
Your 4 PM (ET) talk today was fascinating. I was taken with your explanation of why it’s incredibly difficult for followers of a deceitful leader to disengage from that person, especially after joining them in marginalizing and being hateful and hurtful to other humans. If followers did break away, they would be wracked with guilt and regret.

I looked up Eric Hoffer, described as an American moral and social philosopher, and found this:


“Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents … Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil.” ~ Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements

“Hoffer states that three personality types typically lead mass movements: “men of words”, “fanatics”, and “practical men of action.” Men of words try to “discredit the prevailing creeds” and create a “hunger for faith” which is then fed by “doctrines and slogans of the new faith.” (p. 140) Slowly followers emerge.

Then fanatics take over. Fanatics don’t find solace in literature, philosophy, or art. Instead, they are characterized by viciousness, the urge to destroy, and the perpetual struggle for power. But after mass movements transform the social order, the insecurity of their followers is not ameliorated. At this point, the “practical men of action” take over and try to lead the new order by further controlling their followers.

In the end mass movements that succeed often bring about a social order worse than the previous one. (This was one of Will Durant’s findings in The Lessons of History.) As Hoffer puts it near the end of his work: “All mass movements … irrespective of the doctrine they preach and the program they project, breed fanaticism, enthusiasm, fervent hope, hatred, and intolerance.” (p. 141)”

This connects to your explanation of today. Is this what we’ve been truly witnessing over the last years? Where does this “movement” go from here?

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I don’t have a twitter account, as I don’t believe any truth can be compressed into a sound bite or a tweet.

Yet, I do wish something would go viral on the state of affairs at the top of our sad country. I remember countless times late in the night of what ever ED I was attending when an addict would present in crisis and his family and friends would gather round insisting he “is just depressed,” his “outlandish behavior is not usual” his “violence is just because…” At times it seemed that the surrounding co-dependents were worse than the addict.

Yes, Trump is after cash. Yes, he is after attention. Yes, his still amazingly huge numbers of followers are still enthralled in his delusion. But we as a country don’t have to swallow it.

This is power addiction. If it could be called out as such and the topic could become at least part of the story I would feel that, at least, we are doing our jobs as citizens.

Sadly, I have not personally cultivated a voice loud enough to make that happen.

Sorry if my tone is too much or inappropriate for this venue. It is frustrating to watch this continue to happen.

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One of the greatest pleasures of the demise of the Trump administration is that I will not have to hear the extremely irritating voice of Kayleigh McEnany anymore.

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Thank you, Dr. Richardson! As always, such a great summary as we soldier on to January 20th. I have to attach my favorite Washington Post comment from this morning's article reporting the selection of Jennifer Granholm as Secretary of Energy....

"Y'know, I'm getting tired of these highly-qualified, intelligent, people getting nominated for roles where they can do amazing things. Where's the drama? Where's the big donor who barely understands what his office does? Does anyone really think that as Energy Secretary Granholm will spend 80 grand on bronze doors for her office?

This quiet competence is killing me!"

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Mine today is a short, simple observation: won’t it be wonderful when the need/desire no longer exists to include the ethnicity and/or sexual orientation and gender identity (ditto for those who are disabled) in news reports and other communiques about someone in the eye of the public?

Taking stock of the qualifications, experience, education and the like should suffice.

Could it be as simple as practicing inclusion? I most ardently hope!

Stay well, everyone 😎

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Less then 70 people attended Pompeo's Christmas party. That fact will keep me in a happy place all day.

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Ron Johnson and Kayleigh McEnany should go on the road with their Dog & Pony show after DT exits the scene– no preference here for which is the dog and which is the pony.

It could be something akin to a magical reality standup with charts and graphs highlighted with black Sharpie and thought bubbles that float through the air behind them (Contribute to Trump 2024, 2028, 2032 … Free Paul Manafort! … Broccoli is a Socialist Vegetable! … Ivanka for Princessident!).

The Proud Boys could provide security (think Altamont Raceway 1969) except they could preemptively rough up a few liberals before the event as needed to assure a copacetic atmosphere.

I mean, it would be a shame if all that talent and experience they have contriving their alternative universe of factoids goes to waste - right?

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Thank you HCR. I was surprised; then, I became excited. A ho hum gray department is getting a fresh face. Pete Buttegieg is likely going to do an excellent job, if he is supported by those passed over. 🤞🏻 His performance for BidenHarris on Fox was terrific and in a way earned this reward. Apart from his well-known intellect, imagine having a person in your cabinet who is that good on his feet. This is the second rival who has been given a place at the WH table. Also: Because he’s not a senator. Now, how about Andrew Yang? Create a department for him, if need be. He really gets what’s happening to the future of work, moved to GA, and created Humanity Forward. He can really help Biden Build Back Better. ❤️🤍💙

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One note on Pete Buttigieg, as Mayor he did a significant transportation redesign in South Bend that was very successful by most accounts I can find, so he might actually be a really good fit for Transportation and Biden's plans to make transportation part of his overall Climate program.

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Thank you Professor Richardson, as always! I’m sorry I had to miss your chat yesterday (meetings, meetings...) I feel that Trump will do whatever he can to be the center of attention. When he loses his Presidential Twitter account, when his every pronouncements and moves are not covered by the media perhaps he will implode. And take his family with him. On another note I think Pete Buttigieg will do a good job as Secretary of Transportation. I met him at a dinner in 2018 when my company was about to publish his first book “The Shortest Way Home” (still available from your independent bookstores) He was doing a listening tour and had not yet declared himself a candidate. I was impressed with his listening skills, his thoughtfulness, his planning. Still am.

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So, this morning news comes that tRump is to order a special prosecutor to look into Hunter Biden. The news reminded me of how truly cruel this man is. What's the benefit of such an investigation other than to make others suffer? And the cruelty of this man extends to his rush to execute as many on death row as he can before 1/21/21. To what end? To make him appear strong and a "law and order" kind of guy? And then....I read yesterday that apparently, tRump signed, yes, signed, a legal document stating he would never make Mar-a-Lago his permanent residence. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/12/trump-mar-a-lago-palm-beach-florida-deal-agreement-development-club-residence.html. The residents of Palm Beach knew long ago they didn't want this rat living in their midst. How will he manage to get out of this one? Maybe he'll be heading to jail instead!

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https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/16/opinion/republican-party-voter-fraud.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage "To affirm Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the winners of the election more than a month after the end of voting — as Mitch McConnell did, on Tuesday morning, when he announced that “our country officially has a president-elect and vice-president elect” — is to treat the outcome as unofficial pending an attempt to overturn the result."

As Heather says, this is the Republicans attempting to create a new normal. But there is nothing normal about this. She said in her FB talk yesterday that it was a mistake to pardon Nixon, and I totally agree. By now we should have learned that you don't corral a bully by saying, "Play nicely, now." You corral him by blistering his ass and sending him out of the room. Any parent could tell you that.

Mitch McConnell is a snake who is worse than Trump; there was never any doubt that Trump was a crook. McConnell has conned a lot of people into thinking he's got some shred of integrity. I hope this removes all doubt.

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I don't have much in the way of sympathy for Kayleigh McEnany, I have to assume she knew what she was getting into. But it's hard on a strictly human level not to feel a little bad for her. To be the nation's #1 public liar in the waning days of an empire built on lies is certainlya tough spot to be in.

Mike Pompeo on the other hand is a thoroughly contemptible individual. I won't go any further than that out of respect for civility here, except to say it is my ardent wish that he make a permanent exit from public life, the sooner the better. A man can hope.

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Already I feel so much calmer reading your letters, Heather. The pressure seems to be lifted off me as a protester and onto the shoulders of our elected officials whose responsibility it is to take action. I will continue to pass on the information I learn from you. Thank you for making this last year barable. You will be an important part of the “new normal”.

I broke my rule about not doing any payments on line, so I can take advantage of more of

your offerings.

Wishing you the best of health and time, energy and inspiration to succeed in

making all your dreams come true.

Aunt Susan

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HCR, the lull in the news cycle gives a moment to reflect. The stark differences in voting patterns and the guilability to propaganda of those with high school vs. a college eduction points to a need for GI Bill type support for improved educational opportunities nation wide. While Dr. Jill Biden apparently plans to make support for community colleges her signature mission as first lady, far greater emphasis on education as an essential element of American democracy and economic interest is needed. Your comments on this need and solutions that are emerging, would be welcome. Thanks for your insights on so many vital news items. You are appreciated.

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Saying that Pete Buttigieg is good in front of a camera is faint praise for his rhetorical skills. He's the best speaker we have on the public stage at the moment. How have great speeches changed the course of history?

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