So they predict that Trump will win next year because his base is rabidly loyal and the rest of us are too dispirited to vote for Biden. Let's prove them wrong.

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I'm not dispirited. I'm angry at the lawlessness in Congress, especially on the Republican side. Vote for law and democracy while you still can.

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Thank you Jay; I am not dispirited at all. Neither is Hannah Moldavin , the Spokeswoman for the J6 Committee (@HannaMuldavin). Hannah reports 5 House Congressional Representatives participated in the J6 Insurrection & did not respond to J6 Committee subpoenas. Hannah says those 5 need "accountability"; I say they need criminal indictments.

One of those called out by Liz Cheney "you did this" inside the House aisles during the J6 attack was KEVIN MCCARTHY who is not running for re-election. Hopefully, Kevin will be busy having some court dates as an unindicted coconspirator.

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I think the JANUARY 6TH COMMITTEE meetings should be shown on an endless loop for the next year. Those truth tellers need to be seen and remembered.

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Great idea!

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I remain angry at Liz Cheney’s refusal to go after those Congress members who aided in the insurrection. Many members of her j-6 committee quit in disgust over her refusal. It was a dangerously stupid choice she made.

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I do not know enough about US history and politics. I have some personal experience with how tough it is to criticize the extremists in groups and organizations I have been a member of, I was impressed with Liz Cheney's courage given where she lives and I was amazed that her father supported her. I am reading ad learning here. I live in Canada and we have all the same issues in Canada. In fact I feel Canadians who like me watched in horror the election of former President Trump are in for a very painful time. Monied MAGAs are everywhere in Canada and indeed authoritarian populists are popping up everywhere. Your work is vital. Thank you,

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Thank you Linda. I have followed the continuing DOJ prosecutions & plea deals closely which now total over 1100 but, we will I see what the J6 Committee spokeswoman has transmitted on her social media Platform. We may see 1 or more of the House Perps show up in trials as Coconspirators. Kevin McCarthy is leaving the DC jurisdiction. That will not help him.

FYI, LIZ CHENEY will be interviewed by Rachel Madden tomorrow on her Monday 9 PM Eastern MSNBC show.

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Thank you P&J Rebellion in Canada.

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In fact it's Patrick Henry time: Freedom not slavery. Democracy not the divine right of kings. Give me Liberty or Give me death!

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I hope there are non violent possibilities and that we can stop the blood bath occurring now in Gaza and occurring our of sight of cameras everywhere in the majority world .

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At least the congress showed justice in expelling Santos.

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The vote should have been unanimous.

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I don't how many Neo-Republicans were moved by justice or optics. Santos has lacked the crowd-appeal of Der Dumpster.

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Der Dumpster. My new favorite pseudonym for He Who Must Not Be Named.

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Good point. I meant to say ideally.

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They are no majority Dirk, just a loud, bawdy cheer leading squad lavishing in too much coverage; it's always been a conjured illusion.

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But they have ensnared plenty of “helpers” who are and will be embedded in important positions in Nov. Texas is full of money, leaders, helpers, and cretins. They are spread far and wide. In other states, they will be strategically placed. Never doubt that they are dead serious and dedicated to the ugliest idol ever patched together.

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Jeri, They foresee an oligarchy in which they have more power because they are in the “inner circle”. They ignore how those that once were in the innermost circle have been tossed aside for the slightest signs of “disloyalty”. They fail to acknowledge that, as Ezra Klein’s book title says “Everything Trump Touches Dies”.

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That's actually Rick Wilson's book--but your point stands.

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Looks like the Kevins would have figured that out by now.

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Jeri, just like the remoras that groom sharks, they feel that sticking close will protect them.

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Options must be slim and none. But the repubs are in a prison of their own making,

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Excellent point. Power seems to act like a powerful drug. Under its influence, this inner circle feels invincible. It's an illusion but a dangerous one if the rest of society doesn't keep them in check....

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Interesting truths and perspectives, being more pragmatic on improving the poor's basic needs than which truth is true on subjective phenomenology. I hope you can offer some feedback on my lifelong journey for a better US society. See details in my posted comment at: https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/december-1-2023?r=5hgfu&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=44660927

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So true.

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You might be thinking of Rick Wilson :)

That being said, wish Trump would do a self skin check every morning.

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DL, you’re right. Should have checked before I posted.

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I only know because I've a signed copy :)

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I'm hoping that doesn't include our nation.

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You are so correct Jerri. Do not become complacent by believing that the “radical few” can be ignored and they will go away. Everyone everywhere must heed our responsibility to tend to our freedoms and not take these freedoms for granted. I daily find it difficult to understand there are those that want to destroy our way of governance, our way of life - how can that be!? Be informed. Vote. It’s your most valuable privilege.

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Have since of age. No patience with those who don't, family or not.

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They may be "spread far and wide" but they are not the majority of the totality of American voters. Sometimes these power-grabbers delude themselves into thinking they have more power than they do. Case in point: yesterday, the four top Republicans led by the dangerous Mike Johnson voted against expelling Santos simply to keep a guaranteed vote for their agenda. They thought they were sending a message to their fellow Republicans to fall in line and vote the same. The majority, however, sent a different message back.

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true, but in swing states, they will be well-placed. Texas has it down pat.

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It's a cult, and every day Trump is sure to feed them their daily dose of lies and vitriol.

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indeed it is, as dangerous as Jim Jones, and his ilk. Or more so.

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Trump's cult is huge, and it's financed by dark money. Jones merely filched his followers' bank accounts and SS checks. The true danger of Trump is in the fact that very powerful people want to see him become president.

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Yep, more so than before. They got a whiff of political power

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The fascists and their ilk.

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Yes. And we must be aware of the nine states so far that have rejected ERIC, the ‘Election Regulation Information Center’. It has been the tool used by 30 states to prevent fraud, with the voter rolls being continuously updated. It was achieved after a long struggle which required resorting to many sources to make it faultless. They had to rely on Social Security numbers and DMV records to make to foolproof. It was funded by George Soros. Nine states have now rejected it claiming it’s an invasion of privacy. They claim they can replace it but have failed to come up their own process that will prevent fraud. Is the endgame for them to be able to scour the ballots after the voting closes and claim fraud and invalidate the election? Or is it Soros and believing it has to be a left-wing invention?

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Thank you for this. Crazy how Soros has been demonized as what the repub billionaires are. Except they are the real villans. No surprises there. Hope NC does the right thing.

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You're absolutely right Jeri, and I thank you for stepping in following my comment ! I mean that. I did not intend to minimize to the degree it certainly appears I did in that too brief comment. 'They do' have a lot of "helpers" and the ensnared, numbering in the millions and many embedded in very strategic positions. They cannot and must not be ignored. They are extremely well funded, organized, and own the advantage of many years planning and executing said plans, successfully I might add; Let us count the ways, a highly effective near nationwide gerrymander of local and state political systems, a well stacked judicial system all the way to SCOtUS, and a death grip on many local and national broadcast means. The minority I spoke of are the leaders; financiers, think tanks, organizational leaders, etc. And yes, they are deadly serious about power, money, and reigning supreme, as opposed to civil democratic law. Now that I have myself nearly hyperventilating, I should end here with this; It simply isn't going to be enough to be right; we have to sell it. That's what we're learning here hopefully.

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Agree with every important word

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Their objective of ginning up MAGA votes is as real as their actions to suppress our efforts to steer towards sanity. The 2016 election was very much a strategic game of number suppression in States like MI, PA, WI. They are at it again. Trying to flood the media-sphere with “hopeless” news, and faux-polling to discourage us or make us question Biden’s age and competence. The choice is Sanity or Insanity. The gop House Speaker voting to keep Santos is emblematic of the insanity in store for us if we don’t keep pushing back, up and forward against all current gop.

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Lordy I hope you are correct.

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Vote and remind everyone you know to do the same

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Robert Hubbell counters the Kagan prognosis very effectively. We are not sheep. See his concluding thoughts in today's newsletter, https://open.substack.com/pub/roberthubbell/p/weekend-edition?r=48ef0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thanks!! This is just what I needed. I subscribe to Hubbel's newsletter, but hadn't read it yet today.

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Appreciate this redirect

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So I just read Robert Hubbell's comments, thank you for the link, but I wanted to post a link to my comments here on Letters to Americans, but not being a paying subscriber, I failed. I hope you can read my post comment today, here is the link, and consider sharing it with Robert Hubbell's aspirations for a better healthier USA. PPJ https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/december-1-2023?r=5hgfu&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=44660927

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Another of us for sure

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Dec 2, 2023
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You are exactly right about U.S. and Germany post WWI. Germany so hampered by the reparations and the shame heaped on the country as a whole made it much worse. And the hyperinflation experienced by the German populace bears no comparison to our single low digit that is going down for us. In addition, France and Belgium pulled a Putin and invaded the Ruhr Valley and made that area a hostage. Then Herr Hitler took advantage with his anti-Jewish rants that played into the scapegoating of Jews in Germany. A similarity with our own version of a racist autocrat ensued with Hitler's failed "insurrection" (Beer hall putsch) that helped him to power 10 years later. I highly recommend the new book by Volker Ullrich, "Germany 1923: Hyperinflation, Hitler's Putsch, and Democracy in Crisis," Liverwright, 2023.

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Fox has convinced people that our economy is in a bad state. And high food prices are making people believe it. It’s not good.

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Nils Bohr is sometimes credited with saying “It is very hard to predict, especially the future.” which he probably did, but it predates him.

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Until I started reading Letters it was hard for me to predict the past.

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Alec, you are so right. I like the humor and also the serious point; HCR illuminates the past for us. And that, in turn, clarifies what’s happening in our daily lives in the present. She does it with humility but I think it’s a gift. Forgive this wordy reply, but I want lastly to say I’m grateful to you for your post. It started off my day in a cheerful, positive way.

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No need to forgive. You make others realize we’re not alone, and in fact far from it!!

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Especially hard to predict the past when DJT keeps rewriting it.

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I see what you did there, lol

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Yes, it's all about turnout. What also lies "just beneath" the 50% or so of Americans who usually turn out for federal elections? The ones who generally don't bother to vote in the world's largest superpower, and a whole cadre of evangelicals to can't wait to turn out?

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I know a lot of young people are upset with Biden because of the Israeli/Hamas war and the repercussions in Gaza. If you truly care about the Palestinians, the LAST thing you want is a Trump who'll support anything Netanyahu wants to do.

If you're supset about student loan debt, you'll get ZERO relief from a Trump presidency.

If you have loved ones are are LGBTQ+ or a woman who wants bodily autonomy, yoiu're not doing better under Trump.

If you think economically you'll be better off, you won't unless you're rich or a Trump loyalist. He only cares about himself and his ego.

If you think the markets will love a Trump presidency, they don't like instability and nothing is more unstable than Trump.

If you want a younger candidate, Trump is 4 years younger, and 20 years crazier so you're not winning there either.

In other words, unless you're a straight, wealthy, male, and a Trump loyalist, you're much better off with Biden, regardless of his age or other shortcomings .

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We'd better!

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Dirk I just posted the Letter to Facebook and urged people to vote D while summarizing the Letter.

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That appears to be the image that most media (MSM & all) are projecting, isnt it? Plus the running down of Biden - age wise - altho melonhead is only 3 years younger and far from mentally competent!

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We have a choice…. a Trump dictatorship or a Biden republic. We have 11 months, the choice is ours!

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Joan, for the 2020 election I painted a large 3’ x 4’ sign on plywood that says “Democracy or Autocracy Our Choice! Vote!” & another that says “Choosing not to vote is not protest, it is surrender”….I have them both stashed away to put up on my front fence in 2024!

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Not voting is surrender. I hadn't thought of it like that, but it's oh so true.

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or indifference...

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Both Indifference and Laziness are means of surrender. "I don't care" "It's too hard".

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Ally, people have no excuse here in Oregon because we've made it so easy. Voters don't even need a stamp. I can't remember the last time I voted in person. it is also easy to register. We are responsible for what happens here on earth and God doesn't care who wins football games neither does He (it for me) cause a meniscus tear to prevent a trip to Israel which would have put a Peace Corps friend and her housemate in Israel at the time of the attack. I almost gagged at that one.

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Oh, good grief.

There is NO excuse to not vote here. None at all.

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Or laziness (physical and mental).

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Mine will say:

Fascism or Democracy.

Currently, our choice, VOTE!

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Robert Hubbell shared today that Jessica Craven of Chop Wood, Carry Water suggests changing "democracy" to "freedom", that it resonates more with people. I think that makes sense: Fascism or Freedom!

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I like it

Freedom to vote

Freedom to choose

Freedom to worship

Freedom to read

Protection against prejudice.

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A large % of MAGAs think the Dems are the fascists and will take away their freedom to have a gas stove.

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MAGNAs are part of the uneducated which trump loves. They have NO clue what a fascist is.

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So true! If we lose, the choice goes away.

Totally whacked that this could be happening.

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I don't wish this on people but it would be interesting to hear trumpers when they find out the social security, medicare/medicaid, food stamps, assistance for infrastructure improvements are reduced or eliminated as well as benefits for vets ( I really can't understand why they would support trump-too much brain washing in boot camp?) Boebert (who voted against the infrastructure bill) just received millions of dollars for a pipe line to provide water to a city in her district. A company who makes the windmills just hired about 500 people. What part of clean drinking water, helping the environment, and employing people who in turn pay taxes and have more purchasing power. Am I missing something here?

FYI they are looking to improve one of FL's international airports.

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This is excellent. I hate to have to say it, but be sure to include something saying "Biden-Harris" or vote blue or something, because, unbelievably, about half of the country think that it's Trump who will "save Democracy."

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I hate to say it too - many won't know the meaning or the difference between democracy and fascism.

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I didn't want to say it either. Some won't take the time to look the words. Go with Freedom or Dictatorship.

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How about a class action lawsuit against Fox demanding that they remove "News" from their logo/ads/and call it "Fox Spews."

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The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the Lazy Country.

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No wonder.

Took this link from a recent HCR poster:


"After the 2022 midterms, we checked back in, this time examining the printed front page of the Times and the Washington Post from September 1, 2022, through Election Day that November....

"Both emphasized the horse race and campaign palace intrigue, stories that functioned more to entertain readers than to educate them on essential differences between political parties....

"By the numbers, of four hundred and eight articles on the front page of the Times during the period we analyzed, about half—two hundred nineteen—were about domestic politics....

"In the Times, Republican-favored topics accounted for thirty-seven articles, while Democratic topics accounted for just seven. In the Post, Republican topics were the focus of twenty articles and Democratic topics accounted for fifteen—a much more balanced showing. In the final days before the election, we noticed that the Times, in particular, hit a drumbeat of fear about the economy—the worries of voters, exploitation by companies, and anxieties related to the Federal Reserve—as well as crime. Data buried within articles occasionally refuted the fear-based premise of a piece. Still, by discussing how much people were concerned about inflation and crime—and reporting in those stories that Republicans benefited from a sense of alarm—the Times suggested that inflation and crime were historically bad (they were not) and that Republicans had solutions to offer (they did not)."

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Ellen, I made the “A” of autocracy really big & red w/ yellow M A G A letters inserted vertically down one “leg” of the “A”. The “D” of democracy was styled like our stars & stripes…red, white & blue w/ stars. Wish I could post a pic here, tho’ it is obviously homemade! I did have a separate Biden/Harris sign posted as well.

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Outstanding! I wish you could post a photo too!

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I still have my Biden sign from 2020.

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No, they’ve been taught the America was Never a Democracy! And that’s spread widely and is now widely believed

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Put the signs up now!

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Ellen, I have thought about that! I had neighbors thanking me for posting the signs back in 2020 & would get ‘thumbs up’ by folks driving by (a very quiet street in a really small town in a blue county in a blue state). I know folks living elsewhere who dare not post election signs due to the vitriol they experience. We all should have the freedom to voice (or post!) our opinions w/o threat….conversations, yes, threats, no.

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Live in a very red area in WI - the fact that I'd be hesitant to post a pro Dem sign says a lot.

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I have the same concern about putting Biden signs on my property due to just one gun toting tRumper on my road. So instead, last election I paid for a BIG sign to be put up on a farmer's field on a busy road. The farmer then put hay bales and corn stalks and pumpkins around it! Eye catching!

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Good on you!

We live within hearing distance of a active gun club; it makes you think (and it's too bad to have to think that way).

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You HAVE to think that way. Most of our gun owners in northern Michigan are responsible hunters but...

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Michigan has had some real ugliness turned against it's governor; she's a brave woman!

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I love what you did. It's too bad you can't include a photo with your description.

But please do not conflate a very attractive secondary sex characteristic with one of the most vile H. sapiens ever to walk the planet. For reasons I don't understand, words for sexually related body parts are often used as epithets, rather than treated as the sacred things that IMO they are.

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In Texas, I totally agree! I had a former colleague state she was tired of being silenced by the left and was going to start letting everyone know she was a republican. I said when have you ever been silenced?! But when dumpty won she told me to get over it that republicans were in charge now. Grr! I said I’ll never get over it and God help us all!

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I am so sorry it has come to that.

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Moved here from a very blue Chicago suburb- makes my head spin at times! But after being here since '15, can see the past and present undercurrents in MAGA thinking.

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How sad....

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Barbara Keating, you are awesome!

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I’d like huge advertising signs posted on major freeways and that set of statements…possibly with short examples in just about every persons hands….if my memory serves…think it takes 7 ‘hits’ to be ‘effective’…and this is ALL about VOTER EDUCATION.

“So not only do consumers remember a statement that gets repeated, they are more likely to believe it, and think it is the popular opinion. In summary, we could not find a study that unequivocally claimed the “14 times rule”, but the general takeaway is that a frequency of between 7 and 20 is needed.” (Jennie Winton is a Founding Partner of Mission Minded, a 25-year marketing veteran sought for her expertise in branding nonprofit organizations, and a one-on-one leadership coach.)

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I went to Weatherford TX for our family thanksgiving. There’s a billboard with TFG’s face on it. It says “Trump was New York Born But Is A Texan At Heart.” I felt like I’m surrounded by them! I can’t understand how anyone with more than two brain cells can still be under his influence!

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Denise ….if it takes a minimum of 7 ‘hits’ (more like 7-20) then the use of bill boards makes great sense..whether on plywood on your fence, raised and positioned on major freeways…or simply ‘wherever’…..whether in Texas or ANYWHERE else!

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Joan, like the old Burma Shave signs that played out in sequence along the highway….days long gone by.

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AND a fair amount of advertising DOBBS would be a ‘plan’ too!

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Look at how many time trump repeats something; His followers can recite his mantras like normal people can recite nursery rhymes.

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One of the strategies the reps use ..certainly on Fox, and elsewhere is repetition of their lies over and over and over…thus ‘convincing’ the truly faithful of the ‘truth’ of their lies….I don’t think the ‘true believers’ can ever be reclaimed…it’s the ‘independents’ and the ‘non voters’ that you need too reach….with registration and those letters and postcards that we have all sent which are surprisingly effective and we should all be doing more of….and I’m hoping the Taylor Swifts!

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Or perhaps THIS ‘campaign assistance’ from TAYLOR SWIFT is needed


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Even more important is stating loudly what is lost—freedoms, and list all that will be lost. Robert Hubbell mentions this as do his commenters.

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What is the difference between an autocrat and a dictator, if not the same?

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There are autocrats outside the political arena.

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Harvey, due to size limitations I had to choose one word…so so so many to choose from: autocracy, oligarchy, theocracy, dictatorship, etc….maybe need a bigger sign!

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Republic or Democracy? Republics think that States can ignore Federal laws.

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Well we are both. The moniker "Republicans" has become as much of a lie as "Citizens United" or "Stop the Steal" when applied to the modern RNC/MAGA crowd. 112 R. lawmakers voted to keep Santos in Congress despite his role as an albatross around their necks. Blanket denial of reality plus brute force (with the aid of deep-pocketed patrons) is all they have left.

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J L Graham, “Blanket denial of reality plus brute force (with the aid of deep-pocketed patrons) is all they have left.” Yes, this is true. And unfortunately we are finding out how reoccurringly essential is that combination to fascism. It’s the secret sauce of the recipe.

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They don’t care that the issue was ethical behavior, not criminality. That will be addressed by the courts. The House republicans were more worried about the numbers, not doing the right thing. They are such a transparently hypocritical bunch!

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As some people in another space pointed out. Santos really messed up when he started to steal from them (republicans) NOW it is an issue and some were pissed off. As I mentioned before, trumpers will be saying what have I done when their benefits are gone. And I will say," This is what you asked for-don't look to me for sympathy."

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That and a great number of conspiracy theories. I just got a lengthy response to a post outlining several. I read the whole thing but didn’t respond. What caught my attention was the author’s claim to have read volumes on these subjects. The author ended by claiming that I probably couldn’t handle the truth. Lots going on out there.

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I read the "Can't handle the truth" refrain a LOT. On twitter, I have a secret pleasure of blocking them- they can't be reasoned with and until the fallout of their decisions effects them, they'll never 'get it'.

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The Republic of Texas, to wit

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Lately, sometimes I think we made a mistake land grabbing TX from Mexico.

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For years now I’ve suggested a California ballot initiative: Should Texas be returned to Mexico? Analysis: Significant savings to California (never forget ENRON) and the rest of America, though Mexico may decline the offer.

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We probably couldn't pay Mexico enough. It would be interesting to see how the border problem would be solved. Should we increase our border patrols to keep them out of the US?

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Gonna build a wall. Who won’t want to help pay for that?

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Yet another intellectually lazy opinion piece:

“A CNN poll suggests that, one year out, Trump leads Biden 49 percent to 45 percent in a hypothetical matchup. Of particular concern in this and other polls is Biden’s poor performance with voters aged 18 to 34, a demographic crucial to both Biden and Swift.”

Who’s going to tell those young voters that Trump is just as old? Taylor? I sure hope so, the media sure won’t.

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How about Taylor Swift telling this age group to vote for Biden!

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I feel like I am in the movie The War of the Worlds where the humans are out numbered and out gunned. Hopefully our story will have the conclusion that the movie had...bombed out cities but the humans overcame adversity.

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A Biden republic that supports genocide.

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$50,000,000 a day isn't support?

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I went to school with John Last, we ran cross country together actually. A friend and intellectual. I agree with his first statement: “The storm is coming.”.

But on behalf of at least a third, and maybe even a half of this country that is paying attention, feeling sustained outrage, and holding on to a democratic moral compass, I disagree with: “The world looks normal right now, but it is not.” It hasn’t looked or felt normal in decades.

There are many counterforces in motion trying to prevent this cataclysm, from people like my elderly mother in law spending her retirement fighting the local environmental good fights while volunteering to register new democratic voters in swing districts, to the active communities whose members drop by sites like these HCR comment threads, to the brave prosecutors and legislators standing up to a megalomaniacal would be dictator.

“Forces are in motion that will bring us to a point of national crisis one year from now.”

Godspeed to the forces who are resisting that crisis. Channel outrage into votes, from new and existing voters - our only real weapons of defense as citizens on a looming day of reckoning. Keep making your stand.

A great president once said: “Don’t boo. Vote.”

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I couldn't agree more. Too many people are just turning their heads and just want to wish it all away.

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Jay, I agree, tho I must say I really listened to a young woman who gets so emotionally distraught at world events she is unable to cope; she explained to me her focus is prayer, her kitties and her job to stay sane. I can respect that (she’s a very caring person), but not not not my way…I’d rather jump into the fray (peacefully, but ardently).

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She is only part ostrich.

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She is who the “outrage-machine” is designed to suppress. “There but for the grace of god go I” is my view for her. Strategically chosen to be persuaded to “hunker-down, and tune out” to emotionally survive.

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That was partly me when I worked long hours, but I had Walter and a great newspaper. Big diff.

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Dec 2, 2023
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Read (reread) "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder. Rule 1. Do not obey in advance. (another version of giving up in advance).

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Took this link from a recent HCR poster:


"In the final days before the election, we noticed that the Times, in particular, hit a drumbeat of fear about the economy—the worries of voters, exploitation by companies, and anxieties related to the Federal Reserve—as well as crime. Data buried within articles occasionally refuted the fear-based premise of a piece. Still, by discussing how much people were concerned about inflation and crime—and reporting in those stories that Republicans benefited from a sense of alarm—the Times suggested that inflation and crime were historically bad (they were not) and that Republicans had solutions to offer (they did not)."

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Sadly, young people don’t know what normal feels like.

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They do not know what our normal feels like. We need to remember to operate from their normal. By this,I mean, that from their view, this whole system is shit. We need to make actionable, actual, real improvement in accountability, transparency, functionality, and responsiveness of our media, politics and government. THIS we are still trying to figure out how to do. Our “Boomer-Normal” is gone, and perhaps “good riddance”. We need BOTH parties to improve. Currently the Dems are more sane, and working through them for change seems the best bet. But we need to change our lens more often to figure out how to actually engage younger votes.

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Have tried with those close

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As you suggested, in the western world population, Millennials surpassed Boomers in 2019. It's not easy to walk in their shoes. When I was younger I didn't care about politics or history and was bored by the Watergate investigation (as it was happening). Nixon did get my attention though when he said "I am not a crook". 😏 The millennials have the world at their fingertips with the Internet. On the other hand they have hysterical news media and political corruption that seems normal. It might be hard for them to understand just how different life is in Russia compared to America.

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Spot on, Jeri. Their normal is this dystopian disfunction where we are right now.

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My granddaughter has no clue what it was like when her Mom was a teen. Plenty of crazy, but they were the ones that were referred for help. Not ones governing....

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There are two numbers I am interested in. 81,000,000, and 75,000,000. Which do you think has grown since 2020?

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The answer to that question is not a simple one. Millions of voters have died since 2020 and millions more have entered the voting pool. Several Republican billionaires like Thiel have quit donating while others like the Koch Brothers organization are backing Hayley so Trump will lose.

And then there is the question of the swing states. The 7 million vote difference isn't as important as the less than 100,000 votes Biden won by in 2020. The swing states are already being bombarded with negative ads against Biden and Trump from all over the place.

Of course, there are many other factors as well as you know.

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What matters most is the myriad laws and dirty tricks that repubs have put in place to muddy the waters and do what they couldn’t do in 2020. They learned, and they have MONEY

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Yes they do have money. Here in ME Susan Collins was very beatable in 2020. But thanks to Leonard Leo's access to dark money, she barely won.

But many billionaires are not backing Trump this time. But, they aren't likely to back Biden either.

It will be interesting to see what happens when the Trump organization is stripped of $250 million and the civil lawsuits against for January 6 are settled. Who is going to pay his legal bills if the money runs dry? And who will represent him for free?

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Prick the ugly balloon and watch it deflate and die.

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this is what keeps me up at night!

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The Texas trio of evil has left no stone unturned.. It's why I read substack at 3 am, Ha

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I saw a Yahoo comment exchange (actually, several expressed this comment) that if the election is between Biden and Trump, they will vote Biden. If between Biden and Haley, they will vote Haley.

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Exactly. She is a threat and would be a terrible choice. But “ she’s a Woman!” Would earn her many ignorant votes. I’m scared

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Damn, she's just chump lite. Plenty of magats won't vote female. I know more than a few. They are anti female VP also. Shocked that Palin was so popular. She did the Christian hate bettere than anyone.

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good question. I wonder how many Fox viewers have died.

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I really appreciate this comment. We can all take action, big or small. I think consistent action is important. We’ve become complacent in many ways. We’ve allowed money to define our society in unhealthy ways. We have to reclaim our spirit as a democratic people. All the cleverness and calculation in the world is not enough. I can’t quite put this into words, but as someone once said about art, “I’ll know it when I see it.”

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Well said! It's great to have this platform where we can express our collective outrage--everyone preaching to the choir--but we have to act outside of it. I'm part of a quiet little army of friends in six states that drives people to vote who physically can't get to the polls. ANY little thing helps....

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Boo AND Vote!

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Exactly! I read that quote and wondered what rock this guy

Has been living under. The world lost normalcy at least 6 years ago.

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"But the top four members of the Republican leadership—Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN), and Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY)—and more than 100 other Republicans voted against expelling Santos, who is under criminal indictment and by whom a House Ethics Committee report suggested even more “uncharged and unlawful conduct.” WHAT IS WRONG WITH THOSE SO-CALLED LEADERS? George Santos was unqualified from the start, is under criminal indictment, lied almost more than tfg, and none of these 'leaders' has the guts to vote for Santos' expulsion! Cowards! Shame on you, 'leaders'!

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Did you also consider the possibility that George Santos waltzed into office with all of his baggage because the Democratic Party operatives in his district didn't hold themselves accountable to do the work of opposition research? I certainly hope the party replaced all of those district operatives and that every other district learns from that costly experience.

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Dunno what the story is there. I do want to see Democrats become more aggressive. Civil, adult, and professional, but more aggressive. Emotionally mature anger is much harder to dismiss than Republican rants; and we have been seeing more of that lately, as we should.

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Republicans transitioned from a political party to being run by a gang because they let the most aggressive take over by convincing their colleagues it was unthinkable to hold them (their own) accountable for malfeasance. If we don't hold our own accountable, we'll end up being run by a gang too.

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Reading Strongmen Mussolini to Present. She sums up the behavioral characteristics of the republican playbook. They are very active on the WH fb page. So many very mouthy true believers with alternate facts.

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The whole "divine right of kings" thing is all pretense, enforced with violence.

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A pillar of tyranny and corruption is holding the powerful to a lesser standard of accountability than those who are less powerful. The more our "public servants" get away with, the more corrupt and tyrannical they have become. Our specie's central problem is abuse of power.

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Apply "emotionally mature anger" is an excellent directive.

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I have seen some dramatic examples of it. A collected, passionate demand for accountability, delivered with the momentum of an evident truth. It can silence a crowded room.

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Yes!! More!!

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Good point. There seem to be a lot of people who are asleep at the wheel. Not good.

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Santos did not just waltz in in 2022. He had lost the previous election in 2020 so he was very known to the local Republican Party organization. A relatively obscure Nassau County newspaper exposed his incredible history but no one picked it up until the NYTimes ran with its expose’. The Republican leaders in Congress voted to maintain their slim majority. I would have been surprised if it was otherwise.

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I was just reading an interesting if unsettling piece on The Conversation https://theconversation.com/santos-now-booted-from-the-house-got-elected-as-a-master-of-duplicity-heres-how-it-worked-218742

“Santos’ success demonstrates a mastery of something more than just pathological lying,” he explains. And then Clementson drops a bombshell: Santos got elected not because of, or despite, the lies he told. He got elected because voters fell for how he looked, what he wore, his charm and his confident demeanor."

Psych texts note that sociopaths are often perceived as charming and charismatic. Hamlet muses that the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape.

And what is the role of video in the rise of despotism? The BBC from 2005:

"Former US President Ronald Reagan has been voted the "greatest American" of all time by his fellow citizens. Mr Reagan, who died last year aged 93, topped a list of 10 contenders, which featured six former presidents. He edged out Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery, and civil rights leader Martin Luther King. "

I don't know about the quality of the poll of "more than 2.4 million Americans" but I still encounter liberals who think that Reagan was the "last good" Republican president.

"Know thyself" said the Oracle at Delphi. I think she was on to something.

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BTW, I recall some comments from Democrats that Gore in the Gore VS W race, seemed "stiff"? What does that mean? I think just before or just after (sorry for my imprecision) W's reelection. I saw a poll that listed "issues" that those polled scored pertaining to Bush. He was below 50% on every substantive issue, but very high on "decisiveness". So his decisions were uniformly terrible, but you like his "derisiveness"?! Should we not look before we leap?

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Look at any dialogue on a FB site cheerleading for either of the two parties. Cross out the blaming and fingerpointing at "the other" party, talk of spoilers and media bias, and you'll be left with a list of issues and focus on governance. I'll guarantee that what you will be left with is a very short read.

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Yes, this year coming will test our relationships and us, said Rachel Maddow the other night. Our personal lives, our nation, our existence, will be stress tested... implied Rachel Maddow... on camera. Speaker Mike Johnson, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, Majority Whip Tom Emmer and Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, c. 2024... one worse than the other... will bring The House to the edge... and our Republic - if you can keep it - to Peril... Family dysfunction concerns Rachel Maddow, and she urges us to clean it up as we head into the Gathering Storm, see Winston Spencer Churchill... a man that knew trouble and found the way for his lost nation, and walked away from fascism and leader Nevill Chamberlain’s feckless cowardice and willingness to play footsie with Adolf Hitler... a man he thought they could do business with. YES, WE WILL BE TESTED... Rachel Maddow is correct, and we are at the edge of the abyss.. heading into the fire. Fred Trump’s legacy brat hides his transcripts and brings his father’s Queens intolerance and racism to his devotion of Nazi Adolf Hitler and Mussolini’s fascism, antisemitism, and willingness to run the Holocaust and incinerate 6 million Jews and 6 million others in the name of purifying the human race.. Mike Johnson has been there right along, and Stefanik is right there with him... Antisemitism’s Rules and running in GAZA, with Hamas, in Lebanon with Hezbollah, in Iran with the Persians hoping to destroy Israel and the Jews... Rachel Maddow says this year will test us... our personal lives, our nation and our very existence will be stress tested, Apocalypse as featured in a quarterly, Palladium Magazine Issue 11, read the Fall Issue... and the first chapter or piece... where journalist and recent college student Oks details my concerns... page after page... YES, WE ARE BEING TESTED AND RACHEL MADDOW IS SPOT ON...APOCALYPSE 2024 is Palladium’s theme in issue 11... our democracy, our constitutional form of government, our republic - if you can keep it - is heading into the furnace of our collective discontent... and Trump v. Biden seems to be our fate. Rachel Maddow never looses sight of the ball... and her grasp of history is profound... See her latest book... featured on fascism and our future as a nation, it’s all there.

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I watch her every Monday night & caught her confab w/ Chris Hayes in front of an audience earlier this week. It is a clarion warning indeed. Hopefully our country will pull out of this nosedive as we did to thwart the slide to fascism in 30’s/40’s.

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Fabulous, no?

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If you want a victory, you’d best rein in Genocide Joe and his sleazy sidekick Blinken.


“The images of mass destruction feed the thirst for revenge within Israel following the humiliating incursion by Hamas fighters on Oct. 7 and the killing of 1,200 Israelis, including 395 soldiers and 59 police officers. There is a sadistic pleasure voiced by many Israelis over the genocide and a groundswell of calls for the murder or expulsion of Palestinians, including those in the occupied West Bank and those with Israeli citizenship.

The savagery of the air strikes and indiscriminate attacks, the cutting off of food, water and medicine, the genocidal rhetoric of the Israeli government, make this a war whose sole objective is revenge. This will not be good for Israel or the Palestinians. It will fuel a conflagration throughout the Middle East.

Israel’s attack is the last desperate measure of a settler colonial project that foolishly thinks, as many settler colonial projects have in the past, that it can crush the resistance of an indigenous population with genocide. But even Israel will not get away with killing on this scale. A generation of Palestinians, many of whom have seen most, if not all, of their families killed and their homes and neighborhoods destroyed, will carry within them a lifelong thirst for justice and retribution.

This war is not over. It has not even begun.”



“Israel’s atrocious conduct in Gaza is a moment for us alive today just as it was a moment for King when he recognized that American conduct in Vietnam could not be understood separately from the question of who Americans wanted to be and what Americans wanted America to be. MLK’s turn against the Vietnam war, it is worth contemplating in our current circumstances, was inspired by a graphic photo essay on the children of Vietnam severely disfigured by napalm that was published in Ramparts, one of the great experiments in independent journalism during the 1960s.

The wellspring of King’s convictions, I think it fair to say, was his conscience. It was to his conscience, to his faculty of individual discernment, that he was indivisibly loyal. Our consciences should enjoy our undivided loyalties today in the same way. The rest, how we understand our time and what we determine to do in the matter of power, will flow directly and clearly from this.”

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Are you partying on the hilltop? Look at the photos.


“Israel apologia is the world’s worst people defending the world’s worst actions. You’re more likely to support Israel if you’re a shitty person, and if you weren’t a shitty person to begin with you’ll eventually have to turn into one to continue supporting Israel’s actions.”

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Kathy, your rubbish meter needs to be recalibrated. For example, Malcom Nance is rubbish. See here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYBXOh9UzMU

More genocide for you to rationalize and ignore - https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/if-i-were-going-to-commit-a-genocide

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Antisemitism is unattractive. Prejudice. And evidence of worse ... Intolerance is sick. Prejudice has two components: ignorance and fear..

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You can take your antisemitism accusation and shove it. Your support for genocide is intolerant, sick, and full of prejudice and fear.

Scroll to the 24-min mark and let an Israeli Jew impart some wisdom. Of course, you’ll probably put him in the ‘self-hating’ bucket.


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Prequel was indeed a good read Sandy, it was eye opening to say the least.

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But he passes the sniff test for a party that has passed into organized crime.

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Classic case of the "ends justifies the means" as Evangelicals once holding their noses to get Trump in and guess what Roe v Wade vanishes. For many of them, he's "Saint Trump" these days...

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And yet. As NPR's Selena Simmons-Duffin reports, a new study came to a surprising conclusion.

SELENA SIMMONS-DUFFIN, BYLINE: Despite all the bans, the number of abortions over the past year has actually increased. There were 2,200 more abortions across the country, according to The Society of Family Planning's WeCount project. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/25/1208391453/post-dobbs-supreme-court-case-more-people-are-traveling-to-get-an-abortion#:~:text=As%20NPR's%20Selena%20Simmons%2DDuffin,of%20Family%20Planning's%20WeCount%20project.

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One of the consequences of the Dobbs decision and many of the red states more or less banning abortions is the drop in number of residencies in OB/GYN in these states. Who wants to get sued or jailed for doing your job and saving someone's life when you can be a dermatologist and work 8-5 4 days a week, and for yourself?

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It's good to see that women are getting around those horrifying laws.

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It's also ironic that whilethe general abortion trend has been downward for quite a while the a ti a otion movement has so occupied the Republicans

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He is the best example of current republican ideology

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Punkinhead has 91 indictments against him and they all are too afraid to cross him too.

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Leaders, Marli???


And far, far worse even than grandma salesmen.

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I fear the tendency of Americans to only respond after a threat basically hits them over the head.

If I had a magic wand, I’d get Disney to produce a “What if?” history motion picture showing what will happen if Trump wins. Forty years ago, ABC TV broadcast “The Day After,” which showed what would happen if we had a nuclear war with the USSR. Huge numbers of people watched this film (including President Reagan) and it changed history by jump starting talks to limit nuclear weapons. We need a film like this again!

Here’s more about the film. See in particular the sections about how it was received


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"If I had a magic wand, I’d get Disney to produce a “What if?” history motion picture showing what will happen if Trump wins."

Sounds like the ideal project for Michael Moore.

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In the summer of 2020 HBO aired a series called "The Plot Against America", based on the book by Philip Roth. It was one of the best series I've ever seen on television. The story was set in the late 1930s, before the US had entered WWII, & Charles Lindberg was running for President against President Roosevelt. Lindberg promised, if elected to appoint the antisemite Henry Ford as Sec. of State!

After watching the series, I read Roth's book, which scared the hell out of me. It seems like we are currently living in a very similar storyline.

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We are indeed living a similar storyline. History rhymes once again.

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I read it in 2016 along with it can’t happen here because I saw it had, and then recommended it to as many people as I could. So discouraged--Fox and Bannon weren’t players during the thirties, not to mention social media. Mothers for hypocrisy-- Liberty U. didn’t get their attention, so neither will the liberty founders scandal in FL , but Al Franken gets framed and thrown out without due process by his party and we who cherish our freedom don’t defend our own super ager. Most Israelis want a cease fire, but they have corrupt Bibi fighting against his imprisonment. It can happen anywhere people are asleep and distracted. That’s the anti-woke message. Thankful for HC-R, Prequel and the rule of law, and genuine fourth estate.

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I just watched the trailer for “The Plot Against America” on YouTube. I’m happy to see the show can be watched there too for a price and is also for sale on Amazon and on Apple TV. Here’s the trailer…


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Thank you for mentioning this 3020 HBO film! Somehow I missed it. I’ll look for it now!

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History recurs. Thanks for the strong recommendation!

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I want to see Beyonce and Taylor Swift run get out the vote campaigns and endorse the Biden Harris ticket (I think they will).

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A graphic novel style format would be very effective. People are receptive to its visual effects. There was a movie based on Frank Miller's graphic novel called "Sin City" that would get peoples attention. The style of the artwork was stunning and got your attention. Much of the movie was enhanced with computers. It could be produced in a short amount of time. We don't have much time. Just need a good writer and director.

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Thank you for mentioning “Sin City”. It was a visually stunning film. And yes, we don’t have much time. I like the graphic novel idea too.

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Thanks Steve. I believe that style of film would get a lot of attention. People are more visually attuned in our fast moving internet society. It could make a difference.

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I posted your excellent suggestion on one of Michael Moore's sites. I also have his email address (we met years ago), and will forward this to him.

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Thanks very much for reaching out to Michael Moore about this. I appreciate this a lot. I saw his Broadway show ("The Terms of My Surrender") in 2017. Got a picture with him afterwards too. But I have never connected with him beyond being a fan.

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COOL! He knows me as his "token Republican" on our film festival crew some years back. His films helped convert me back to Democrat.

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I'm happy his films helped you return to being a Democrat!

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YES. There were a couple other awakenings, too. In 2010, my state Senator and I met for a drink so he could advise me on how best to make connections for my new company. But first, he insisted, "We need to celebrate our new gerrymandering plan we pushed through today! Those damn Democrats will never win again!"

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I remember that film. It was pretty mind-blowing.

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Steven, reading this reminded me of another post-nuclear war movie On the Beach (1959) w/ Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Fred Astair & Anthony Perkins….scared the bejebus out me when I was young.

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On the Beach... was important... remains important. Hollywood and Gregory Peck issued the MAD warning, Mutually Assured Destruction, nuclear war had people young and old dreaming off about Australia and New Zealand... as the gentle winds of vacated Seattle blew through blasted darkened empty windows, grey curtains flapping, radiation threatened all life forms.. Hiroshima and Nagasaki haunted, for J. Robert Oppenheimer had suppressed and all others had ignored The Franck Report sent to President Harry S Truman by German ‘25 Nobel in physics that ran The Manhattan Project at The University of Chicago with Enrico Fermi, where they split the first atom under Stagg Field... in horror, Opa Franck dropped theoretical physics for photosynthesis... which he studied for his last 20 years.. as noted by the adoring Edward Teller, Father of the H-bomb - his huge hands banged the Steinway in the window of 5552 South Kenwood, noting that no one has solved photosynthesis, he wrote that Opa Franck would have needed another 20 years, we do not know why the grass grows, and no one knows today why the grass is so troubled in NSW in Australia... human behaviour, plastics, carbon dioxide, warming, plankton threatened, massive drought, heat waves, internal combustion engines, antibiotic misuse and antimicrobial resistance, daily mass killings across the United States ... yes, all signals so liberally ignored... On the Beach no longer plays, Hamas threatens Israel, Hezbollah backed by semi nuclear Iran threatens, backed by thermonuclear Russia and China, and don’t forget client state North Korea, with Japan re-arming... Rachel Maddow feels it, sees it, talks it... and warns all, counsels all... as she writes another book - this one about fascism spreading, racial intolerance hammering, antisemitism exploding, government failing.. Adolf HItler and Mussolini emerging.. with Putin crushing Ukraine.. all the world watching,. And waiting.

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I think you have to remember that there are a lot of groups taking action. Not everyone is just holding their breath and waiting for the apocalypse and the rapture. Leave that to the religious zealots. Plugging away is not especially glamorous but it helps. Martin Luther was quoted as saying, “Even if I knew the world was ending tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree.”

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I'm sure there are many groups working to prevent Trump from winning... other GOP candidates too. When you mention Martin Luther, you remind me of the nationwide push for civil rights that Dr. King led. I'd like to see nationwide anti-Trump / anti-GOP / anti-lies protests unite all these groups into one pro-democracy push that the media couldn't ignore. The NY Times has an anti-Biden slant. Were there a very visible pro-democracy movement, the NYT would have to report on that!

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Indeed.. an apple a day… doctor…. away…

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Trees capture carbon + peaches for "free".

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It's time we stop, hey what's that sound?. Everybody look what's goin' down.

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Me too. All star cast but not one of the popular "oldies". I saw the last half of it again many years ago on PBS. There seemed to be (?) more emerging, widespread interest back then in actions meant to avoid messing up the future. Maybe (?) less denial?

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Great call, Steven. Sad to say, in today's world where only live sports ( understandably ) and 24/7 Kardashians (mind boggling impossible to understand) bring eyeballs to the ole tube, I doubt anyone would watch such a 'What if?".

Beyond that, the late, great Jason Robards ain't available

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We should fight on the movie screens, we should fight on the financial page, we should fight in editorials and on campuses, we should fight in demonstration; we should never surrender.

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Let's add factory floors, offices, and hospitals. Under DT, jobs will float back overseas, money will migrate back to the top 0.1%, and hospitals will either close or curtail operations because so many will be uninsured again.

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Everywhere. Even churches that might not share the theology of Trump/ Nowhere is safe from the malice and irresponsibility of the MAGA ideology. Many have suffered (such as families torn apart by MAGA crimes against humanity at the border) and have died; not all of them the victims COVID denial madness.

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That's right J L, even in the churches. Morality beats Orange Jesus.

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Yes J.L. Green, you nailed it. There is no need for a Disney fantasy when we see, hear, and smell the malice of lies, misinformation and blatant assault on democracy in the public square every day.

Let’s continue to press forward on all these fronts and more.

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People still think that nothing has changed and nothing will change. Ostriches

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How many years can a mountain exist, before it is washed to the sea? Time changes everything with every second that passes. Some fundamental patterns tend to endure, including our self-renewing body for our hour upon the stage, but without change, nothing would ever happen. Or ever would have happened. The "Big Bang" (or whatever it was) would not be.

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I'm not an ostrich, as older than dirt and well aware of the ravages of age and our "one hour upon the stage." I'm also aware of generational changes, and how much will change for our grands. Also curious as to how "entanglement" works, and what kind of "aliens" are out there.

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Fight, fight, fight.. never surrender!

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You really mean “Never Surrender,” not like TFG did, right? LOL

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We let them get away with far too much. Resistance is not futile.

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People watch crap more than any important project. Don’t Look Up should have scared a few…

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I was just thinking about that. That was a really good movie. I thought DiCaprio (sp) deserved an Oscar for his meltdown in the bathroom scene.

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We still have James Earl Jones...

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Yes we do. And James Earl Jones was in "Dr Strangelove"!

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It was especially mind blowing for those living in Kansas City at the time -- which we were. They kept showing the downtown, KCMO skyline before or after many of the commercial breaks. It was very scary and the show was done very well.

If you like dystopian shows, watch or rewatch "The Handmaids Tale". That show exemplifies the patriarchy that is coming if Trump wins the election and he gets his way.

Also, "the Last of Us" is a zombie series (I know they are ridiculous but this one is done really really well) where people all over the planet are infected with a fungus which takes over control of their bodies. Again, a dystopian future of what the world would be like during and after the plague.

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Well, I have a number of letters from the Reagan White House staff. especially few from the National Security Council on President Reagan honoring a request presented to him to have a pre-summit meeting with the Soviet leader at Hiroshima in 1982. Initially, I read 1981 about the Pope visiting Hiroshima and delays in the Reagan START talks, so I wrote to a number of officials about starting them at Hiroshima rather than the beautiful city of Geneva. I was thinking, they would want to get the job done sooner and get out of the city, out of Japan, asap. My more important goal was outlined in this thread about a bill in Congress that proposed all youth 17 to 18 local/nationwide youth talks on civic values, and voluntary service commitments of all kinds. See details at this link, hope you can reply. PJ https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/december-1-2023?r=5hgfu&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=44660927

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Thanks for writing. While I have no doubt other actions took place back then (Samantha Smith, the 13 year old girl from Maine, writing a letter to the head of the USSR in 1983 for example), my point was to show the power entertainment has to make an entire country - including its politicians - rethink what they are doing. Please read the following except from Wikipedia on the film’s political impact… including in the Soviet Union. And thanks for what you did.


US President Ronald Reagan watched the film more than a month before its screening on Columbus Day, October 10, 1983.[30] He wrote in his diary that the film was "very effective and left me greatly depressed"[31][27] and that it changed his mind on the prevailing policy on a "nuclear war".[32] The film was also screened for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A government advisor who attended the screening, a friend of Meyer, told him: "If you wanted to draw blood, you did it. Those guys sat there like they were turned to stone."[27] In 1987, Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which resulted in the banning and reducing of their nuclear arsenal. In Reagan's memoirs, he drew a direct line from the film to the signing.[27] Reagan supposedly later sent Meyer a telegram after the summit: "Don't think your movie didn't have any part of this, because it did."[10] During an interview in 2010, Meyer said that the telegram was a myth and that the sentiment stemmed from a friend's letter to Meyer. He suggested the story had origins in editing notes received from the White House during the production, which "may have been a joke, but it wouldn't surprise me, him being an old Hollywood guy."[27] There is also an apocryphal story which claims that after seeing the film, Ronald Reagan said "That will not happen on my watch".

The film also had impact outside the United States. In 1987, during the era of Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika reforms, the film was shown on Soviet television. Four years earlier, Georgia Representative Elliott Levitas and 91 co-sponsors introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives "[expressing] the sense of the Congress that the American Broadcasting Company, the Department of State, and the U.S. Information Agency should work to have the television movie The Day After aired to the Soviet public."[33]


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Thank you for this. What a good idea . I agree that it seems people need to be hit over the head to wake up.

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Justice O'Connor's legacy will include her vote to end the recounts in Forida during the 2000 presidential election (Bush v. Gore). Without US leadership, the nations of the world sat back, held conferences and meetings, and let carbon emissions continue to rise. Would a President Gore have led the US into a "forever war" in the Middle East? Hard to say, but he would not have had Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld whispering in his ear.

Climate change was his issue and he would have taken a lead in dealing with it. The world would now be 20 years into a comprehensive effort to cut emissions of CO2 and methane, instead of just now waking up to see the real effects of global heating taking place in real time. President Biden is trying to do something, but it is probably too late.

"Understood the real-world consequences of the court's decisions" ... Oh yeah. I understand the real world consequences of handing the Y2k election to Bush: my granddaughters are probably going to live in a world going down the tubes, in a great dying, and the collapse of civilization as we know it.

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Good points, although I think it is rarely too late to make some kind of difference. We inevitably face a rough ride ahead, and a strong possibility of population crashes and clashes, but we can try to limit the damage or just make it worse. Our posterity will reap what we sow.

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Let us hope so. I am teaching my grandchildren how to grow their own food and what wild greens and forage can be eaten. They are quick learners.

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She did it with eyes wide open. No hallelujahs here. Not for James Baker either. Another who should have known better

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Good points, but I’m going to keep doing my best to not let this happen.

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Jon, methinks that even WITH Al Gore's leadership and trumpeting the risks of climate change, as a country with such heavy investment and involvement in the fossil fuel industries and their many, many derivatives (cars, recreational vehicles & boats, agriculture, lawn care, etc) it would have required the kinds of changes we see now to convince the majority of people that these are not just arcane scientific theories any more but stark realities. We have already begun to see many more people adopt the kinds of changes needed with conversion to renewable energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal, tidal), conversion to less polluting or non-polluting vehicles and recreation, attempts to recycle and reduce or eliminate "forever" chemicals and plastics, to make better use of and conserve clean water sources and even to move our diets more toward vegetarian sources rather than resource-heavy diets of meat. As with countries, it is up to those who CAN change their power sources and transport and recreation, resource use and diets to DO SO NOW! ...and not wait for everyone else. The rest of the world has far greater obstacles to surmount than we do in USA (and Canada).

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I think the big opportunity missed by Justice O’Conner vote to end the vote count in FL in the 2000 election, is that a Gore presidency would have kept the “Bridge to the 21rst Century” vision alive and signaled to business and science that we are supporting a climate-friendly future, so innovate away. The late ‘90’s saw the promise of hydrogen fuel cell technology, that pretty well suffocated under Bush. Also, I doubt 9/11 would have happened, because his administration would have taken the intel seriously. Even if it still occurred, Gore was not a man to give free-reign to the likes of Cheney and Rumsfeld & Co.

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Why is Santos expelled for far less serious crimes against America than Trump has committed? Part of the answer is that the MAGA party (formerly known as the GOP) has become a mix of absolute whores and spineless, bought politicians! Or, put another way, Santos lacks the money and power to buy votes that Trump has and can use to blackmail and silence opponents. They are a sorry immoral bunch that we would be better of without! Shame on the media that treats them as just another group of politicians! They are openly developing the plan to establish a dictatorship and some are treating it like an normal campaign.

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Bought is the key word. They are being financed, behind the scenes, for their votes and they are receiving benefits enabled by Citizens United. SCOTUS, included.

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Thanks, Craig Gjerde, for making that crucial point about this bunch of bought-and-soldiers.

It's "Follow the Money, Stupid..."

Who's paying?

Who is paying for what? And why?

It's the paymasters that count -- they are the prime conspirators and it is they who must be removed from circulation, along with the politicians who are their tools, their blunt instruments...

(The sharp ones like Kristol have gotten the point and ceased... late in the day... to serve as tools for any American Fuehrer.)

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Of course, I was referring to the prime American conspirators, not those who've helped finance dictatorship as an insurance policy... in case it happens...

And not to the KGB Macbeth in Moscow whose secret weapon was/is the 45th president, just as Lenin was the surprisingly successful secret weapon of the German High Command in 1917.

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Have a hard time liking Kristol, he helped make this mess.

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As a nearly retired physician, back in the day we would have "drug lunches" brought in by pharma companies to get us to listen to their pitches. MD's could get side hustles speaking at high end restaurants that featured free meals. Even weekend getaways (offered if you were a high prescriber. Yes, they had that info). Yet all these MD's would say they were impervious to being influenced. Businesses don't spend $ without seeing a ROI.

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How sad... How sad... How miserable.

I recall my teacher once using the word "criminal" in a similar context... profiteering from suffering...

We may all need to live and earn our living.

Yet here I am reminded of a meeting some thirty years ago with a woman who had left a large corporation whose business activities covered the manufacture and marketing of both pesticides and pharmaceuticals, after seeing a high-level memo exulting:

"It's a win-win! Our pesticides give them cancer. Our expensive chemotherapy drugs cure them. We can't lose!"

[The corporation in question no longer exists, yet such attitudes seem persistent.]

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"Bunch of bought-and-soldiers"

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Peter, I think it more important to recognize where the money flows come from by shining bright lights on the whole election and political action world. Perhaps then voters would be more easily able to recognize what is not in their interests. I think we don't so much want to eliminate the "paymasters" as recognize who they are, what they seek and ways to harness their energy and resources for the greater good.

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JohnM, you'll note in the clarification I have just added the distinction to be drawn between those financing dictatorship as an insurance policy and those planning the overthrow and replacement of the Federal Government and the rejigging of the Constitution, to make it the bespoke tool of oligarchy.

For all its failings, the Federal Government is arguably the one thing in America that really IS too big to be allowed to fail.

As for the interest of the dictator in the Kremlin, regardless of the real extent of his past and actual involvement, financial and/or direct, his concern to make the 45th President into the 47th and last one should be obvious.

Voters must be made aware of who they will be supporting if they cast a vote for tfg or fail to vote skillfully against him.

And if they want to know what their country will be like under the former 45th, those who can read and understand what they are reading can go to Project 2025 and... even if they can't fathom that, get a good picture of Russia today, where any surviving freedom is largely accidental...

If tfg should succeed, there will be Kremlin advisers in the White House and wherever required to help take the system apart.

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I’m offended! The Republicans have the best party money can buy! (tongue held firmly in cheek)

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Santos made the mistake of thinking that he had chump’s “charisma.” He did have adequate gall, but he did too much himself and didn’t have toadies to take the blame. As chump is quoted as saying “Never blame yourself. You have to blame something else. If you do something bad, never, ever blame yourself.” Sept 12, 2005, Sun

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He is also a narcissist, so he had no choice but to act like Trump.

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Like with the Trump impeachment, most Republicans in the House DID NOT vote to expel Santos. Plus Santos is not a national figure and does not have the bully pulpit Trump does. MAGANAZIs are cowards. This is just another example of how fearful they are when they chose not to expel Santos.

Have you read or skimmed the ethics committee report against Santos? If not, take a look.

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Actually, trump was expelled -- by us!

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Yet, he rises, true to form as a dictator. Wack-A-Chumpie

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Lan, methinks you're being too kind.

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And they brag about it. Project 2025

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Particularly tawdry, the reports about the Zieglers indicate that they engaged in consensual threesome sex. Talk about hypocrisy! Bridget Ziegler proves that she is not qualified as an arbiter to determine morality. I hope she and Moms for Liberty - an oxymoron of a name if ever there was one - go down in flames and infamy.

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Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. Every day I try to ease an unused word back into common use by including it in casual conversation.

Today’s word: tawdry

Tomorrow’s word: strumpet

Day After Tomorrow’s word: trollop

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Perhaps we could add roue, cad, and misanthrope as well.

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I have a made up word (that I cobbled together from a forum/facebook friend who seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, and about whom I worry; former RAF combat pilot, female, and saucy as all get out) which is probably too raunchy for here, but I shall put it into quotes here: "fuckknuckle") that seems to fit a variety of these "do one thing and say another" i.e. anti abortion people until their mistress needs one...

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That word is one of my favs! I use it often. It covers a lot of situations/more accurately people. 😂

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Usually people, for me.

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Thanks Ally!

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Don't forget dotard-should be resurrected.

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Ok, so you got me on that one. The preceding were easy.

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John you made me work!

"Strumpet: woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships."

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"Bridget Ziegler proves that she is not qualified as an arbiter to determine morality."

Droll understatement.

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The ''Moms for Liberty'' really should change their name to, ''Moms for Fascism'' or maybe ''Moms for Dictatorship''.

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Truth in advertising!

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Such self-righteous clap trap always hides such ignorant evil. Lordy, we have seen it, over and over.

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"MLFs for Liberty "???!?🤣

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MFFs for Liberty!

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Wait, I’m confused, and I don’t have dyslexia, is it MLFs, or MFLs?

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It boggles the mind that people in the media keep saying Trump could win.

I’m reminded of Neil postman‘s critique of modern media in his 1984 book aptly, titled “amusing ourselves to death.“

The media has become so obsessed with Trump that if Trump farts it becomes a headline and Biden passes substantial legislation and it’s the second or third story.

The last rally Trump had recently was in a sports arena, and it was filled only with all White old people. His base.

The only way that Trump could possibly win is everybody sits home like they did in 2016 and does not come out to vote.

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Joyce, I never forget that TFFG NEVER, not once, won the popular vote. That he is becoming more whack-a-doodle with every passing day is not in his favor. IF he is the R candidate I’d love to see him lose by a humiliating margin despite him squealing yet again about a rigged election—remember he started saying the 2016 election was rigged even before Election Day (probably because he thought he was going to lose & was surprised when he won).

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Morning Barbara,

Most of us prepare for a future that doesn't happen. Biden wasn't predicted to win the 2020 nomination. Hillary was predicted to win in 2016. Trump was a joke of a candidate when he first came down that escalator. Most people would have laughed at the idea that a first term black Senator could become president. Geo H. W. Bush had an 80+% approval rating after his invasion of Kuwait...Dewey was a "shoe in" to become president. Truman? Who?

Here is my worry. The Koch organization just backed Nikki Haley. The Koch organization funds the Heritage Foundation - which produced Project 2025. I think it is entirely possible that Trump will flame out like Santos. And there will be a snowball down a mountain effect with more and more big oligarch donors piling on to Haley.

Haley will attract millions of disgusted Republicans and Independents who think she is more moderate - not unhinged like 45. If Haley is elected that snowball will take us to Hell. Haley is not moderate at all. She is just really good at retail politics. Haley is a shape shifter who will say anything, do anything, be anything to be elected. And once in office, Project 2025 will be unleashed. Democracy will die. Unregulated capitalism will reign. Haley is now becoming the primary puppet of the ruling class.

A match up between Haley and Biden worries me more than a contest between Trump and Biden. Trump is in a spiral dive to prison. Haley is ascending with the help of very, very big money.

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Undeniably astute prediction. I fear the surreality that is the MAGA reality is so fragile by the whimsical nature of the cult a total collapse is imminent.

Haley is a frightening product of the misinformation generated by the Koch organizations that at their base deny climate change, human rights and Constitutional Law.

As soon as she opens her mouth Fox-dom speaks.

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Art & Bill, right on target! ...and a classic example of how good someone can look when compared only to another who is even worse!

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My fondest daydream is that trump will lose the nomination, flip out, start a third party and take his cult with him. The repubs will be split and will go down in flames. Never to be heard from again.

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I posted this above, but I noticed several comments on a Yahoo article about Haley where people say if it is Trump vs Biden, Biden gets their vote. If it is Biden vs Haley, Haley gets their vote.

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I wouldn’t believe everything you read. When Trump was running in 2016 they never stopped talking i.e. that is the press how he will never win. This included editorials and opinions and news articles, and the leading newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post.

They were completely wrong and now I think they’re just reacting to how wrong they were in 2016. as far as I’m concerned, the press is probably one of the most dangerous institution at the present time.

It completely fulfils the description by Neil Postman of news as “ShowBusiness “ in his critique of the press, in the aptly titled book “amusing ourselves to death”

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You nailed it, Bill. I was speaking w/ a friend who thought she might vote for Haley as a spoiler to TFFG….I strongly suggested she look into what Haley’s record, as shapeshifting as it is, to see what she really is. Her comment (to paraphrase) about being able kick harder where it hurts whilst wearing heels (I pictured stilettos)…..well, my image was that democracy would just get punctured more efficiently.

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Joyce, it is that media obsession that is equal to the malice of leaders embracing this dystopian novel we are living.

When will they demonstrate a return to journalism?

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12th of Never, I suspect. Our Nation has been dumbed down to the point where critical thought is no longer a skill that most people have.

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I don’t believe that the American people are as dumb as the press is making them out to be.

Just check out the l recent two state elections, the one in Wisconsin, where a democrat majority in a fierce fight costing over $50 million gave a liberal judge to their Supreme Court. Also in Ohio where they defeated the very conservative Republican government to ban abortions by changing the constitution of the state.

In that election, the government held a vote in August on this one issue and didn’t expect people to come out and they did. They did.

A fascist America is just an “amusing ourselves to death. “obsession of eg Rachel Maddow style journalism. Check out her l what she is writing and podcasting.

The only thing that keeps Trump’s energy going, is how the press cannot stop talking about him. He needs that and they give it to him. 24/7.

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54% of adult Americans read at 6th grade level or below. Maybe they aren't dumb, but they aren't inclined to become better educated.

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He is universally adored in Texas, mainly because he hates immigrants. Immigration is to the repubs, what abortion is to Dems.

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Hate seems to be the driving force in so much of this. I keep thinking about the line from a country music song that goes, “Love’s the only house that’s big enough for all the hate in this world.”

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Haven’t heard that but like it. It’s especially hard when professed “good Christians,” spew hate.

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I heard it on a collection from Rebe (sp) MacIntyre (sp). It’s great to dance to. I know what you mean about hate spewing good Christians. In my ongoing quest to make sense of things, I stumbled upon an ecumenical group called Faithful America who is calling out the haters.You might find it refreshing to check out their website.

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Reba McEntire is how she spells her name. That particular song is sung by Martina McBride, another fabulous vocalist:


I'll check out Faithful America.

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Wow! Thank you for posting this! Very uplifting!

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So glad some are, needs to be more who appreciate the "Carter" type Christian

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“The media has become so obsessed with Trump that if Trump farts it becomes a headline and Biden passes substantial legislation and it’s the second or third story.”


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Never has so much attention been focused on such an empty and boring human being.

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And so ugly, no $7,000 haircut can improve him. Only Fox lies.

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Trump says he will replace the ACA with something better, but his advisors acknowledge that they have no plans to do more than chip away at the existing law.

Obviously, people are not paying attention to what Trump is saying and the MSM is not picking up on it either.

Trump is throwing underwear against the wall at this point to see what sticks. He knows his base will back him no matter what he says, so he keeps floating these losing ideas in hopes they resonate with a group of voters.

Imagine repealing pre-existing conditions. Bankruptcies would spike as people wouldn't chose life, damn the cost.

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Many old people have ACA but really hate Obamacare. Reason with that.

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Kinda like keep your hands off my social security check you g__ d_____ commies!

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Or the sign that said "keep your government hands off my Medicare" seen at a Tea Party rally.

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Yeah, the Tea Party was good at the oxymorons, and just morons

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Easy. They are racists. It's Biden's best insurance policy against assassination. Few things would horrify them more than having a black woman president....

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Yep, imagine 2024 with Kamala and Nikki, choice of half black and half Indian FEMALES. I can see the heads exploding…

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Whew, is all I can say for now. However, new polls are looking a little more real, not that one should bank on them. I was awakened early this morning by a text from 314 Action, the scientist for office organization. "NEW GALLUP POLL : 75% of Democrats approve of President Joe Biden in brand new poll." Something to sleep on. Thank you Heather, good night. We have or work cut out for us.

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Ransom, thank you. While I love the forum here, some days I can hardly get through many comments of gloom and doom as I am reduced to starting my day with despair. I was almost about to log off when I saw your comment.

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Well Miselle, we can't save the world on our own. The large community that is tangible here and on quite a few other Substacks should give us, at least, hope. Pass on to others who will pass on to more others the information and actions that might make a difference. If you can, subscribe to Jessica Craven's "Chop Wood, Carry Water" You can read it all free, but she appreciates the paid subs that help her keep going. She is a great calming presence who provides access to many places you can take direct action that will make a difference. You don't have to just watch it all go by. Poke and prod others. Share what you find.

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I started with Jessica Craven about a month ago, thanks to the suggestions here.

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Don't sit reading for too long. That's my problem. I should be out walking right now. Getting the blood moving helps the attitude. Enjoy the rest of your day.

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Funny you mentioned that, my husband and I did our (almost daily) walk right after I got off earlier. You have a good day as well.

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We don't get in the daily walks much now because mom-in -law is in rehab.. that's reality when they get to be 97. Thanks for the reminder. I gotta git my rears moving!

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"He pointed to a conversation neoconservative thinker William Kristol had this week with journalist Jonathan Karl, in which Karl described a dystopian future painted not by Democrats but by former Trump employees: a government full of Trump loyalists who understand “that they are free to break the law because they will be pardoned” as Trump seeks retribution against those he sees as his enemies.

'The storm is coming,' Last warned readers. 'The world looks normal right now, but it is not. Forces are in motion that will bring us to a point of national crisis one year from now.'"

The world of American governance only "looks normal right now" to those not looking.

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Rosalyn Carter, Henry Kissinger, Charlie Munger, Sandra Day O'Conner; as well as a number of lesser lights of lesser years who recently passed over are all reminders to us that our days are numbered, our influence finite and that our deeds will be recounted, by either a few or many in the course of eulogies and postmortem analyses. I personally believe their conduct will be called to account as well on the other side of the chasm. Any one of us with more years behind than ahead of them would do well to ask what really matters in the decreasing number of days left to us; it's certainly NOT acquiring more toys, more money, more power over others. I find the issues around what sort of a world I'll leave to my son, my nieces and nephews and their children far more compelling than the comic opera that we're witnessing in the public square. Ask yourself what really matters and put your shoulder to the wheels that seek to secure a life of greater security, liberty and peace than the one we have today, and ask yourself which leader is more likely to bring us close to that future; the answer seems crystal clear to me.

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As they would say on Sesame Street, one of these things is so not like the others. Rosalyn was actually a good person. Sandra could have been, but couldn’t rise to the occasion that mattered most, Shrub the First. Charlie appreciated nothing of exponential income disparity. Henry, alas, wasted oxygen for 100 years, and millions of people died because of him. As TC says, only speak good of the dead. Henry is dead. Good.

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Yup. Sandra made a big error with FL/Bush/Gore. there was really no basis for the Feds to interfere with a state-run election. Which led to the US ignoring the 9/11 threat and Cheney invading two countries leading to the expenditure of trillions of US dollars that could have fed kids and provided health care to all, let alone cared for EVERY veteran regardless of cause of injury or malady. And destroyed the lives and infrastructure of those countries. Americans, citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan died for our stupidity. So yeah, the votes of one or two judges can lead to insane results. Ripple effect magnified by trillions.

But she did make several sensible decisions. Upholding Roe vs Wade in particular. She complained about the current court "dismantling" her decisions and ignoring precedent. Isn't life complicated? Don't you wish we could time travel and chat with Sandra...?

As to "Henry"...I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. But if I am wrong, Henry deserves an eternity handcuffed to Hitler and Pol Pot.

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That Sesame Street saying can be applied to a lot of things.

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John, AMEN says I !

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I’m with you Just Sayin’✋️🤞🙏

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It's well worth quoting the headline and subhead that introduce Jonathan V. Last's profoundly chilling reality check in The Bulwark that Heather mentions:

"There’s a storm coming. We all know it. And yet Americans are pretending that everything is normal.

We are going to be confronted with an existential crisis eleven months from now. And the majority of Americans don’t care."

The case Last makes isn't hype. It's a realistic reading of what's unfolding. It may prove to be wrong if nation does indeed wakeup. But it's also entirely plausible.


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Agreed. The time is now.

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Trump and his enablers are like clowns with flamethrowers

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Peter, please add: at an oil refinery that is gushing everywhere.....omfg.

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'The quest for power' is behind all of this. It's time to consider liberty and justice and the law and morality, rather than "voting your pocketbook" or reelecting your powerful local Representative who can get local projects pushed through. Democracy itself is on the ballot.

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The right to vote is a share of responsibility for the future state of America and the rights and welfare of all of her people, as well as a share of choice.

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I'd make the case that voting should be mandatory to retain citizenship. Australia does it - with less harsh penalties, of course. I'm just feeling angry today.

Required voting could be a carrot and stick arrangement. Some sort of tax reward, and incentive to participate? And a reasonable and modest penalty for not sending in a ballot - you could even check a box that says" "None of Above". But it would require involvement.

Blend that with publicly funded elections and wow! The problem, it seems to me, is that Romney was right. "Corporations are people too!" Koch=Haley=Project 2025

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Power = access to the purse. Pigs line up at the trough.

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Aren't they all pretty much crooks -- crooks, abettors of crooks, and abettors of dictators?

And rapists as slimy with many coatings of hypocrisy as is their orange leader with his many coatings of cosmetics?

Clown show? Freak show? Or just helplessly out of control pathos?

While the billionaires proceed to turn most Americans to serfs.

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Wipe away the BS, and "Reaganomics" is repackaged feudalism.

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