Tubberville is a fool. He has no clue about China's escalation in the Pacific. This is not a time to play games with the military's functioning. I think Biden should use Presidential Immunity to override the congress ignorance.

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Please change your intro music

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I like your opening music. It seems very appropriate for this historical letter.

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Your report today is chilling. The same guy who was behind the refusal to certify the results of the 2020 election (all of those were House republicans) was initiated by Mike Johnson, the “Christian” nationalist who is now Speaker.

He was probably working for Donald on that mission; he also helped kill the bipartisan immigration reform bill on Donald’s orders; and now he has inserted a poison pill to the proposed budget continuing resolution, to require all voters to be citizens! Just think what your local Republican voter suppression gangs and so-called “constitutional sheriffs” could do with that this fall!

But the worst is that all the Maganuts are willfully spewing Russian disinformation that they know, at least is false. Doesn’t this mean that they are basically, Communists? Isn’t Putin a communist? He’s “former” KGB; the Soviet Union was all about Russian style communism (remember the Bolsheviks?).

So our MAGA GOP is just a front for the Soviet KGB, as embodied currently by Vladimir Putin. In my view this makes all these so-called American politicians into willing stooges of Putin. As I have said before, it seems that Donald is really just Putin’s North America Property Manager.

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Trump is and always has been PUTINS PUPPET - he is such a FOOL!

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You can just delete it from your inbox. When I open my email, there are always multiple emails I delete without opening.

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