If I hear the phrase "Unconstitutional" again, I'm going to SCREAM! This is America, money gives you rights, money supersedes the Constitution, money crushes the Middle Class, money whips the poor like runaway slaves.
The Constitution was deem worthless after Jan 6 failed to hold anybody accountable.
If I hear the phrase "Unconstitutional" again, I'm going to SCREAM! This is America, money gives you rights, money supersedes the Constitution, money crushes the Middle Class, money whips the poor like runaway slaves.
The Constitution was deem worthless after Jan 6 failed to hold anybody accountable.
If I hear the phrase "Unconstitutional" again, I'm going to SCREAM! This is America, money gives you rights, money supersedes the Constitution, money crushes the Middle Class, money whips the poor like runaway slaves.
The Constitution was deem worthless after Jan 6 failed to hold anybody accountable.