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In Florida visiting my grandkids. I went to a walk-in Clinic of Orlando Health and the usual papers to fill out including a little questionnaire asking 1) was I mentally ill, 2) had I ever been incarcerated, 3) had I ever had an abortion, 4) did I have a child as a child, and finally 5) was I married (even tho yo checked married off on the general info part). Second, I lived here for well over 35 years and I have NEVER seen so many state police on the roads and at my granddaughter’s elementary school sit two attended police cars. Last year she had over 3 lockdowns and so far this year 2 or 3. She says they walk the halls etc. Ron DeSantis is G-d here. My old neighborhood has several houses bedecked in the usual MAGA flags with a handmade sign in his yard saying tax the poor, whatever that means. I remember in the 80s during the Reagan yrs our little elementary went year round because the enrollment far, far exceeded the limit of the building (which was all portable buildings then) and no money for expansion of course; this decision literally torn my neighborhood apart (AND I was the damn PTA prez then, ugh, double ugh). It disrupted the richer folks’ ski vacay plans--Republican all!

Unless folks in these red states start seeing the big dogs shitting in their yards, they will continue this nonsense like the flat tax etc. But I imagine the thrill of getting away with their idiocy is all the justification they need. Humph.

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This is a welcome, if deeply disturbing, local report. Thanks.

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It’s watered down some so it’s not so stark.

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Sounds like the state’s little questionnaire is attempting a case study. Despicable.

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My answer to those questions would be none of your damned business!

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Seems the CDC and AMA should look into invasion of privacy.

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Good stuff, Cyndi. Thanks. I especially am pondering the Big Dogs dumpin’ doo doo in their yards. I say…

OK, STATES - you are in charge of ALL gummint! Florida: Save your pennies, because when the next hurricane season happens it’s on YOUR dime. Texas: Save your pennies, because the next time an ice storm sends Lyin’ Ted to Cancun, repairing your electricity infrastructure is on YOUR dime. Arizona: Don’t get me going on your lack of water. YOU fix it. Midwest farmers: Next drought? Guess what? ETC.

(See Note FAR below.)

We have Giver States and we have Taker States. I happen to live in a Giver State. We get back $0.60 for every dollar we send to the Federal Government. (Delaware gets back a measly $0.32 per Fed. dollar, BTW.) West Virginia gets $3.09 BACK for every $1 they contribute to the NATION. <—-A Good Deal, Sen. Mancini. Be grateful, Joe!

Here’s a link to an interesting site that delineates state dependency on Federal dollars. Seven out of the ten states most dependent (Takers) typically vote Republican. Check out the other Key Findings.


Also be sure to check out the three-stage infographic “Do Democrat or Republican States Receive More Funding from the Federal Government?” It shows 1.) Overall dependency, 2.) Return on the dollar, and 3.) Fed funding % (on state budgets.)

(Important Note from above: This diatribe runs very contrary to my Conservative Christian upbringing - the “Do Unto Others” part in particular. Sometimes the Cynical Christian comes out and blurts out stuff. Sorry about that, but, sometimes when I believe I am GIVING - as I was taught - and I am “charged” as a TAKER, I get cranky.)

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A very interesting page and tables but the floating band for categories interferes with reading what's on the screen.

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Cyndi describes some frightful similarities of DeSantis Police State of Florida to Nazi Germany in the mid-1930’s.

It is unabashed Fascism even down to ensuring all the citizens have their personal profiles recorded by the state.

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In a deep red state - your piece is alarming - it is happening here. The few dems have no chance. None.

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If we dealt with gerrymandering, voter suppression, the EC, transparent campaign finance reform, postal fraud, public servants gaslighting the country, hostile foreign entities and domestic terrorists-- we might actually push these idiots back over their lines (into their caves).

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Please tell me you refused to answer any questions not applicable to the reason you went to the clinic. Aside from the intrusiveness, those are blatant violations of privacy rights.

I like to think that, barring severe pain, I would have lined through those questions and said, None of your damn business. But I'm brave online than in person so I would just leave them blank.

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