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Wow! Trump said Biden could have gotten Whelan out "for the asking." Trump had the opportunity to ask his buddy Putin, but didn't. This one just got to me, just for the pure mendacity and hypocrisy on an issue related to someone imprisoned, after he pardoned all his buddies and got them out of prison sentences. That set into the context of his disgusting comments about Griner's release!

So many layers of awfulness crammed into a few sentences. No matter how I try to steel myself before I read I keep being gut punched. I just can't believe what this malevolent sociopath can say and not get called out on it, whether big issues like terminating the Constitution or individual, like one woman's freedom.

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'Declaration of Independence Found in Trump Storage Unit'

'WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s legal team struggled to explain how the original Declaration of Independence made its way to a storage unit leased by the former President in Queens, New York.'

'The lawyers informed the Justice Department that they had discovered the eighteenth-century document under a stack of hastily packed items, including several pairs of socks and the Oval Office’s television remote.' (Satire, NewYorker)

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🤣 Thanks Fern!!

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I do love Andy B. 😂❤️

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What’s it going to take to get rid of this sick SOB???

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Trump is just doing what Trump does.

1. Screwing everything he touches up.

2. Blaming someone else for his screw up.

Now, the interesting thing about Trump's approach historically?

It works.

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Yes, that's been our problem all along..."Trump is just doing what Trump does." That's how he's gotten away with EVERYTHING he's done. He's a wannabe dictator, wannabe captain of industry, wannabe mob boss, wannabe entertainment mogul, and wannabe billionaire so we've dismissed his antics for so long it's finally destroying our country. It would be nice if he were just a wannabe decent human being, but that boat sailed a long time ago.

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He was not brought up to be a decent human being.

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I’m sick of trump being trump. Also sick of sinema being sinema.

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1. Welcome home Brittney😊

2. May the Fat Man burn in hell ASAP.

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I call her Sinematic for her theatrics. With a one seat majority, she gets less attention -- unless she leaves the party as an independent. What a sad example of how lucre can blind one's ideals.

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Did Sinema recently do something sickening?

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She just left the Dem Party and became an Independent.

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Hear, hear!!!!!! 1000% Agreement!!!!!

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Hmm. Reading the verbatim "truth" I realized that it is too well written to have actually been written by Trump. It has too few caps and too much punctuation.

Disgusting even if it is the work of a minion.

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Always, the repugnant Stephen Miller comes to mind.

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I think you are right Mike S and with any luck he will take the current incarnation of the Republican party with him. The nation needs a center right party, but to build the Republican party needs to burn itself out.

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It has worked for an unbelievable amount of time, but I do not believe it can work forever. And hopefully our government will get buttoned up a bit so this type of tyrant can't get away with what he has.

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The only way that Trump gets anywhere near the presidency again is if the SCOTUS rules in favor of legislatures controlling voting and then legislatures move to control voting in Trump's favor in '24. Phase one was stopped on 1/6/21, passed two was stopped on 11/8/22, and this is the last phase. Trump can't win a free and fair election. Not sure I can say the same about any other wannabe right wing dictator in this country, but Trump is in his death throes.

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...until it doesn't.

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Hope now!

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Mike, perhaps his historic approach is now the kiss of death. The Red Tsunami was a Pink Trickle, and most of the candidates he supported are in the dust bin. As further punishment for his criminality, I see financial ruin (accompanied by public disclosure that he was never the billionaire he claimed to be), as well as at least felony convictions that will preclude his even attempting to run for even dog catcher positions. I do agree that "Trump is just doing what Trump does" has delivered us to this juncture.

On the other hand, Sleepy Joe has pulled off the best midterm since FDR - dumb luck for a doddering fool, correct?

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I think Biden is being greatly underestimated

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That has been chronic since the day he took office. Truth of the matter, though, is that his detractors must underestimate him, because if they admitted his accomplishments, they'd lose their own followers. Demographics in this country are shifting, and the Repugnants must denigrate Democratic accomplishments in order to survive. It won't work.

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I hope you are correct. Definitely.

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Thanks, Mike. I hope I'm correct, too, but the caveat is that I'm neither a psychic nor an expert. I have, however, lived long enough to read the tea leaves, and I think he's about to get his comeuppance. I want payback to what he has done to our collective mental health and the condition of our much-flawed country.

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It works to dig himself a bigger hole to fall into.

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Credit AMERICAN GOP racism...

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