Ally You mentioned elsewhere (can’t find it) that you weren’t at your computer and thus couldn’t find one of my comments. Is there a way on LFAA to easily recover comments by you, me, or whoever? I feel that all these comments are blown into the wind and gone forever. That’s for any assistance to this hi tech dunderhead.
As kids, we thought that two cans linked by a wire was Buck Rogers technology. And Dick Tracy with a phone wrist watch—would never happen.
Good morning, Lynell!
Yes, that should be the slogan.
Ally You mentioned elsewhere (can’t find it) that you weren’t at your computer and thus couldn’t find one of my comments. Is there a way on LFAA to easily recover comments by you, me, or whoever? I feel that all these comments are blown into the wind and gone forever. That’s for any assistance to this hi tech dunderhead.
As kids, we thought that two cans linked by a wire was Buck Rogers technology. And Dick Tracy with a phone wrist watch—would never happen.
Use Control F to search for Ally's name, or a key word. Substack loads comments in groups, so you may have to go through the maneuver a few times.
Diana Thanks! YOU ARE A GODDESS!!
I can (usually) follow the email link that tells me there’s a comment on my comment. Easy from the laptop, much harder from the phone.
Alley I was hoping for a slam dunk, but then I am a curmudgeonly optimist.