Ellen, Your reply lifted my up and UP! When I saw this report, my elation was as yours. Some subscribers have been tossing hope to the wind for understandable reasons. The need for some good surprises sent me on a treasure hunt. The bench has been stacked against democracy, but we may still have some success in the courts. The facts vi…
Ellen, Your reply lifted my up and UP! When I saw this report, my elation was as yours. Some subscribers have been tossing hope to the wind for understandable reasons. The need for some good surprises sent me on a treasure hunt. The bench has been stacked against democracy, but we may still have some success in the courts. The facts via the press, letters, organization, phone calls and demonstrations are in our hands. The Republicans are armed for war. Our spirits cannot flag on behalf of the truth, democracy, equality, honor and unity...good stuff!
Ellen, Your reply lifted my up and UP! When I saw this report, my elation was as yours. Some subscribers have been tossing hope to the wind for understandable reasons. The need for some good surprises sent me on a treasure hunt. The bench has been stacked against democracy, but we may still have some success in the courts. The facts via the press, letters, organization, phone calls and demonstrations are in our hands. The Republicans are armed for war. Our spirits cannot flag on behalf of the truth, democracy, equality, honor and unity...good stuff!