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I am currently reading Jamin Raskin's book "Unthinkable." In it he describes how they began in MAY 2020 using Game Theory to prepare their opposition to the anticipated objections on Jan 6. They nailed it...they correctly predicted every move the Trump administration would make. From pressuring local officials to delivering false slates of electors to throw the election to the states. They were playing chess while the Trumpet Team was playing checkers. They predicted everything but the actual physical assault on the House and Senate. They didn't imagine such an event because they did not think it even possible.

These false ballots are the smoking gun. I am curious, we all assumed Barr resigned. Now I wonder if he simply was removed by Trump who announced his resignation. It is a small detail, but if Barr was informed on Dec 16 that he was resigning does this action become part of Trumps plan? It clearly tracks with his previous behavior with announcing high official resignations just because they refused to hold his highness's small peter. Is the Eastman memo similar to the one written by Rod Rosenstein to oust Comey? Did Eastman write what Miller (or Trump) asked hoping to become AG? Trump NEVER fired anyone. Steven Miller....the person who was never fired or resigned, always helping Trump...it gets curiouser and curiouser. Has he talked yet? We need to know. I think Miller/Eastman/Clark was at the heart of this...Trump does not have the knowledge to have concocted this on his own. The disgraceful Senators and Representatives don't either...they willingly, dare I say joyfully(?) advised and consented to helping perpetrate the insurrection knowing they would be rewarded with power....they would have taken over and put the last stake in the Lady Liberty's heart.

That Trump tweeted four times about the real electors on Jan 6, twice while watching and not stopping the attack, shows he knew all of this all along. How did the Senate fail to take action during two impeachments? This needs to be looked at a little closer. They all knew Trump is a snake.

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Failure of imagination is part of Dems problem. The fascist GOP are very creative. IMO if GOP gain the House and Senate they won't wait til '24 election to install trump. They will expedite the impeachment of Biden/Harris and install trump immediately. They will stop at nothing. Some say this idea is outrageous/ unthinkable but wasn't Jan 6th?

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"Failure of imagination" on the part of the opposition is how the fascists got in every time.

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Yeh.. and herr we are. Go right back to the Mueller comedy, then the Impeachment dull outcome..and that stupid looking march with lard-ass Jerry carrying 'the scrolls'. Val Demings would've bee my pick. The whole thing coud've been used as an opportunity to openly hold the press accountable, instead they allowed the 'press' to make them look inept. I realize 'the press' works for a company which relies on advertisers, and if Faux viewership falls off.. Faux will hit the bricks. So Faux sux up to DT and viewship rockets up.

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You need two thirds in either the House or the Senate (I can't remember which) to impeach. That's not going to happen.

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I sort of agree. I don't know if it is a failure of imagination as much as a failure of imaginative cunning.

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It's failure of imagination - you have to believe it can happen or you can't see it happening.

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True. They imagine a better future. They do not seem able to imagine the thinking of deceitful, greedy, and evil beings. Although it makes it harder, I am glad my side draws the line at that sort of imagination...that not even Donald Trump would actually send in people to kill senators and Representatives. Trump, they thought, was only a tail rattling rattlesnake not a saber swinging desperate man. This propensity to not understand the true nature of Trump, right up to the first impeachment, is why we need a free press. They warned us, after the Ukraine incident, that he would break any law no matter what in order to be president. His decision to storm congress seemed like something out of a bad movie. I believe right will prevail. I'm willing to wait for justice to be administered. Unlike Nixon's crime, this must be answered with a trial, because just like Nixon, letting Trump walk will send a signal to the next tyrant that he shouldn't wait for an election - with Nixon Ford sent the message that Presidents was not go to trial for crimes they commit while president.The current Catch 22 we are in regarding BBB, voting, and ending the filibuster needs to be explained in the terms of fearing risk....if the Dems don't do it now...the Republicans plan to do it....and once they do...it's end of democracy and it won't matter at all. So yes, I guess they (Sinema and Manchin III) have lacked a cunning imagination...but hopefully Liz Cheney is filling the void for Nancy, Raskin, and Schiff. Keeping my fingers crossed! Was Dick Cheney only saying hello to the house on Jan 6...or maybe delivering some interesting insight or info? I've thought about that a lot.

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I'm still surprised that there were not more attempts of assassination during the Trump years. There are enough crazies to try to take out everyone. BTW, I am not advocating this! Just surprised that the number of shootings bypassed DC except for the shooting during a congressional baseball game.

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Well we might not actually know that there were no attempts...we do know there were lots of threats...and there were more threats to Obama than Trump...which tells you which side has the most crazies.

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