'Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona is leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an independent.'
'Ms. Sinema has not said whether she would caucus with the Democrats, as do two other independent senators, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Angus King of Maine. The Democrats had claimed a 51-49 advantage in the Senate this week when Raphael Warnock prevailed in a runoff election in Georgia.' (NYTimes)
Yes--just heard this on NPR. She has been bought off by someone (Koch?) for sure. What a (4 syllable expletive deleted). My hope is that she gets primaried and loses. Badly. She's up in 2024. The world would be a better place without her thumb on the fascist scale. I know the Dems love the view of themselves as a big tent, but she's the camel that could tip it over.
I woke up to this news... my first thought was that Kari Lake would run and win the next primary for Sinema's seat... (sad face) my next thought was about the number of jobs that will result from Biden's deal he just made for the production of chips Arizona. (happy face).
And then I was ready to go back to sleep....
Yesterday's amazing news about Brittney Griner brought tears to my eyes repeatedly throughout the day. By the time I got back home and checked out the current news and heard the cyclone of cynicism I once again had my eyes full of tears.
'Can't she have even one day to rejoice? Can't we embrace this victory regardless of the skew and spins that the dark side wave over this?
I laugh at all of the hypocrisy from the bitter empty suits, from TFG to Mr. Slick Matt Gaetz who undoubtedly wouldn't have known Paul Whalen's name a week ago.
Cynthia, I was thinking the same thing, especially when McCarthy was unable to say "good news," but had to bray that Biden had placed the US in danger by releasing Bout. His determination to be speaker betrays the depths of his depravity. "Ugh" is right.
No, Cynthia, I cannot remember the Democrats ever being so unfair and lying as much as the Republicans do. While they manage to sway the gullible and uninformed, though, they are still shooting themselves in the foot.
So far Sinema has not committed to caucus with the Democrats, but is caucusing with the Republicans even an option for her? The people of Arizona probably don’t mind her declaring herself an independent but NOT caucusing with the Democrats may just be a bridge too far. If Sinema does not commit to caucusing with Democrats, will the people of Arizona attempt a recall? Wondering if this could test the laws dealing with the recall of a U.S. Senator: which pledge did Sinema sign, to resign or not to resign, if not re-elected by a recall vote -- as required by Arizona law? (https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_recall_of_federal_politicians_(Arizona)
She wants to keep her committee assignments. She can't do that if she caucuses with the Republicans. She's given indirect indications that she'll caucus with the Dems, and indeed it's in her interest to do so. Why would Arizona voters want to recall Sinema for changing parties?
Not enough attention for Ms. Sinema, so she’s found a new way to mess with the Democratic Party and the USA government. And the people. So transparent. But I’m not sure expected.
Sinema never belonged in the Democratic Party to begin with. That she was siphoned off does not surprise me one bit. If there’s a possibility that she can be recalled, Arizonans should go for it.
Keith, she is also bifocaled, bifurcated, bilinear and particularly binary....Kyrsten Sinema is the definition of a divided, greedy, mixed-up m/z. (represents mass divided by charge number and the horizontal axis in a mass spectrum is expressed in units of m/z. Since z is almost always 1 with GCMS, the m/z value is often considered to be the mass.)
Her contribution to our cause was minimal, at best. If she caucuses with the Dems, which Rachel Maddow predicts she will, she might be useful on occasion. I think her intention is to thwart being primaried in '24.
I want you know what this means for the Dem majority in the Senate. If she's not caucusing with the Dems, does that mean we are 50-49? That's still majority, but where does she go? If with R's, it's 50-50 and we're really screwed.
My first reaction is unprintable,, but I'm not sure how this plays out with Senate rules. Need more info.
So far Sinema has not committed to caucus with the Democrats, but is caucusing with the Republicans even an option for her? The people of Arizona probably don’t mind her declaring herself an independent but NOT caucusing with the Democrats may just be a bridge too far. If Sinema does not commit to caucusing with Democrats, will the people of Arizona attempt a recall? Wondering if this could test the laws dealing with the recall of a U.S. Senator: which pledge did Sinema sign, to resign or not to resign, if not re-elected by a recall vote -- as required by Arizona law? (https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_recall_of_federal_politicians_(Arizona)
Kristen Sinema has been a wild card in the Senate...along with Manchin...can't help but feel like she doesn't know why her constituents elected her...more like she's making it up as she goes along...
Can't lie, this last act of hers has made me very angry especially after the hard fought rerun in Georgia's race...
My husband gave me this news when I got up this am. What does the timing suggest. I don't usually apply the b word to women, but she deserves it. She probably knows that she will never win again being a D or maybe never win again, period. I suspect she has garnered enough money (bribes) from various sources that it won't matter to her. This is one of the ugliest political moves I have ever seen.
I think bastards can be of either gender if we go with illegitimate births. If I were to use that kind of pejorative directed to a male, it would start with p. My problem with the b word and the c word is that the latter is really offensive to me and now I see it used, along with the b word by men to describe other men. I have gone around with a few women with the phrase b slap because it promotes violence toward women.
Oh yes, and it doesn't even have to apply to humans. As for the Stench Court...such hubris. Alito is one those male you know....And the more I read about all this, the angrier I get. They have utterly destroyed the idea of the Court and its rep is in the sewer with the aroma you mention.
This sets up a three way race for Senator in 2024. Kari Lake (R), Ruben Gallego (D), and Sinema (I). What a mess. Full disclosure I'm an AZ registered Independent, voted for Sinema last time but never again.
Charles Sinema has run the political gamut from being a Naderite to Dem to Independent.
Running as an Independent she would be a sure loser, though Republicans might support her as a spoiler to assure Lake rather than Gallegos as next senator. She has been called a twit, which rhymes with s++t.
Humph...her lack of any concrete principles makes me think of Lake who has also been through the array of possible political party choices.
Why on earth would anyone go into politics without knowing where their own ideas and principles feel most at home? Ms. Sinema desperately needs to be primaried.
You are quite correct and I definitely wasn't thinking when I wrote that. What I wanted to write was probably a bit too inciteful of minor violence for a usually peaceful progressive to admit to.
It's frustrating...two steps forward; one and a half back. Always something.
Remarkably stupid. I’ve seen it theorized that she is heading off a primary challenge from Reuben Gallego, but it gives him two years to consolidate support in the Democratic Party and to raise money for a 3-cornered race. She might be vindictive—of dumb—enough just to try handing her seat to some Republican nonentity, it what’s her base for three-candidate race? (If someone knows the answer to that question, please tell us.)
Not all of us that want the Republican Party to implode, and go through a catharsis that purges itself of the anti-human wing, think she's stupid. I think the Dems' progressive impulses risk ovrrreach that may cause a major backlash from the voting public. In my view, she and Manchin have been saving the Democratic Caucus from itself.
Sinema is a self-centered drama queen who quite literally is for sale. She won't be re-elected and knows it, thus she's put herself in the best position to cash in. If the dictionary listed an antonym for public servant, it would be Sinema.
Likely already has a contract to sign to become a lobbyist on the first day she leaves. But the fact Colorado locals re-elected Lauren Boebert and the near miss of getting another crazy from Georgia shows that partisans are happy to elect sub-intelligent self-centered narcissists if their party so orders.
She should not be representing Arizona. My cousin, a Democrat, that lives in Flagstaff has warned me about her. Nothing that she has done has surprised me. I think she ran as a Democrat to get elected. She should have never been on a primary. She is really a Republican.
Me too! Until today when I wrote tfg I referred to the former guy. I love tf'g so much more! I am on board! I love this community! Thank you Professor R!
Wow! Trump said Biden could have gotten Whelan out "for the asking." Trump had the opportunity to ask his buddy Putin, but didn't. This one just got to me, just for the pure mendacity and hypocrisy on an issue related to someone imprisoned, after he pardoned all his buddies and got them out of prison sentences. That set into the context of his disgusting comments about Griner's release!
So many layers of awfulness crammed into a few sentences. No matter how I try to steel myself before I read I keep being gut punched. I just can't believe what this malevolent sociopath can say and not get called out on it, whether big issues like terminating the Constitution or individual, like one woman's freedom.
'Declaration of Independence Found in Trump Storage Unit'
'WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s legal team struggled to explain how the original Declaration of Independence made its way to a storage unit leased by the former President in Queens, New York.'
'The lawyers informed the Justice Department that they had discovered the eighteenth-century document under a stack of hastily packed items, including several pairs of socks and the Oval Office’s television remote.' (Satire, NewYorker)
Yes, that's been our problem all along..."Trump is just doing what Trump does." That's how he's gotten away with EVERYTHING he's done. He's a wannabe dictator, wannabe captain of industry, wannabe mob boss, wannabe entertainment mogul, and wannabe billionaire so we've dismissed his antics for so long it's finally destroying our country. It would be nice if he were just a wannabe decent human being, but that boat sailed a long time ago.
I call her Sinematic for her theatrics. With a one seat majority, she gets less attention -- unless she leaves the party as an independent. What a sad example of how lucre can blind one's ideals.
Hmm. Reading the verbatim "truth" I realized that it is too well written to have actually been written by Trump. It has too few caps and too much punctuation.
I think you are right Mike S and with any luck he will take the current incarnation of the Republican party with him. The nation needs a center right party, but to build the Republican party needs to burn itself out.
It has worked for an unbelievable amount of time, but I do not believe it can work forever. And hopefully our government will get buttoned up a bit so this type of tyrant can't get away with what he has.
The only way that Trump gets anywhere near the presidency again is if the SCOTUS rules in favor of legislatures controlling voting and then legislatures move to control voting in Trump's favor in '24. Phase one was stopped on 1/6/21, passed two was stopped on 11/8/22, and this is the last phase. Trump can't win a free and fair election. Not sure I can say the same about any other wannabe right wing dictator in this country, but Trump is in his death throes.
Mike, perhaps his historic approach is now the kiss of death. The Red Tsunami was a Pink Trickle, and most of the candidates he supported are in the dust bin. As further punishment for his criminality, I see financial ruin (accompanied by public disclosure that he was never the billionaire he claimed to be), as well as at least felony convictions that will preclude his even attempting to run for even dog catcher positions. I do agree that "Trump is just doing what Trump does" has delivered us to this juncture.
On the other hand, Sleepy Joe has pulled off the best midterm since FDR - dumb luck for a doddering fool, correct?
That has been chronic since the day he took office. Truth of the matter, though, is that his detractors must underestimate him, because if they admitted his accomplishments, they'd lose their own followers. Demographics in this country are shifting, and the Repugnants must denigrate Democratic accomplishments in order to survive. It won't work.
Thanks, Mike. I hope I'm correct, too, but the caveat is that I'm neither a psychic nor an expert. I have, however, lived long enough to read the tea leaves, and I think he's about to get his comeuppance. I want payback to what he has done to our collective mental health and the condition of our much-flawed country.
Hi Heather, This is good news for Brittaney and family. Obviously it would have been good to include Paul Whelan in the deal. However, a high school social studies teacher, Marc Fogel, was arrested at the same aiprort for the same charge, having medical marijuana with him, in August 2021. He had been teaching at the Anglo American School of Moscow for 10 years and was returning for the new school year. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison and is now in some Russian penal colony doing hard labor. Unbelievable, but true. He was prescribed the medical marijuana for chronic back pain, and has been without since his arrest. I'm sure that his pain is still there, while being forced to do hard labor. I know of this because he is a friend of mine. Who knows how many other Americans are being unjustly detained in Russia? Please add something about Marc to your newsletter as the Brittaney story continues to unfold. Thank you!
Mind boggling that people don’t know to stay out of Russia these days, and to be squeaky clean if you do go. You are a fly heading for the web. And you will wind up on Joe Biden’s list of problems, when that is the last thing that he needs.
She was there to make a living before the invasion. She was there because of wage inequality here. It’s a trap to blame her, without considering our privilege of not having to be there too.
No blaming Griner from me. Agree with you on this.
But...the State Dept has put out a travel warning (not loud enough, IMO) and any future travelers to Russia should understand they are taking a big risk regardless of what they have in their luggage. Russia has established more than a hot war in Ukraine. They are and have been for a very long time a criminal enterprise. Watch for more kidnappings - not just in Russia.
My advice to Americans - stay home. We are causing Russia pain that Putin didn't expect. He thought he would have his Trump puppet and could march across Europe like Hitler. Now he's pissed. Watch for more symbolic paybacks in an effort to shore up his weakening support at home. I think the guy is a desperate short timer. Which makes him even more dangerous....
I've thought the very same thing for years. I'll settle for pictures of St. Petersburg and travel elsewhere.
Putin must have really wanted Bout back under his wing, and agree that he will do much more damage to compensate for his weakness and failing strategies.
Putin and or his alcolites will be attempting to push their plan on the EU for the next 25 years. They will be forced out of their own country by climate change and it's financial consequences. IIMHO they are doomed, but not before they mess up the European continent like Hitler did.
Russia wants a warmer planet as much as they want Ukraine. A warmer Russia opens their Arctic ports year round. They can only export resources like Nickle in the summer. They want Ukraine for its oil and gas reserves, control food supply, and to prevent the opening of a direct route called the “southern route” pipelines from the ‘Stan’s, across the Caspian Sea through Turkey to Europe. Russians have been making billions and skimming billions off the gas trade as middlemen for the ‘Stan countries gas trade.
The US is obsessed with the amount of money people make and the belief that if only they could make more they would be happier. And when someone has a boatload of money, what do they do with it? Well, some, like Gates, and like J Bezos' ex wife, give it away. But so many just try to use it to make more money! The baseball salaries are a good example of that; the Yankee owners will always be wealthier than Aaron Judge! I can hardly wait to see whether the new over 50 pickleball league will measure up....
Wage inequality in professional basketball? Please. Please just spare us this. Griner went there to make more money, not because she necessarily needs it to survive. Griner didn't have the good sense not to bring oil into a country where it was illegal and she got nailed partly because of the politics. But she opened that door. Compared to Fogel, she had a massive PR department making this THE federal case. Without that this deal - by all other signs - wouldn't have been done.
Yes, wage inequality. Did you know that, "The pay disparity between WNBA players and NBA players is glaring.
The average NBA player earns $5.3 million a year, according to 2021-2022 data from Basketball Reference. By comparison, WNBA players earn an average of $130,000 a year. This means the average NBA player makes 41 times what the average WNBA player makes."
Now whether or not you feel they need that money to survive is your opinion but wage inequality is a real thing.
Yes she want there to make money. Professional athletes only have a small window in which to earn money. Whether male or female. And that assumes no career-foreshortening injuries. Tom Brady is an exception. Most must earn as much as they can while at the top of their game. Witness the obscene amount the Yankees will pay Judge!
Nobody goes to Russia for work because they want to. They go because they kinda have to. Professional athletes go where the money is, but also it’s the $ that concentrates the talent and competition. To stay competitive she must compete against the best female talent in the off-season.
Like my grandmama used to say, “all money ain’t good money, baby.” Not to condone *anything*~ going to that country for any reason, at any current time, is poor decision-making. Period. As Americans who are accustomed to going anywhere on the globe, we must face that some places are just trouble and risky behavior that the country might have to pay for in time, money, sweat, tears, and even blood. Just go other places, people. Also, I agree, Uncle Joe doesn’t need another problem.
Having established the equivalent of tenure in Russia, why would he worry about returning? Ok, I agree he made a mistake, but the US government should have caught him first.
Last time US Navy was visiting Stockholm two crew members were caught paying for having sex, which is illegal in Sweden; buying is, selling is not. I don't know what consequences they faced, but I trust they picked a good place to 'learn on the job', instead of studying in advance.
So, the women were in the clear, however, Olof, how can they sell if 'it' is illegal to buy? Screwy prostitution system in Sweden, don't you think? Tricky way to Free Sex. Thanks for sharing this insight into Sweden.
Yes, totally weird law giving to me too. As I have understood it it is an increasing tendency to use laws 'to send signals', without really considering the possibilities of upholding the law or assigning proper resources to do so. The basic idea is positivist; illegal is what is said in the law, and has nothing to do with what people intuitively, or naturally, may think. I haven't seen any studies of the outcome of this law, but prostitution was said to have decreased, and in cases of trafficking there is less chance of blaming the women. Prostitutes said they have nuttier customers. Now there is also a stricter law on 'consent' for having sex, and wider definition of rape. Even more difficulties to prove at court, but maybe less chances to avoid responsibility.
Thank you for mentioning Marc. Now that Brittany is free his plight needs to be publicized. He was a long time Moscow resident with many Russian friends. Seems to me he is a hostage. Putin reverts to KGB tactics to bring his spies home.
The FSB, the KGB, they both operate for their power base inside and outside Russian borders. The FSB uses Russian mafia for political dirty tricks, funding, extra cash, use of intimidation, murder, extortion, etc. The Russian mafia is so strong because it has a state sponsor. Russian mafia is a paramilitary, para spy organization for protection of international Rackets/use of force to bend the Will, or bribes, providing plausible deniability for official policy makers. Russian mafia is different than how we Americans think of the costra Nostra here. Just Ask Paul Manafort.
Yes. There are many other Americans in prisons around the world that we nearly never hear about. Griner's release has at least brought the situation to broader attention.
Amnesty International works on these issues tirelessly and constantly. We can support their work too.
I think the PBS Newshour ran a segment on him awhile ago. His sister was on the show asking that he not be forgotten either. I hope the U.S. government works to get him returned as well.
In today's Letter, HCR, gave, ‘Los Angeles Times legal correspondent Harry Litman the last word. He tweeted: “Wow. DOJ wants to hold Trump in contempt for violation of subpoena. A natural outgrowth of the trickling out of documents and failure to comply with subpoena from last May. But quite a strike across the bow.” (Letter)
Now for some history:
‘Why do we say 'shot across the bows'?
‘Where does the popular saying 'shot across the bows' come from? And what does it mean?’
‘To give someone a warning of imminent severe action is referred to as giving them a 'shot across the bows' – a phrase that, unsurprisingly, comes from the history of warfare. The ‘bows’ in question were found at the front of a ship, essentially the ‘shoulders’ of the vessel and the phrase first appeared during the 18th century.’
‘Sending a shot across the bows was a naval technique introduced at a time when the British navy ruled the seas and wars were fought not just on land but from the decks of mighty tall ships. The idea was not to actually fire on the ship, but to send a cannon ball near enough to signal them, force them to stop or let them know you’re ready for battle.’ (HistoryExtra)
As Harry tweeted, ‘Wow. DOJ wants to hold Trump in contempt for violation of subpoena.”
Per Reuters last night at 6:06 pm Eastern, the DOJ's application for contempt filed with Judge Beryl Howell was sealed. The hearing is today, Friday (tempted to mix metaphors ... nah).
Oophs, did this turn out to be a nothingburger? Today it didn’t merit a mention on the digital New York Times or Washington Post.
What happened? The facts seem straightforward:
1) Railroad management deliberately shaved down its number of employees by 29% over three years to become ‘lean and mean’ and much more profitable;
2) Railroad management set draconian regulations forcing its reduced staff to work limitless extra hours with harsh punishment for any employee who did not appear on a moment’s notice;
3) Four major railroad unions rejected a contract that did not provide some employee relief with at least five paid sick days;
4) President Biden declared that a railroad strike on December 9th would be a national pre-Christmas economic disaster;
5) Congress, under an archaic railroad law, met in emergency session to prohibit a railroad strike;
6) The House included a legislative provision that would provide days of paid employee sick leave;
7) Senate Republicans rejected the paid sick leave provision;
8) President Biden signed the no-railroad-strike legislation.
Huh? To me this is almost as bad as the Railroad Strike of 1877 when Federal troops were employed to deals with the ‘troublesome’ railroad strikers.
What about union railroad workers who are being screwed by railroad management as railroad profits and top executive compensation are hitting historic highs?
I am astonished that the health and family welfare of union railroad workers are seemingly being swept under the rug and a smug railroad management has been rewarded with a stunning legislative victory.
This may seem like a nothingburger on December 9th. If I were a railroad union employee, I would be contemplating sick outs and other ‘mini strikes’ to obtain more humane working conditions.
Biden and Congress had to stop the strike. But they could have furnished a plan to continue negotiations. The workers are being indifferently treated like the software that rules them. It is not humane. We are letting oligarchs put huge profits ahead of people. What is the point of all our technology and transportation and supply chains and manufacturing if the people who operate it all are treated like shit?
I am a Democrat who wants our party to stand for working class people. There is a lot of wordsmithing about labor and so called support for unions. But if we are going to regain the support of the millions of workers who have been screwed over by industry we need to stand with them. Joe Biden, with his style of embracing the average person - his capacity for empathy - could be crossing the country (along with cabinet officers in support) selling union membership and workers rights. Do it Joe. Be a President of the People. Fuck the oligarchs.
I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of this. Republicans have already taken up the cause, even after they voted against sick leave. They can always be depended on to believe in the stupidity of their supporters
It seems even star women pro basketball players like Brittney Griner are paid so poorly compared to male pro players they have to travel to places like Russia (in winter!) in the offseason to augment their meager income.
Griner was a victim of state kidnapping for ransom by the Russian government. If they hadn’t found that little bit of cannabis oil they would have drummed up something else as a reason for her arrest. According to a story in The NY Times, (link below) Putin has been trying to repatriate arms dealer, and probable GRU agent, Bout for some time. Snatching Griner worked for him.
Agreed. I think in normal circumstances, that tiny bit of prescribed medication, illegal in Russia, would have been ignored or, at most, confiscated, and that would have been the end of it. But Putin needed a hostage to trade for his pet arms dealer/GRU agent Viktor Bout and Brittney Griner fit the bill perfectly. From a PR standpoint, the US couldn't let an innocent, balck, female athlete languish in a Russian prison for nine years. Paul Whelan, ex-Marine, "security executive", held since 2019 on espionage charges, wasn't worth the trade for Bout. As I said in my comment, had there been no illegal substance, the Russians would have planted some, or drummed up something else to arrest Griner for.
According to reports from the government, it was either trade for Griner or for nobody. The Russians refused to trade for Whelan. It should be noted that Whelan’s family supports this deal. Putin held the cards; it’s not like Biden could set the terms. What could he do? Refuse to trade for Griner & keep her in Russia in a labor camp when he could bring her home? And I would add that the small amount of cannabis oil that she carried was covered by a medical prescription for pain. Hard choices for Biden, but he is our President & will make the hard choices, unlike some who won’t. I see that Putin & his supporters are making this into a political attack & outright lying about the terms. Sad.
There's no evidence any other basketball players were arrested on falsified evidence, is there? Going to Russia in the weeks prior to the invasion was possibly ill advised. Going with an illegal substance was foolish at best.
I’m glad Brittney is home. Being a pawn is never a good thing. Bet she never goes back to Russia.
The other guy, his time will come. Please.
Onto the lying orange mange of your society. I’m happy they are cornering him, dismayed that it has taken so long, dismayed that so many people still believe his lies.
Jack Smith is The Closer: "a person who is skilled at bringing a business transaction to a satisfactory conclusion." This timing is perfectly orchestrated by Merrick Garland. Making the popcorn. [Had to correct "popcorn" 3 times. It wanted to be "poocorn".]
I'm not so sure that so many people really do any more, Anne: they've got their own agendas. I think he's now being used just as cynically as he's always used others
Chump can ALWAYS be counted on to divide, distract, and digress. He never disappoints in phony concern for a Marine, he who is the bone spurs coward and who called fallen soldiers “losers,”
While the release of Griner in exchange for the “Merchant of Death,” Viktor Bout, may seem like an unbalanced deal: Bout will assuredly remain a target on worldwide networks. Ms. Griner is hardly a threat off the court, and being used as a pawn in the Kremlin’s game. There will always be Bouts to fill the boots.
Bout was arrested in 2008 in Thailand, which was actively helping US counterterrorism activities at the time. He was held in Thailand for three years until extradited to the US for trial in 2011. So, for 14 years he has been available to the US Intelligence community and FBI for interrogation on matters touching on possible Russian--particularly Putin--support for terrorist organizations who mean harm to Americans. In 14 years I imagine he has divulged much if not all relevant information he possesses. If he hasn't, Putin, who like most of his nomenklatura comrades suffers paranoia and a guilty conscience, must think he (Bout) has sung like a canary.
No kidding Putin wants him home.
I don't doubt we have gotten what we need in intelligence information from the man. If Biden's critics are upset that Bout won't be "paying his debt to society" in an American prison, I doubt he'll find life under suspicion (or worse) in Russia much of an improvement.
Somehow though, I don't think the folks hollering about swapping Bout for Griner are really that offended he was released.
I’m really not sure where heard this info, but it was my understanding that she has been in Russia a great deal and had always carried the oil without incident. And this was a much smaller amount than she has had before. And again I can’t site a source. I thought that was a huge part of the confusion with her being arrested.
She has played in Russia for many years to supplement her income. Why? Because the players in the WNBA do not make the millions that the guys do. Brittany has a wife and has two children from a previous marriage. This woman has poured her heart and soul into her profession. Putin used her as bait because he can’t stomach gays nor blacks.
Absolutely, Lynell!! Women have gotten screwed, literally and figuratively, for too damn long! I see Brittney, once she has had time to take care of herself, to be a strong advocate for this to happen.
Although, once the "Merchant of Death" was captured, somebody else would have stepped up. Weapons dealing being as lucrative as it is, there are plenty of sociopaths to do this nasty work. I have always laid the responsibility for much of the suffering in this world to those who actually make lethal weapons- owners of plants, stock holders, workers, distributors, sales people etc. How they sleep at night is beyond me.
Two very important developments highlighted in your letter tonight; Thank you so much, Professor. The generic point you make about the Russians, as well as others possibly, is perhaps particularly salient: "[As it has been noted elsewhere] [i]t is worth noting that Russian operatives work to sow division in the U.S., and permitting Biden to win the freedom of a Black married lesbian while keeping a white former Marine in prison is the sort of ploy that could turn the repatriation of an American into a cultural flashpoint. Impressively, both the Griner family and the Whelan family avoided that trap and kept a united front."
Listening to the so many folks in the media follow the misguided narrative....asking why Paul Whelan was not released along with Brittney Griner, implying that her release was not as warranted!!
All the the regular hosts at MSNBC ...Katy Tur, Hallie Jackson , Alex Wagner(Ouch, this
Trump blasting this exchange is to be expected. It's all he knows how to do. It would be nice if he'd have the same class and decorum as the two families (Whelan and Griner) who are actually involved in this case But 'class and decorum' are two things Trump can't even spell let alone possess.
I am very thankful Brittaney is home, I am sure she will need time for recovery. I pray she will be able to return to the sport she loves.
I really appreciated the reminder through our news agencies that there are many Americans held in captivity throughout the world. I appreciated this information so that I can expand my reality and support those who are working to free others, in prison . Amnesty International is one such organization.
Thank you Heather. I am so greatful for your work....for your "letters"'
Demonstrating against brutality and discrimination is a patriotic duty. Worshipping a song and a piece of fabric hardly make one a patriot when injustice against fellow citizens is ignored.
It seems like a reasonable trade to me. One more arms dealer amongst hundreds probably won't make much difference in arms trading in the future. And, one less prisoner in a federal lockup is saving the taxpayers many thousands of dollars every year. Grines was foolish, but lacking in criminal intent. She'll earn a bunch of money back in the league and pay a bunch of taxes, also a useful contribution to the stability of our country. I imagine she'll have some enlightening things to say about the Russian justice and penal systems over the coming days and weeks.
Too bad for El Jefe Del Merde A Loco that "So much winning" applies to Joe Biden, while "so much losing" applies to That Fucking Guy.
What you think about this one folks?
'Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona is leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an independent.'
'Ms. Sinema has not said whether she would caucus with the Democrats, as do two other independent senators, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Angus King of Maine. The Democrats had claimed a 51-49 advantage in the Senate this week when Raphael Warnock prevailed in a runoff election in Georgia.' (NYTimes)
Yes--just heard this on NPR. She has been bought off by someone (Koch?) for sure. What a (4 syllable expletive deleted). My hope is that she gets primaried and loses. Badly. She's up in 2024. The world would be a better place without her thumb on the fascist scale. I know the Dems love the view of themselves as a big tent, but she's the camel that could tip it over.
I woke up to this news... my first thought was that Kari Lake would run and win the next primary for Sinema's seat... (sad face) my next thought was about the number of jobs that will result from Biden's deal he just made for the production of chips Arizona. (happy face).
And then I was ready to go back to sleep....
Yesterday's amazing news about Brittney Griner brought tears to my eyes repeatedly throughout the day. By the time I got back home and checked out the current news and heard the cyclone of cynicism I once again had my eyes full of tears.
'Can't she have even one day to rejoice? Can't we embrace this victory regardless of the skew and spins that the dark side wave over this?
I laugh at all of the hypocrisy from the bitter empty suits, from TFG to Mr. Slick Matt Gaetz who undoubtedly wouldn't have known Paul Whalen's name a week ago.
Cynthia, I was thinking the same thing, especially when McCarthy was unable to say "good news," but had to bray that Biden had placed the US in danger by releasing Bout. His determination to be speaker betrays the depths of his depravity. "Ugh" is right.
they just can't give him an inch... were 'we' that bad? (not counting our reactions to TFG, of course?)
Apples & oranges, Cynthia!!!
No, Cynthia, I cannot remember the Democrats ever being so unfair and lying as much as the Republicans do. While they manage to sway the gullible and uninformed, though, they are still shooting themselves in the foot.
The GOP has zero compassion for a gay Black woman. Gee, who knew?
They don't even bother to hide it anymore.
Of course not. It's a rallying cry for their racist, misogynistic, homophobic base.
So far Sinema has not committed to caucus with the Democrats, but is caucusing with the Republicans even an option for her? The people of Arizona probably don’t mind her declaring herself an independent but NOT caucusing with the Democrats may just be a bridge too far. If Sinema does not commit to caucusing with Democrats, will the people of Arizona attempt a recall? Wondering if this could test the laws dealing with the recall of a U.S. Senator: which pledge did Sinema sign, to resign or not to resign, if not re-elected by a recall vote -- as required by Arizona law? (https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_recall_of_federal_politicians_(Arizona)
She wants to keep her committee assignments. She can't do that if she caucuses with the Republicans. She's given indirect indications that she'll caucus with the Dems, and indeed it's in her interest to do so. Why would Arizona voters want to recall Sinema for changing parties?
Hope her buddy in weaselness Manchin gets primaried also
The camel tipping the big tent is a good metaphor.😁
Independents don't have to run in primaries so they can't get "primaried". In fact, one could argue that the fear of being primaried was a factor in going independent: she isn't popular with much of anybody. See this Slate story from September: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/09/kyrsten-sinema-approval-rating-equally-unpopular-everyone.html.
Not enough attention for Ms. Sinema, so she’s found a new way to mess with the Democratic Party and the USA government. And the people. So transparent. But I’m not sure expected.
Sinema goes where the money draws her in = where the big $$$$$ wants her to be.
Yes, Fern, maybe I should edit my comment to “I’m sure expected.” That would be a safe conclusion. She certainly gets the attention she must crave.
My adult son calls her an “attention whore.”
She sold out. She’s taking that big PAC money FROM: ???
Big pharma.
So sad for a former Social worker to be on the take so openly. Just follow her tax returns once she leaves office, Gerhard Schroeder style.
anyone who will give it to her...
Down Kirsten goes …down that slippery slope.
Plus there were republican fund raisers for her.
I'm feeling sick...
Sinema never belonged in the Democratic Party to begin with. That she was siphoned off does not surprise me one bit. If there’s a possibility that she can be recalled, Arizonans should go for it.
Recall seems appropiate.
I'd work on that campaign.
I wonder what this herd is capable of if we all could act in concert? “ Everything is impossible until suddenly it isn’t.”
She just gave the middle finger to all the Democrats who voted for her. Despicable.
I would like to see petitions for removal.
…and huge crowds with trash bins full fake money with her name and picture on every bill.
Well done.
Is this possible..if so let's see about getting it done
Can we/they (?) do that?
Fern Sinema describes herself as ‘bisexual and bipartisan.’ As an Independent running for senatorial re-election in Arizona I would add ‘bye bye.’
Keith, she is also bifocaled, bifurcated, bilinear and particularly binary....Kyrsten Sinema is the definition of a divided, greedy, mixed-up m/z. (represents mass divided by charge number and the horizontal axis in a mass spectrum is expressed in units of m/z. Since z is almost always 1 with GCMS, the m/z value is often considered to be the mass.)
Now that's funny!
Her contribution to our cause was minimal, at best. If she caucuses with the Dems, which Rachel Maddow predicts she will, she might be useful on occasion. I think her intention is to thwart being primaried in '24.
From your lips to God’s ear, Keith. I know I use that expression a lot. It’s meant as praise, and I hope is taken that way.
I want you know what this means for the Dem majority in the Senate. If she's not caucusing with the Dems, does that mean we are 50-49? That's still majority, but where does she go? If with R's, it's 50-50 and we're really screwed.
My first reaction is unprintable,, but I'm not sure how this plays out with Senate rules. Need more info.
Apparently, for the time being, she is committing to not caucus with Republicans, so this is just an attention getting stunt. See: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/09/sinema-arizona-senate-independent-00073216
Thank you twice, SAT12.
So far Sinema has not committed to caucus with the Democrats, but is caucusing with the Republicans even an option for her? The people of Arizona probably don’t mind her declaring herself an independent but NOT caucusing with the Democrats may just be a bridge too far. If Sinema does not commit to caucusing with Democrats, will the people of Arizona attempt a recall? Wondering if this could test the laws dealing with the recall of a U.S. Senator: which pledge did Sinema sign, to resign or not to resign, if not re-elected by a recall vote -- as required by Arizona law? (https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_recall_of_federal_politicians_(Arizona)
Thank you, 3 times SAT12!
Kristen Sinema has been a wild card in the Senate...along with Manchin...can't help but feel like she doesn't know why her constituents elected her...more like she's making it up as she goes along...
Can't lie, this last act of hers has made me very angry especially after the hard fought rerun in Georgia's race...
Biden needs to appoint Sinema as Ambassador to Somewhere after the new Dem governor of Arizona takes over.
Great idea
She probably was giddy to have the opportunity to rain on the 50+1 majority. She remains a useless twit.
My husband gave me this news when I got up this am. What does the timing suggest. I don't usually apply the b word to women, but she deserves it. She probably knows that she will never win again being a D or maybe never win again, period. I suspect she has garnered enough money (bribes) from various sources that it won't matter to her. This is one of the ugliest political moves I have ever seen.
Michele If Sinema were male she would be a bastard. I guess that she could be characterized as a *itch.
I think bastards can be of either gender if we go with illegitimate births. If I were to use that kind of pejorative directed to a male, it would start with p. My problem with the b word and the c word is that the latter is really offensive to me and now I see it used, along with the b word by men to describe other men. I have gone around with a few women with the phrase b slap because it promotes violence toward women.
Michele S++t is genderless and it has the aroma of Justice Sotomayor’s Stench Court.
Oh yes, and it doesn't even have to apply to humans. As for the Stench Court...such hubris. Alito is one those male you know....And the more I read about all this, the angrier I get. They have utterly destroyed the idea of the Court and its rep is in the sewer with the aroma you mention.
The b word is exactly what fell out of my mouth when I saw the headline.
This sets up a three way race for Senator in 2024. Kari Lake (R), Ruben Gallego (D), and Sinema (I). What a mess. Full disclosure I'm an AZ registered Independent, voted for Sinema last time but never again.
Charles Sinema has run the political gamut from being a Naderite to Dem to Independent.
Running as an Independent she would be a sure loser, though Republicans might support her as a spoiler to assure Lake rather than Gallegos as next senator. She has been called a twit, which rhymes with s++t.
Humph...her lack of any concrete principles makes me think of Lake who has also been through the array of possible political party choices.
Why on earth would anyone go into politics without knowing where their own ideas and principles feel most at home? Ms. Sinema desperately needs to be primaried.
As an Independent, presumably she wouldn’t be in a Dem or Rep primary. I suggest a modeling career for her with her gaudy costumes.
You are quite correct and I definitely wasn't thinking when I wrote that. What I wanted to write was probably a bit too inciteful of minor violence for a usually peaceful progressive to admit to.
It's frustrating...two steps forward; one and a half back. Always something.
How like Senator Sinema to be making certain she remains in the news. In whose service is she?
Remarkably stupid. I’ve seen it theorized that she is heading off a primary challenge from Reuben Gallego, but it gives him two years to consolidate support in the Democratic Party and to raise money for a 3-cornered race. She might be vindictive—of dumb—enough just to try handing her seat to some Republican nonentity, it what’s her base for three-candidate race? (If someone knows the answer to that question, please tell us.)
I do not know THAT answer but Senate Dem' majority still retains their Committee control advantages.
Not all of us that want the Republican Party to implode, and go through a catharsis that purges itself of the anti-human wing, think she's stupid. I think the Dems' progressive impulses risk ovrrreach that may cause a major backlash from the voting public. In my view, she and Manchin have been saving the Democratic Caucus from itself.
I’m with you in that view.
Sinema is a self-centered drama queen who quite literally is for sale. She won't be re-elected and knows it, thus she's put herself in the best position to cash in. If the dictionary listed an antonym for public servant, it would be Sinema.
Likely already has a contract to sign to become a lobbyist on the first day she leaves. But the fact Colorado locals re-elected Lauren Boebert and the near miss of getting another crazy from Georgia shows that partisans are happy to elect sub-intelligent self-centered narcissists if their party so orders.
There has to be a law that she has broken if taking cash.
Polite - and legal - bribery.
She should not be representing Arizona. My cousin, a Democrat, that lives in Flagstaff has warned me about her. Nothing that she has done has surprised me. I think she ran as a Democrat to get elected. She should have never been on a primary. She is really a Republican.
Remember when the DCCC announced in 2019 that they wouldn't partner with any group or vendor seeking to primary an incumbent Democrat? B'bye, Kirsten.
Que lastima pobrecito; Se Fue ..."He's already gone".
El Jefe Del Merde A Loco is a winner! Thanks TCinLA!
Yup, I am going to a new acronym too: "tf'g".
I naively thought TFG stood for The Former Guy -- I like your version so much better!
Me too! Until today when I wrote tfg I referred to the former guy. I love tf'g so much more! I am on board! I love this community! Thank you Professor R!
"El Jefe Del Merde A Loco" ! That's a winner.
I love the new variation for TFG - have thought of the acronym in that way for a long time. Thanks, TC.
Great name, TC.
Greatest nickname ever, TC
The best name ever.
Love the name, TC.
Sorry for all the repeats, but for some reason my comments are showing up far down the thread.
TCinLA I love your comment! It is perfect!
Wow! Trump said Biden could have gotten Whelan out "for the asking." Trump had the opportunity to ask his buddy Putin, but didn't. This one just got to me, just for the pure mendacity and hypocrisy on an issue related to someone imprisoned, after he pardoned all his buddies and got them out of prison sentences. That set into the context of his disgusting comments about Griner's release!
So many layers of awfulness crammed into a few sentences. No matter how I try to steel myself before I read I keep being gut punched. I just can't believe what this malevolent sociopath can say and not get called out on it, whether big issues like terminating the Constitution or individual, like one woman's freedom.
'Declaration of Independence Found in Trump Storage Unit'
'WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s legal team struggled to explain how the original Declaration of Independence made its way to a storage unit leased by the former President in Queens, New York.'
'The lawyers informed the Justice Department that they had discovered the eighteenth-century document under a stack of hastily packed items, including several pairs of socks and the Oval Office’s television remote.' (Satire, NewYorker)
🤣 Thanks Fern!!
I do love Andy B. 😂❤️
What’s it going to take to get rid of this sick SOB???
Trump is just doing what Trump does.
1. Screwing everything he touches up.
2. Blaming someone else for his screw up.
Now, the interesting thing about Trump's approach historically?
It works.
Yes, that's been our problem all along..."Trump is just doing what Trump does." That's how he's gotten away with EVERYTHING he's done. He's a wannabe dictator, wannabe captain of industry, wannabe mob boss, wannabe entertainment mogul, and wannabe billionaire so we've dismissed his antics for so long it's finally destroying our country. It would be nice if he were just a wannabe decent human being, but that boat sailed a long time ago.
He was not brought up to be a decent human being.
I’m sick of trump being trump. Also sick of sinema being sinema.
1. Welcome home Brittney😊
2. May the Fat Man burn in hell ASAP.
I call her Sinematic for her theatrics. With a one seat majority, she gets less attention -- unless she leaves the party as an independent. What a sad example of how lucre can blind one's ideals.
Did Sinema recently do something sickening?
She just left the Dem Party and became an Independent.
Hear, hear!!!!!! 1000% Agreement!!!!!
Hmm. Reading the verbatim "truth" I realized that it is too well written to have actually been written by Trump. It has too few caps and too much punctuation.
Disgusting even if it is the work of a minion.
Always, the repugnant Stephen Miller comes to mind.
I think you are right Mike S and with any luck he will take the current incarnation of the Republican party with him. The nation needs a center right party, but to build the Republican party needs to burn itself out.
It has worked for an unbelievable amount of time, but I do not believe it can work forever. And hopefully our government will get buttoned up a bit so this type of tyrant can't get away with what he has.
The only way that Trump gets anywhere near the presidency again is if the SCOTUS rules in favor of legislatures controlling voting and then legislatures move to control voting in Trump's favor in '24. Phase one was stopped on 1/6/21, passed two was stopped on 11/8/22, and this is the last phase. Trump can't win a free and fair election. Not sure I can say the same about any other wannabe right wing dictator in this country, but Trump is in his death throes.
...until it doesn't.
Hope now!
Mike, perhaps his historic approach is now the kiss of death. The Red Tsunami was a Pink Trickle, and most of the candidates he supported are in the dust bin. As further punishment for his criminality, I see financial ruin (accompanied by public disclosure that he was never the billionaire he claimed to be), as well as at least felony convictions that will preclude his even attempting to run for even dog catcher positions. I do agree that "Trump is just doing what Trump does" has delivered us to this juncture.
On the other hand, Sleepy Joe has pulled off the best midterm since FDR - dumb luck for a doddering fool, correct?
I think Biden is being greatly underestimated
That has been chronic since the day he took office. Truth of the matter, though, is that his detractors must underestimate him, because if they admitted his accomplishments, they'd lose their own followers. Demographics in this country are shifting, and the Repugnants must denigrate Democratic accomplishments in order to survive. It won't work.
I hope you are correct. Definitely.
Thanks, Mike. I hope I'm correct, too, but the caveat is that I'm neither a psychic nor an expert. I have, however, lived long enough to read the tea leaves, and I think he's about to get his comeuppance. I want payback to what he has done to our collective mental health and the condition of our much-flawed country.
It works to dig himself a bigger hole to fall into.
Credit AMERICAN GOP racism...
Hi Heather, This is good news for Brittaney and family. Obviously it would have been good to include Paul Whelan in the deal. However, a high school social studies teacher, Marc Fogel, was arrested at the same aiprort for the same charge, having medical marijuana with him, in August 2021. He had been teaching at the Anglo American School of Moscow for 10 years and was returning for the new school year. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison and is now in some Russian penal colony doing hard labor. Unbelievable, but true. He was prescribed the medical marijuana for chronic back pain, and has been without since his arrest. I'm sure that his pain is still there, while being forced to do hard labor. I know of this because he is a friend of mine. Who knows how many other Americans are being unjustly detained in Russia? Please add something about Marc to your newsletter as the Brittaney story continues to unfold. Thank you!
Mind boggling that people don’t know to stay out of Russia these days, and to be squeaky clean if you do go. You are a fly heading for the web. And you will wind up on Joe Biden’s list of problems, when that is the last thing that he needs.
She was there to make a living before the invasion. She was there because of wage inequality here. It’s a trap to blame her, without considering our privilege of not having to be there too.
No blaming Griner from me. Agree with you on this.
But...the State Dept has put out a travel warning (not loud enough, IMO) and any future travelers to Russia should understand they are taking a big risk regardless of what they have in their luggage. Russia has established more than a hot war in Ukraine. They are and have been for a very long time a criminal enterprise. Watch for more kidnappings - not just in Russia.
My advice to Americans - stay home. We are causing Russia pain that Putin didn't expect. He thought he would have his Trump puppet and could march across Europe like Hitler. Now he's pissed. Watch for more symbolic paybacks in an effort to shore up his weakening support at home. I think the guy is a desperate short timer. Which makes him even more dangerous....
I agree. And any gay person should stay as far away from this homophobic country as possible.
I've thought the very same thing for years. I'll settle for pictures of St. Petersburg and travel elsewhere.
Putin must have really wanted Bout back under his wing, and agree that he will do much more damage to compensate for his weakness and failing strategies.
If Putin has even the slightest suspicion that Bout talked, his life isn’t worth a plug nickel.
Putin and or his alcolites will be attempting to push their plan on the EU for the next 25 years. They will be forced out of their own country by climate change and it's financial consequences. IIMHO they are doomed, but not before they mess up the European continent like Hitler did.
Russia wants a warmer planet as much as they want Ukraine. A warmer Russia opens their Arctic ports year round. They can only export resources like Nickle in the summer. They want Ukraine for its oil and gas reserves, control food supply, and to prevent the opening of a direct route called the “southern route” pipelines from the ‘Stan’s, across the Caspian Sea through Turkey to Europe. Russians have been making billions and skimming billions off the gas trade as middlemen for the ‘Stan countries gas trade.
Wage inequality was exactly why Ms. Griner (along with a ton of WNBA players) play overseas in the off season.
The US is obsessed with the amount of money people make and the belief that if only they could make more they would be happier. And when someone has a boatload of money, what do they do with it? Well, some, like Gates, and like J Bezos' ex wife, give it away. But so many just try to use it to make more money! The baseball salaries are a good example of that; the Yankee owners will always be wealthier than Aaron Judge! I can hardly wait to see whether the new over 50 pickleball league will measure up....
Wage inequality in professional basketball? Please. Please just spare us this. Griner went there to make more money, not because she necessarily needs it to survive. Griner didn't have the good sense not to bring oil into a country where it was illegal and she got nailed partly because of the politics. But she opened that door. Compared to Fogel, she had a massive PR department making this THE federal case. Without that this deal - by all other signs - wouldn't have been done.
Yes, wage inequality. Did you know that, "The pay disparity between WNBA players and NBA players is glaring.
The average NBA player earns $5.3 million a year, according to 2021-2022 data from Basketball Reference. By comparison, WNBA players earn an average of $130,000 a year. This means the average NBA player makes 41 times what the average WNBA player makes."
Now whether or not you feel they need that money to survive is your opinion but wage inequality is a real thing.
Yes she want there to make money. Professional athletes only have a small window in which to earn money. Whether male or female. And that assumes no career-foreshortening injuries. Tom Brady is an exception. Most must earn as much as they can while at the top of their game. Witness the obscene amount the Yankees will pay Judge!
Comparative wage inequality yes. Minimum wage, no.
Nobody goes to Russia for work because they want to. They go because they kinda have to. Professional athletes go where the money is, but also it’s the $ that concentrates the talent and competition. To stay competitive she must compete against the best female talent in the off-season.
Like my grandmama used to say, “all money ain’t good money, baby.” Not to condone *anything*~ going to that country for any reason, at any current time, is poor decision-making. Period. As Americans who are accustomed to going anywhere on the globe, we must face that some places are just trouble and risky behavior that the country might have to pay for in time, money, sweat, tears, and even blood. Just go other places, people. Also, I agree, Uncle Joe doesn’t need another problem.
Excellent advise, Jeri!
Having established the equivalent of tenure in Russia, why would he worry about returning? Ok, I agree he made a mistake, but the US government should have caught him first.
Wow. I wonder how Fogel fell off the US radar of release? Or, maybe he was never on that radar?
Folks, please check the laws of the target country one will visit.
Abide by them.
Last time US Navy was visiting Stockholm two crew members were caught paying for having sex, which is illegal in Sweden; buying is, selling is not. I don't know what consequences they faced, but I trust they picked a good place to 'learn on the job', instead of studying in advance.
So, the women were in the clear, however, Olof, how can they sell if 'it' is illegal to buy? Screwy prostitution system in Sweden, don't you think? Tricky way to Free Sex. Thanks for sharing this insight into Sweden.
Yes, totally weird law giving to me too. As I have understood it it is an increasing tendency to use laws 'to send signals', without really considering the possibilities of upholding the law or assigning proper resources to do so. The basic idea is positivist; illegal is what is said in the law, and has nothing to do with what people intuitively, or naturally, may think. I haven't seen any studies of the outcome of this law, but prostitution was said to have decreased, and in cases of trafficking there is less chance of blaming the women. Prostitutes said they have nuttier customers. Now there is also a stricter law on 'consent' for having sex, and wider definition of rape. Even more difficulties to prove at court, but maybe less chances to avoid responsibility.
Amusing and not easy to explain, but you seem to have done a good job at it, Olof. Great material for comedians.
I read what prostitutes said in a news paper. Exotic experience for US sailors isn't it!
Thank you for mentioning Marc. Now that Brittany is free his plight needs to be publicized. He was a long time Moscow resident with many Russian friends. Seems to me he is a hostage. Putin reverts to KGB tactics to bring his spies home.
Gangster tactics.
The FSB, the KGB, they both operate for their power base inside and outside Russian borders. The FSB uses Russian mafia for political dirty tricks, funding, extra cash, use of intimidation, murder, extortion, etc. The Russian mafia is so strong because it has a state sponsor. Russian mafia is a paramilitary, para spy organization for protection of international Rackets/use of force to bend the Will, or bribes, providing plausible deniability for official policy makers. Russian mafia is different than how we Americans think of the costra Nostra here. Just Ask Paul Manafort.
Unsurprising, since essentially that's all Putin is: a gangster thug pretending to be canny strategist--which he is not.
Ganster Theif of State, with nuclear weapons.
Yes. There are many other Americans in prisons around the world that we nearly never hear about. Griner's release has at least brought the situation to broader attention.
Amnesty International works on these issues tirelessly and constantly. We can support their work too.
I think the PBS Newshour ran a segment on him awhile ago. His sister was on the show asking that he not be forgotten either. I hope the U.S. government works to get him returned as well.
I’m so sorry for your friend David. I hope he is released soon.
In today's Letter, HCR, gave, ‘Los Angeles Times legal correspondent Harry Litman the last word. He tweeted: “Wow. DOJ wants to hold Trump in contempt for violation of subpoena. A natural outgrowth of the trickling out of documents and failure to comply with subpoena from last May. But quite a strike across the bow.” (Letter)
Now for some history:
‘Why do we say 'shot across the bows'?
‘Where does the popular saying 'shot across the bows' come from? And what does it mean?’
‘To give someone a warning of imminent severe action is referred to as giving them a 'shot across the bows' – a phrase that, unsurprisingly, comes from the history of warfare. The ‘bows’ in question were found at the front of a ship, essentially the ‘shoulders’ of the vessel and the phrase first appeared during the 18th century.’
‘Sending a shot across the bows was a naval technique introduced at a time when the British navy ruled the seas and wars were fought not just on land but from the decks of mighty tall ships. The idea was not to actually fire on the ship, but to send a cannon ball near enough to signal them, force them to stop or let them know you’re ready for battle.’ (HistoryExtra)
As Harry tweeted, ‘Wow. DOJ wants to hold Trump in contempt for violation of subpoena.”
Per Reuters last night at 6:06 pm Eastern, the DOJ's application for contempt filed with Judge Beryl Howell was sealed. The hearing is today, Friday (tempted to mix metaphors ... nah).
Come on, mix them, please!
Need help from the Community. :)
Trump's lips cannot be sealed!
Good one. "And, a 2nd shot across the stern, bring a tooth brush."
Yup, a real sea change - and don't drop the soap!
Thanks, Fern, for the history of “shot across the bows”. Love it! Have a fine weekend.
Thank you, Elisabeth. I wish you a lovely weekend as well.
Thanks for the history! Interesting, and an apt anology. “Ready for battle” indeed!
Thanks for this Fern!! Was just going to look it up! Darn, now I have to produce a clever metaphor.
You've got the right stuff. and what has 'he' got?
Thank you Heather.
Welcome home Brittany!
As to tfg…
O to hear the words,
“Go to jail.
Go directly to jail.
Do not pass go.
Do not collect $200.”
Time to reopen Guantanamo.
Oophs, did this turn out to be a nothingburger? Today it didn’t merit a mention on the digital New York Times or Washington Post.
What happened? The facts seem straightforward:
1) Railroad management deliberately shaved down its number of employees by 29% over three years to become ‘lean and mean’ and much more profitable;
2) Railroad management set draconian regulations forcing its reduced staff to work limitless extra hours with harsh punishment for any employee who did not appear on a moment’s notice;
3) Four major railroad unions rejected a contract that did not provide some employee relief with at least five paid sick days;
4) President Biden declared that a railroad strike on December 9th would be a national pre-Christmas economic disaster;
5) Congress, under an archaic railroad law, met in emergency session to prohibit a railroad strike;
6) The House included a legislative provision that would provide days of paid employee sick leave;
7) Senate Republicans rejected the paid sick leave provision;
8) President Biden signed the no-railroad-strike legislation.
Huh? To me this is almost as bad as the Railroad Strike of 1877 when Federal troops were employed to deals with the ‘troublesome’ railroad strikers.
What about union railroad workers who are being screwed by railroad management as railroad profits and top executive compensation are hitting historic highs?
I am astonished that the health and family welfare of union railroad workers are seemingly being swept under the rug and a smug railroad management has been rewarded with a stunning legislative victory.
This may seem like a nothingburger on December 9th. If I were a railroad union employee, I would be contemplating sick outs and other ‘mini strikes’ to obtain more humane working conditions.
Biden and Congress had to stop the strike. But they could have furnished a plan to continue negotiations. The workers are being indifferently treated like the software that rules them. It is not humane. We are letting oligarchs put huge profits ahead of people. What is the point of all our technology and transportation and supply chains and manufacturing if the people who operate it all are treated like shit?
I am a Democrat who wants our party to stand for working class people. There is a lot of wordsmithing about labor and so called support for unions. But if we are going to regain the support of the millions of workers who have been screwed over by industry we need to stand with them. Joe Biden, with his style of embracing the average person - his capacity for empathy - could be crossing the country (along with cabinet officers in support) selling union membership and workers rights. Do it Joe. Be a President of the People. Fuck the oligarchs.
In spades.
Democrats and Biden are not done with this either. It's just that right now The Railroaders hold all the Christmas cards.
MaryPat I hear the Railroaders saying ‘bend over, I have a Christmas card for you.’
And this is what I am talking about. Talk this up all you Dem messengers! Gifted link:
I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of this. Republicans have already taken up the cause, even after they voted against sick leave. They can always be depended on to believe in the stupidity of their supporters
Iron flu.
It seems even star women pro basketball players like Brittney Griner are paid so poorly compared to male pro players they have to travel to places like Russia (in winter!) in the offseason to augment their meager income.
Griner was a victim of state kidnapping for ransom by the Russian government. If they hadn’t found that little bit of cannabis oil they would have drummed up something else as a reason for her arrest. According to a story in The NY Times, (link below) Putin has been trying to repatriate arms dealer, and probable GRU agent, Bout for some time. Snatching Griner worked for him.
But she had an illegal substance, travelers should know better
Agreed. I think in normal circumstances, that tiny bit of prescribed medication, illegal in Russia, would have been ignored or, at most, confiscated, and that would have been the end of it. But Putin needed a hostage to trade for his pet arms dealer/GRU agent Viktor Bout and Brittney Griner fit the bill perfectly. From a PR standpoint, the US couldn't let an innocent, balck, female athlete languish in a Russian prison for nine years. Paul Whelan, ex-Marine, "security executive", held since 2019 on espionage charges, wasn't worth the trade for Bout. As I said in my comment, had there been no illegal substance, the Russians would have planted some, or drummed up something else to arrest Griner for.
According to reports from the government, it was either trade for Griner or for nobody. The Russians refused to trade for Whelan. It should be noted that Whelan’s family supports this deal. Putin held the cards; it’s not like Biden could set the terms. What could he do? Refuse to trade for Griner & keep her in Russia in a labor camp when he could bring her home? And I would add that the small amount of cannabis oil that she carried was covered by a medical prescription for pain. Hard choices for Biden, but he is our President & will make the hard choices, unlike some who won’t. I see that Putin & his supporters are making this into a political attack & outright lying about the terms. Sad.
I agree with all your points.
Putin is making much of this because he hasn’t been able to put much in the “win” column lately. So let him take his little victory lap.
Thank you for such a thoughtful response to my comment.
She had it while entering Russia not just when leaving Russia.
That said it might be worth asking a few questions
Was her luggage inspected/ searched by Russian border police (or whatever they are called) when she entered the country? If not why?
And if they did inspect her luggage when entering Russia why didn’t they arrest her right then and there?
There's no evidence any other basketball players were arrested on falsified evidence, is there? Going to Russia in the weeks prior to the invasion was possibly ill advised. Going with an illegal substance was foolish at best.
“There's no evidence any other basketball players were arrested on falsified evidence, is there?”
They only needed one.
I can't help wondering if Griner's team in Russia would have known of her prescription.
I love these letters.
I’m glad Brittney is home. Being a pawn is never a good thing. Bet she never goes back to Russia.
The other guy, his time will come. Please.
Onto the lying orange mange of your society. I’m happy they are cornering him, dismayed that it has taken so long, dismayed that so many people still believe his lies.
Like a rat, Trump is being cornered. It’s absolutely pleasurable. Wish Jack had been on board 2 years ago.
Jack Smith is The Closer: "a person who is skilled at bringing a business transaction to a satisfactory conclusion." This timing is perfectly orchestrated by Merrick Garland. Making the popcorn. [Had to correct "popcorn" 3 times. It wanted to be "poocorn".]
I'm not so sure that so many people really do any more, Anne: they've got their own agendas. I think he's now being used just as cynically as he's always used others
Chump can ALWAYS be counted on to divide, distract, and digress. He never disappoints in phony concern for a Marine, he who is the bone spurs coward and who called fallen soldiers “losers,”
While the release of Griner in exchange for the “Merchant of Death,” Viktor Bout, may seem like an unbalanced deal: Bout will assuredly remain a target on worldwide networks. Ms. Griner is hardly a threat off the court, and being used as a pawn in the Kremlin’s game. There will always be Bouts to fill the boots.
My thoughts exactly. I’m sure the “void” he left was filled before his seat got cold.
Yes. There are plenty of sociopaths ready to step up.
Bout was arrested in 2008 in Thailand, which was actively helping US counterterrorism activities at the time. He was held in Thailand for three years until extradited to the US for trial in 2011. So, for 14 years he has been available to the US Intelligence community and FBI for interrogation on matters touching on possible Russian--particularly Putin--support for terrorist organizations who mean harm to Americans. In 14 years I imagine he has divulged much if not all relevant information he possesses. If he hasn't, Putin, who like most of his nomenklatura comrades suffers paranoia and a guilty conscience, must think he (Bout) has sung like a canary.
No kidding Putin wants him home.
I don't doubt we have gotten what we need in intelligence information from the man. If Biden's critics are upset that Bout won't be "paying his debt to society" in an American prison, I doubt he'll find life under suspicion (or worse) in Russia much of an improvement.
Somehow though, I don't think the folks hollering about swapping Bout for Griner are really that offended he was released.
Welcome home, Brittany!
You bring up good points, Denis. I think Putin wants about back for other, more nefarious reasons.
"She's safe. She's on on a plane. She's on her way home."
One very, very lucky young woman.
Next time, make sure you know the laws of the countries you are playing in, and, make sure you abide by them rigorously.
Then, we don't need prisoner swaps, manipulation of media, and Trump/Russia noise.
I’m really not sure where heard this info, but it was my understanding that she has been in Russia a great deal and had always carried the oil without incident. And this was a much smaller amount than she has had before. And again I can’t site a source. I thought that was a huge part of the confusion with her being arrested.
She has played in Russia for many years to supplement her income. Why? Because the players in the WNBA do not make the millions that the guys do. Brittany has a wife and has two children from a previous marriage. This woman has poured her heart and soul into her profession. Putin used her as bait because he can’t stomach gays nor blacks.
So, Marlene, to fix this is to make sure female players receive an income commensurate with their male counterparts!
Morning, Lynell! Yes, exactly so.
Morning, Ally!
Absolutely, Lynell!! Women have gotten screwed, literally and figuratively, for too damn long! I see Brittney, once she has had time to take care of herself, to be a strong advocate for this to happen.
Thank you. I have not followed the story closely except Dr. Richardson's reporting. All I know is:
1) She was arrested with a substance that is illegal in Russia, while on Russian soil.
2) We just released one of the nastiest, most deadly men on earth to the wild to garner her release.
Who knows how many dead humans will be the consequence of this swap?
Although, once the "Merchant of Death" was captured, somebody else would have stepped up. Weapons dealing being as lucrative as it is, there are plenty of sociopaths to do this nasty work. I have always laid the responsibility for much of the suffering in this world to those who actually make lethal weapons- owners of plants, stock holders, workers, distributors, sales people etc. How they sleep at night is beyond me.
I agree! I cringe to think what such scum will do now that he’s released.
No excuse, Russia is a known kidnapper
Damn straight, we don’t need to be our own worse enemies
Ordinary travellers shouldn't need to do in-depth research for every country they plan to travel to .
Yes they should. It's just common sense. To assume everything is ok is arrogantly rude.
It is considered wise. Actually, it'd be better if it were common sense.
Russia has been a known nasty country for many years, including criminalizing being gay. Why anyone would go there is beyond me.
Two very important developments highlighted in your letter tonight; Thank you so much, Professor. The generic point you make about the Russians, as well as others possibly, is perhaps particularly salient: "[As it has been noted elsewhere] [i]t is worth noting that Russian operatives work to sow division in the U.S., and permitting Biden to win the freedom of a Black married lesbian while keeping a white former Marine in prison is the sort of ploy that could turn the repatriation of an American into a cultural flashpoint. Impressively, both the Griner family and the Whelan family avoided that trap and kept a united front."
Listening to the so many folks in the media follow the misguided narrative....asking why Paul Whelan was not released along with Brittney Griner, implying that her release was not as warranted!!
All the the regular hosts at MSNBC ...Katy Tur, Hallie Jackson , Alex Wagner(Ouch, this
Trump blasting this exchange is to be expected. It's all he knows how to do. It would be nice if he'd have the same class and decorum as the two families (Whelan and Griner) who are actually involved in this case But 'class and decorum' are two things Trump can't even spell let alone possess.
I am very thankful Brittaney is home, I am sure she will need time for recovery. I pray she will be able to return to the sport she loves.
I really appreciated the reminder through our news agencies that there are many Americans held in captivity throughout the world. I appreciated this information so that I can expand my reality and support those who are working to free others, in prison . Amnesty International is one such organization.
Thank you Heather. I am so greatful for your work....for your "letters"'
I pray she will have a new respect for this country. She may love her sport but she doesn't love this country.
Demonstrating against brutality and discrimination is a patriotic duty. Worshipping a song and a piece of fabric hardly make one a patriot when injustice against fellow citizens is ignored.
Oh, please.
Exactly! Picture this: Tracy Ullman comedy “eye roll skit” of her playing Andrea Merkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tszidfq32DQ
Too funny! I love it Barbara!
I am with you on this Ally.
for sure.
Why do you say she doesn't love her country? Please explain?
Because kneeling during the national anthem clearly demonstrates that she doesn’t love this country (sarcasm).
If I were black, I would not participate in the National Anthem in any way.
right? No need to celebrate being whipped to death for Sunday entertainment.
It seems like a reasonable trade to me. One more arms dealer amongst hundreds probably won't make much difference in arms trading in the future. And, one less prisoner in a federal lockup is saving the taxpayers many thousands of dollars every year. Grines was foolish, but lacking in criminal intent. She'll earn a bunch of money back in the league and pay a bunch of taxes, also a useful contribution to the stability of our country. I imagine she'll have some enlightening things to say about the Russian justice and penal systems over the coming days and weeks.
Honestly, I think Bout may be dead in a year.
He’s apt to fall out of a window.
She was foolish, and foolish in Russia becomes Joe’s problem. Stop it, dumbarse Americans