Please tell me you refused to answer any questions not applicable to the reason you went to the clinic. Aside from the intrusiveness, those are blatant violations of privacy rights.
I like to think that, barring severe pain, I would have lined through those questions and said, None of your damn business. But I'm brave online than in person so I would just leave them blank.
Please tell me you refused to answer any questions not applicable to the reason you went to the clinic. Aside from the intrusiveness, those are blatant violations of privacy rights.
I like to think that, barring severe pain, I would have lined through those questions and said, None of your damn business. But I'm brave online than in person so I would just leave them blank.
Please tell me you refused to answer any questions not applicable to the reason you went to the clinic. Aside from the intrusiveness, those are blatant violations of privacy rights.
I like to think that, barring severe pain, I would have lined through those questions and said, None of your damn business. But I'm brave online than in person so I would just leave them blank.