certain that takes place. Trump got away with (thus far) treason. We hear about his assaults every day. Biden should be getting more frontline news.

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Since TFG took office and before, with absolutely no credentials or experience, he has been accepted by his base. But staying connected to his party who cringed when he was a candidate? Even with his obvious lies, his performance has kept him connected to voters. But what’s the excuse of an official in Congress who took the oath of office and is better educated than the average Voter?

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An excellent question to be put to Cruz and Graham, plus many others. Josh Hawley is a seditionist. Tom Cotton lacks all sense of integrity. The enemy is within. The "Oath" means nothing to them. It is all done for public posturing.

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In the current 2 Party setup we do not have much choice, but to support the bumblers because behind Biden, there are a lot of talented, madder than wet hens folks who are in the fight. Looking for a leader is always a dangerous gambit. Look where it has taken the Republican Party. It will take all of us collectively to steer us out of this mess.

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Please remember that he has a life long problem with stuttering. I expect that things like being short on sleep or emotional impact can affect that issue.

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