"If you want the Rich to get Richer at your expense vote Republican. If you want a fair deal for all the people vote Democrat" should be the Democrats' slogan.
"If you want the Rich to get Richer at your expense vote Republican. If you want a fair deal for all the people vote Democrat" should be the Democrats' slogan.
Sadly, I think the Dems have already cashed that chip and it didn't cover the bill. You saw it in the enthusiasm for Obama, but he was handcuffed the day he walked in the door, by his own party. It seemed the Dems didn't fully coalesce behind him because he had sidestepped the establishment. They didn't see their opportunity as limited and prescious. By the time the midterms came, the Rs had mobilized against his message, leveraging racism and the desperate circumstances of folks who only had enough hope to take Obama over the finish line, but not to hold their locals to the fire to move legislation. Instead, folks who felt let down by the party got bitter. My Trumpy mom rejected the tea party out of hand, but now thinks Ted Cruz isn't half bad. He's the same wannabe actor he's been since high school, but she can't see it. What she sees are empty promises, by and large, programs that don't work for her, and a deep distrust of 'help'.
President Obama is highly intelligent and very able to see the extreme racist and violent reaction to his election to the highest office in our country. Out of a love for all of us and wanting to mute that reaction I think he felt pressured to constrain his very progressive nature. I will never forget his pain at Sandy Hook and then breaking out in the song of Amazing Grace at the service after the church massacre in Charleston. ЁЯТФ
Steph, thank you for reminding us of the challenges President Obama faced when he took office. In addition to the orange clownтАЩs birther lie, he had Pelosi saying they would not rubber stamp everything he wanted. That to me was the beginning of cracks in Democratic chances for progress. I didnтАЩt connect it with besting Hillary. Most of us have tr$mpies in the family and I share your pain.
Ally You mentioned elsewhere (canтАЩt find it) that you werenтАЩt at your computer and thus couldnтАЩt find one of my comments. Is there a way on LFAA to easily recover comments by you, me, or whoever? I feel that all these comments are blown into the wind and gone forever. ThatтАЩs for any assistance to this hi tech dunderhead.
As kids, we thought that two cans linked by a wire was Buck Rogers technology. And Dick Tracy with a phone wrist watchтАФwould never happen.
"If you want the Rich to get Richer at your expense vote Republican. If you want a fair deal for all the people vote Democrat" should be the Democrats' slogan.
Sadly, I think the Dems have already cashed that chip and it didn't cover the bill. You saw it in the enthusiasm for Obama, but he was handcuffed the day he walked in the door, by his own party. It seemed the Dems didn't fully coalesce behind him because he had sidestepped the establishment. They didn't see their opportunity as limited and prescious. By the time the midterms came, the Rs had mobilized against his message, leveraging racism and the desperate circumstances of folks who only had enough hope to take Obama over the finish line, but not to hold their locals to the fire to move legislation. Instead, folks who felt let down by the party got bitter. My Trumpy mom rejected the tea party out of hand, but now thinks Ted Cruz isn't half bad. He's the same wannabe actor he's been since high school, but she can't see it. What she sees are empty promises, by and large, programs that don't work for her, and a deep distrust of 'help'.
President Obama is highly intelligent and very able to see the extreme racist and violent reaction to his election to the highest office in our country. Out of a love for all of us and wanting to mute that reaction I think he felt pressured to constrain his very progressive nature. I will never forget his pain at Sandy Hook and then breaking out in the song of Amazing Grace at the service after the church massacre in Charleston. ЁЯТФ
Exactly, Christy!!ЁЯТЩ
Steph, thank you for reminding us of the challenges President Obama faced when he took office. In addition to the orange clownтАЩs birther lie, he had Pelosi saying they would not rubber stamp everything he wanted. That to me was the beginning of cracks in Democratic chances for progress. I didnтАЩt connect it with besting Hillary. Most of us have tr$mpies in the family and I share your pain.
Good morning, Lynell!
Yes, that should be the slogan.
Ally You mentioned elsewhere (canтАЩt find it) that you werenтАЩt at your computer and thus couldnтАЩt find one of my comments. Is there a way on LFAA to easily recover comments by you, me, or whoever? I feel that all these comments are blown into the wind and gone forever. ThatтАЩs for any assistance to this hi tech dunderhead.
As kids, we thought that two cans linked by a wire was Buck Rogers technology. And Dick Tracy with a phone wrist watchтАФwould never happen.
Use Control F to search for Ally's name, or a key word. Substack loads comments in groups, so you may have to go through the maneuver a few times.
Diana Thanks! YOU ARE A GODDESS!!
I can (usually) follow the email link that tells me thereтАЩs a comment on my comment. Easy from the laptop, much harder from the phone.
Alley I was hoping for a slam dunk, but then I am a curmudgeonly optimist.
Lynell More crudely put тАЬBullshit to the Republican BillionairesтАЭ