Hello Everyone 🥰

I am making a brief appearance here to thank each and every one of you who participated in my journey these past 4 years.

My father passed yesterday evening. As you know, he has played an outsized role in my life. It’s the end of an era. My wife and I and doggie are settled (finally) in a new home in Port Angeles, Washington, in a brand new life. It’s like starting over in the middle of your life, but with the same Dodge Ram 2500 and a lot of the same furniture.

I’m thanking you all personally. All of you bore witness. This community was my Dad therapy. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


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We truly are a country of beautiful and spacious skies! Thank you more than I can say for your great work, which I appreciate every single day.

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Thank you for sharing the historical underpinnings of current events including past outcomes, cautions and causes for comfort. Thank you also for prodding us when we are tempted to give up and assume the fetal pose. Lastly, thank you for sharing the abundance of Mother Nature through your, Buddy’s and others’ wonderful portraits of our land.

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Thank you 🙏🏻 for all the wonderful information you share with us. And for the beautiful pictures. You are an inspiration and a role model. Rest well ♥️🌸

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Such a wonderfully tranquil scene. What a stunning contrast to what the brave Ukrainian people are experiencing. I hope that American complacency will not result in abandoning the Ukrainian fight against Putin’s blood thirsty calumny.

I have just rewatched the American Revolution series in which we struggled for 8 years to obtain our democracy. It wasn’t easy for us—and is even more difficult for the Ukrainians.

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America The Beautiful. We ought not to forget that.

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Rest well, Professor ♥️

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In spite of all our ongoing squabbles in this country, it always is worthwhile to occasionally pause and remember this incredibly beautiful land we are SO fortunate to call our own. Its beauty is all around us if we'll but take the time and trouble to view it. May we never take it for granted and may we do all in our power to keep it beautiful. Dr. Richardson reminds us not only of our history but of why it is we so love this land of ours. God bless us all...

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The nation's Soother: HCR.

My BP just dropped 10 points.


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We live near Indiana Dunes (but in Michigan). It is beautiful! Thank you for sharing this photo.

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You are marvelous ❣️

With much gratitude and appreciation 🌺🙏♥️

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As they say, “All good things come to an end.” Well, this week is sending. Whether it’s classified as a “good” week, I guess, is up to the reader. Enjoy your evening. Another week starts tomorrow with a meeting by the January 6 Committee. It’s going to be an interesting week!!!

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Thank you. Your writing calms me.

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Yes, indeed. I am very blessed to live there. The biodiversity is amazing and it was there the English term "ecology" originated. It was to be named our second National Park by Congress in 1917, but got set aside after the WWI broke-out. Much of it then became developed by steel mils and oil refineries. However, conservationist Dorothy Buell at age 65, founded Save the Dunes and worked with Illinois Senator Paul Douglass, to have Congress officially designate and protect it as a National Lakeshore in 1966.

Fast Forward to 2019, and President Trump's insistence that a border wall between the US and Mexico be constructed under the Consolidations Appropriations Act. Northwest Indiana Congressman Pete Visclosky, ingeniously attached a "rider" to the bill to have the Indiana Dunes National Seashore changed to the Indiana Dunes National Park. The bill passed on February 15, 2019, making it the 61st National Park and the only one in Indiana.

It comprises 15,000 acres with 15 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline, and is an hour by train from downtown Chicago via the South Shore Line. Recreational activities include swimming, boating, fishing, hiking, camping, nature exploration of over 1200 species, and historical education. Last year it was the 7th most visited National Park in the US.

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Such diversity of water and shore in this lovely country of ours. The world is a marvelous wonder. Thank you for your diligence and dedication for truth telling.

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Well deserved rest, Professor.

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