As Michael Bales commented earlier, the national poll of America’s 18-to-29 year olds by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School provides a tantalizing look into the future. This comment was prepared for another day, but as your interest seems high, here we go. This was put together in an effort to raise the spirits of th…
As Michael Bales commented earlier, the national poll of America’s 18-to-29 year olds by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School provides a tantalizing look into the future. This comment was prepared for another day, but as your interest seems high, here we go. This was put together in an effort to raise the spirits of those among us worried about the future (who isn’t). There been too many disappointments over the years; an acute awareness of the terrible political strength and manipulation of the system and of American people by the Republican Party and age-old weariness can keep us down. There are, nevertheless, avenues of vibrancy, proven success and ingenuity in democratic and progressive circles. Knowing what young people are thinking is a fruitful road to travel. With that, please enjoy the following::
‘April 23, 2021’
‘A national poll of America’s 18-to-29 year olds released today by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School shows that despite the state of our politics, hope for America among young people is rising dramatically, especially among people of color. As more young Americans are likely to be politically engaged than they were a decade ago, they overwhelmingly approve of the job President Biden is doing, favor progressive policies, and have faith in their fellow Americans’.
‘Power Up: Biden scores record high approval rating among young voters, according to new poll’ (The Washington Post) April 23, 2021 at 6:22 a.m. EDT
‘The people’
‘THE BOY NEXT DOOR PHENOMENON’: Young Americans are more optimistic about the future and far more approving of U.S. leadership under President Biden than during ex-president Donald Trump's tenure, according to a new Harvard Youth Poll released on Friday.
Biden has hit the highest favorability rating — 63 percent — among college students who are registered voters of any president in the youth poll's 21-year history, according to the poll.
Sitting at an overall 59 percent approval rating with those surveyed, Biden's popularity among young voters also marks a dramatic U-turn for the 78-year-old president: at this time last year, only 34 percent of all young adults viewed Biden favorably, per the spring 2020 Harvard Youth Poll. Read the full results here.
• Fifty-nine percent of 18-to-29 year old Americans approve of Biden's overall job performance; 65 approve of his handling of the coronavirus; and 57 percent of race relations, according to the poll.
Another striking development: young Americans are more hopeful about the future of America than they were in the fall of 2017 – almost a year after former president Trump took office. Only 31 percent of young Americans were hopeful about the future of America at the time and 67 percent were fearful.
Four years later, 56 percent of young Americans are more optimistic – especially young people of color.
• “While the hopefulness of young whites has increased 11 points, from 35 percent to 46 percent – the changes in attitudes among young people of color are striking,” according to a memo penned by Della Volpe. “Whereas only 18 percent of young Blacks had hope in 2017, today 72 percent are hopeful (+54). In 2017, 29 percent of Hispanics called themselves hopeful, today that number is 69% (+40).”
• Notable: the polling was conducted before the verdict that found former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd.
And for all of the caricatures of young Americans, the poll found that young people are open minded, more likely to be politically engaged than they were a decade ago and favor big government solutions to problems.
• Thirty-six percent of young Americans are politically active, with young Black voters (41 percent) the most active among that group. That's a 12-point difference from a 2009 poll that found in the fall after Obama's election that 24 percent of young Americans considered themselves to be politically active.
• “By a margin of nearly three-to-one, we found that youth agreed with the sentiment, ‘Americans with different political views from me still want what’s best for the country’ — in total, 50% agreed, 18% disagreed, and 31% were recorded as neutral,” according to Della Volpe's memo.
• The poll found a majority of young Americans favor government intervention on the issues of poverty, combating climate change, and health care.'
Survey of Young Americans’ Attitudes toward Politics and Public Service 41st Edition: March 9 – March 22, 2021 N=2,513 18- to- 29-Year-Olds in English and Spanish Margin of Error: +/-2.60% at the 95% Level 1. With regard to school, are you currently enrolled at any of the following?
High school ................................................................................ 7%
Trade/Vocational school ............................................................ 2%
2-year or junior college or community college .......................... 9%
[If enrolled in 4-year college/university, ask] 2. In which year of college are you? (n=511)
First year student/Freshman ..................................................... 17%
Second year student/Sophomore .............................................. 18%
Third year student/Junior ......................................................... 25%
Fourth year student/Senior....................................................... 31%
Fifth year student or higher........................................................ 7% Refused....................................................................................... 1%
I hope that you enjoyed this glimpse into the future. May these young people work together with a strong commitment to Democracy. Sounds like prayer, doesn’t it?
As the parent of two “young Americans” I can tell you without a doubt they are both more “politically engaged than they were a decade ago, they overwhelmingly approve of the job President Biden is doing, favor progressive policies, and have faith in their fellow Americans.” Their commitment to Democracy fills me with hope for the future.
That's one reason why we need to keep talking to the young people (especially those who will be voting for the first time in 2022) and gently nudge them to think about what they want their future to be like and then vote for the people who will help their future be the way they want.
I know that a few young people I talked to before the 2020 election were Bernie boys and I haven't had a chance to ask them how they feel about Biden. Especially a couple who said they were going to sit out the election because Bernie didn't get the nomination.
I am hopeful about our future, because of the young people I talk to. I've put a big burden on their shoulders, telling them that when my grandson gets to be their age, they will be the ones with the power and I want them to think about my grandson everytime they make choices that will impact his future.
President Biden "must" fix the student loan crisis he helped to create with his support of MBNA and banking interests. There was no crisis of students using bankruptcy to escape their loans which was the excuse used to pass laws blocking bankruptcy..
Having written for Student Loan Justice Org on occasion, I find the shackling of Millennials and other younger age groups to be detrimental to future economic growth. Student Loan Justice Org's petition is approaching 1 million signatures. and it will be sent to Congress and President Biden.
“I have no empathy for it. Give me a break,” Joe Biden should fix the disaster he helped to create since the nineties with student loans. Younger citizens have found they no way out of the financial burden shackling them to a pseudo debtors prison. We have a large segment of the population who can not be as productive as they could be if granted relief. Furthermore, I know of no other type of loan to which the borrower can not escape from by following legal means.
We seem to forget all of those who are left behind and stranded with student loans. Roughly 40% of those with student loan debt going into retirement will still have student loan debt and can have a portion of their SS garnished if behind. If you are behind on your student loan, you can also be denied from participating in federal programs such as retraining.
President Biden appears to be slow walking any form of student loan debt relief..
Oh, Bill, we are of the same mind! I also get worked up about the lockup of young, Black men, too. He and Clinton, and others devastated Black families, lowering them to hell, while building up the prison industrial complex. So much damage. Thank you for communicating Bill. Student debt was one of the reasons I support Elizabeth Warren.
Thank you. I needed this shot in the arm. I have long held out hope that our youth would "save" us from ourselves, but every time I said anything to that effect, I was reminded, "Yes, but they never show up to vote." Well, THIS time they did. I do wonder if David Hogg and his activists might have lit the match to show the way. Stacey Abrams is certainly reaching a huge segment of voters and not only succeeding in getting them to register to vote, but to show up and remain in long lines for hours to cast their votes. That our POC and youth are doing the hard work now and succeeding is evidenced by legislatures who are so panicked, they are desperately trying to suppress the vote, even to the extent of going after first amendment rights. I read somewhere (I'm nowhere near as organized as you in recording sources that can be cited later) that hundreds of attorneys have joined together to fight these efforts. I do wonder if anything at all can be done to the Georgia decision to remove power of local election officials and place decisions in the hands of elected GOP, or in the case of Arizona, to try to actually overturn an election months after it occurred. Surely, these actions, while desperate, are not LEGAL?
Ellen, Your reply lifted my up and UP! When I saw this report, my elation was as yours. Some subscribers have been tossing hope to the wind for understandable reasons. The need for some good surprises sent me on a treasure hunt. The bench has been stacked against democracy, but we may still have some success in the courts. The facts via the press, letters, organization, phone calls and demonstrations are in our hands. The Republicans are armed for war. Our spirits cannot flag on behalf of the truth, democracy, equality, honor and unity...good stuff!
I'm certainly ready for the baton to pass to the younger generation. It's the first generation who has felt, rightfully so, that they would not do better than their parents economically.
As Michael Bales commented earlier, the national poll of America’s 18-to-29 year olds by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School provides a tantalizing look into the future. This comment was prepared for another day, but as your interest seems high, here we go. This was put together in an effort to raise the spirits of those among us worried about the future (who isn’t). There been too many disappointments over the years; an acute awareness of the terrible political strength and manipulation of the system and of American people by the Republican Party and age-old weariness can keep us down. There are, nevertheless, avenues of vibrancy, proven success and ingenuity in democratic and progressive circles. Knowing what young people are thinking is a fruitful road to travel. With that, please enjoy the following::
‘April 23, 2021’
‘A national poll of America’s 18-to-29 year olds released today by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School shows that despite the state of our politics, hope for America among young people is rising dramatically, especially among people of color. As more young Americans are likely to be politically engaged than they were a decade ago, they overwhelmingly approve of the job President Biden is doing, favor progressive policies, and have faith in their fellow Americans’.
‘Power Up: Biden scores record high approval rating among young voters, according to new poll’ (The Washington Post) April 23, 2021 at 6:22 a.m. EDT
‘The people’
‘THE BOY NEXT DOOR PHENOMENON’: Young Americans are more optimistic about the future and far more approving of U.S. leadership under President Biden than during ex-president Donald Trump's tenure, according to a new Harvard Youth Poll released on Friday.
Biden has hit the highest favorability rating — 63 percent — among college students who are registered voters of any president in the youth poll's 21-year history, according to the poll.
Sitting at an overall 59 percent approval rating with those surveyed, Biden's popularity among young voters also marks a dramatic U-turn for the 78-year-old president: at this time last year, only 34 percent of all young adults viewed Biden favorably, per the spring 2020 Harvard Youth Poll. Read the full results here.
• Fifty-nine percent of 18-to-29 year old Americans approve of Biden's overall job performance; 65 approve of his handling of the coronavirus; and 57 percent of race relations, according to the poll.
Another striking development: young Americans are more hopeful about the future of America than they were in the fall of 2017 – almost a year after former president Trump took office. Only 31 percent of young Americans were hopeful about the future of America at the time and 67 percent were fearful.
Four years later, 56 percent of young Americans are more optimistic – especially young people of color.
• “While the hopefulness of young whites has increased 11 points, from 35 percent to 46 percent – the changes in attitudes among young people of color are striking,” according to a memo penned by Della Volpe. “Whereas only 18 percent of young Blacks had hope in 2017, today 72 percent are hopeful (+54). In 2017, 29 percent of Hispanics called themselves hopeful, today that number is 69% (+40).”
• Notable: the polling was conducted before the verdict that found former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd.
And for all of the caricatures of young Americans, the poll found that young people are open minded, more likely to be politically engaged than they were a decade ago and favor big government solutions to problems.
• Thirty-six percent of young Americans are politically active, with young Black voters (41 percent) the most active among that group. That's a 12-point difference from a 2009 poll that found in the fall after Obama's election that 24 percent of young Americans considered themselves to be politically active.
• “By a margin of nearly three-to-one, we found that youth agreed with the sentiment, ‘Americans with different political views from me still want what’s best for the country’ — in total, 50% agreed, 18% disagreed, and 31% were recorded as neutral,” according to Della Volpe's memo.
• The poll found a majority of young Americans favor government intervention on the issues of poverty, combating climate change, and health care.'
Survey of Young Americans’ Attitudes toward Politics and Public Service 41st Edition: March 9 – March 22, 2021 N=2,513 18- to- 29-Year-Olds in English and Spanish Margin of Error: +/-2.60% at the 95% Level 1. With regard to school, are you currently enrolled at any of the following?
High school ................................................................................ 7%
Trade/Vocational school ............................................................ 2%
2-year or junior college or community college .......................... 9%
4-year college/university.......................................................... 21%
Graduate school.......................................................................... 5%
Business or professional school (law, medicine, etc.) ............... 2%
Not enrolled in a college/university, but taking at least one course....... 2%
Not currently enrolled in any of these...................................... 54%
[If enrolled in 4-year college/university, ask] 2. In which year of college are you? (n=511)
First year student/Freshman ..................................................... 17%
Second year student/Sophomore .............................................. 18%
Third year student/Junior ......................................................... 25%
Fourth year student/Senior....................................................... 31%
Fifth year student or higher........................................................ 7% Refused....................................................................................... 1%
I hope that you enjoyed this glimpse into the future. May these young people work together with a strong commitment to Democracy. Sounds like prayer, doesn’t it?
As the parent of two “young Americans” I can tell you without a doubt they are both more “politically engaged than they were a decade ago, they overwhelmingly approve of the job President Biden is doing, favor progressive policies, and have faith in their fellow Americans.” Their commitment to Democracy fills me with hope for the future.
And the wonderful news is that, unlike previous years, in 2020 they actually went out and voted! Here's hoping that 2022 and 2024 are a repeat of that phenomenon.
That's one reason why we need to keep talking to the young people (especially those who will be voting for the first time in 2022) and gently nudge them to think about what they want their future to be like and then vote for the people who will help their future be the way they want.
I know that a few young people I talked to before the 2020 election were Bernie boys and I haven't had a chance to ask them how they feel about Biden. Especially a couple who said they were going to sit out the election because Bernie didn't get the nomination.
I am hopeful about our future, because of the young people I talk to. I've put a big burden on their shoulders, telling them that when my grandson gets to be their age, they will be the ones with the power and I want them to think about my grandson everytime they make choices that will impact his future.
I think they are up to the task. Thank you.
A nice review of the numbers.
President Biden "must" fix the student loan crisis he helped to create with his support of MBNA and banking interests. There was no crisis of students using bankruptcy to escape their loans which was the excuse used to pass laws blocking bankruptcy..
Having written for Student Loan Justice Org on occasion, I find the shackling of Millennials and other younger age groups to be detrimental to future economic growth. Student Loan Justice Org's petition is approaching 1 million signatures. and it will be sent to Congress and President Biden.
“I have no empathy for it. Give me a break,” Joe Biden should fix the disaster he helped to create since the nineties with student loans. Younger citizens have found they no way out of the financial burden shackling them to a pseudo debtors prison. We have a large segment of the population who can not be as productive as they could be if granted relief. Furthermore, I know of no other type of loan to which the borrower can not escape from by following legal means.
We seem to forget all of those who are left behind and stranded with student loans. Roughly 40% of those with student loan debt going into retirement will still have student loan debt and can have a portion of their SS garnished if behind. If you are behind on your student loan, you can also be denied from participating in federal programs such as retraining.
President Biden appears to be slow walking any form of student loan debt relief..
Oh, Bill, we are of the same mind! I also get worked up about the lockup of young, Black men, too. He and Clinton, and others devastated Black families, lowering them to hell, while building up the prison industrial complex. So much damage. Thank you for communicating Bill. Student debt was one of the reasons I support Elizabeth Warren.
“The answer is to rely on youth”- Robert Kennedy
All of this is reflected in the words and actions of my 5 grandchildren, ages 11-21. Hope rules!
Thank you. I needed this shot in the arm. I have long held out hope that our youth would "save" us from ourselves, but every time I said anything to that effect, I was reminded, "Yes, but they never show up to vote." Well, THIS time they did. I do wonder if David Hogg and his activists might have lit the match to show the way. Stacey Abrams is certainly reaching a huge segment of voters and not only succeeding in getting them to register to vote, but to show up and remain in long lines for hours to cast their votes. That our POC and youth are doing the hard work now and succeeding is evidenced by legislatures who are so panicked, they are desperately trying to suppress the vote, even to the extent of going after first amendment rights. I read somewhere (I'm nowhere near as organized as you in recording sources that can be cited later) that hundreds of attorneys have joined together to fight these efforts. I do wonder if anything at all can be done to the Georgia decision to remove power of local election officials and place decisions in the hands of elected GOP, or in the case of Arizona, to try to actually overturn an election months after it occurred. Surely, these actions, while desperate, are not LEGAL?
Ellen, Your reply lifted my up and UP! When I saw this report, my elation was as yours. Some subscribers have been tossing hope to the wind for understandable reasons. The need for some good surprises sent me on a treasure hunt. The bench has been stacked against democracy, but we may still have some success in the courts. The facts via the press, letters, organization, phone calls and demonstrations are in our hands. The Republicans are armed for war. Our spirits cannot flag on behalf of the truth, democracy, equality, honor and unity...good stuff!
I'm certainly ready for the baton to pass to the younger generation. It's the first generation who has felt, rightfully so, that they would not do better than their parents economically.