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You are spot on, Cathy. In MA, we have had a two term Republican governor named Charlie Baker. Some called him the most popular governor in the nation. He is a reasonable and kind person who really did care about all of our citizens. But I couldn't vote for him despite my core philosophy of voting for the person rather than the party. Why?

Because he refused to renounce his membership in a party that is now 100% evil. Baker decided to not run for a third term. He could have won in a heart beat. He also was talked of as a Presidential candidate. But the fact that he said he couldn't vote for Trump, doomed any national ambitions. Of course, if he had left the GQP, he could have been a contender.

It is now immoral to be a Republican. It now is impossible to be a decent human and be a Republican because your association condones corruption, criminal acts, and coercive governance. My dear departed Republican parents would have agreed. There is nothing in this "movement" they would recognize as anything other than fascism. Which they risked their lives to defeat.

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I am going to write to my VT governor, who has been really good, and let him know, it is time for him to leave the party if he wants votes.

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I also stopped voting for Phil Scott for Governor in the past election for his total lack of support in revamping the antiquated and hunter/ trapper driven Fish and Wildlife Department.

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Oh, do not get me started on Fish and Wildlife Dept.! I had friends visiting from the UK and I told them some places they could go whilst I was busy. They took their lunch down to the CT. River and sat on a bench to eat their sandwiches. A Fish & Wildlife power guy made them put their sandwiches away and leave the area because they were not utilizing anything that demonstrate they paid into the Fish & Wildlife tax base. I was furious that tourists to VT were treated that way. Our local rep and I tried to work with the Dept. and it was just a nonsensical bureaucracy. They definitely need revamping. They argue they are only paid by fishing and boating taxes. And who the heck do they think pays taxes in Vermont? They said it is their property and they want to keep vagrants out and partiers.

It needs to be revamped. We are creating a new Town Plan and this one access to the larger river needs to be part of our right to enjoy the beauty of the river when having a sandwich. It is really embarrassing and inhuman. Like a having a freaking little waterside nazi. Sorry, you hit one of my nerves!

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How about the legal massacre of coyotes 24/7/365 where the are left to rot. Bear Hounding. Trapping. All controlled by a Board made up of hunters and trappers. Vt at its worst

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I am not familiar with any of that. We have been trying to educate the community on the importance of beavers to our ecosystems in creating habitats for so many creatures, for birds in the wetlands and for slowing down flood waters as well as cleaning town water by natural filtration as the water has time to seep through the sands. There are still those who want to trap or kill these magnificent creatures who will even take in a homeless muskrat. We have a lot to learn from those who do not mind hard work for the benefit and well-being of others. I am not sure they are conscious of it, but they are driven to follow some intrinsic, good impulse. We have learned to adapt our road in order to accommodate them with beaver-proof culverts in strategic places. And many people and animals enjoy the beaver pond and wetlands provided.

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I have already written to him, not to berate his party affiliation, but to suggest that he work with the legislature to explore the possibility of replacing Vermont's Sales Tax, Statewide Property Tax for Education, and Income Tax, with a Value-Added Tax on all goods and services transactions subject to the state's taxing jurisdiction. Something more along those lines would be more constructive than threatening him with your displeasure.

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Interesting. But wouldn't that be "regressive" in terms of hurting the working poor more proportionately than the affluent? And wouldn't that require multiple levels of a new bureaucracy? Not sure.

Also, I am a huge fan of funding education on a statewide basis. The current zip code funding schools in MA creates enormous inequities.

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We used to fund schools here in Oregon with a property tax. I had students in the library crying because it did not pass and so no school. Now the state funds it and tries to make it more equitable. Still there are lots of problems.

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Totally agree

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Those are ideas I would have to ponder the impact for all Vermonters... And nothing wrong with providing him with ideas AND that fact they his party is a terrorist party. And though I voted for him in the past, the radicalization of his party is now a proven, hostile danger to the well-being of our republic. We can do better.

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Lest you are unaware, in Vermont the State rebates or covers portions of citizens’ property/ education tax based on an income formula. It is extremely helpful for the property rich cash poor elderly etc.

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Yes, and this tax bill has rebates for low income families.

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I agree. It now immoral to be a R. I just had a round with my ex-classmate in Elkhart, IN, who got caught in the mess created by the air travel shut down recently. Of course, it was Pete's fault. She and several others did agree that he is intelligent, but made a mess in South Bend (never a good word about that city when I was growing up because it voted D). I gave her the facts and in my posts asked her to look closely at death star. I really don't care what she thinks about Pete, but tried to explain this wasn't his fault. This is the knee jerk reactions of Rs and they don't recognize their own hypocrisy because I know if the corrupt Elaine was still transportation sec., I would have heard nothing. I have waltzed around the idea of the idea that it is now immoral to be a R. She is a devout Christian, so thinks it is impossible for her to be immoral.

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For her to admit to herself that she is wrong would threaten her very sense of self, which has conflated illogical religious ideas with politics. Putting politics into Christianity used to be be the immorality and putting current Republican politics first is actually a repudiation of religious principles. It's a stunning reversal borne of rationalism and the desire to construct a means to a predetermined, emotional, and egoistic end goal. My Catholic parents are the same way.

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I do wonder sometime about whether admitting being wrong on even the most basic of facts is a step to far as it may be for friends like yours who come by their beliefs through a strict lens of right and wrong preached in many Bible as Fact churches. Doesn't sin and damnation start with the first step, the cigarette, the little sins, the denial of a truth known within the circle, and may certainly lead to loss of faith, giving in to liberals, even agreeing that the life style of those who are deniers isn't all that bad? If I agree with you on this one thing, won't you expect me to agree to others and then we are drinking together and swapping tales and listening to each other and, who knows what else? In a circular set of beliefs, how fearful must one be if some idea or fact can cause a shearing or crack? Truth and light must be great threats to be guarded against and the cloak of beliefs agreed upon pulled up and over to keep believers certain and one with the truth. Just wondering out loud, as something similar might be claimed of any of us who crave the settled, the certain, the right over the best, the only over the possible, safety over growth.

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I had a colleague who was a Nazarene. We had to agree that we would not discuss certain aspects of religion like if God is omnipresent and omnipotent, why can't he manifest as Allah.

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Wow! Thank you.

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I did actually catch her up once when she posted a meme that the fires in CA were punishment from God for harboring atheists. She lied and said she had posted it to show how foolish it was. Oh yeah. Nicely put about what is happening with these religious folks. She is also the person who told me that she is glad she is not as educated as I am. I wanted to say I was glad not to be religious and a R like her, but refrained. Not Catholic, btw, but some kind of Methodist I think.

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You can call it God or you can call it Karma. I would call it nature's wrath for building homes in the forest and expecting firefighters to be your savior. No politician can defeat nature, and asking them to try is an example of why we need to limit the scope of government. They will always try to do what the loudest voices ask, even if they know they cannot control nature. It's shameful the number of California firefighters who have been injured or perished to save the wealthy from their own foolish choices.

The biblical texts were written by wise men to teach their heirs how to live better lives. In this case, you might refer to Matthew 7, which contains many interpretations of the laws of nature (or God if you prefer).

"24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.

27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

28 When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching,

29 because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law."


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Why are you even bothering with this. The fires were not caused by God to punish atheists living in CA, but our own hubris, no matter what our religious beliefs.

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You can call it God's wrath, Karma, or Nature's law. They all mean the same thing.

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Bill I am awaiting the Pope’s declaration that voting Republican is a mortal sin, but I’m not holding my breathe.

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