Pardon my French, but fuck him! After they take every dime he ever made plus any that he might into the distant future, I’d like to see him put under the jail, and I mean that literally.
It was almost enough to see the gob smacked expression on his face when he was told that his own attorney screwed up and sent his entire communications of two years to the plaintiffs' lawyers. I was thrilled to hear that the $4 million would be followed by punitive damages. We can all pray for heavy prison sentences as well. It's the only way that these criminals will be forced to stop spreading lies.
It was reported that he made $800,000 a day, by MSNBC. That is staggering! Bankrupt and indict this despicable person. Then let’s see that happen to Orange Moon Pie!
Who wastes their money on such white trash liars to divide and destroy our people? Putin? Rethuglicans. I would like to see where all that money actually comes from and where it goes. Sounds really suspicious.
I hope so, but concerned he may have hidden his money in offshore accounts and legal trusts, I assume. They all seems to be quite good at hiding money.
Rejecting the filing is one possibility, yes. But there's also precedent for a judge to rule that a specific debt will not be discharged by the bankruptcy. In one case this meant that the petitioner whose bankruptcy filing was almost certainly motivated by a slander judgment was still stuck with it. Tough luck for the concern I worked for at the time, which held the other debt, but the judgment was a delight to read.
Whatever the court awards the families, how will Alex Jones's declaration of bankruptcy affect what they will actually receive?
Pardon my French, but fuck him! After they take every dime he ever made plus any that he might into the distant future, I’d like to see him put under the jail, and I mean that literally.
It was almost enough to see the gob smacked expression on his face when he was told that his own attorney screwed up and sent his entire communications of two years to the plaintiffs' lawyers. I was thrilled to hear that the $4 million would be followed by punitive damages. We can all pray for heavy prison sentences as well. It's the only way that these criminals will be forced to stop spreading lies.
Right, you are, Nancy.
Mercy Buckets, Dick!
They will address that. He’s made millions of $ every year his program has been in existence.
It was reported that he made $800,000 a day, by MSNBC. That is staggering! Bankrupt and indict this despicable person. Then let’s see that happen to Orange Moon Pie!
Oh, boo hoo! Tough to scrape by on that
Poor baby!
Who wastes their money on such white trash liars to divide and destroy our people? Putin? Rethuglicans. I would like to see where all that money actually comes from and where it goes. Sounds really suspicious.
Perhaps the bankruptcy court will reject, at least, his most recent filing as a ploy to avoid paying the penalties.
I hope so, but concerned he may have hidden his money in offshore accounts and legal trusts, I assume. They all seems to be quite good at hiding money.
MSNBC reported that he'd been salting away $1,100 a day.
Rejecting the filing is one possibility, yes. But there's also precedent for a judge to rule that a specific debt will not be discharged by the bankruptcy. In one case this meant that the petitioner whose bankruptcy filing was almost certainly motivated by a slander judgment was still stuck with it. Tough luck for the concern I worked for at the time, which held the other debt, but the judgment was a delight to read.
I personally don't know, Mim, but make the heavy assumption the court et al. won't just take his word for it.