Thanks Heather, we live in an environment where we think the GOP has gone as low as it can go then it manages to go even lower. You would have to search the Universe to find a more irresponsible and reprehensible group of politicians. All of our WWll veterans are turning in their graves. The GOP wants us to become a third world country. They are certainly on their way.

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Mike Johnson needs to understand that he is the Speaker of Our House. It's the People's House, not his. And a bipartisan majority of Our Representatives want to sustain aid to Ukraine. How dare he allow a minority faction of MAGA extremists to betray us, our European allies and the courageous Ukrainian resistance.

We need to do more than just complain in the comments section. We need to raise our voices and be heard where it counts.

Everyone reading this can help by calling your Representative and urge them to pass the Ukraine aid package using whatever parliamentary procedure is available (discharge petition, etc.) as soon as it passes the Senate. If you don't know their number, call the U S Capitol switchboard (202) 224-3121.

For more information, and the phone numbers of six influential "traditional Republicans" to call, please visit www.FeathersOfHope.net


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Nice, Jerry -- fancying it "Our House."

Trouble is, we don't exist for Speaker Howdy Doody. The only people who do exist for him are fellow co-religionists who have as their mission to push, warp, force all the world into the commonality to which they've packaged themselves.

They don't like so many other types of people -- and types is what we're left with as only option for these ideologues as quite proudly they've no personal, individual identities themselves. And zero schooling, no humanities, to see any "others" as individuals.

Imaginatively this takes us back thousands of years to earliest, most atavistic tribalism.

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Phil, At this moment, we are right to fear the emergence of ancient tribalisms accompanied by the “gangsterization” of culture rightly characterized as “I want power now. I want pleasure now. I want property now. Your property. Give it to me.”

While there’s no overnight solution, I believe we need to begin, neighborhood by neighborhood, resuscitating a sense of what it is to be human, with all its decency, integrity, and compassion. When these values are practiced, a movement can emerge.

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Sadly, they have had 40+ years while we have 8 months. I think we could have a million-man-March and nobody would notice. Too busy locked on to the crazy man.

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Jeri, Considering I am part of a group nearly at the stage of reaching out to political-lightening-rod-type-figures to help bring recognition to a project that includes a nationwide March for democracy on July 4th, and also entails other marches across the country, likely embedded in existing parades and holiday events, I imagine you would hope I prove you wrong.

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Oh please, I'd love it.

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Barbara, this is a wonderful idea. I hope it gains traction.

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After the Ssndy Hook slaughter of the innocents I called for a march on Washington from Woodstock, Vermont, in colonial militia attire and kit minus the guns, to call for the repeal of the Second Amendment. I did this in the form of a colonial militia notice to be posted on the Green and printed in the paper. I posted it on my church bulletin board. No one commented on it except the Priest, who told me effectively to mindy own business because the Episcopal Bishops of America have this matter well in hand. When I submitted the notice to the Valley News and requested a quote for placing it as an advertisement, I was ignored.

.... Of did get a quote for printing it from a printer who engages in colonial reenactments up on Canada. He told me I had no idea how much trouble it would get me in were I append name to the thing and publish it.

....Briefly, it would get me killed. And were such a march to have occurred, others participating would have been.

But that is what it would take for this nation to come about on the issue of gun control and require both Congress and the Supreme Court to accept the reimposition of the assault weapons ban.

Though after Citizens United, I am not sure even this would work.

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I tried that just a little less than 20 years ago, I failed when I got no response nor backing. But then I am just little old me.

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The House has frequently been the domain of radicals. Today worse than ever. The original sin here is unlimited campaign funding since money dictates special interest which frequently lead to less compromising along with gerrymandering. So what to do. Try again with a border enforcement inclusion this time without mandatory 5000 crossing the border each week. This added feature I saw was a deal breaker even before it reached the House. Just drop it and give in there is no choice. Speaker will probably reject it anyway but at least this can be successfully used as an election issue. That’s all we can do. I keep thinking that Trump is a gift to Biden for all his apparent faults. Let’s not kill the goose yet. And a word of advice to us democrats; Get ride of the extreme progressive issues they don’t sell to the main body politic and we are watching the end result of this.

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Bill Katz, Specifically what "extreme progressive issues they don’t sell to the main body politic" should Democrats get rid of?

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I’m not going to get scadaddled in specifics. No need to. I’ve had this discussion countless times in the past. I’m a centrist. I’m registered as a democrat solely so I can vote in the primaries in my town of very blue Hartford. I am clearly not partisan. And when I read or hear partisan democratic talking points, some of which I agree with others I don’t, I ruminate that we all don’t understand how to built super majorities anymore. We are likely condemned to squeak by every election cycle. This anyway, is my perspective. You have a different perspective. I don’t need to yap about issues at hand. I’m not about to convince anyone. This is who is am. You are who you are. Cool. We are not that Big Tent anymore. It would be nice if we were but we are not.

Now we are on the very cusp of a Titanic shift toward nationalism, authoritarianism. We are unable to see the bigger picture. It’s happening in Europe and it’s happening here. The Europeans don’t understand it either. Are we all doomed to repeat history. In my humble opinion, we are. Enjoy your day.

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Yo... BILL!! Agree'd. #45, a jack-ass and buffoon whose only strategy exists at the end of his dick. Which as us males know, our actions become more stupid as it enlarges lowering blood-flow to our brain. And, with his obviously 'small' brain the reactionis pre-dick-table(pun intended!) as we see. I mean, you wouldn't have seen Maggie Haberman on his staff or behind a desk in his administration..., she's "not my type" surely. Now Alieena Habeenah.... hohoho... she fits in. Huh? Anyway, in keeping with what you said about taking advantage of #45's preposterous behavior, you are correct, it is indeed a trove even Mad Magazine would be pushed to come up with. I mean, #45 is so fullof s-- t his eyes must be brown.., and the rest toilet paper. Yeah.. I learned that in hi-school.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Or perhaps hope for some kind of a JFK arrangement.

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At what point do you stop trying to demonstrate kindness and reason with a fervent party out to destroy what we value and begin to actually say no and do something about it.

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Steve, My reply to Phil was aspirational. At this moment, in my view, Democrats have to be willing to engage in war. The other side has shown that it will do whatever is necessary to hold power. Accordingly, contrary to Trump who presents himself as a savior, particularly of white people, Democrats need to go where the trouble is in this country, the trouble that Donald Trump is stoking, the trouble that Donald Trump is making worse, and show, receipts in hand, particularly for those who doubt that Democrats care about the wreckage of their dreams, that they can work jointly on legitimate issues and grievances.

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My experience is that the extreme right cannot be reasoned or coddled into clarity about anything to do with patriotism or adherence to law. They only whine and nurse their grudges. There is no remedy but to throw the bums out.

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Yes. Losing our faith in humanity deepens the abyss. What you propose is happening in many places and must continue regardless of the odds of immediate ‘success.’

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In the memorable words of Linus, "I love humanity. It's people I can't stand." Likewise, I really cannot stand the mob roaring and clapping at trampler's rallies. In some ways they have truly rejected their own humanity by giving fealty to that monster. I hope for their sakes they regain their senses and don't go to their graves still loving to lick trampler's boots, but I despair of them. I want to concentrate on the people who have not sold their souls - new voters, as-yet-uncommitted voters, laissez-faire Democrats, and anyone else who still remains a member of the human community.

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Fear won't get us anywhere. We need to take our stand on human rights and the constitution and vote all these deviants out of office. I think of the opening scenes of Gladiator, where Aurelius' army efficiently puts the Germanic tribe down. We must be Centurions, not frightened slaves.

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Lauren, When living through one of the more terrifying moments in human history, fear is an understandable response. The point is that we not let it paralyze us. In that regard, my sense is that virtually every HCR subscriber is in the fight.

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Agreed, Barbara Jo.

Feelings are more powerful than reason. Fear is natural. I feel obligated to encourage myself and others not to let it or its partner, paralysis, prevail. When we are calm we can think of solutions to whatever ails us. IMHO the solution to America's worst problems is to vote out the R's. If true conservatism ever returns to the right wing we can welcome the Republican party back into our government.

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He also thinks only of his campaign contributors.

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No..nonono..Kathy.., read my comment and you'll see what really occupies #45s' mind. It's what he's gong to do to them in the end (err with 'the end'). Hahahaa..,yup..., it's where his "strategy" exists. Consider him the Titanic. He's going to go down, if we can just hang on,it's been a slow ride (SlowRide - FogHat 1975)

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Feb 13, 2024
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I definitely agree. Musk got taken down when the Delaware chancellor of their corporate court smacked down the board’s decision to award him $56B in salary. The chancellor found the board was not disinterested and their members were far too cozy with Musk.

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Musk’s disaster in buying and running X (Twitter) has been so bad that he’s losing money with his other businesses like Tesla.

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Lapdog Lindsey (aka Lady) G and Little Marco are disgraceful Trump toadies.

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I’ve seen some whispers online that the Russians are now using Starlink in Ukraine. If true, that is just simply terrible. I’m not usually a big fan of nationalizing companies, but I’d be all for it in this case. Wouldn’t that be a huge violation of sanctions?

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How long before he dumps Lindsey and Marco? Maybe they can join McCarthy. He needs more room on the crazy train for Elon and Zuck. Social media is as much a megaphone for him as Fox.

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I think there is more going on here with Graham and Rubio. Both have been "super hawks" on defense re: Russia. The only answer I can come up with is that Trump has dirt on both of them. I am beginning to feel as if he has files like J. Edgar Hoover had. Something is just not right when two guys who have solid careers just spin on a dime and follow the "boss's" orders. I heard Rubio speaking and he sounded like a chastened puppy dog. That is NOT his style.

Trump may be using more than direct intimidation. He might be using information. Classic, isn't it?

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"like nothing we've ever seen"... Im afraid so! No humour really intended but this like Terminator 2 when the T1000 "just keeps coming back? Those suggesting active involvement in the 2024 election campaigns have it nailed.

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Republicans these days either get voted out or win by cheating.

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Phil, I have been looking for something to call the current Speaker and Howdy Doody does fit. Right now I am reading a history of the ancient Rome and their 700 year rivalry with Persia....any of the kingdoms and empires in the area of Iraq and Iran. Right now it is mostly the Parthian empire and lots of smaller kingdoms trying to decide which empire to support. It involves asking for help in some situations and not getting it if either side decided it wasn't worth it. And of course, lots of murders and assassinations. Then there were some Roman generals and emperors deciding this area was a good place to make their mark with various disasters and successes. I am reminded of what we have right now in Ukraine and also in the general area of the middle east.

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Johnson also has some egotism in comparing himself to Moses. Johnson’s a cheap theocrat who blindly worships Trump.

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Johnson just plain creeps me out.

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Can’t help but think of the line from The Maltese Falcon: “The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter.”

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Yes. He seems robotic. Maybe he is...

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He seems like a Stepford Wife to me.

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There's probably some real truth in Johnson feeling he's been chosen by God, Moses no less, wow! but I've run into all sorts of people who feel they are "chosen".... the OT/NT has a litany of the self-chosen "God chosen"... it's the perfect lock-down mechanism for closed minds.

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In Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye says to God: “Next time, couldn’t you choose someone else?”

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THE problem with the OVERLY chosen... Fiddler exceptional notwithstanding. Great musical/movie saw when i was a young adult.

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Didn't Jesus say something along those lines in Gethsemane?

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it's the perfect lock-down mechanism for closed minds.

You nailed it!

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Speaker Mike Johnson is not caving to the MAGA extremists. He IS a MAGA extremist. And he reigns by consent of the greater GOP.

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I just sent an email to Tom Emmer, my Minnesota US House Representative. Oh what would be the difference if he had gained the speakership in the US House.

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I'm busy lighting up Fischbach's ass. She is more misogynistic than most men I know. She reminds me of Nazi guard in a woman's concentration camp. She is an insurrectionist. She joined the lawsuit to end abortion medication. She is a racist. So are 80% of her voters. Rural Minnesota. Small farmers, who's farm have been swallowed up by corporate farms. Left out of those subsidies that went to the top 2% of corporate farms. But, yet they still vote Republican. And they are begging migrants for help.

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Interesting points you are making, Lisa! Church going God fearing folks also, I would gather! They hear from the pews how the Dems are a Satanic coalition.

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Satan is everywhere, they proclaim. Which is a way of saying, 'I dont have to take responsibility for my actions'. These are aging out communities. They spend their days watching Fox and going to funerals. These towns are dying across the country. Especially the farm towns. I see it on our road trips around the country.

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Happens to include the largest white male suicide demographic. Without being political about it, this is depression in excess.

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This is so sad, because they are good people........turned to hateful cult members.

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Not hard to connect those dots. Sorry they can’t seem to. Small farms will save agriculture and society if done ecologically. Even the UN has acknowledged that.

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The irony is soul crushing for anyone who understands what irony is.

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Cynical response: that's what they get for voting against their own interest and keeping themselves too ignorant to ascertain where their interest lies.

Don't get me wrong, any small biz that got swallowed up by big corps. has my sympathy. My theme for today and pretty much every day is vote them out. If we don't clean out the rot, the country will get gangrene. We might have to excise Texas to save the body politic.

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Tom Emmer would also do whatever the orange Jesus told him to do. He’s just a puppet.

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Precious little I fear.

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Thanks Jerry. Mission accepted. I am glad to see Thom Tillis is on board, although his track record of standing strong on issues is hardly iron-clad.

As for Johnson, he's more concerned with covering his own butt than keeping the world safe, or even maintaining the commitments of his country. A 'sniveling knave' if ever there was one.

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Tillis is leaving the Senate. Not much the crazies can do to him.

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A sniveling knave with an expensive haircut

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Yes indeed. How dare they? How can a small number of “representatives” bring about chaos? Democracy is a wonderful concept. The idea that a majority of citizens can actually bring about their will is the myth we tell ourselves. We have a kind of democracy. Representative democracy with many arcane rules and an organizing document written over two hundred years ago by a very select group of men. We are now entering a period of extreme uncertainty and extreme danger. The idea that a few ignorant self serving individuals can bring over 340 million people to this juncture by the application of “rules” and not the constitution is absurd. Trump’s pronouncements are becoming increasingly irrational. Each day is yet another reminder of the need for an overhaul of the constitution to bring our form of government into the 21st century and to make it more “democratic”.

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In some international comparisons I've encountered, USA has fallen into the "imperfect democracies" category. You'll do better in ex-Nazi Germany. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2021/10/21/spring-2021-democracy-appendix-a-classifying-democracies/

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Jerry Jackal Johnson is a puppet and Trump in the puppeteer. ‘Nuff said?

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Keith, hence Phil Balla's "Howdy-Doody of the House" seems particularly apt!

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Jerry, Thank you for urging us to do our part to press for a discharge petition were a bill to pass in the Senate and advance to the House. I would note I had understood, before a House member could file a discharge motion, the bill, first, had to be introduced and referred to a standing committee for 30 days. Please correct me if I have gotten anything wrong.

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You are correct, Barbara Jo. But I'm guessing that Minority Leader Jeffries anticipated this and already has a stealth bill in some committee. That's what he did for the debt ceiling increase last year.

BTW, Mr. Jeffries began suggesting a discharge petition a few days ago, and centrist Republican Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) also subtly refers to it in this recent statement:

"I know we need to get aid to Israel quickly, and it’s in our national security interests to keep Ukraine independent and help Ukrainians defeat Russia’s barbaric invasion by sending them military weapons. I’ll work with the likeminded folks and the Speaker to determine what is best way to move forward," Bacon said.


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he. does. not. care.

He is a ZEALOT.

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Ken Buck has suddenly grown a spine, and of course he's leaving. I have called and thanked him, when I used to rail at him.

And I'll be working for whichever dem runs against Boebert in my district, or whichever of the republicans they nominate. 5 of the 7 have proudly noted they've been arrested.

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😱Such is the 180° spin of what was once the party of order, rules and laws. Hard to believe that 5 of the 7 candidates actually BRAG about their arrest records. Good Lord, how low can we fall?

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Probably the only thing they ever did worthy of note.

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My latest comment on HuffPost:

Someone should take Johnson to the woodshed. He is the man who says he was "Chosen" by God for the speakership. Johnson is a dark and sinister ideologue who bows to Trump's wishes and believes all gays should be made pure. In other words, cured by any means necessary to make them straight. The evil darkness that has taken hold of the Republican Party may very well do permanent damage to our country while they relish in the process of doing so. Johnson is a Christo-fascist member of a "secret" Christian society. As an ordained Christian graduate seminarian, I must ask: What is it about Jesus that must be kept so secret? Easy answer: They are not Christian by any measure. They are anti-patriots, the political equivalent of the anti-Christ. They are power-struck zealots who have set out to ruin or destroy our republic. They are up to no good and up to everything bad and evil.

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Woodshed? How about a trip to .....>> DELIVERANCE >( oinkkk oinkkk!

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Call Speaker Johnson at (202) 225-2777 and ask him to bring the Ukraine funding package to the House floor.

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We could try it, but my guess is that we won't be able to record a message unless we live in his district.

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People not in Johnson's district have told me that they've been able to leave a message for him. Every call counts!

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Yes, Susan. Definitely call the Speaker. But that is Mike Johnson's old number. Since becoming Speaker, his new number is (202) 225-4000 .


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Thanks for the link Jerry. Will make some calls to representatives. It’s something at least.

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As a resident of MA, I know Rep Stephen Lynch will be voting in favor of the Ukraine aid package, and I just called to ask him to do whatever he can to get this passed!

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Discharge petition sounds like a plan: Here’s politico’s article.


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I don't think Johnson played nice in the sandbox. He may still be stuck there, with his bully buddies and religious hypocrites. He certainly never learned that we're all "God's Children" or that it is self evident that we're all born equal.

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They certainly are, and I think it should be shouted from every rooftop that Rump will destroy NATO because Putin TOLD HIM TO. And the Great Orange Dictator will do just that, to gain favour with his Lord, Master and Idol: Sauron in the Kremlin. The GOP is bought and sold by Russia, and Rump will plunge the world into World War III just for his own pathetic gain.

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I like the reference to The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien certainly knew what he was talking about and we are witnessing it in real time as one Republican after another succumbs to the fatal attraction of the ring of power. Nevertheless I am still appalled and dumbfounded that this is happening in the United States, despite how ‘flawed’ its democracy is. (See democracy ratings of Transparency International.)

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Tolkien sure knew about the corrupting force that worldly power holds... And, just like Sauron, Putin is also very good at playing big in the long game.

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Eventually the game ends for all of us. Even Putin will have to step into the void we call death. Maybe sooner than later.

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That's why he's in a hurry to establish his Great Russian Empire. Putin isn't 35 anymore...

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But no shots fired, chump would roll over his first day, the dictator day, after that he would bow to Putin. Deal done.

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Yep, that's *exactly* how it's gonna play out!

P.S. And the real loser in this game will be the planet. Both Chump and Putin couldn't care a rat's ass for the environment - as long as they can stay in power, everything's fine for them.

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We've got to give it our best shot...

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Of course, you gotta!! It's no use laying down, rolling over and playing dead...

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That will come soon enough, for real. Kick arse while you can...

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We all know this is true. What I am concerned about is that none of his followers will ever read Heather’s words. No MAGA will ever agree with most of the historians and political intellects simply because they won’t read. It is like banging your drum in a vacuum.

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It sure is. As long as we've types like John Sméagol around who keep defending Putin and pointing to Biden as the source of all evil, we're not getting anywhere. I'm almost curious to see how he will react when Putin launches his endgame and WWIII starts. And I'm waiting for Tom High to come crashing in with a flying kick, all screaming, swearing and insulting...

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They are defended against any self-reflection

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Spot on, Dutch Mike. We are already there and it grows worse every single day.

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I agree 💯 I guess now we know the focus of the "private " meeting between T***p and Putin in Helsinki 😡

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Yup... "You hand me over the US and Europe, and I will reward you with riches untold"...

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Dutch Mike is foaming at the mouth again.

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The war is on, John. Dutch Mike is absolutely right. This is not a normal election year. Trump and the Government of Putin (GOP) are all in to take us down. The sad part is they don’t even have to win the election. The Steve plans (Bannon and Miller) gather steam while we knit on the sidelines.

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Please do not feed the troll.

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You are entitled to your opinion. Here's mine:

The United States, with Biden as a point man, built up the military of Ukraine’s corrupt far-right thug regime where Interior Minister Avakov, political boss of the neo-Nazis, controlled the police stations, precipitating rebellion in Ukraine’s Russian-speaking areas (about half the country). Ukraine in 2022 built up its troops on the line of contact in the Donbass, preparing to invade. Russia then signed mutual defense treaties with the breakaway Donbass republics. As Ukrainian oligarchs fled (draining the Kyiv airport of rental jets) and Lloyd's stopped insuring Ukrainian cargoes, Ukraine began its pre-invasion bombardment, and Russia intervened.

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Ukraine's history is complex and ancient. As you know there is no love lost between Ukraine and Russia - especially after the Stalin era starvation of millions of Ukrainians. I will agree Ukraine has a history of corruption. I will also agree that a little known, thought to be light weight, Zelenskyy, like few others throughout world history, started a new chapter of Ukrainian history and embraced democracy. He demonstrated the power of leadership like few others. He has fought against corruption. Does some corruption remain? Sure it does - just like it is rampant right now in the US and in most countries. However, the bottom line is this, Putin invaded a sovereign nation, in large part because he thought the world would not be watching or reacting. He thought NATO would cave because of Trump's rhetoric and actions, and given the inaction by the Obama administration when he invaded Crimea after a corrupt pro-Russian puppet President was overwhelmingly voted out. Putin and Trump were wrong.

Russia did not intervene, it attacked sovereign Ukrainian soil, not only in the Donbass but also greater Ukraine. It stole children and committed war crimes. Nations have a right to self determination and in history there comes a time when every generation faces their Sudetanland aka Alamo moment. Ours is now, no backbone? Another "peace in our time". In this invasion Russia is not heroic nor is it the hailed liberator. It is merely a nation seeking brutal reestablishing of a past empire, just as Putin has declared in his speeches.

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Steve Hinds, you ably summarize Establishment talking points, without any evidence.

I remember the story about Saddam Hussein's soldiers dumping babies in the hospital out of incubators onto the floor to die. This story inflamed the whole country, including me, and helped justify our war against Iraq. Then, afterwards, it was widely reported that the story was a bare-faced lie.

I have seen much of the same in the barrage of propaganda against Russia, but I have no doubt that some of the stories of atrocities are true.

Isolated acts by military units are different from a systematic policy. I have been taking a wait-and-see attitude, remembering how we all got brainwashed in the past.

Regarding the "kidnapped" children, I remember reading that Russia relocated orphans from a war zone to safety in Russia. What's the true story, and how do we find out?

I think that, regarding why the war "unfroze" in 2022, Russia has a case that should be considered, and I think that there is a lot of misinformation exaggerating Russian atrocities, but I think that some atrocities definitely did happen, just like the United States did in Vietnam and Iraq. I said more in this reply:


My position is that we need to accept that we can't defeat the Russians militarily, which means that we'll eventually have to negotiate with them, so it makes sense to be aware of their side of the story and the underlying big picture.

Furthermore, our government is broke, and Congress is broken:


Biden's reckless policy, supported by leading Democrats and Republicans since Obama was President, has been to shore up Ukraine's thuggish government and use Ukraine as a weapon against Russia. America leaders, especially Biden, have foolishly undermined American national security and wasted military resources.

I've said more about Ukraine's brutal far-right thug regime here:


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Yeah, that's the second time you've published the same unhinged paragraph.

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You mockingly dismiss without engaging.

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Trump talks exactly like the ole mafia Dons of New York. Why so many cannot understand this buffoonery is anyone’s guess.

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Dark money flows through their veins. They are being propped up to overthrow our democracy because they know they cannot win as the party of white evangelicals. Their war is on and well-funded.

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I am wondering why trump endorsed Sheehy instead of Rosendale who has so kissed up to trump. Sheehy is a millionaire that can provide trump with $$$$$$. Follow the $$$$$. Beside reforming the electoral college, getting dark $$$$$$ out of politics would go a long way in the future to get fascist out of politics

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Unfortunately, we will have to first pry the MAGAts who are already in Congress, out by sheer numbers of votes. Because they will hang onto their power until their cold dead fingers are forced to let go. Once most of the fringe right-wing radicals are kicked out....I'm hoping and praying that Congress will begin to act more like a body of rational beings who faithfully represent their constituents interests AND their country's interests.

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Not just our WWII veterans. As a career officer since Cold War days, having stood at the free side of the Iron Curtain, this is serious.

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My father is one who is turning in his grave.

I was interested in the statement made on PBS’ political hour with Ami and Tamara stating TFFG makes speeches ( campaigning rhetoric) but the audience is small…except for repeating the press and people do of it….i underscore this folks. It’s hard not to, the world is in an uproar about it today and increasingly so . As it was earlier suggested “it was getting rough and going to get a lot rougher”.

There’s a feeling of astonishment in every corner except theirs.

It’s food for their ego and base declined as it is, getting to a point of chopping the legs off American’s stand alone Big Brother claim.

It is without a doubt the biggest slap in the face to US AMERICANS as the rest of the world depending on us.

For those who support and supported him , his sycophants, the liars-cheats-screaming-crotch grabbing-putin supporting-headline seeking TREASON TRAITOR TARTS


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Unbidden, the phrase "Make America a sh*thole country, vote Trump 2024" has been roiling around in my head for the past week or two. Now I know why.

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I just wonder why some military people support trump. Republicans keep digging this hole, they should consult Jules Verne for sigh seeing hints while on their journey to the center of the earth.

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That fatal hamberder had best be getting its shoes on and its act together, because time is getting short for The Traitor to have that massive fatal myocardial infarction, mid-rant at one of the hatealongs, in front of the seething Inadequates, hitting the floor behind the podium face-first, stone cold gone.

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Is this the place for that Clarence Darrow (I think it is) quote I have never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituary notices with great pleasure?

Because, yes.

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I compare DJT to a rabid animal, but much more dangerous than a rabid animal. When Adolf Hitler committed suicide at the end of World War 2, it was such a relief to the entire planet.

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A rabid animal did not choose its condition….and was once a cool part of nature.

Trump, on the other hand, is $hitonnashoe with zero value….and has been his entire life.

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a nothing

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#45... aka: SFB/POS/Moron/SOB/SMF/CS/NN/AH/(R)/R/....."I'm immune!" Really? From what..., deliverance? Not at Rikers, better bring some soap.

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I think that was Mark Twain....

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Believe it was Darrow, but Twain reportedly said “ I didn’t attend his funeral, but I sent a note saying I approved of it.”

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Hard to get me to laugh today, but you and Twain did it!

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So glad, I get a laugh from some comments as well. None from trolls yet.

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Letters from the earth, MT

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Twain is always worth a laugh with a whammie. Love his take on about anything.

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I never heard this before, but Mr. Darrow could make a nice turn of phrase when he had an opinion.

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I love Ann Coulters recent comment on Trump and what’s the best thing he could do for the country…

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Wait, what? That formerly insane writer actually CRITICIZED TRUMP???

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“ Responding to another user asking "in her opinion" what Trump "needs to do" to "help us take America back," she did not mince words.

"Maybe he could die?" Coulter asked.


Can I get a hallelujah my brothas and sistas?


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Yes'm! A huge Harlem Hallelujah!

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I keep wondering why he hasn't already. His lifestyle certainly looks like an actuarial table's perfect morsel for the grim reaper. Are you off inhabiting Brad Pitt's body? Get back to work, pal.

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Yes, it's a surprise, but she is anti-Trump. (Probably because he isn't Bad Enough)

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Mark Twain

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It certainly is!

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Poetic, this, and entirely appropriate.

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The Devil is giving him overtime.

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For a reason me thinks. Could something spectacularly good come from the life of Trump?

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In theory, yes. A complete overhaul of the electoral system, including elimination of the electoral college, a complete overhaul of the US Supreme Court, a complete overall of the department of justice. Jail time for those who would foment bigotry and insurrection in the United States. Taxation of those churches who engage in political activity with contempt for the separation of church and state. These are a few of the things that come to mind…..of the things that could theoretically be implemented to address the rushing tide of fascism in this country. The operative word here is theoretical.

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All sensible solutions. I like the taxing part, in particular. But that's just one of my favorite subjects. Your first four ideas are actually more critical.

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Lets add universities| non tax paying colleges, especially the ones set up with Koch money to your list, psych evaluations for law enforcement people, and once and for all get rid of the guns!

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Theoretical as opposed to actual…

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Could the Greedy Old Plutocrats have finally overplayed their hand?

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As far as Donald’s handpicked successors to the RNC, my immediate thought was: money-laundering. The biggest grift yet.

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Trump's choices are those of a playboy/mobster/tyrant. Basically evil.

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Not even as an organ donor.

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Eeuwww! Who would want his tired old probably useless organs?

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I thought something good came from Nixon’s evil. They just made sure that they didn’t get caught again until they couldn’t be stopped. Would love to believe your take, but my mind freezes up.

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What good came from Nixon's time?

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Jordan and Dirksen made me think that they had learned their lesson. They just went underground. Evil wasn't the least bit defeated.

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You mean like a rose bush growing from his grave?

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Again Tom, Lettuce Prey!

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To speed things up, that fatal hamberder will need some seasoning to add flavor to it. The seasoning will taste similar to almonds... good old cyanide salt. Quick and easy. Gone in 15 minutes. Planet Earth is safe now.

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His perfect palate doesn't like seasoning only ketchup.

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I wish for that too, for the first time in my life, wishing ill on another person. And yet. I think Biden’s best chance for victory is if he runs against Trump. So maybe not just yet. November 15 ish sounds good.

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eh... I've been (uncharacteristically) been dreaming up prolonged, painful diseases that aren't well managed. ones where the sufferer prays for death. Unfortunately that won't turn around his cult.

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Well...there are those lesions on Yamface's fingers...and late-stage syphilis is about as prolonged and potentially painful as it gets....

Personally I have my doubts that syphilis is what caused the finger lesions (Syph is relatively easy to cure if antibiotics are taken soon after the diagnoses)

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I also doubt it's syphilis. could be mundane dermatitis of some sort. I'm thinking something mortifying for a narcissist. Or he could get full-blown dementia like his father. Or get stranded in the middle of the Pacific.

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Put that event on television, and I think the audience worldwide would be larger than that of this past Super Bowl, larger even than the World Cup.

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Absolutely right.

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If only

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I really hope for that.

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I dream, love the image

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...uh oh... anybody have Ivanka's phone number. Just send her a text, she might be "busy".

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Pure poetry!

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Old Hollywood rule: Flattery will get you *everywhere* Stephanie. :-)

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This is a watershed moment for the 2024 election. It is correct to say Trump’s remark amounted to treason. Beau of the Fifth Column posted a video explaining why what Trump said matches the Constitution’s definition of treason (link below).

But what matters to me is WHAT THE NEWS MEDIA DOES WITH THIS STORY. It MUST become the cornerstone story of the election! Biden’s age is NOTHING compared to Trump’s stated threat to destroy NATO … the greatest gift to his “friend” Putin imaginable… greater than giving Ukraine to Putin, to me.

In any other year, this would be DISQUALIFYING to Trump, and all news organizations would treat him as an enemy to America as well as to NATO going forward. Sadly, I don’t expect that to happen on the force of Trump’s statement alone.

I hope the Biden campaign realizes this is the opening they need to destroy Trump. As Steve Schmidt says, the election will turn on who it’s about. If it’s about Biden’s age, he will lose. If it’s about Trump as a threat to world peace and stability, he will lose.

How can we help insure this election is about Trump? I think it’s up to each of us to answer that question for ourselves. But make it about Trump we must!!!

Beau of the Fifth Column's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz9n2KWw214

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Trump's comment about being able to do anything he wanted to women would have been disqualifying. His Stormy Daniels payoff would have been disqualifying. His mocking a disabled reporter would have been disqualifying. His behavior with respect to the Latino Judge would have been disqualifying. The court case loss with regards to Trump University would have been disqualifying. His loss of the court case with respect to his "family charity" would have disqualifying. His behavior at press conferences would have been disqualifying. Hugging the American flag should have been disqualifying. Have you ever seen a grown adult do that? No it doesn't show the proper respect. His comments about McCain should have been disqualifying. All of his comments about veterans should have been disqualifying. The fact that he didn't pay attention during the presidential daily briefs should have been disqualifying. The fact that he didn't listen to any of the experts around him should have been disqualifying. The fact that he didn't listen to the State Department protocol briefings before he met with foreign dignitaries made him an embarrassment to the country. I'm too depressed to go on.

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With you, Paula. Depressed and frightened. The worst part? He’s a sick, vile, evil ignoramous-but SO MANY people here in Fla and around the country think he’s the key to better. The absolute degeneration of our society-or at least the normalizing of the worst that we can be-that he has unleashed is incomprehensible to me. I worry for my kids and my kids’ kids-how can what has been unleashed ever be tamed? I fear the murder of democracy in our lifetime.

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I fear it too, but keep hoping that enough people are getting sick and tired of wrestling with the pigs.

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Hang in there, Jen. Down in Florida you’re surrounded. Try to maintain your sanity for nine more months and see if things aren’t looking a bit brighter. The 2024 election will be the great sifting and I think the neo-fascists who pull the lever for Donald Trump will provide around 35% for the Mussolini/Hitler ticket. That won’t be enough. I expect that election to mark the beginning of the end of this nine year national nightmare.

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Let us hope!

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William-thank you. I hope you are right! As someone smarter than me coined on here-from your keyboard to God’s inbox. Thank you.

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In 2004, I visited DC and thought that W didn’t have a chance. Texas was right. Silly me.

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2024 is the year of reckoning.

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All my kids and grandkids live in Florida. A drive through central Florida is depressing as is a drive on I-10 through the Panhandle. Trump country. Those folks don't understand that tfg would not have anything to do with them. If he did business with them, he would try to cheat them out of money owed. The creep is running for president TO STAY OUT OF JAIL!!! He doesn't have any ideas for the country other than revenge and project 2025, which is a billionaires' project to return the US to the kleptocracy of the Gilded Age.

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Murder of democracy. It's happening now. We may be too late.

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We're experiencing "Death by a Thousand Cuts" with Trump.

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I fear for our adult children, but I also, selfishly, fear the coming instability will wreck my 401K.

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I wish poverty on chump, not the rest of us.

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My 1st thought was, "isn't she being too kind?"

(Edit: I had to correct 2st to 1st. I guess I'm not qualified to run for president)

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That’s a legit fear.

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No mystery here, in plain sight.

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The one I always think of first was that he said he could murder somebody on a busy street in broad daylight and get clean away with it.

In my secret heart the reply I hear is "Karma is a Bitch!" or "What goes around, comes around" because we should not be made to suffer such speech and behavior in a civilized society. Little kids hear those things as well as the rest of us.

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If trompy were to win the immunity case (he won't, or at least shouldn't,) I can picture Dark Brandon shooting him in Times Square and getting away with it, because, immunity. The traitor must be treated as such.

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Or do you mean Kyle Rittenhouse?

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Swear words. Young Kyle was 17 when he travelled from Illinois to Wisconsin, where he used an AR15 combat assault rifle (I was was not a grunt, but we all carried an M16 in Vietnam, in case we needed it some day -- there is a switch that changes between fully automatic and semi-automatic. There is very little difference between auto and semi-auto -- if you know or meet a grunt, ask him his opinion about the difference between automatic and semi-automatic -- sometimes they used semi-auto to save ammo, or so I was told). Rittenhouse, in his 17-year-old minor's immature mind, no doubt in my mind, went to Kenosha hoping to shoot somebody. He murdered two people in the street, and seriously injured a third. The jury found him not guilty, due to "self-defense". Many people believe justice was not served. Maybe 45 would be exonerated under similar circumstances. It ain't right. Note that I may be a little extra indignant about that incident because it occurred about three city blocks from the house where my Mother grew up in Kenosha.

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Much of my significant other's family lived in and around Kenosha at that time. (Four of them are now deceased).

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So true. Just look at the history of what the conservatives have done in the last 50 years from Nixon, Reagan, HW Bush, GW Bush and then orange face. Every dirty trick they could some up with in the shadows and we would only find out after nothing could be done. They twisted the law to their favor. All of those administrations ran on ethics, law and order while violating them all.

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Rickey, what makes you call them "conservatives"? I understand that Fascism is conservative by definition, but they want to roll back the treatment and support of women, children, underprivileged and people of color. They want to bring back slavery and reduce benefits we paid into our entire lives.

Aren't they really repressive regressives?

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Conservative is the name they chose for themselves, and for the past 50 years they’ve made a mockery of it.

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Funny how things get turned upside down. Like the term 'the gay nineties' for example. A 'gay' period of time. Now, a 'lifestyle'. Personally, I wish those humbug "conservative" would recognize and appreciate the "gaiety" that embodies our nation and quit trying to dumb it down by burning library books, enforcement of biblical scribbling, and impolite behavior. Like.., try to be nice, don't fake it.

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He's gotten away with it because the GQP has manifested into a criminal entity. Since Leonard Leo and the gang of alt-right Billionaires groomed a couple of Supreme Court Justices to give them Citizens United. It's been balls to the walls floodgate of dark money. They own the Court and they own many parts of our MSM. Charles Koch loves Putin. They go way back. The fucking Billionaires will have their knees on all our throats.

By the way, per Project 2025, funding for Ukraine and any other country for that matter will be shut down.

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SFB (#45).., a'wanted man'. Rikers is ready.

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Well, I don't know how old you are, but your memory is excellent, and what you recall is sickening. Makes me want to send a copy of this to every Republican I know.

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He did play a lot of golf.

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And cheated infamously.

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We need a laugh emoji!

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We do... I see a lot of emojis here, but I don't know how to catch them. Most of them are too OTT anyway - rolling around, full of teeth and tears and sweat. If I could just use that little face with a wink. But I can't make it "take".

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Cheating is not playing golf. It’s something, but not golf.

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Yay! I've got a new skill! Thank you, VermontGirl.

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I did it! Then I tried to do it again! This is going to take work, but I'll get it.

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...and so many other disqualifying events. He should have been impeached immediately, permanently disqualified from holding any political office, and eternally ostracized by every American citizen, for his behavior at the 2018 Helsinki summit alone.

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I didn’t mean to depress you.

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How can one not.,,

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Actually, Jeri, being depressed is a choice. How we react to the events in our life is up to us. We do not control the events themselves but we do control how we react to them. NOTE: I am not referring to personal attacks, of course. If someone shoots you, you've going to be upset with them... unless you're the Pope, who famously forgave the man who tried to assassinate him. But Trump's assault on our systems of government doesn't "require" a depressed mental mood reaction. It can also cause a creative positive response as you look for a way to construct a counterbalancing response (think Tai Chi... where you use the force of the opponent against them). This is what I do most days. I think of how I can (long term) counteract the forces of evil that Trump has added fuel to since entering the world of politics.

Just a little "tough love" support... admittedly unsolicited by you... so, feel free to ignore it.

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Been doing Tai Chi for a year. I do try to "counterbalance" the evil of what I currently describe as my opponents. It's the reason I'm not in a funny farm. Still waiting for that million-man-march.

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Hey, you could write a book with this theme, but you probably couldn’t survive the depressive funk…

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Gosh, Paula…i am so with you!!!

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When Trump's recorded words about grabbing... came out, I knew right there that I could never vote for him. I already knew that I could never vote (again) for Hillary the blood-soaked Butcher of Libya.

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The problem is that so many voters don't pay the remotest attention to presidential elections until maybe September. Team Biden needs to keep hammering Trump between now and then to stay in practice, then release the kraken from Labor Day to Election Day.

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Many people are going to be part of the postcard project that very successfully increased democratic voting in the last several elections, enough to win against predicted red sweeps. A number of us are doing the post cards this year for the time. More specific information will be available around early May.

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I'm in, Karen!

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I'm supposed to get some this week from Reclaim Our Vote.

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Can I do write/mail from France where I live? I need to see how to help. I was last living in VA. But I want to help swing swingier (?) states

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If you can afford to donate to some of these letter/postcard campaigns, they supply the postages and supplies to people willing to help who cannot afford the cost of doing so.

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that's a nice twist. I could do that.

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A fascinating project, the postcards. It's the one piece of mail someone might pay attention to because it's micro-short, doesn't have to be opened, and sent by someone you might know.

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Yes, please write!!!! I had someone ask what I hoped to accomplish with writing the postcards. My response: if receiving a handwritten card gets folks to look at a candidate again and go vote, then my time and money has been so worth the effort!!! I'm into year 3 of writing cards. Looking forward to all of you joining me!

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Postcards to Voters at : https://postcardstovoters.org/

You do need to supply postcards and postage, but an easy way to be involved.

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Well, every news source in the world has reacted to this treasonous declaration today with shock and horror - after all, it amounts to a declaration of war. His cult fans ought to consider that for a minute.

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They considered it--and loved it. ("Them cheese-eating surrender monkeys in Yewrope is too uppity by half. But Lord Trump told 'em, "Pay or slay, bitches.")

I swear Trump could poop on his cultists' front porches and they'd be out there cleaning it up and asking for another load.

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It sounds so pre WW2. Hilter told everyone what his plans were. And they didn't believe him. Humanity is capable of bringing hell to our doorsteps. As we are witnessing first hand in the middle east.

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Robert Burns wrote these lines in 1784:

And man, whose heav'n-erected face

The smiles of love adorn, -

Man's inhumanity to man

Makes countless thousands mourn!

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So true, Anne-Louise. Our evolution is a very slow process. The players change but the games remain this same. Those who want control and those who desire basic dignity.

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I marvel at the poet Robert Burns. Everybody knows that second line, it's easy to relate it to wars (war: bad, religion: good), but the first line is never quoted. Too close to the bone. It's a bitter indictment of the hypocrisy of those who profess to believe they are made in the likeness of a god whose son taught universal love and forgiveness. And he does it in ten words. Nine, if you count "heav'n-erected" as one.

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Yupperr... "human nature". Keep yer guard up :))

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Hope better than news sources in US

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Exactly...instead of running with the news of citizen trumps shout out to Putin, US news media focused on age and memory.

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since Biden cannot dispute his age, they will keep it up.

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“ release the kraken …”

Indeed, yes!

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Quite the metaphor. Im not sure equating the saner part of the American electorate with a fabled sea monster is quite the best idea. Then, I'm remembering the 50s British sci-fi thriller "The Kraken Wakes" !

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Watching the vid. now. Thank you. Let us all just laugh at Trump as if he were a clown. Belittle him mercilessly. Like the 1930s, the emergence of misrule by the cognitive under-class involves the complicity of many advanced degrees. EDIT: this gentleman brings me up short. Looking at him and hearing him speak, I would assume he is a M.A.G.A.-type. Of course, he is not and, so, shame on me. The lesson for me comes down to what Dr M.L. King said all those years ago that burned itself in the impressionable memory of a future moderate-to-conservative voter (i.e., me): judge a (wo)man not by the color of his or her skin; by the fashion of his or her garb; the look of his or her appearance and bearing; or, the sound of his or her voice. Judge that (wo)man by the content of his or her character.

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Thank you for watching Beau’s video. He lives in rural northern Florida with his wife, kids, horses, dogs. I think he’s also ex- military intelligence. And he has a large network to help him understand foreign and national affairs. Yes, he looks like a “red neck” MAGA type. Then you listen and learn the point you said Dr King made. Thanks again for watching. I hope you subscribed too! He’s very concerned about the Middle East.

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Thanks, Steve. I have watched several of Beau's videos but did not know anything about his background. I like his plain-speak deliveries that gets to the point. I consider him an added voice to what we need to accomplish come November.

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He makes me a better man, though I do not know him. Why? Because he makes me think.

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Beau is great.

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Let's talk about Egypt withdrawing from a peace treaty with Israel....


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Chump is a clown with a flame thrower (stole that from somebody, but sure fits).

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Let's not get carried away, Steve.

Without question, Trump's comments yet again for the umpteenth time are on the outer edge of sanity, responsibility and civilization. He is without doubt, a Seditionist Sociopath who indeed should be disqualified based upon the 14th Amendment in a legal and constitutional sense, and based upon everything he has said and done in a political and common sensical sense.

Yet, his outrageously dangerous, stupid and irresponsible comments "encouraging Russia" to do whatever it wants to whatever (fill in the blank} "delinquent" NATO country are not an example of treasonous conduct. He obviously did not levy war against the US, nor did this statement consist of giving aid and comfort to an American enemy.

Russia, as horrendously backwards and homicidal a State as it is under Trump's puppet-master Putin, is NOT an enemy of the United States. We have neither declared war against Russian, nor severed diplomatic relations with them. Their criminal acts of aggression in Ukraine are violations of various international laws, but not of any American law.

So his "encouraging" Russia, an adversary of ours on political principle and declared policy yet not an enemy, is not an act of treason.

What his statement does demonstrate yet again however ,is that he is wholly disqualified to run for and serve as President, because he has yet again, called for the specific non-execution and rejection of American law, i.e., the NATO treaty to which we are a signatory.

The irony here is that mere days after the oral arguments before the Supreme Court wherein his disqualification for the Presidency under the 14th Amendment was heard, he explicitly declares himself disqualified for the Presidency by making clear he cannot swear an oath to "faithfully execute the laws of the United States", which of course, include all treaties we have entered into.

The silver lining in the long, never dissipating dark cloud that is Trump and Trumpism, is his sheer idiocy

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But if no one points out the sheer idiocy his cultists think it's normal and he descends further into his personal hell and they follow. You are relying on them to make a rational decision to quit the cult.

Proclaim the dangerous idiocy from the rooftops and some may hear.

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The MAGA-t's don't read "this crap" ..., we do. And it's good that we do. What ever is pasted on here is open comment. Sure, comments can be heavily opinionated and just as heavily critiqued. Politeness seems to prevail. We all benefit.

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Trump's idiocy is why Trump needs Joe "mashed-potato brain" Biden as his opponent. Both of them should be locked up in a minimum security nursing home.

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Oh c'mon John..., the country has done pretty well the past three years. Could we have done better? Surely you'd agree. But,given the forces at work, I only wonder how. I guess we can throw the blame on"capitalism" or "Democracy" , althjough I'm not personally equipped to present anything better. Can you. I mean, what ever you might come up with, could it have been effectively implemented in three years to have been accepted by everybody as the way to go? This blather aboutBiden's fitness, or claimsof poor decisions, age, ad infinititum (sp), are pointless..., like WE own the car, and it's the only car we want to be riding in for the next 4 years. So, to me, the die is cast. I'dlike to see the same kind of strength put forth for Biden, for the Country as well as the world, to see. Biden's fate is determined in no small part by Israel supporters and support of those who havehad enough of Israel. Try playing to those two audiences. How the heck do you play that game without losing your balance. What'dayou think?

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This is why mainstream media will not cover this threat (pulled from Wikipedia, Sinclair Broadcast Group):

"Sinclair, Inc. (doing business as Sinclair Broadcast Group) is a publicly traded American telecommunications conglomerate that is controlled by the descendants of company founder Julian Sinclair Smith. Headquartered in the Baltimore suburb of Cockeysville, Maryland,[3] the company is the second-largest television station operator in the United States by number of stations (after Nexstar Media Group), owning or operating a total of 193 stations across the country in over 100 markets (covering 40% of American households) and is the largest owner of stations affiliated with Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC, MyNetworkTV, and The CW. Sinclair also owns four digital multicast networks (Comet, Charge!, The Nest, and TBD), sports-oriented cable networks (Stadium, Tennis Channel, and Bally Sports Regional Networks), and a streaming service (Stirr). On June 2, 2021, it was announced that Sinclair is a Fortune 500 company, having annual revenues of $5.9 billion in 2020."

This is why our support of independent journalists/historians like Prof. Richardson is so important -- we must each become independent discerners of truth if we want to keep our democracy.

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Beau is important 'because' he looks and sounds like a MAGA supporter. He's more likely to penetrate those closed off red neck ears because first impressions are apparently a big part of building or not building trust . Go Beau! And thanks Steve for sharing.

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You’re right on the mark!

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Sadly, the fourth estate is now a fifth column.

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Beau is worth listening to. Thank you for the link.

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Lots of letters to the editors come to mind.

Let local people read what others are saying about the BLOAT, who is also a traitor.

Funny I told my financial guy that I wouldn't go so far as calling repubs traitors, but each and everyone of them who comes out and makes excuses for the orange shit gibbon is a traitor. It's that simple.

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I found Beau a year or so ago, and maybe six months ago discovered his second long format "The Roads with Beau" (posted every Thursday and Sunday)

What I don't understand is why his numbers aren't increasing. I saw the worthy Brian Tyler Cohen's go up about a half million in six months.

I encourage everyone reading to check out Beau, and to hit the subscribe button. It is free, but more importantly, it builds the algorithm which will put his common sense explanations into more feeds. I don't know about BTC, but Beau IS watched by MAGA types, as he often reads the comments they send him.

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Thank you for supporting Beau of the Fifth Column. I wonder about his numbers too, and the only think I can figure out is that he is not interested in playing the "promote your channel through advertising" game. He never has "sponsors," for example. This is just a guess on my part. Perhaps I will submit that question and it will be answered during one of his "Roads with Beau" videos.

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Wish the MSM was on our side

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Let us also not forget Rep. Clay Higgins who threatened a sitting judge on social media. If I ever threatened a sitting congressman on social media I would (hopefully) have a visit from law enforcement.

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"Giving Ukraine to Putin"? As if we can win, without or WITH nuclear weapons?

Ukraine's oppressive far-right thug regime, enslaved by the International Monetary Fund, precipitated Russia's invasion by deliberately un-freezing the civil war in the Donbass.

The United States, with Biden as a point man, built up the military of Ukraine’s corrupt far-right thug regime where Interior Minister Avakov, political boss of the neo-Nazis, controlled the police stations, precipitating rebellion in Ukraine’s Russian-speaking areas (about half the country). Ukraine in 2022 built up its troops on the line of contact in the Donbass, preparing to invade. Russia then signed mutual defense treaties with the breakaway Donbass republics. As Ukrainian oligarchs fled (draining the Kyiv airport of rental jets) and Lloyd's stopped insuring Ukrainian cargoes, Ukraine began its pre-invasion bombardment, and Russia intervened.

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Trump needs Biden as his opponent.

A movement among party leaders is getting ready to throw the Biden campaign under the bus, in favor of Gavin Newsom.

Here's an article that is already rehearsing talking points against Newsom:


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Please do not feed the troll.

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If Biden goes under the bus, then Beth Cobb is out of a job.

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... and this from Louis Navellier ... how to profit from tragedy of the times ... with Newsom wrapped up in the presidency, that would open California to elect a new governor ... I wonder who might want to control the 5th largest economy in the ... wait for it ..., the world ...?


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Feb 15, 2024
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I'm so happy you enjoyed watching Beau's video! Yes, he presents information in a very thoughtful and unrushed manner. He rarely shows emotions (but sometimes he does). He's a very much "Here are the facts people are not seeing clearly" kind of guy. I hope you become a regular watcher now. And thanks again for writing!

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Two years ago my dad died. He was the first child in his family to be born in the US & was a WWII vet, as was his sister & his brother, a pilot who died in the war. All three received military honors & their caskets were covered with the same 48 star flag. They fought to stop a dictator, to stop fascism. My dad later worked on the DEW Line, a Cold War early warning system. Dad was horrified watching the news in Jan 6th, I can’t imagine what he would think of a former president inviting Russia to attack our allies.

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God bless your Dad. My Mom was a nurse in WW 2. She passed 19 years ago and would have been horrified over, not just Trump but the reaction to Trump by the GOP.

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And God bless your mom & all the men & women who gave their youth, and some their lives for freedom & democracy.

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The Extreme Court justices must not let Trump delay this or any trial past the election.

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If the Appeals Court allows this ‘STAY/DELAY’ to be enacted ….it is very clearly JUSTICE DENIED at the global world level….a ‘monumental case’ of JUSTICE DELAYED is most definitely global JUSTICE DENIED….

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Plus the public deserves a speedy trial too. And if the <expletive deleted> former president is guilty or innocent before the election.

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Sadly what the public ‘deserves’ is so often DENIED….

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The German public saw this coming years ago.


More than most, the Germans know what a threat to peace looks like when they see one.

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I was so glad Merkel was in office. She became the defacto leader of the free world.

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The Germans lived it, so they know what’s happening. One German magazine accurately portrayed Trump sitting at a desk lighting matches and tossing them into a pile behind his desk

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I've had this thought that somebody use AI to give der furor trompy a German accent while giving his speech on NATO and other lunatic ideas he has. It would likely go viral.

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Well, Trump’s grating voice isn’t exactly appealing.

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My stepmother had a saying: "He's either a fool or a knave".

Germany's immediate practical reaction has been to give the green light to a new arms manufacturing plant..

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He is both a fool and a knave. Knave first. Fool as a professional entertainer certainly not a statesman. I still cannot fathom how “we” got here. The conning of America.

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You'd almost think that a former lieutenant-colonel of the NKVD Intelligence Service had an expert hand in it.

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The worst part of this pathetic imbroglio is that so many Republicans support, enable the perfidy.

Yes, the orange fat guy inclines to treason -- now openly inviting his favorite dictator to more attacks on democracies.

But the Howdy Doody Speaker of the House goes along with whatever the diaper guy wants. Colossally Corrupt Clarence and his buddies on the Supreme Court? Ditto. The stochastic terrorist wants delay after delay in the criminal cases against him? Seems Clarence and his buddies sit as fine with that as they do being perfectly willing to overlook the U.S. Constitution to which they laughably took oaths. (What, can't parse section three of article 14, and immediately bar the rapist, the insurrectionist-in-chief, from ballots in all 50 states?)

America's elites have too many among them totally corrupted, totally prone to any chaos that will distract from the schemes of the billionaire classes to widen the gulf between them and all the rest of us pathetic serfs.

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Do they think that if they get the orange jeebus in power there will be much left to loot?

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Annie Applebaum has it right: “ In a second term, Trump would be surrounded by people who either share his dislike of American security alliances or don’t know anything about them and don’t care.”. So we wouldn’t have the guardrails to prevent the cozying up to Putin, Orban and the other dictators.

Vote Blue and make sure that 5 of your friends vote as well.

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Trump would only keep us from war by allying himself with people like Putin and Xi.

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Roll over and show his belly on the first day.

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The moderate Republicans need to form their own coalition. They may lose the next presidency but they need to do if they want to stay relevent.

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Are you listening former Senator Jeff Flake, former Congressman Adam Kinzinger, Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney, former President George W Bush, former VP Dick Cheney, and so many others? Are you listening? He is destroying our country by first destroying everything you as a Republican profess to believe. When will you strike back at his destruction?

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They need to lose every office they run for in 2024 and 2026. We need to clean house. They need to create a new party. The stink will never come off the Republican name.

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Let them go the way of the Whigs.

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Not to be pedantic, Kathy… oh who am I kidding, I am pedantic, but the Whigs evolved to Abe Lincoln’s Republican party. That’s where most of us would be some 160 years ago. :-)

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What moderate Republicans? I don’t see any in this Congress!

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When I read that Rep. Mike Gallagher from Wisconsin was, in my opinion, forced to resign after being “encircled” by MTG and her ilk, I’m pretty sure that the so-called moderate Republican will be a distant memory when the next presidential vote for certification takes place. If Americans don’t vote next November, orange man will be put in the White House by his minions. I hope and pray we don’t let that happen. But, he has the media mostly in his pocket and definitely SCOTUS will do his bidding.

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Do they know what relevance is? It seems to me they just want to feel good.

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Actually I believe all caring republicrats need to switch to independent. Now. Only need a few. Would that give us a new speaker?

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Feb 13, 2024
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For the record, note that Haley's request is a result of threats from supporters of her own party's leading candidate, spurred on by that candidate.

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She's a brave woman. I hope she doesn't falter. She knows she's done on the Republican Party. The fact she's still there means she's redeemable.

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While I certainly feel for her and her family's security, and am outraged that the Trumpian mobs have put her, along with so many others, in peril, she is certainly NOT a moderate Republican. With the exception of her traditional Republican perspective on national security and foreign affairs, her policies are no different than Trump's. In fact, she still refuses to call him out on his seditionist behavior, his sexual assault on E. Jean Carroll, and his ongoing threat to the American system

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I don't feel sorry for her or any repub.

They could have stopped the ahole back before he got the nomination.

They could have impeached his ass and made it so he couldn't run again.

Maybe it's a good thing for them to feel some fear, like most sane Americans when it come to their orange god.

Vote Blue.

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And I still don't get Lindsey Graham saying he'll vote against aid to Ukraine. The intel trompy and his handler Putin must be some serious stuff.

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Doug, I have thought that since he did a serious 180 deg turn from calling out TFFG as unfit & instead became his lapdog. But then again, so did a number of R’s. Wish they cared more about this country instead of their fleeting hold on what they perceive as “power”.

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There must be kompromat on them -- there's no other explanation-- unless they fear for their political/physical lives if they don't toe the line. (In my view they betray the country they have taken an oath to defend -- all of them, including the spineless Johnson and his flock of misfits who belong somewhere else and not in our House.

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Don’t go past the third floor, Lindsey

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I think that's maybe why he stays in the closet.

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😂🏆 You win!

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If he ever peeks out, lordy!!

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Feb 13, 2024
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Hypocritical sycophant

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Marshall Rafferty, it is scary. I don't see Haley as a moderate. But it is sad that she had to request SS protection because she disagrees with her opponent and that provokes violence in some people. It is so ridiculous.

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Damn, a party that threatens physical violence, reason enough to show them the door. Who will say it?

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Thank you for spelling out NATO funding. It irritates me no end when Trump or anyone else just talks about the funding as if they are paying dues to a club.

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Traitor Tot barks again. I hope SCOTUS sees the pure poison in this madman and rules ASAP that he can be put on trial, so prosecutors can perp-walk him into a prison cell before the election.

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Like your "traitor tot," Shane.

But your verb, "barks"? Too much canine dignity there.

Better go "yips," "yaps," or any of his countless, dim-witted "bing-bing-bong."

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A fair and excellent piece of advice, Phil, thanks!

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I watched the Daily Show with Jon Stewart tonight as he is back on Monday nights only! I laughed so hard, I cried and it felt really releasing to laugh so hard! I needed that and it 's only Monday!

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I wasn't impressed by Jon Daily's return. More of the same ageism applied to both Biden and Trump. To say I was disappointed is an understatement.

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Trumps remarks encouraging Putin to invade a NATO country such as Poland, which Putin mentioned in a Tucker Carlson interview must be condemned in the strongest language by leaders of NATO countries, the main media, and those that support democratic principles. The Ukraine Aide appropriations about to be passed by the Senate must be pushed through the House of Representatives. The GOP supporters of Trump withholding support for Ukraine are just as guilty of Treason as they are surrendering to Putin.

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Then, let us all laugh the jerk off the stage. He craves attention? Good -- give it to him by having rallies of people doing or saying nothing but laugh hysterically at him. His head would explode.

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I totally agree they are guilty of treason Dr.

In fact, I wrote to two Republican Congresscritters this morning accusing them of treason for urging Putin to attack NATO countries. I also condemned them for not doing the one job that is required of them -- passing spending bills.

The sad part is most of them will win reelection.

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If everyone who reads LFAA would call the Capitol Hill switchboard, it might wake up some fearful legislators who are not doing their jobs. (202) 224-3121 You can call any senator or rep.

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See this scientific explanation of memory changes as we age. Biden’s memory is not a problem, especially not the way hit man, Hur, has politically fabricated.

Here’s the real science about memory:

I’m a Neuroscientist. We’re Thinking About Biden’s Memory and Age in the Wrong Way.


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President Biden's capacities are diminished at eighty-one; mine are at sixty-seven. His deep moral rudder with respect to the attack of authoritarianism remains intact; he tends to pick decent people to advise him and implement executive branch policies. He beats Trump -- a launderer of dirty money from Russia -- by a mile.

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Who wants to be forced to remember the day their son died ? This is simple prosecutorial abuse. Sayeth the Juris Doctor in me.

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Thanks for the gift link Gigi!

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My pleasure, though I’m finding most of the paper quite annoying lately.

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Thank you for suggesting this article. A great read. A much better explanation than mine.i just figure at 76 there is so much in my “file cabinet” it just takes a bit longer to retrieve.

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I keep thinking my librarian is very knowledgable, but a bit slower than she used to be...and not that great at computers.

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Christine, I like your analogy!

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Let's talk about Biden's memory....


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My father had a saying: it takes a lifetime to build a reputation but you can destroy it by saying one damfool thing.

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"...but screw just one sheep..."

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