Congress established the Department of Justice in 1870, overseen by the attorney general, to protect civil rights in the southern states after state legislators and state law enforcement officers refused to treat their Black neighbors as equals.
This was a good day. We have been seeing Garland and his office step up to the plate. It is very important to actually hear from him because we know he is sharpening his tools on a leather strap. The police officers who are being arrested and indicted is sending a very clear message by the DOJ to not mess with our laws. Those who do, will be pursued and prosecuted. Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend have been vindicated, finally. Even though there is much more to accomplish, things are happening and just when we really need it. I am taking comfort in that.
Yes, I agree with you. I, too, am taking comfort in Garland and company taking charge. I went back and forth on Garland wanting him to move faster on pursuing Trump. I realize I was afraid that the longer nothing was done, the more time Trump had to pull another Houdini and escape justice once again. I now have more faith that G
arland and his DOJ are doing the right things. I have read how meticulous he is and also how very knowledgeable he is of our Constitution. Things really seem to be heating up and I think we are witnessing history before our very eyes.
I take comfort too from the FBI arrests in #SayHerName Breonna Taylor's case. Sadly, my friend was not impressed. Shirley said - why are people back out in the streets clogging up traffic? They got their money from the city.
My friend is a 63, black and a lifelong resident of the west end of Louisville. I don't know what to make of her comments.
If she were my friend, I would ask her if something like what happened to Breonna happened to her mother, sister or daughter, wouldn't she deem it important for justice to be served for them? And I would tell her that in my opinion money is not justice.
When I speak to jurors, as I do every now and then, I always point out to them that while money is the only recompense the law can offer, it is never full compensation, whether for a broken leg or years of emotional harm.
It’s important to understand how and why juries award money. And to keep watching the Alex Jones Sandy Hook case. Yesterday compensatory damages to the tune of $4mil were awarded to parents.
Next phase are the punitive damages assessed. Usually much greater amount.
In addition to time he will serve if sentenced.
To me, while my thoughts are focused on the parents who have suffered so greatly, prosecution of this despicable person will send a clear message about conspiracy, lies, and defamation.
And the judgment on Jones who still dares to say the word “truth”.
He wouldn't know truth if it came up and bit him on the behind! I am glad that all three (compensatory fine, damages fine, and prison time) are all on the table.
You got it right Christine. As we will hear shortly, there are "Punitive Damage Caps" in Texas. The Texas Jury Instruction and Jury form will lay out the Texas formula. The Trial Judge appears to have conttol over Jones as he tried to cover up his net worth. Update on Verdict; $45+ Million in Punitive Damages. Total Verdict near $50, Million.
I assume you mean time Jones would potentially serve if he is charged and convicted of perjury, which looks like a ridiculously easy case to make. And I hope they bring such as case and the judge sentences Jones to the maximum punishment allowed. I wonder if he and his associates could be charged with something like "conspiracy to commit perjury" and sentenced to even harsher punishment.
I hope they will convict him for perjury. So often it seems they skip over things like this to get to the "bigger crimes", but it sets precedents that are dangerous.
Pardon my French, but fuck him! After they take every dime he ever made plus any that he might into the distant future, I’d like to see him put under the jail, and I mean that literally.
I am not sure what Shirley means either. For some facts, the DOJ seved three ( 3) Criminal Indictments against four (4) defendants. I undestand two (2) of the four (4) defendants still operate in the Louisville juridiction, Shirley's city. Where have the other two (2) gone? See, DOJ Press release: 22-835, updated 8 /4/22.
Bryan, Thank you for following the paper... it is I think as important as following the money. Why did Trump eat the paper, flush it down the toilet and take cartons of it home to Mar-a-Largo?
While reading today's Letter, I saw that the can of worms has truly opened. The process began with the House Committee's January 6 Investigation, and now the Justice Department's work is becoming known to the public. Our work, the work of the people is to insure that our elections are fair and free for all.
Frank, I do not know the answer. It is a good question. I don't have the time today to research whether there were attempts to recover, if so any, success and what was turned up. If you like, you could Google, "Were cartons of paper Trump took after leaving office recovered?" You might try several versions of the question. The answer may not be so easily found and or may not be available to the public. If I learn anything worthwhile about it, I'll post it to you.
Frank I feel any incriminating paperwork is long gone. I wonder how much that has been uncovered about Trump is real or a set up diversion. They had to have know that eventually questions would be asked.
Great find, Lynell. Thank you. I'll copy your reply and this one to Frank, Very little about the contents; there is more to learn but such info may not be public yet. Conditions about when this material to be public is not indicated from this piece.
There is a lawsuit that was filed by a watchdog group on May of this year “seeking the release of inventory documents, expenses, and communications related to the Whitehouse documents taken from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence...”.
She sounds burnt out...has to be. Perhaps she needed to vent, perhaps she’s ready to hear a voice of reason after venting. Perhaps these are fears coming to the surface because she is preparing herself for the worse. We all know if justice is not pursued it will happen again and again. We must move forward in hopes of making it better.
Does she not understand that "the money from the city" was simply an acknowledgement of harm that they caused, but not an effort to keep that harm from being repeated? Maybe she has just been worn down by the constant barrage of unpunished wrongdoing.
Watched Zero Dark Thirty last night, which drove home more than ever the grit that must have been involved in out government's decades-long pursuit of Zahawari. And yesterday I watched the Sandy Hook parents FINALLY receive a slice of justice after a decade of grief and harassment.
The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine. It is obvious that Garland has been building all these cases since he entered office - and let's not forget how long his nomination was stalled and sabotaged before getting in there. His patriotic, patient and meticulous persistence is now starting to bear fruit!
I’m sorry. It simply should not take the DOJ, the largest law firm in the world, with virtually unlimited resources, over 2 years to deliver a small measure of justice for the Taylor family. That is not justice in my mind. Only better than nothing. And, why no consequences for the KY AG?
AG Garland simply must do better. At the same pace, it will be next spring before trump, and any of his sycophants, are indicted. Step up, do your damn job.
Exactly. Garland should be leading, not following. Same thing happened with the J6 committee, didn’t act, at least seriously, until he was embarrassed to do so.
I believe you're wrong. When Garland took office in March 2021, he faced a daunting task — rebuild the Department of Justice after Trump and Barr had decimated it and, at the same time, begin prosecuting the hundreds of insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol. We have no idea when the department began broadening the investigation to include the big fish. He also had to have in place a staff large and capable enough to handle this exceedingly challenging work.
To suggest Garland didn't take the case seriously until the J6 committee began its work and was thus embarrassed into tackling it, flies in the face of his long and successful career. It also overlooks the size and complexity of the case, which is unprecedented in our history.
Exactly right. In addition, not only was DoJ decimated it was full of enablers from the top down and the ship needed righting. It was an enormous task and he was a total professional. I don't think he is easily embarrassed by what pundits say.
"this administration and their DOJ" -- Sorry, but FBI Director Christopher Wray is a Trump appointee, a Federalist Society acolyte of Leonard Leo, a NY brahmin, did his federal ct-of-app clerkship with J. Michael Luttig (an extreme right-winger despite having recently shown that, like his fellows Rep. Liz Cheney and Mueller-Report-liar Bill Barr, he does have principles against fascist treason), and "earned" over $9M in his 1 1/2 years of private practice (including repping C Christie in Bridgegate) before being sworn in as FBI Director by Jefferson (Davis) Beauregard Sessions III. Trust him as far as you can throw him.
As for AG Garland, his inclination to "all due deliberate speed" (the rubric in Brown v. Bd of Educ that allowed many states to continue to operate segregated schools for long enough to allow white flight to hollow out so many cities' tax and educational bases first) is fine for a JUDICIAL temperament but not so good when it allows blatant treason to go unnamed and unpunished for 2 1/2 years and counting. I'm sorry for being impatient, but even apart from the danger of installation of a Congress that'll shield tfg and his minions from j(J)ustice, I'm too old to be patient about outcomes (in this case "perpwalks") I hope to SEE.
Neil, from several people I’ve seen interviewed on MSNBC, it likely will be spring; justice often moves slow. But even if, god forbid, we lose control of the House, there will absolutely be a special prosecutor appointed. AG Garland will make sure of that.
You do realize this is Kentucky - land of MM and his little frog RP? The level of cronyism cannot be understated.. Early in the Biden administration, an investigation of Louisville Metro Police Department was announced. The city has changed police chiefs 3 times until current chief came here from Atlanta.
Laura Ingraham looks like the nasty piece of work everyone who's ever been around her says she is. Another winger who obviously sold her soul long ago, it's so obvious.
When real problems come at you, like the Moose fire which has destroyed grazing rights on more than 60000 acres and entrapped cattle in its midst , see Inciweb Idaho, Moose Fire, we still have time to call bullshit on total flakes like Ingraham. As our towns water shed here in Salmon and the homes of residences in the river corridor are threatened we still look outward at the American communities and people threatened with the fire brought on by the abject failure of the Republican agenda and applaud the actions of American heroes fighting to cool the embers of tyranny. Thank you!
I hope you are safe and am sorry about the fire in your area. I am glad you too that you can still call out people like the soulless Ingraham. Nicely put too.
No sweat, we are hunky dorky. One foot in the black. Seems like our country has one foot in the black now too. My hat is over my heart for the folks on the fire line of freedom.
Pat, I absolutely sympathize with you. I came within a 100 yards of losing everything I own in the Oregon fires of 2020. I evacuated and for three weeks I never knew whether I had a home. When I was allowed to return, my neighbor's house had burnt down to the foundation yet I was virtually untouched. Not a tree even scorched!
Why? How?
The answer is denial, denial, denial, on top of constant pressure from the fossil fuel industries to just let things alone. They will not be happy until every last barrel of oil and gas is sucked from the earth and every ton of coal is burnt up.
The question on the table is who runs this country? Exxon and Shell Oil or We th People?
As a jumper my inclination is to stay and defend if your space is defensible. We like to wrap a California hose-lay around the homes and defend from behind using the home as a heat shield. Not for the feint of heart or inexperienced. But out here in fire country if you are not there, no one else is either.
Well, I can only say that as a "super senior" my fire fighting days were (and are) over. Of course the electricy was down so my well wasn't working. But the sheriff ordered me to evacuate the area. I don't think there was even a choice. (Plus, I didn't want to end up like Harry Truman, of Mt. St. Helens fame, who is now buried under 500ft of ash and pumice.)
There were a few rumors of looters sneaking into the area while we were evacuated.
But my point is that these kinds of events are going to be more the rule than the exception. It's heartbreaking to watch an entire forst be reduced to ashes.
Well said. I hope for cooler, wetter weather. We've got some fires cooking in Oregon now, and the fire that destroyed Klamath River has threatened homes in Yreka, CA (a tuba playing friend of mine had to evacuate, along with her horse).
You may have seen the article on the state sending notices to certain high risk fire property owners on what they needed to do. The response has been loud and now the state is backtracking....I don't know, a new map. Of course, the noise has come from that part of the state which is bright red. I did see one good thing this week, the greedy developer in central Oregon has given up on his water sucking resort.
A few years ago, there was a billboard on I-95 North heading into Philadelphia. It was an ad for Fox News and featured, as I recall, nothing but a large photo of Laura Ingraham with a lascivious sneer. I always wondered what message the network was trying to send, and who would think this was an appropriate look for a “news” personality.
Easy to answer Betsy. This is their idea of the "awake not woke" news personality, who can better gain the interest of wingers male and female. Who obviously sees everything for what he/she thinks it is, assumes everyone should see it that way, and most importantly has visual hatred for those who do not think their way. Fox uses the female in ways that they think will improve viewership. Who can forget the leggy panels - miniskirts with sexy crossed legs for all to see. All talking winger smack. Meant to give the old white men hard-ons while watching the news. Or the legal trouble Fox has been in from ex-employees female. What a misogynist organization.
My 92-year-old mother watches the Fox trifecta of hate and lies every evening (Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham) and the past few years it’s been hard to pierce through the veil of stupidity and fear that’s been inculcated in her. Although her health is failing, she’s still as sharp as a tack. The one person who I thought was the smartest person I’d ever known has descended into blind obedience of the Fox watchers, of which there are millions in this benighted country. The woman who taught me tolerance and how to love my fellow man (in a truly genderless fashion) has descended into political madness.
My husband is from a very large family. 1 Aunt and 1 Cousin are the only ones we continue to see. Very sad..the rest have all gone to the dark side. Had 1 Cousin get in my face at memorial service, no less, last year. We both vowed it was the last family event. But now hubby is turning 75 and feels he should see all the siblings this Christmas. We are both dreading the visit.
Families…what the hell has happened to this country?😩
I might mention, I have heard of people who have managed to program their parent's tvs such that they can no longer access FOX. I don't know if it is via streaming services or monkeying with the remote, but I have read about this, I think actually on this forum!
I did this at the rehab center after her hip surgery a few years ago. It seemed as if every damned TV in the place was tuned to Fox. The next day, Fox was back. If I did this at home, she’d know it was me. I also live > 250 miles away …
So true, TC. She is a nasty wench disgrace. When I watch Faux to keep up with their drivel, I always end up throwing something at the TV for her nitwit remarks. I immediately revert to my 8yr old playground politics. Ooooo, if I could just get her on the playground for 10 minutes.
This was a good day. We have been seeing Garland and his office step up to the plate. It is very important to actually hear from him because we know he is sharpening his tools on a leather strap. The police officers who are being arrested and indicted is sending a very clear message by the DOJ to not mess with our laws. Those who do, will be pursued and prosecuted. Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend have been vindicated, finally. Even though there is much more to accomplish, things are happening and just when we really need it. I am taking comfort in that.
Yes, I agree with you. I, too, am taking comfort in Garland and company taking charge. I went back and forth on Garland wanting him to move faster on pursuing Trump. I realize I was afraid that the longer nothing was done, the more time Trump had to pull another Houdini and escape justice once again. I now have more faith that G
arland and his DOJ are doing the right things. I have read how meticulous he is and also how very knowledgeable he is of our Constitution. Things really seem to be heating up and I think we are witnessing history before our very eyes.
I take comfort too from the FBI arrests in #SayHerName Breonna Taylor's case. Sadly, my friend was not impressed. Shirley said - why are people back out in the streets clogging up traffic? They got their money from the city.
My friend is a 63, black and a lifelong resident of the west end of Louisville. I don't know what to make of her comments.
If she were my friend, I would ask her if something like what happened to Breonna happened to her mother, sister or daughter, wouldn't she deem it important for justice to be served for them? And I would tell her that in my opinion money is not justice.
money is only a band-aid or in some cases duct tape to shut the complaining party up
When I speak to jurors, as I do every now and then, I always point out to them that while money is the only recompense the law can offer, it is never full compensation, whether for a broken leg or years of emotional harm.
It’s important to understand how and why juries award money. And to keep watching the Alex Jones Sandy Hook case. Yesterday compensatory damages to the tune of $4mil were awarded to parents.
Next phase are the punitive damages assessed. Usually much greater amount.
In addition to time he will serve if sentenced.
To me, while my thoughts are focused on the parents who have suffered so greatly, prosecution of this despicable person will send a clear message about conspiracy, lies, and defamation.
And the judgment on Jones who still dares to say the word “truth”.
He wouldn't know truth if it came up and bit him on the behind! I am glad that all three (compensatory fine, damages fine, and prison time) are all on the table.
You got it right Christine. As we will hear shortly, there are "Punitive Damage Caps" in Texas. The Texas Jury Instruction and Jury form will lay out the Texas formula. The Trial Judge appears to have conttol over Jones as he tried to cover up his net worth. Update on Verdict; $45+ Million in Punitive Damages. Total Verdict near $50, Million.
I assume you mean time Jones would potentially serve if he is charged and convicted of perjury, which looks like a ridiculously easy case to make. And I hope they bring such as case and the judge sentences Jones to the maximum punishment allowed. I wonder if he and his associates could be charged with something like "conspiracy to commit perjury" and sentenced to even harsher punishment.
I hope they will convict him for perjury. So often it seems they skip over things like this to get to the "bigger crimes", but it sets precedents that are dangerous.
Yes, Dirk. This case is a civil lawsuit, not criminal. So....
Whatever the court awards the families, how will Alex Jones's declaration of bankruptcy affect what they will actually receive?
Pardon my French, but fuck him! After they take every dime he ever made plus any that he might into the distant future, I’d like to see him put under the jail, and I mean that literally.
They will address that. He’s made millions of $ every year his program has been in existence.
Perhaps the bankruptcy court will reject, at least, his most recent filing as a ploy to avoid paying the penalties.
I personally don't know, Mim, but make the heavy assumption the court et al. won't just take his word for it.
Thanks, Jon. You said it better than I did!
That's a good question.
I am not sure what Shirley means either. For some facts, the DOJ seved three ( 3) Criminal Indictments against four (4) defendants. I undestand two (2) of the four (4) defendants still operate in the Louisville juridiction, Shirley's city. Where have the other two (2) gone? See, DOJ Press release: 22-835, updated 8 /4/22.
Bryan, Thank you for following the paper... it is I think as important as following the money. Why did Trump eat the paper, flush it down the toilet and take cartons of it home to Mar-a-Largo?
While reading today's Letter, I saw that the can of worms has truly opened. The process began with the House Committee's January 6 Investigation, and now the Justice Department's work is becoming known to the public. Our work, the work of the people is to insure that our elections are fair and free for all.
Here's to more light all around.
Has any of the material from MarLago been returned to the govt?
Frank, I do not know the answer. It is a good question. I don't have the time today to research whether there were attempts to recover, if so any, success and what was turned up. If you like, you could Google, "Were cartons of paper Trump took after leaving office recovered?" You might try several versions of the question. The answer may not be so easily found and or may not be available to the public. If I learn anything worthwhile about it, I'll post it to you.
Frank I feel any incriminating paperwork is long gone. I wonder how much that has been uncovered about Trump is real or a set up diversion. They had to have know that eventually questions would be asked.
Frank, See link to article about the recovery of the 15 cartons Trump has at Mar-a-Largo
Lynell(VA by way of MD&DC)
Great find, Lynell. Thank you. I'll copy your reply and this one to Frank, Very little about the contents; there is more to learn but such info may not be public yet. Conditions about when this material to be public is not indicated from this piece.
It is my understanding that archivists from the National Archives retrieved the materials and are reviewing them.
Good one, Fern.
From the heart, thank you Pam.
Thank you FERN, the more sun lignt the better but, I think we may need some UV LIght, "black light" to spot any blood.
There is a lawsuit that was filed by a watchdog group on May of this year “seeking the release of inventory documents, expenses, and communications related to the Whitehouse documents taken from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence...”.
She sounds burnt out...has to be. Perhaps she needed to vent, perhaps she’s ready to hear a voice of reason after venting. Perhaps these are fears coming to the surface because she is preparing herself for the worse. We all know if justice is not pursued it will happen again and again. We must move forward in hopes of making it better.
Does she not understand that "the money from the city" was simply an acknowledgement of harm that they caused, but not an effort to keep that harm from being repeated? Maybe she has just been worn down by the constant barrage of unpunished wrongdoing.
Ignorance is colorblind
That's quite a response. It would be interesting to know why she feels that way.
$12 million in the civil suit for #SayHerName #BreonnaTaylor family.
Indeed a ?
Watched Zero Dark Thirty last night, which drove home more than ever the grit that must have been involved in out government's decades-long pursuit of Zahawari. And yesterday I watched the Sandy Hook parents FINALLY receive a slice of justice after a decade of grief and harassment.
The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine. It is obvious that Garland has been building all these cases since he entered office - and let's not forget how long his nomination was stalled and sabotaged before getting in there. His patriotic, patient and meticulous persistence is now starting to bear fruit!
I’m sorry. It simply should not take the DOJ, the largest law firm in the world, with virtually unlimited resources, over 2 years to deliver a small measure of justice for the Taylor family. That is not justice in my mind. Only better than nothing. And, why no consequences for the KY AG?
AG Garland simply must do better. At the same pace, it will be next spring before trump, and any of his sycophants, are indicted. Step up, do your damn job.
I could be wrong, but I think the DOJ doesn’t/didn’t step in until it was clear the state wasn’t going to do anything. Hence the time frame.
Exactly. Garland should be leading, not following. Same thing happened with the J6 committee, didn’t act, at least seriously, until he was embarrassed to do so.
I believe you're wrong. When Garland took office in March 2021, he faced a daunting task — rebuild the Department of Justice after Trump and Barr had decimated it and, at the same time, begin prosecuting the hundreds of insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol. We have no idea when the department began broadening the investigation to include the big fish. He also had to have in place a staff large and capable enough to handle this exceedingly challenging work.
To suggest Garland didn't take the case seriously until the J6 committee began its work and was thus embarrassed into tackling it, flies in the face of his long and successful career. It also overlooks the size and complexity of the case, which is unprecedented in our history.
Exactly right. In addition, not only was DoJ decimated it was full of enablers from the top down and the ship needed righting. It was an enormous task and he was a total professional. I don't think he is easily embarrassed by what pundits say.
Two hearts for you, Michael.
LOL-does that mean Michael Bales is a Time Lord? (For those unfamiliar w/Dr Who, he has 2 hearts.)
Step down and give this administration and their DOJ a break, will you please?
Rule of law. Justice. Democracy. You’d rather see the previous administration’s brand of justice continue?
Shine some Light, Neil.
It's going to take a while to clean up both past legal messes neglected by Trumpers for 4 years AND indict the Trumpers.
"this administration and their DOJ" -- Sorry, but FBI Director Christopher Wray is a Trump appointee, a Federalist Society acolyte of Leonard Leo, a NY brahmin, did his federal ct-of-app clerkship with J. Michael Luttig (an extreme right-winger despite having recently shown that, like his fellows Rep. Liz Cheney and Mueller-Report-liar Bill Barr, he does have principles against fascist treason), and "earned" over $9M in his 1 1/2 years of private practice (including repping C Christie in Bridgegate) before being sworn in as FBI Director by Jefferson (Davis) Beauregard Sessions III. Trust him as far as you can throw him.
As for AG Garland, his inclination to "all due deliberate speed" (the rubric in Brown v. Bd of Educ that allowed many states to continue to operate segregated schools for long enough to allow white flight to hollow out so many cities' tax and educational bases first) is fine for a JUDICIAL temperament but not so good when it allows blatant treason to go unnamed and unpunished for 2 1/2 years and counting. I'm sorry for being impatient, but even apart from the danger of installation of a Congress that'll shield tfg and his minions from j(J)ustice, I'm too old to be patient about outcomes (in this case "perpwalks") I hope to SEE.
Neil, from several people I’ve seen interviewed on MSNBC, it likely will be spring; justice often moves slow. But even if, god forbid, we lose control of the House, there will absolutely be a special prosecutor appointed. AG Garland will make sure of that.
You do realize this is Kentucky - land of MM and his little frog RP? The level of cronyism cannot be understated.. Early in the Biden administration, an investigation of Louisville Metro Police Department was announced. The city has changed police chiefs 3 times until current chief came here from Atlanta.
little frog, Melissa? Thanks for giving me something to smirk about!
Congratulations on your election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Richly deserved is undersaid.
Thank you ! “Professor of History Heather Cox Richardson is elected to academy committed to honoring excellence, examining new ideas, and addressing issues of importance to the nation and the world.”
BRAVA to our most esteemed Professor!! Without her dogged research, we would be kept in the dark. 👏🏼👏🏼
It took from April 28, when it was announced (and which I posted on Facebook on May 2— until August 5 to be publicized by Boston College. Odd.
Laura Ingraham looks like the nasty piece of work everyone who's ever been around her says she is. Another winger who obviously sold her soul long ago, it's so obvious.
When real problems come at you, like the Moose fire which has destroyed grazing rights on more than 60000 acres and entrapped cattle in its midst , see Inciweb Idaho, Moose Fire, we still have time to call bullshit on total flakes like Ingraham. As our towns water shed here in Salmon and the homes of residences in the river corridor are threatened we still look outward at the American communities and people threatened with the fire brought on by the abject failure of the Republican agenda and applaud the actions of American heroes fighting to cool the embers of tyranny. Thank you!
Thank you, Pat Cole. I salute you.
I hope you are safe and am sorry about the fire in your area. I am glad you too that you can still call out people like the soulless Ingraham. Nicely put too.
No sweat, we are hunky dorky. One foot in the black. Seems like our country has one foot in the black now too. My hat is over my heart for the folks on the fire line of freedom.
Pat, I absolutely sympathize with you. I came within a 100 yards of losing everything I own in the Oregon fires of 2020. I evacuated and for three weeks I never knew whether I had a home. When I was allowed to return, my neighbor's house had burnt down to the foundation yet I was virtually untouched. Not a tree even scorched!
Why? How?
The answer is denial, denial, denial, on top of constant pressure from the fossil fuel industries to just let things alone. They will not be happy until every last barrel of oil and gas is sucked from the earth and every ton of coal is burnt up.
The question on the table is who runs this country? Exxon and Shell Oil or We th People?
As a jumper my inclination is to stay and defend if your space is defensible. We like to wrap a California hose-lay around the homes and defend from behind using the home as a heat shield. Not for the feint of heart or inexperienced. But out here in fire country if you are not there, no one else is either.
Pat, you’re a fire jumper?!
Yes, a really old one.
Well, I can only say that as a "super senior" my fire fighting days were (and are) over. Of course the electricy was down so my well wasn't working. But the sheriff ordered me to evacuate the area. I don't think there was even a choice. (Plus, I didn't want to end up like Harry Truman, of Mt. St. Helens fame, who is now buried under 500ft of ash and pumice.)
There were a few rumors of looters sneaking into the area while we were evacuated.
But my point is that these kinds of events are going to be more the rule than the exception. It's heartbreaking to watch an entire forst be reduced to ashes.
Right now the oil giants are running the country, there is plenty of evidence to verify that it is so. Coal runs West Virginia.
Which fire? My sister lives in Phoenix (Almeda fire) and I live near the Holiday Farm fire.
Holiday Farm Fire. On Hwy 126
Howdy, neighbor. I live in Eugene, and retired from Lane County SO 9 years ago.
Howdy to you!
Then, you know how Hwy 126 from The Leaburg Lake to Rainbow looked like Hiroshima after that fire!
Well said. I hope for cooler, wetter weather. We've got some fires cooking in Oregon now, and the fire that destroyed Klamath River has threatened homes in Yreka, CA (a tuba playing friend of mine had to evacuate, along with her horse).
You may have seen the article on the state sending notices to certain high risk fire property owners on what they needed to do. The response has been loud and now the state is backtracking....I don't know, a new map. Of course, the noise has come from that part of the state which is bright red. I did see one good thing this week, the greedy developer in central Oregon has given up on his water sucking resort.
That’s a piece of good news.
Yes, it is obvious. They always have the same expression, a sort of cruel, defiant smugness.
Like a constipated ferret.
Thanks for the laugh, Robin... And a very astute observation. 😄
I was a zoo keeper for 35 years so I ought to know..😜
Oh. My. I can never look at a straining ferret the same way again.
OUTSTANDING description!
One hopes that straining ferrets are not always in your normal landscape. I got paid to see them but doing it for free would be a tragic situation. 🤣
A few years ago, there was a billboard on I-95 North heading into Philadelphia. It was an ad for Fox News and featured, as I recall, nothing but a large photo of Laura Ingraham with a lascivious sneer. I always wondered what message the network was trying to send, and who would think this was an appropriate look for a “news” personality.
Easy to answer Betsy. This is their idea of the "awake not woke" news personality, who can better gain the interest of wingers male and female. Who obviously sees everything for what he/she thinks it is, assumes everyone should see it that way, and most importantly has visual hatred for those who do not think their way. Fox uses the female in ways that they think will improve viewership. Who can forget the leggy panels - miniskirts with sexy crossed legs for all to see. All talking winger smack. Meant to give the old white men hard-ons while watching the news. Or the legal trouble Fox has been in from ex-employees female. What a misogynist organization.
Every last one, it oozes out…
A perfect description, and why I cannot stand to look at any of them.
Whenever I see *ucker Carlson with that goofy expression, I think of back-in-the-day our moms saying "your face is going to freeze that way" LOL
But as a senior woman, I look at him and think, DUDE, you are gonna have some major furrows sagging over your nose in about 20 years.
Actually, it's a both and situation - Trump was BOTH beaten AND indited. :)
My 92-year-old mother watches the Fox trifecta of hate and lies every evening (Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham) and the past few years it’s been hard to pierce through the veil of stupidity and fear that’s been inculcated in her. Although her health is failing, she’s still as sharp as a tack. The one person who I thought was the smartest person I’d ever known has descended into blind obedience of the Fox watchers, of which there are millions in this benighted country. The woman who taught me tolerance and how to love my fellow man (in a truly genderless fashion) has descended into political madness.
So sorry, must be painful to watch
So sad to hear your situation.
My husband is from a very large family. 1 Aunt and 1 Cousin are the only ones we continue to see. Very sad..the rest have all gone to the dark side. Had 1 Cousin get in my face at memorial service, no less, last year. We both vowed it was the last family event. But now hubby is turning 75 and feels he should see all the siblings this Christmas. We are both dreading the visit.
Families…what the hell has happened to this country?😩
I might mention, I have heard of people who have managed to program their parent's tvs such that they can no longer access FOX. I don't know if it is via streaming services or monkeying with the remote, but I have read about this, I think actually on this forum!
I did this at the rehab center after her hip surgery a few years ago. It seemed as if every damned TV in the place was tuned to Fox. The next day, Fox was back. If I did this at home, she’d know it was me. I also live > 250 miles away …
Her evil oozes out all over
So true, TC. She is a nasty wench disgrace. When I watch Faux to keep up with their drivel, I always end up throwing something at the TV for her nitwit remarks. I immediately revert to my 8yr old playground politics. Ooooo, if I could just get her on the playground for 10 minutes.
🤣🤣 You crack me up, Christine! Honestly though, how can you stand watching those people? I wouldn’t have a voice left nor anything breakable!