TPM is now reporting that House Republicans want to pass a series of "clean" debt limit suspension bills that brings the debt default crisis to coincide with the new fiscal year, to create a mega crisis of default/government shutdown, and that they will then be putting the most egregious of their spending bills up for votes over the summer before the mega crisis arrives. Interestingly, this will benefit Democrats if they do this, since the Democrats will be able to point to all the egregious cuts the crazies want. Also, enough Republicans have now stated they do not intend to touch Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare or Defense that McCarthy does not have a majority to push those cuts, leaving them very few places they would have to cut heavily to achieve their goals.

In other words, the wheels are coming off the clown car already. Who could have expected that? I ask you!

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Over the weekend, I found myself stuck when someone recited Fox News talking points at my face. In panic at my own weakness, I was not able to retrieve all that I know from Heather Cox Richardson about the successes of this administration. I did refute the dementia claim with a simple question: how do you know he has dementia? I walked away from the conversation frustrated with myself because I had not memorized the truth that is in this letter today. Now I will.

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Why aren't the Dems putting up billboards next to every project stimulated by their legislation saying things such as, "This plant is build using funds from the Inflation Care Act passed by Democrats and voted against by your Republican Representative" or "This plant is build using funds from the Inflation Care Act passed by Democrats and voted against by most Congressional Republicans"?

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“I will never leave that woman,” Mr. McCarthy, a California Republican, told the friend, who described the private conversation on the condition of anonymity. “I will always take care of her.” McCarthy was referring to Marjorie Taylor Greene.

From the NY Times https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/23/us/politics/kevin-mccarthy-marjorie-taylor-greene.html

Watching the televised Speakership votes, I felt like I was watching high schoolers doing what back in my high school days was called making goo goo eyes at each other. Made me want to retch then, made me retch now.

The Times article is scary in terms of how clearly Taylor Greene is influencing McCarthy and setting his agenda. McCarthy has no ideas of his own, but now he has a puppetmaster--one of the scariest ones of them all.

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Very important that Dems don't let GOP get away with claiming credit for what Dems have been able to achieve, i.e. steal Dems' thunder!

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

As always, a succinct but information-chock-full summary! I have been paying attention but as I read this tonight, I see even more fully the amazing work Biden has done in such a short period of time. Thank You! Watching the clown circus hopefully implode!

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It rankles me, however, to hear McCarthy emphatically state that he won't seat Eric Swalwell on the Intelligence Committee because he (McCarthy) will not compromise national security. So how does he explain trusting serial liar and cheat George Santos ( or Devolder) to any committee at all?

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It's a major challenge to educate people about the Biden Administration's many accomplishments , which are improving lives, not to mention the nation as a whole. The manufactured GOP distractions are endless and have an inherent appeal in their simplicity and divisiveness.

That said, the new style of messaging will continue to help, especially with the Republicans helping by proving daily they are buffoons offering no plan to improve the country, especially economically. The should be hammered every day about threatened cuts to Social Security and Medicare, as well as Trump's absurd tax cuts for the wealthy that added a big share of the deficit.

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I love all that you spell out here so clearly, as always. But your last sentence in the clip below is the only part that gives me pause.

"Biden and members of his administration are taking to the road to tout their successes to the country, especially to those places most skeptical of the government. If they can bring the Republican base around to support their economic policies, they will have realigned the nation as profoundly as did FDR and Theodore Roosevelt before them."

That's a mighty big "if" with Fox and social media repeating lies and accusations 24/7. But if a girl can dream, a geezer can have hope.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

What a really good letter about the state of of our democratic capitalism. Decades of consolidation has concentrated power as much as profits, and reduced competition resulting in higher prices, a shrinking middle class and less small ownership since when in our history? This generation has less than 50% chance to even reach their parents earnings let alone their quality of life. Is that the American dream? All these problems and some think we are better off and more secure, especially big tech. As we are just now finally realizing the scope of hostile foreign attacks into our mass communications platforms and elections, due to failures at the NY FBI Counterespionage leadership, Meta has decided it would be a good idea to bring back the payload of the Russian cyber weapon that is TFG. So I guess we have reached a point in consolidation so great, that a tech company can decide matters of National Security for the county? ( not that McCarthy and house GOP could do any better). The entire goal of Active Measures is to disinform, divide, and destabilize entire countries. Good luck Zuck navigating a business climate in a divided, destabilized, devoid of law and order, chaos riddled country full of guns and without a middle class. It’s time to break up these giants that hold everything and everyone hostage, especially reality.

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I have to say that I am sick of the unfounded ageist attacks on Biden that are propagated not only by Republicans but too many democrats. What Biden brings to the presidency is experience, good judgement, and credibility. His years of service have given him a deep understanding of how government works, where to increase the regulation of business to stimulate competition, and where to step aside. In his own quiet, modest way, he is undoing the so-called Reagan revolution of the 1980's that eviscerated the middle class and turned the USA into an oligarchy with fewer safety nets for its peoples than any other wealthy nation. Thank you, Heather, for informing us of his many accomplishments. I'm waiting for the more progressive of our media- the NYT, the Post, etc., to include this as part of their news. It shouldn't be only Heather who is writing about this.

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I hope someone in Biden's political organization is subscribed to HCR's letters, saves them, and forwards essays like today's summation of accomplishments on to Biden's speechwriters.

I also hope there is a subscriber in Georgia who will write a letter to the editor of the local paper pointing out the new local industries starting up that Congresswoman Green opposed.

Put their feet to the fire!

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After hearing Spino McCarthy (SPeaker In Name Only) incredulously use the word Integrity as if he had integrity and Rep. Adam Schiff didn't, I thought it would be a good idea to look up the definition of the word. "Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions." Spino McCarthy has put politics and his personal power over principle. He is the antithesis of someone with integrity. I don't understand why he doesn't choke on his own words!

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As are many of our fellow citizens, I watch this debacle begin what’s going to be a lengthy and embarrassing implosion. Not only are the Republicans incapable of governing, they are incredibly ignorant (willfully so), and unable to think critically.

They are their own undoing now, and in 2024.

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Thank you Professor for your writing today (and everyday)! I depend on it! I almost never watch network or cable news. I read your newsletter and others on Substack to keep up with national and some international news and issues I care about. I am having a harder time finding a source for local news but am managing. A Wisconsin problem I find frustrating (and sad) is the City of Milwaukee does not receive enough shared revenue from the State. I think there have been decreases consistently since 2010 or so. Although I read the state has a 6 billion dollar surplus Milwaukee is squeezed. Now the Speaker of our Assembly, Robin Vos, has said he wants Milwaukee County to begin consolidating services with the 19 municipalities in the county and privatizing some as well as a condition for receiving more shared revenue. It is though he has become the monarch of our State. Because we are so gerrymandered it looks like this will be impossible to stop. If Wisconsin is sliding into authoritarianism I suspect other states are too or already have. Unfortunately, the hope your newsletter gave me today is tempered by the worry for the state I live in.

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“[T]he experiment failed,” he said.

Unless the idea had been to pump plutocracy all along, in which case it has been a screaming success. Has the "high tide" lifted "all boats"? Much higher tides are coming, but that's disastrous. Some cruise-ship like yachts are riding high https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/12/superyacht-industry-booms-during-covid-pandemic but the middle class and poor has spent the last 40 years mostly patching leaks, or treading water.

The investment has ***SPECTACULARLY*** failed to live up to the advertised prospectus, and a lot of folks are looking for a much better deal.

T. Roosevelt offered "The Square Deal", Franklin, the "New Deal", Reagan though Trump, "The Raw Deal", and we are now way overdue for another decently "Good Deal". Biden and most Democrats are making the right moves.

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