TPM is now reporting that House Republicans want to pass a series of "clean" debt limit suspension bills that brings the debt default crisis to coincide with the new fiscal year, to create a mega crisis of default/government shutdown, and that they will then be putting the most egregious of their spending bills up for votes over the summer before the mega crisis arrives. Interestingly, this will benefit Democrats if they do this, since the Democrats will be able to point to all the egregious cuts the crazies want. Also, enough Republicans have now stated they do not intend to touch Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare or Defense that McCarthy does not have a majority to push those cuts, leaving them very few places they would have to cut heavily to achieve their goals.

In other words, the wheels are coming off the clown car already. Who could have expected that? I ask you!

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Since all of the clowns have a few loose lug nuts it shouldn’t surprise anyone the wheels are coming off.

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I think you're gonna need a bigger car...

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Funny you should mention that


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🤣🤣🤣 love this!

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They severely underestimated the size of the wrench in admin hands.

Lug nuts. Ha! So apt.

Salud, Karen.


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lol Karen !

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Those wheels will be coming off this great nation of ours, if it happens. Yet, people like McCarthy and Greene (to name just two) find all this to be quite amusing. There are no words to describe my anger, my fury and my frustration adequately.

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Very apt. I can't resist calling them thug nuts and wing nuts. I had to explain the latter some years ago to our guide when on a trip to the Balkans. And no, not surprised that they are already falling apart. Keystone is making a mess and Jeffries is clearly up to the task of making things more difficult for him.

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Their goal is never substance, only chaos. It’s the “Amarosa” Caucus. “It’s the crisis stupid”, as Bill might say. Keep escalating the crisis to maintain engagement across all channels, keep the clicks a comin’ gotta get that cash.

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Absolutely! They are entirely devoid of integrity and without a moral compass. They are in this for the camera shots and the power. They have no intention of working for their constituents and completely lack the ability and intelligence to legislate. Its embarrassing and appalling that these buffoons are in Congress. Hopefully they will self destruct before they do irreparable harm

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Hopes and wishes just won't get it done Karen. Please keep your operational status on full go until we see evidence of their complete annihilation. jmho - Your actions are still needed for all our sakes.

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Don’t worry, I’m not just hoping. I’m fully operational and actively working on their defeat.

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Go for it Karen RN! I wore myself out last year! It isn't easy...and when you are called a baby killer that really hurts! They are so ignorant and there is nothing you can say to change their minds. We have to keep fighting!

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We don't need to and cannot change the MAGA minds; we can hopefully find common ground with moderate Republicans and Independents.

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And their constituents keep voting for them....those that vote have no idea what they are voting for or who.....they just push the Republican button...and leave the polling site. And they are so proud they pushed that button...they get to keep their guns and control their women!

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They keep voting for them because they have been conned by the QOP into believing the QOP have their back and are doing the best things for them, moving the country in a direction that helps them the most.

But in truth they are getting screwed over by the QOP.

They have no idea they are voting against their own best interest. And sadly when they come to the slightest realization they’ve been getting screwed over the QOP propaganda machine kicks in and convinces them it was the left, those “socialist Democrats” that screwed them over. Until a sliver of the truth gets through the dark clouds of propaganda the QOP puts out there is little hope those voting against their own self interest will see what’s been going on, will realize they’ve been voting against their own best interest, that they have been getting screwed over by the QOP.

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Hopefully, with Biden and his team flooding the country and explaining their work, some Repubs will become enlightened.

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Thanks for that QOP thing. I'm going to borrow it George as that 'is what it is.' For me, I have to consider those so effected (affected ? Get that wrong sometimes). Ahh, the sweet sounding, convincing promises of the narcissistic autocrat and autocrat wanna' be's.... promises of effective expedience over the seeming too slow grind of democratic governing and justice. Etc., etc. - ad nauseum. In all, it's a frightening wake up call to look back through history and see so many recent examples of just this specter and realize, 'my god, we too' are falling for this" in some / any collective way, enough so that numbers, any numbers are getting elected to high office ? (!!!) To name just 2, enough numbers in Italy and Germany fell for the 'siren songs' - and enough numbers to invite Authoritarianism and the utter disasters that wrought on their country and the entire world at large ! OMG ! Did we opposed slumber to long and too late ? (!) I do know that the major party opposed slumbered far too long and have failed us (I despise having to say that !) But, I feel so strongly that it's a truth worthy of confronting. I personally have been trying and failing in my reach out to more than one elected official and in particular, of my political persuasion, for 10 - ten + years and get zero satisfaction. How exactly does one square that in their heart and mind ? Please, offer your thoughts - I'd welcome them.

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Media should be more responsible. Journalist aren’t calling their absurd bluff enough as unpatriotic and crazytown as government shutdowns go. Why? The major outlets play it safe, to avoid the wrath of Jordan, Greene, TFG, etc.Because you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Gotta keep the blanket warm so the advertising sales guys can close deals for the next election cycle.

Question: during the progressive era there were powerful newspaper editors, but there were hundreds of them around the country. Competition was different for newspapers because you had your local or regional area, but not national to compete with. So the big newspapers, New York LA, Chicago, San Francisco these were like little fiefdoms. Today with everything digital even newspapers, everything is national, everything is hyper competitive. This leads to political parties with leverage over the major outlets, they are easier to control when there are less of them. threats of regulation keep them in line as well, or just threaten to pull all ads and give the entire budget to Facebook. TFG used his campaign money more effectively, exploiting consumers on Facebook and Instagram because it was cheaper, and being unregulated, easier to manipulate voters, and with the help of Putin and Pergozin’s Internet Research Agency. Buckle up buttercup’s. There will be 100 million+ fake American accounts beating the former guys drum on Facebook all the way to November 2024. Divisional topics will explode on phones first, streets second. Advertisers will not say a damn thing about it either.

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I agree.

And Faux Noise has been allowed to completely brainwashed these people.

I have great hope for the Dominion lawsuit to destroy their BS machine. They've been especially strident and obvious recently (Hannity, Tucky the F**ky).

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Agree! The both sideism” just rings hollow when crazy talk blows out of the republicans side of the house. When it comes to reporting about seditious conspiracy, a case in point is yesterday’s WAPO report on the Proud Boy PB) trial. Then happened to catch Colbert reading from the PB “hand book” (pages were shown on screen) the audience roared. It was cringe worthy. The corporate media will never reveal this evidence. But this would certainly shame these child-men who need violence to feel noticed. (trying to say this politely).

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So sad! Hopefully we aren't doomed!

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... Citizens United, for one thing. "Things" to big to fail", like our banks, corporations, etc. - anti trust enforcement. It's my feeling that these are the major obstacles we have to focus collectively on. Now, how to get a majority singing the same songs ? Even here, on this like minded space, could we achieve just that smallish bit ?

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Gosh, Karen, didn't you see Keystone saying it was about integrity. Keystone shows his hypocrisy on a daily basis.

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Oh yeah, I saw it Michelle. The empty suit marionette is restoring integrity to the Intelligence Committee by removing the integrity of Adam Schiff and Eric Swallwell. He is the lowest of low.

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Exactly Ted. They can not govern, is the point I push; neither do they even display that they'd even care to with any seriousness appropriate to the state of the community at large, the country. They are tuned out, and only tuned in to their own self affirming echo chamber. They are even hostile to any notion of a "more perfect union."

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'George Santos Reveals That He Is an M1 Abrams Battle Tank'

'Large military tank drives down a paved road.'

'WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a speech to the House of Representatives, George Santos disclosed that he is an M1 Abrams battle tank'.

'Representative Santos apologized for not previously including his battle-tank status on his résumé, calling the omission a “careless error.”

'Describing his many outstanding features, Santos said that he is equipped with two six-barrel smoke-grenade launchers and an AN/VLQ-6 Missile Countermeasure Device.'

“The Ukrainians have called battle tanks the punching fist of democracy,” Santos said. “I, George Santos, am that fist.”

'In recognition of Santos’s career as an M1 Abrams battle tank, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy named him the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.' (satire,NewYorker)

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I can't wait for the Borowitz report on the Santis - Santos campaign.

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Great duo for humor and death, Jay. I have mixed feelings.

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It is a dark sort of humor. Not meant to encourage You Know Coup and his fans though of course.

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lol Fern

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Jan 26, 2023
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…and make them wickedly smart.

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Jan 26, 2023Edited
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Me too

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TC, As someone who closely follows the 18 Republican Representatives from Biden-won districts, I understand that the Problem Solvers Caucus co-Chair Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) is preparing to convene bipartisan talks over a compromise proposal that would entail some commitment for fiscal constraint as a precursor to raising the nation’s credit limit. An alternative, also under consideration, entails a short-term clean increase in the debt ceiling followed by a so-called comprehensive, good faith bipartisan review of all federal spending.

Make no mistake. I stand with Biden who maintains a hard-line stance—no conditions or concessions. In other words, he claims he won’t bend to avoid the first-ever debt default without any conditions attached. I imagine he learned in 2011 that there is little upside in giving in to any of the GOP demands to impose spending cuts on domestic programs.

To be clear, I decided to write, hoping anyone reading this reply would find my clearest understanding of the ongoing dispute over raising the national debt ceiling useful.

Btw, I probably should note that the MAGA extremist Freedom Caucus has announced their refusal to raise the debt limit regardless of negotiated spending cuts, however steep.

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We have the modern tools to combat inflation, so the Freedom Caucus argument about the national debt isn’t a valid one. But even they know this. It isn’t spending they seek to reduce or control. Their goal is chaos, and more of it. Their goal is obstruction, so that they can complain and make a Rukus, “Government can not work”. Apathy towards the process, wear voters out so they drop out of the process. It’s a form of taking citizens to the deep waters of voter suppression.

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Ted, From my perspective, Democrats have a role to play in pressing the message of unity vs. chaos, with a constant drumbeat of Republican extremism. Additionally, Republicans must be held accountable for every single concession made, everything that appeared in the rule package they voted for, and every one of McCarthy’s future disastrous actions.

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This is so true Ted! Make the headlines so outrageous the ordinary, hardworking American doesn’t want to believe anything the government does is going to help his situation. “Why vote? “ “My vote doesn’t count.” “They are all crooks.”

I do hope the messaging from Biden and the elected Democrats gets through to the majority. I hope they feel it in their paychecks and see the infrastructure being improved. The local Republicans may toot their horns trying to take credit for it but hopefully most people will know the GOP voted against all the actions Biden got passed!

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The message I see most often from elected officials is "We need more money to combat the evil GOP, please rush us ..." Nothing on accomplishments, goals or anything else. This Newsletter, the associated comments and a few others are the best sources of good news I've found.

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Yes…when Biden went to KY with Mitch and Sherrod Brown was the last time I recall the main stream news talking about any good things being done for our country from some of the bills Biden got passed.

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Jan 26, 2023
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MOST Agreed !!

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My finger is sore from hitting the block and delete buttons.

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I might be a little confused. My own perception is that, in the PAST, congress has passed spending bills for which the money was not present to actually use for spending.

Now? In order to fund those programs ALREADY passed, we must raise the debt ceiling and borrow or raise taxes or both.

So, although we do need to reduce spending going forward, reducing spending NOW and forward will NOT solve the problem of having overspent in the past??

So, talking or even doing something about spending right now will NOT solve the problem with the debt ceiling. Is this correct??


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Mike, I beg to differ. We don't need to reduce spending. We need to increase taxes on the wealthy and corporations that enjoy their lavish lifestyles and infrastructure benefits of the nation that hosts them. There is plenty of money in them thar hills. We just got to take it.

In fact, I have a rather long list of areas where we need to spend MORE money. And the net result would actually lead to a more balanced spreadsheet. I would start with healthcare where we could cut the costs by half and deliver MUCH better results.

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Bill, While I agree, “We don’t need to reduce spending,” and would add that your entire analysis is pitch- perfect, speaking for myself, I answered Mike as I did to reinforce that his thinking about the debt ceiling was entirely correct.

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Understood. We are dealing with GQP idiots who are throwing a wrench into the mechanics instead working on machine design years ago. Your answer is perfect. This issue right now has nothing to do with spending. It is about honoring debt.

It's as if I were to say to the mortgage company that I refuse to make payments because I no longer like the style of the house!

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Good simile Bill. We're talking about the difference between spending and investing, a distinction that not many in the business world and even fewer politicians trouble themselves to understand.

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This is what I was trying to say but you said it MUCH more clearly!!

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Right you are, Bill. The "T" word so intimidates the Republicans they would rather burn their clothes than buy clean underwear. (That's an awful comparison, but I hope it illustrates their obstinacy.) Ever since Daddy Bush raised taxes and lost reelection, they have been in anti taxation lockstep to their peril.

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HOPE....! you HIT the NAIL! ...ON THE HEAD!!

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I completely agree with your analysis, of course.

I was attempting, poorly, to point out something that is orthogonal to the tax rates and that is the already passed spending bills that need funded.

But, I wrote poorly.

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Mike, Of course you’re correct. Republicans regularly pull this stunt only when Democrats occupy the White House. Republicans bank on people’s ignorance, on their not understanding that raising the debt ceiling doesn’t give the government permission to borrow more money; it gives government the permission to pay back the money we’ve already borrowed.

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I would think that the oligarchs who finance the R's would put a stop to the going over the cliff part b/c it would cost them loads of cash, no?

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Becky, Precisely, and likely why, contrary to Obama in 2011, the more seasoned Biden has refused to acquiesce to GOP demands to negotiate. I would add, that while the GOP could succeed with laypersons in pinning the blame on Biden for the economic calamity that would ensue, said ploy would not work with plutocrats.

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They believe themselves to be insulated against any collapse by the money and power they think they hold.

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Dave, Prior to seeing your reply to Becky, I posted a different response. Frankly, I believe you provided the better answer.

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If the 14th amendment says that the validity of the public debt shall not be questioned, what's the purpose of the debt ceiling ?

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JennSH, While your comment is not addressed to me, I would note that the opposing party invariably would challenge a President who invoked the 14th to raise the debt ceiling. The litigation, then, would make its way through the courts as opposing parties disputed the interpretation of the requisite clause.

That said, it should be noted, as with other governments, Congress could vote to suspend the debt ceiling,

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Jan 26, 2023
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Janet, My apologies for this delayed response. My work schedule these past several days has been unusually packed.

As for the priorities the Democratically-controlled Congress established for its final session, while prophylactically raising or suspending the debt ceiling was among them (Elizabeth Warren was among its leading proponents), the 2 preceding priorities were passing the Electoral Count Reform Act and passing a clean 2023 budget to fund the government. Despite the tens of thousands of letters and phone calls urging Congress to work through the holidays to prophylactically resolve the debt ceiling matter, Congress adjourned before Christmas and didn’t return until Jan. 3rd. Hence, we face a major challenge—disrupting efforts by Republicans to further confuse a largely ignorant population by conflating raising the debt ceiling with spending money we don’t have.

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After a couple of readings, yes, you are correct about both the genesis of the problem and the available solutions. We must first raise or remove the debt ceiling in order to cover current cash flow needs. Then there must be both increased taxes and a moderation of spending to avoid a fiscal calamity. No other major economy has a debt/GDP ratio of 130% for the very good reason that it isn't sustainable. Whether Congress chooses to act or not is, as always, problematical.

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Actually, Biden's shedding of supply side economic policies has produced not only the first actual lowering of the National Debt since Bill Clinton, but in just two years has confounded all these younger economists, who have never ever known a non supply side economy since it was an invention of Reagan. The economy keeps growing, and employment keeps growing, and for those at the bottom of the economic ladder, their incomes vs. inflation has grown. All while core inflation is going down monthly. It is now at 6.5% I think. Meanwhile the first bill the Republicans in the House is to cut the new funding for the IRS agents who were authorized specifically to be able to audit complex tax returns of the very rich and multinational corporations. While leaking that Social Security and Medicare are on their chopping block! I hope I have made things clearer for you. This is just proof that they are totally beholden to their fascist megadonors. Don't get me wrong, not all the wealthy Americans are in this cabal, but it is obvious that they are taking their base of white working class voters for a intellectual ride so to speak!

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There is not a spending problem, there is a revenue problem. Those Americans and corporations who are not paying their fair share need t do so.

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No, they don't do that. Please go google "What is the Debt Limit." Thank you for doing one thing that is important - you have just shown that an intelligent, engaged person can get it wrong about this, which shows how confusing it is, and why the Republicans are able to do their scam on those not so intelligent and engaged.

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Oh thank you for your watchful eyes and ears. I hope you keep us all posted. I find I am following too much and trying to do too much. This is the second night in a row that I have commented all through the night and now it is almost 6:00AM. Last night it was the New York Times!

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Louise, Because I periodically contact these Biden-won district Republicans in an effort to peel off votes, I gladly will keep everyone posted. On another matter, while I imagine we’re all doing too much, we also need to take care of ourselves.

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Your commentaries are invariably useful Barbara and much appreciated. It will be interesting to see what the Republicans propose if/when they get specific about cuts.

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Dave, Thank you for your kind words. As for Republicans’ specific cuts, our job, in my view, will be to hold them accountable, as we should for every single concession they extracted and everything that appeared in the rules package they voted for.

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Absolutely. Thus far, all McC has said is that Social Security and Medicare need to be cut. The definition and extent of the cuts is what will provide information to hold people accountable.

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Axios just reported that McCarthy said no to touching SoSec and Medicare via the 30% sales tax route.


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The bills that are owed must be paid. A prudent House would realize this and negotiate only on future spending after the bills are paid. Looks like paying the bills requires raising the ceiling. The Biden Administration will negotiate on future spending. They say they will not negotiate on the possibility of default of what is already owed.

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Jan, Every Congressional member has as clear an understanding as you. Regrettably, Republicans screw around with the debt ceiling only when Democrats hold the White House.

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Barbara, I question your assessment of Congressional understanding. I'm not confident that most of the current crop, especially in the House, understand double entry bookkeeping, let alone the economics of debt, deficit and budgeting.

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Dave, While you might have a point, as a body, Republicans know enough only to screw with the debt ceiling when Democrats hold the White House.

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Looks like the Blue Dogs, failing an attempt at rebranding, have lost 7 members. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/24/democrats-departing-blue-dog-coalition-00079113

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Gail, I appreciate the link and will review it when I return home this evening.

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A marvelously stupid thing to argue about at this juncture. One hopes that the congruency of policy positions will keep the group together as a voting block without regard to the name they use for fundraising.

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This wasn’t about a name change. It was about policy and scope change.

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Barbara, this is a little off-topic, but where have the GOP members of the Problem Solvers Caucus been over these last months?? They appear to vote the party line every time.

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Ellen, The last time I witnessed the GOP members of the Problem Solvers Caucus authentically working across the aisle was when they were engaged in an honest effort to come up with a compromise that led to the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

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Solving the problem of getting re-elected I suspect. They've taken a page from the Ben Sasse manual on political survival. Rule #1: Forgo all ethical and moral standards.

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Of course those traitors would do that.

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Jan 26, 2023Edited
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Janet, You are spot on. I merely would add that Biden must deliver the speech in prime time and be prepared to speak more than once as events warrant.

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And very carefully scripted.

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With a fair tax code, everyone paying their fair share, a growing middle class, manufacturing our own goods…PROSPERITY is no accident and we can even pay off the entire debt, like Bill Clinton did do, and I think Nixion too. This debt crisis narrative is as manufactured as TFG’s ridiculous haircut!

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Biden v Trump. They are not Yin and Yang.

Santos v. Schiff . They are not Yin and Yang

What is the true meaning of yin and yang?

Yin and yang (or 陰 and 陽 in traditional Chinese characters) represent duality, or the idea that two opposite characteristics can actually exist in harmony and complement each other.


What do we have in America if not Ying and Yang?

What do the American people have who elected Trump and Santos and DeSantis and Abbott and Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Chip Roy and Paul Gosar and Scott Perry and Ken Buck and Kevin McCarthy and... ?

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FERN! Imagine a Balance Scale! ( Supreme Court..maybe?) ....repubs on one side.... Democrats on the Other....The Counter Weight ( Center of Gravity)... HAS Broken the SCALE! The SITUATION..... is Very GRAVE!! Keep the FAITH!!

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I love your update. But I don't know and can't figure out what entity is TPM?

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Talking Points Memo, correct me if I’m wrong TC

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(Ed McMahon voice) You are correct, ma'am! :-)

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lol TC

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Thank you, thank you! That question was bothering me, too!

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and me!

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The scary part is that today's GOP is controlled by a group that want the wheels to fall off. Their heroes, like Steve Bannon, have convinced them that if the USA crashes and burns, they will come out of it with more power. They know they will not have power if the USA continues to evolve and become more diverse and equitable.

They would rather be in power in a USA that is a shell of its current self than to be the minority party in the strongest country in the world.

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The House Republicans need to put out a plan which they have not done probably because among themselves they can’t formulate one. It will be interesting to see if the minority MAGA in the House will continue to call the shots. It will be interesting to see if those Republicans who don’t ID as supposed MAGAs will do something intelligent like reaching out to the Democrats to get things done. So far they seem pretty spineless. I guess the thought that they might lose their jobs in the House scares them. And they have plenty to worry about: McCarthy is a pathetic Speaker who has capitulated to the extreme minority for the sake of the gavel.

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I’m thinking that it hasn’t yet occurred to them that they need a financial plan. Creating chaos so far, has been enough of a challenge for them

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Not home grown, Dave. Are you importing from the mother country?

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Ha! Free trade.

Salud, Fern.


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Onward, thanks to the Freedom Caucus; it is back to Colonialism!

'Freedom Caucus likely to play a bigger role in new GOP-led House. So who are they?'

'Nearly all of the 20 or so Republican House members who threatened to torpedo Kevin McCarthy’s speakership bid belong to the Freedom Caucus or are closely aligned with it (though more than half of caucus members and allies did back McCarthy from the start).' (PewResearchCenter) See link below.


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Origin was not considered

“Its the thought that counts”✌️

Besides, Subaru and Toyota put that “Made in America” thing to bed

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I'm not surprised that you are defensive and stickin to 'it', Dave.🛌🏻 💤

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Seriously? Did you not see the the ✌️

You took exception to the “origin” of a goofy clown car video that fit the narrative and you ‘re calling me out as being defensive?

I think you’re trying too hard

Lighten up

This is not a competition

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I won't try humor if there is a next time, and please don't wake me up again.

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But we can be sure that this bunch of political perverts will come up with even more perverse proposals for national economic suicide. Or rather, murder.

Even if they were all to align their policies with those of a more stable, less intellectually challenged narcissistic pervert like the Governor of Florida, economic suicide would be guaranteed. The man's King of the Straight Line...

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You've right. I can see it now... Santis & Santos

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Sizzlin, TC. Sizzlin’.


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One of those clowns in the Senate is leaving and it a want-a-be governor of Indiana. We have enough clowns in state government that we don't need to add another one. Education is on the line currently in Indiana along with women's healthcare!

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Jan 26, 2023
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Good possibility of that as they are driving down the Road to Extinction.

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Over the weekend, I found myself stuck when someone recited Fox News talking points at my face. In panic at my own weakness, I was not able to retrieve all that I know from Heather Cox Richardson about the successes of this administration. I did refute the dementia claim with a simple question: how do you know he has dementia? I walked away from the conversation frustrated with myself because I had not memorized the truth that is in this letter today. Now I will.

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I think many of us are trying to figure out how to respond to the Fox "News" sound bites. A Republican Trump loving friend asked me what we were going to do about voter suppression in Arizona. We're in Texas and that is now two years old! She asked me what I thought about it. Fortunately, I came up with an answer that made her think a bit. I told her I was concerned that the people who did the audit in AZ were not qualified and did not know how to do an audit. That was new information to her that she did try to digest. Years ago I owned property in Maricopa County. Those "auditors" ruined all the voter machines to the point they can't be used again costing the taxpayers in Maricopa County something like a million dollars to replace. If I were still paying taxes there I would be livid. We're all trying to figure out how to make conversation without getting pulled into the conspiracy theories. I recommend attending the webinars with the Research Collaborative. https://researchcollaborative.org/our-team They test messaging to see how it works. In most cases it seems to make about a 3% difference in how people would vote. With all the tight races that can make all the difference. Here with the community we have reading Heather's Letters is a great place to share what works and what doesn't. Anat Shenker-Osorio is a brilliant communicator. Here is her website: https://www.asocommunications.com/ She is also one of the principal presenters on the Research Collaborative webiars. She shows you what words and messages are stronger -- such as Trump Republicans or MAGA Republicans is stronger than saying Republicans or Extremists. Another example is "Protect our freedoms" or "Ensure the will of the people prevails" rather than "defend our democracy" or "protect our democracy" -- why? - because democracy is an abstraction. I understand your frustration; my brother is a Tea Party type. The main thing we agree on is not to let politics get in the way of our love for each other. We're all struggling with this but I have a lot of hope that we'll make a difference just by trying! And, we are going to win this!

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Thank you Cathy. Caring nothing about being redundant, I love the way you think. As always, awesome input !

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Thank you for your kind words, D4N. I also loved your response about speaking calmly. It reminded of a time when I needed to talk to a senior VP in the corporation I worked for (a highly ethical fortune 100 technology company) where I could sense he didn't want to hear what I needed to say. It was like a wall between us. I decided to speak calmly and quietly and slip under his wall. It worked! I also like Ruth Bader Ginsberg quote: "Reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance one's ability to persuade."

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I recently bought a sweatshirt/hoodie from Penzeys Spices: On the back it says: "Kindness can't simply sit down because anger has stood up." I have several MAGA folks in my extended family--young ones, too--and have had some success with calmness on things we do agree about so that I can slide some reality talk onto the table.

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Looooove Penzeys!

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I gave that to my sister for Christmas!

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You always have the right words Cathy. Truly, I seek out your responses....

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Fabulous, Cathy.


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Thank you Cathy, this is so helpful! Off to view the website, meanwhile, I'm now working to protect our freedoms and ensure that the will of the people prevails!" What scares me a tiny bit about the second phrase about the will of the people is, "which people?" Back to working at the state and local levels....one postcard/conversation/person at a time!

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I’m joining a webinar Tuesday night addressing this very point via Younify.org titled Faith or Fear. I’m hoping to pick up strategies for discussions whose decibel levels remain sane.

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many thanks. I see you are widely appreciated here. I don't see comments often, but I will review them regularly now. Appreciate you.

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Good message, Cathy. I quibble about using "Protect our freedoms" as a motto because the MAGA Republicans use "freedom" as a defense for owning assault weapons and other guns, and not wearing masks to protect themselves and others from Covid, etc., etc. One of the best mottos I've read is "When Republicans win, you lose." Or "When Democrats win, you win."

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Mim, I'm holding the Republican Party as a whole accountable and have vowed not to vote for any Republican at any level - local, state and federal. Hope this will become a movement. However, the issue of freedom is larger than the two-party bickering. Both parties are extreme one way or the other. I'm an Independent now. Heather Cox Richardson's latest Letter was particularly excellent on how President Biden is steadily working toward the bottom up and middle out economy to address income disparity and strengthen the economy for everyone. And, getting results that are becoming visible now. We still need to address the dark money and overturn Citizens United and the other things the dark money driven Supreme Court is doing which are anti-democracy and pro plutocracy. We all win then even the Republicans who are caught up in the conspiracy theories and Fox sound bites. We, the People, all of us this time!

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Great info, Cathy!

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Thank you!

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Rational people will always be at a loss debating the delusional. I wouldn’t lose sleep over it Charlotte. Just encourage young people and non voters to vote.

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No worries and don't feel bad. Dr. Richardson avoids the one sentence demonization that Fox uses all day long every day ... so ... your weapons are few.

So, you will never have those quick demonization bullets that people who watch Fox have to use from HCR. So, don't try to correct a Fox News lover by disagreeing with any demonization of Biden. They believe Jesus is just about to return tomorrow and all the dead will rise up from the graves and float up to heaven. You CANNOT change their belief. BUT, you can hit on what they DO know to be true.

Their uneducated kid is still living at home working at McDonald's instead of working at Ford making $50 bucks an hour.

So!! you CAN memorize a few things that are true AND that the Fox numbed will understand:

1) We have done trickle down economics for 43 years and during that time all manufacturing left the USA (remember when it was all here?) and all white middle class jobs for those without a college education disappeared as a direct consequence. Hence, trickle down killed the not college educated middle class. DEAD. This is a fact and FOX lovers KNOW IT. Although, it is more complicated than the one sentence, this will do.

2) We have cut taxes on corporations for 43 years which has resulted in? Again, the destruction of those jobs that were formerly for high school educated whites. Those jobs are all gone to Asia. What did that actually result in???? Only a very, very small number of white guys, no smarter than YOU, (you say to them) have benefitted, through gigantic bonuses, from the trickle down/cutting corporate taxes strategy.

Then: you conclude your short and sweet delivery with: IS THAT FAIR TO YOU?? Leave them with that question. Now, this will hit home. I promise.

Even dumb white people know there are no good jobs for their kid that cannot get into the local community college (for whatever reason). So the above, carefully enunciated with good eye contact, will register, however, that will NOT change their minds that Democrats are demons.

Also, The Fox News lovers ALSO know that the white guys at the top of corporations are getting huge bonuses......tie that to Republican policy.

BUT, don't bother trying to convince them that Biden is a good President. Waste of time. Again, that is like trying to get them to believe Satan is a good guy. Never mind they have never seen Satan, heard Satan speak, or know anything about Satan.

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Thanks Bill.


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Perfect, Mike.

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I gave up long ago even trying to present facts to Republicans. Facts don’t matter and will only cause them to fuss and fume. Now what about those space lasers that force the voting machines to give the Democrats more votes? See what I mean?

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Stopped banging my head against a wall with Foxers decades ago. Propaganda works. Rupert knows that well

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It's not that facts don't matter to them. They believe facts are fake. Try lying to them. They will believe you then.

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Lol. Ok.

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Trust that I'm aware Jack. The thing I've had to realize, and worse accept, is that there's more than one reason that so many have 'bought in'. I consider them ill folks, and speak my truth of facts in evidence, then walk away. When the public at large chorus is on the same song so to speak, the followers will follow or languish. Speak truth, try not to convince or control is what I've had to learn on many levels.

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Even with all the best points fresh in your mind it would be daunting to refute Faux claims. You would likely end up frustrated in any case. Getting the other person to talk about their experience and feelings, rather than attempting to reply sometimes makes the encounter more palatable. At least you gain insight to their mindset, maybe you create an opening for change.

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Fox is emotion all the way, facts just confuse their sheep

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People tend to vote based on emotion and the Rethug propaganda machine has made good use of this fact.

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Charlotte, a little tidbit for you. When someone makes comments that you are in disagreement with, just say “I believe you feel that way.” And then walk away. They will never figure out that you dissed them!

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I actually like "I'm sorry you feel that way" Because I want them to know that I don't agree. But I won't engage with them, because as someone else said, delusions, which are fixed ideas that don't respond to evidence or facts, only strengthen if you take them on directly.

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And the most powerful ending is to walk away, literally and figuratively. If they need to have their "last word," so be it. It can be directed to my backside or to the silence I leave behind.

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Perhaps chuckling as you walk away?

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Simple. Elegant

No muss, no fuss

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one dishonest but effective debate tactic used by Trump, etc, which your "someone" used was simply to ask as many questions as possible. This leaves you trying to explain in depth an issue, while they are on to the 10th question. Doesn't matter, of course, how valid the question is. Think of Trump's questioning Obama's citizenship. He just asked the question incessantly, without any proof, and many people thought it was true, simply because of repetition.

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So true, don’t answer, ask them back. I used to just say, “where did you hear that.” They would say Fox, I would just smile and say I thought so. Now they won’t say Fox, they learned

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Jeri, That exactly how I handle the few I run into. I always ask for specifics. I always get the same answer. “They lie” then I ask “about what?” “Everything”. That’s not an answer. “Exactly what did they lie about?” “Everything”. “I see...” as I walk away shaking my head. “You have no answer .” Usually how it goes...

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Most of those type folks are seasoned influencers and / or obsessively faux schooled koolaid guzzlers, defending to the death the mistakes in judgement they've made, but can't bring themselves to admit... sort of like addiction addled. Others, just passionately angry, hateful, resentful. No reasoning with those types. Just speak your truth calmly and walk away - smiling all the while.

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Reading this and the resulting comments and I think trying to argue or convince is usually fruitless with these folks. Maybe the best thing is to come up with a succinct stinger along the lines of "You can believe whatever you want, but that doesn't make it true" or "I'd rather be kind than cruel" or "I'd rather think than blindly follow." I don't know, these aren't that good but you get what I mean.

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Dear Charlotte, I am reminded of research that shows how Republicans and Democrats have different brain structures and that research points a way to engage the person who is disagreeing with you.

The research showed at 77%+ reliability the a Republican would have a larger amygdala than a Democrat. This part of the brain governs feelings, especially fear. And that a Democrat would have a larger prefrontal cortex which is a thinking part of the brain. One point of the research was to point a way to engage the person with whom you disagree. First find where you do agree and find a way to validate the other person’s concerns. Otherwise you are serving the agenda of keeping us polarised haters.

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Dear Mary; I've been aware of 'that' research for a very long time - decades in fact. Pardon that I'm not a total subscriber, yet I'm aware that many take that whole bit comfortably, hook, line, and sinker. I've found in practice that such comfort misleads some to feel a level of smug superiority and some to find it to be a thing worthy of usefulness for the aim of manipulation. Hopefully, you'll not think my thoughts to be any 'arrow' aimed at you; only thoughts to consider in general. As confusing and unsettling as it might be for me, I think folks don't all fit into little boxes that we can honestly and completely simplify in such ways. It's obviously more comforting to do so, but I think such a generalization without closer examination, misses the true marks that might be gleaned by comparing actions with words. jmho Mary. Best wishes !

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Do not kick yourself too hard, in my experience they wouldn't have listened anyway. They are only interested in their opinions and talking points, especially if their source is Faux News. When I come up against peeps like that I just nod and walk away.

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I can appreciate how you felt, but know that all the facts in the world would not change the mind of a "true believer".

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Refuting wild claims about Biden’s mental state is usually energy wasted on people willing to bring that up in the first place; they are not serious individuals

Better to respond, “so, how’s that trickle down been working for you personally, seen any of that billionaire money in your checking account lately?”

You’ll probably have to explain “trickle down” to them though… more wasted energy

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Ditto Charlotte. Since the vaccine and then Covid, my memory has been greatly affected. I know they're full of crap but I can't remember details to give it back to them. It is extremely frustrating.

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I feel validated by your comment. Thanks. I am confident in my abilities in most things, but - as all these comments show - the slippery slope of maintaining high ground in a place where I insist on being a kind, ethical, thoughtful and thought provoking democrat (to prove we exist) can feel treacherous.

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I am printing it out and will carry it around with me, thanks to you, Charlotte.

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I can relate to that Char.

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Why aren't the Dems putting up billboards next to every project stimulated by their legislation saying things such as, "This plant is build using funds from the Inflation Care Act passed by Democrats and voted against by your Republican Representative" or "This plant is build using funds from the Inflation Care Act passed by Democrats and voted against by most Congressional Republicans"?

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I so agree with the billboard idea. Frances McDormand made great use of them in the film, Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing Missouri! Seriously, seems to me like a really smart and not terribly expensive way to make clear who has been passing the bills to improve people's lives and who has been blocking them and then taking the credit. The overall message is that government works if Republicans will let it.

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“In this age, in this country, public sentiment is everything. With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed. Whoever molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes, or pronounces judicial decisions.” - Lincoln

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I, too, have been promoting the billboard concept. A good idea to place them (if possible) at intersections where people stop for traffic lights (hopefully, long ones), giving a few moments to read, maybe even absorb the message. Let's do it.

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IN SPITE OF REPUBLICANS, Susan! THat’s the real message. The government works with people who care about We The People. Great comment, thank you. I’d give to that!

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“Mad Dog” does bill boards

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It is MUCH worse than a lack of billboards.

Fox News is planning Spanish language TV and radio stations in all states with large populations of Hispanics. It worked so well in Florida, they will expand.

Once they do implement that, which, they are doing RIGHT NOW, kiss goodbye the Hispanic swing states like Arizona.

Fox will turn ALL Hispanic states into red through their proven strategy with Florida Hispanics and their nationwide strategy of sending demonization into the homes and cars of everyone, all the time.

Only now? Instead of targeting old white people, they will target the future: Young Hispanics.

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This is well under way. I’ve been reading about the very effective plan to turn young Hispanics into Christo-fascists. It working and well. How do Democrats counter this? We can’t even get a liberal media news show since Republicans own them all. Now what?

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They got my son in law, and the highly legalistic Baptist church that he attends brainwashed my daughter.

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Gee. Sounds like Scientology. Do they allow her to visit her family?

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Fake News is everyone’s problem. Who’s talking about destroying anyone? Are you saying the people DeSantis sent to Martha’s Vineyard were rejected by the residents because they wouldn’t vote as liberals? They can’t vote at all, they aren’t American citizens. That’s fake news. Where’d that come from?

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Fake news works both ways.

As for "Christo-Fascists", Atheist have adopted politics as a religion. I guess we all need our angels to worship and demons to cast off.

I find it an interesting feudal aspect of modern society. The need to destroy the infidels.

What happened to compassion and tolerance?

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There are Democratic leaning Spanish speaking radio stations popping up in South Florida. I hope it continues. At least the young can differentiate between old guys shaking their fists and yelling “ socialism” and the need for jobs, medical care and housing. Florida had the largest enrollment in the country during the open enrollment period for Obamacare at 20%.

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Most Hispanics are Christian. Many migrated here from failed Socialist/Communist states.

They will not likely register or vote as Democrat Socialists. Maybe that's why they were rejected by Martha's Vineyard.

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Substack Inc, 111 Pine SF, Author bound by contract with the Platform.

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Exactly! I don't understand why they "hide their light under a bushel:" an old saying but that's what they seem to do! Use some of that money they have for campaigning for this, cause that's what it is!

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It has seemed to me for decades that Democrats have been reluctant to provide a cogent alternative vision to Republican's Hobbesian "State of Nature". Movements need a vision they can gather to back. Not just "jobs, jobs, jobs" and healthcare, although that and more are major branches of the trunk, but the kind of society we aspire to achieve and pass to posterity. Liberty and justice for all, for real, and how that translates into lived experience.

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Do you mean Inflation Reduction Act?

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At least in Virginia, Youngkin’s rejection of a battery plant in the poor west of the state because of Chinese investment is causing pause. Repubs are defending ‘cuz “China”, Dems are pushing jobs.

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When I read that, I was like...ugh!

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I love those billboard ideas Michael.

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Jan 26, 2023Edited
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Maybe we tend to not hear Dems. because the decibel level was so high under Trump and his trained minions, that we have become hard of hearing!

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No , Dems never message effectively.

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Jan 26, 2023
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The only way their words are heard is through the media. Sadly, there is little evidence that the media will EVER ignore the garbage they are spewing, because covering it boosts their ratings and thus their advertising rates.

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Jordan, the screamer and spitter.

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After every policy speech by a Dem, erect a billboard reinforcing the truth.

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Absolutely. Leave behind the Dem's message, writ large.

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“I will never leave that woman,” Mr. McCarthy, a California Republican, told the friend, who described the private conversation on the condition of anonymity. “I will always take care of her.” McCarthy was referring to Marjorie Taylor Greene.

From the NY Times https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/23/us/politics/kevin-mccarthy-marjorie-taylor-greene.html

Watching the televised Speakership votes, I felt like I was watching high schoolers doing what back in my high school days was called making goo goo eyes at each other. Made me want to retch then, made me retch now.

The Times article is scary in terms of how clearly Taylor Greene is influencing McCarthy and setting his agenda. McCarthy has no ideas of his own, but now he has a puppetmaster--one of the scariest ones of them all.

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I agree. Could there be something else going on there? She is know for having affairs.......it just looks very cozy to me with their goo goo eyes and his declaration of he will always take care of her.

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I have consciously avoided anything about Marjorie T. Green, but I did hear on the car radio that her husband had filed for divorce quite a while ago. At the time, I just assumed that even he couldn't tolerate the Crazy anymore. Trying to stay deaf and blind to MTG news, I didn't know she was sleeping around while married. Gee, what a shock considering her other moral interpetude!???

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Gym fitness classes for hookups

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I felt the same way reading the NYT article. It made me wonder just how close are they and how stupid is he?

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Jan 26, 2023
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And they both are such good and experienced actors maybe we are watching Shakespeare in the Round.

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No secret blackmail needed: all Qevin wants is that Speaker’s office. Marjorie swung him into it, in exchange for what was left of his poor soul.

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Very important that Dems don't let GOP get away with claiming credit for what Dems have been able to achieve, i.e. steal Dems' thunder!

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Exactly right!!

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As always, a succinct but information-chock-full summary! I have been paying attention but as I read this tonight, I see even more fully the amazing work Biden has done in such a short period of time. Thank You! Watching the clown circus hopefully implode!

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It rankles me, however, to hear McCarthy emphatically state that he won't seat Eric Swalwell on the Intelligence Committee because he (McCarthy) will not compromise national security. So how does he explain trusting serial liar and cheat George Santos ( or Devolder) to any committee at all?

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Surely you don’t think for one moment he actually puts any thought or true concentration into anything he’s doing? I certainly don’t. It’s tit for tat and revenge - plain and simple as that. Do what I say, not what I do is the repug line.

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GOP perfidy?

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Isn't that redundant?

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"So how does he explain..." He doesn't.

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McCarthy has sold national security down the river and he knows it.

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It's a major challenge to educate people about the Biden Administration's many accomplishments , which are improving lives, not to mention the nation as a whole. The manufactured GOP distractions are endless and have an inherent appeal in their simplicity and divisiveness.

That said, the new style of messaging will continue to help, especially with the Republicans helping by proving daily they are buffoons offering no plan to improve the country, especially economically. The should be hammered every day about threatened cuts to Social Security and Medicare, as well as Trump's absurd tax cuts for the wealthy that added a big share of the deficit.

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And complete their education with "Representative Xx and Senator YY in <Name the state> voted against the laws that fund this."

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I love all that you spell out here so clearly, as always. But your last sentence in the clip below is the only part that gives me pause.

"Biden and members of his administration are taking to the road to tout their successes to the country, especially to those places most skeptical of the government. If they can bring the Republican base around to support their economic policies, they will have realigned the nation as profoundly as did FDR and Theodore Roosevelt before them."

That's a mighty big "if" with Fox and social media repeating lies and accusations 24/7. But if a girl can dream, a geezer can have hope.

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Maybe the public is getting tired of bullies ruling the roost?

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Not in Texas

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Exactly, Fox hasn’t abandoned the MAGAts and they still have the bull horn

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What a really good letter about the state of of our democratic capitalism. Decades of consolidation has concentrated power as much as profits, and reduced competition resulting in higher prices, a shrinking middle class and less small ownership since when in our history? This generation has less than 50% chance to even reach their parents earnings let alone their quality of life. Is that the American dream? All these problems and some think we are better off and more secure, especially big tech. As we are just now finally realizing the scope of hostile foreign attacks into our mass communications platforms and elections, due to failures at the NY FBI Counterespionage leadership, Meta has decided it would be a good idea to bring back the payload of the Russian cyber weapon that is TFG. So I guess we have reached a point in consolidation so great, that a tech company can decide matters of National Security for the county? ( not that McCarthy and house GOP could do any better). The entire goal of Active Measures is to disinform, divide, and destabilize entire countries. Good luck Zuck navigating a business climate in a divided, destabilized, devoid of law and order, chaos riddled country full of guns and without a middle class. It’s time to break up these giants that hold everything and everyone hostage, especially reality.

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Time to at least take away their privelige of not being sued for lies and libel! At least hold them accountable for such as the rest of media types. Look at Mudoch and Fox News Network in court right now being sued by Dominion Voting Machines. All other sources can be sued! That alone would make Social Media Platforms more accountable for their content!

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I agree but also aware of how rules meant to protect the public can be and have been used to crush legitimate dissent and the territory is tricky. We lost a lot of ground with the "deregulation" of mass media, with respect to media ownership and "equal time". All of that is more complicated in the age of the Web, but, as with most professionals, I think we have a right to hold those in elected office a lot more accountable for outright lies, and monopoly ownership of anything is an anti-democratic over-concentration of power, which is why anti-trust rules were crafted to begin with.

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Zuck is an enemy of America, just like Musk

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Modern day Robber Barons

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Meta aka F**kerberg and Co. have decided that TFG has behaved himself enough to land his rants back onto major social media. Oh but, they’ll monitor his speech very closely, they said. So, in the 10+ years that I have been on FB, yesterday, they told me I was suspended for 2 days. They said I used language that was not acceptable. Mind you, I did not use a curse word nor did I make a threat. I did, however, use this emoji when I describing Qevin, 💩!

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Got permanently banned for equating chump with Nazis, two years ago. I was right.

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Dang straight!

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It’s about money. They want to cash in. Outrage and chaos is good for engagement, that is their bottom line metric to sell advertising. That is all.

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I logged out of FB when I read that about tfg. Since I can’t remember my password, I won’t be logging back in any time soon. I quit Instagram when I kept getting hit up by pervs. So...I’m done with Meta. I’ll miss keeping in touch with some folks, but if FB is our only connection, it’s not a very deep relationship to begin with. My Substack subscriptions provided me with enough connection.

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I think you describe something that’s happening nationally, that a lot of people are just not as engaged on Facebook like in the past. Therefore Facebook decided to bring back the former guy to salvage their user base as well as aggravate his opposition on their platform. Enragement = engagement. Yesterday I found their global standards Director disingenuous to allow a violent coup plotter back on the platform. It is completely irresponsible to believe that they can guard rail him. It is incredibly naïve, but I suppose executives have decisions to make to impress shareholders.

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Me too! I watched him try abd explain the reasons of why…pathetic!

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Marlene! now that I think about that interview last night, Clegg reminds me of the 2016 Manafort interview …stumbling around Russia questions right before he was let go by the former guys campaign.

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There you go, Ted! GRRRRR...

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Nick Clegg is British, not American. Why is he in charge of making decesions for Americans about their security and stability of our country? A violent coup is a national security issue. Division is the root of destablization. It just seems so crazy that a former Brittish politian ( even one who understood and was opposed to Brexit and could do nothing to stop that Russian Active Measure project) is in charge of our mass communications. He speaks of "guardrails" for TFG, but we all know the only guardrails that can control the former guy are prision bars and an orange jumpsuit! FB will have 100 million bots and trolls rolling here soon to ampliy TFG's posts, and give Americans an illusion that foreign propganda is American civil discourse when it is not.


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Well yes, there's that. Doesn't matter if he is purple, green, or magenta with various accents. He's complicit and very bad at interviews because his lips are moving, while he's lying through his teeth.

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I haven’t made that decision yet but if FB allows him to rant away, either he goes or I do. But think…both FB and Twitter CEOs have really revealed how entrenched they are with the R party. Is it all planned to bring their demented manipulation of power to the forefront? To do harm to the world?

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Kara, Swisher and I think some other journalist that cover the tech industry did an expose on the Peter Theil and Musk Libertarian types. These libertarians who control a lot of the tech industry really believe that they can ZOMBIFIE the populace, so they can run the country without any government regulation. sound familiar?… like the southern cotton growers pre civil war.

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I have to say that I am sick of the unfounded ageist attacks on Biden that are propagated not only by Republicans but too many democrats. What Biden brings to the presidency is experience, good judgement, and credibility. His years of service have given him a deep understanding of how government works, where to increase the regulation of business to stimulate competition, and where to step aside. In his own quiet, modest way, he is undoing the so-called Reagan revolution of the 1980's that eviscerated the middle class and turned the USA into an oligarchy with fewer safety nets for its peoples than any other wealthy nation. Thank you, Heather, for informing us of his many accomplishments. I'm waiting for the more progressive of our media- the NYT, the Post, etc., to include this as part of their news. It shouldn't be only Heather who is writing about this.

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Sadly, the former "progressive" media are gone. As a society, we've moved into a realm where "journalism" no longer exists, and those once great papers that you mention such as the NYT and WaPo are now just shills for the advertising / click bait income generation.

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Ha. At what age would an ageist attack be well founded?

Come on man!

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I hope someone in Biden's political organization is subscribed to HCR's letters, saves them, and forwards essays like today's summation of accomplishments on to Biden's speechwriters.

I also hope there is a subscriber in Georgia who will write a letter to the editor of the local paper pointing out the new local industries starting up that Congresswoman Green opposed.

Put their feet to the fire!

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I think someone in his admin is aware of HCR’s work & is maybe what led to her great one-on-one interview w/ Biden last year. It was, I believe, televised, but can’t recall what network carried it. Here is the YouTube of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6Ks3BnFymQ

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After hearing Spino McCarthy (SPeaker In Name Only) incredulously use the word Integrity as if he had integrity and Rep. Adam Schiff didn't, I thought it would be a good idea to look up the definition of the word. "Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions." Spino McCarthy has put politics and his personal power over principle. He is the antithesis of someone with integrity. I don't understand why he doesn't choke on his own words!

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Repubs have a lot of experience in this area

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Thank you Professor for your writing today (and everyday)! I depend on it! I almost never watch network or cable news. I read your newsletter and others on Substack to keep up with national and some international news and issues I care about. I am having a harder time finding a source for local news but am managing. A Wisconsin problem I find frustrating (and sad) is the City of Milwaukee does not receive enough shared revenue from the State. I think there have been decreases consistently since 2010 or so. Although I read the state has a 6 billion dollar surplus Milwaukee is squeezed. Now the Speaker of our Assembly, Robin Vos, has said he wants Milwaukee County to begin consolidating services with the 19 municipalities in the county and privatizing some as well as a condition for receiving more shared revenue. It is though he has become the monarch of our State. Because we are so gerrymandered it looks like this will be impossible to stop. If Wisconsin is sliding into authoritarianism I suspect other states are too or already have. Unfortunately, the hope your newsletter gave me today is tempered by the worry for the state I live in.

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Look to your neighbor, Michigan. It took hard, focused, deliberate efforts to end gerrymandering, but it worked!


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MaryPat, I continue to be amazed by what that group did.

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Wisconsin has been a MAGAt stronghold before there were MAGAts, so I thought.

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Wisconsin is more blue than red. But the state legislature has been so gerrymandered that the r’s will be in control for many more years. The rural areas are very red and over represented.

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“[T]he experiment failed,” he said.

Unless the idea had been to pump plutocracy all along, in which case it has been a screaming success. Has the "high tide" lifted "all boats"? Much higher tides are coming, but that's disastrous. Some cruise-ship like yachts are riding high https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/12/superyacht-industry-booms-during-covid-pandemic but the middle class and poor has spent the last 40 years mostly patching leaks, or treading water.

The investment has ***SPECTACULARLY*** failed to live up to the advertised prospectus, and a lot of folks are looking for a much better deal.

T. Roosevelt offered "The Square Deal", Franklin, the "New Deal", Reagan though Trump, "The Raw Deal", and we are now way overdue for another decently "Good Deal". Biden and most Democrats are making the right moves.

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The experiment failed. Hahaha, screaming success is 100% right

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Please remember that Ohio has redefined natural gas as “green energy.”

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I’m an Ohioan, our state government is the most corrupt and inept in the Union.

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I was born in Ohio in the late '40s and at least in my youth, Ohio seemed a lot more enlightened. There was a big change with Gov. Rhodes (R).

"I went back to Ohio

But my pretty countryside

Had been paved down the middle

By a government that had no pride

The farms of Ohio

Had been replaced by shopping malls

And Muzak filled the air

From Seneca to Cuyahoga falls"


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Classic by The Pretenders.

An anthem of sorts for many Ohioans.

Salud, JL.


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"From Seneca to Cuyahoga Falls"

At least Ohio is poetic...

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Ummmmm...as a Floridian, I defy you to beat Desantis for the win in that category.

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As an escapee of Florida, I have to agree. I'm in Massachusetts, and our state Republican party has been giving us comic relief of late: in debt having stiffed a polling firm in the last election, with a party chief who appears to have violated campaign finance laws hiring a firm to dig up dirt on members of his own party who opposed him. Locally, the town committee has disappeared from the radar: I hear they still think they are official, but there's been no paperwork filed with the town to back up that claim. It's understandable: their local candidate aligned himself with the looney-tune election-denying gubernatorial candidate. Still, about a third of the votes were cast for him. I had always thought MA to be securely liberal: I was misinformed.

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It’s so disturbing to see SO MANY folks turn to the crazy side, right? I’m a Philly girl but moved to FL 25 years ago for family reasons and I’m caught here for those same reasons. I always knew FL was different, but the level of insanity is beyond comprehension.

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Jen this popped up in my mail: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article271652002.html?ac_cid=DM754687&ac_bid=1957028349

Now that we’ve inundated with massive helicopters and go fast pontoon boats down here in the Keys the operators seem mainly to spend their time having lunch. Biden’s plan seems to be having a good effect.

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Wow. Gail, thanks so much for that article. The lies broadcast loudly in this state are often deafening to the truth. Desantis takes credit for everything good even though it’s FEDERAL money granted teachers and law enforcement as bonuses. His educational policies are wreaking havoc everywhere-especially the book bans and the undermining of student-teacher relationships. In this month of a literacy focus, teachers cannot have classroom libraries or even beloved book fairs because of a lack of oversight from the book Nazis- not to mention his treatment of immigrants. The need we have for immigrants for our economy in Florida is huge-especially in the agricultural areas. I had a friend who worked in placing people with jobs. He had 50 really good-paying jobs picking produce-white applicants refused them-only people of color accepted those jobs. The crazy entitlement, the whitewashing of our educational system and our common history, the lack of transparency during the pandemic and so much more-Desantis can NEVER attain national office. He has destroyed democracy in Florida and will do the same for our nation, given the chance. I don’t believe it’s an overstatement to call him a fascist.

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Lordy, the inmates are on the rise everywhere

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Less bluster from Iowa's Governor Kim Reynolds, but she emulates such as DeSantis. To be clear, I do live in Iowa, so not a native Iowan, but 26 yrs. here. Saddened by destructive GQP dominance of the last decade. Teacher shortages, physician shortages, especially in rural areas, voter restrictions, tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, crumbling infrastructure, laws targeting and restricting LGBTQ+ students, no growth compared to any surrounding state. The list goes on but yes, despite this, DeSantis may have Reynolds beat.

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It’s sickening that the extremist governors are racing to be top dog as leading fascists of their states.

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Oh, I think Iowa may be in the running for your description. Sort of fitting given how frequently Ohio, Iowa, and Idaho get mixed together in the minds of many.

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And Ohio is also the home of the idiotic Rep. Jim Jordan.

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Google Larry Householder corruption trial. That just started this week. One of the original 5 defendants killed himself after he was indicted. Wrote a book, “I’m just a lobbyist, what do I know?” Details the extent of our state governments’ rot. It’s hard to believe.

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Nah, Tx or Fl

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