What's discouraging is not his insane rants, but that so many Americans take his words as gospel even in the face of overwhelming evidence that everything has improved significantly during the Biden administration after having been terrible during Trump's. The polls still show the election to be close. Trump is not the problem. It's American voters who have chosen the Trump Republican party as their one true religion and nothing , nothing will will change their minds

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Promoter of violence and divisiveness. Hate sells in The Land of the Free. Sadly, it always has. tRump is just the latest iteration. This is no time to be neutral!

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There is no PLACE to be neutral. Like a lifelong Republican friend who says she cannot bring herself to vote for Kamala Harris. I'm not surprised. Her husband thinks that one should conduct discussions of politics as if one were at a posh dinner party; that to ask probling questions that might upset some people is "rude." Meaning, the kinds of questions I asked his friends on a "non-partisan" Facebook group he set up. The only people who can afford these attitudes are those who still believe they will "get through" unscathed, or even benefit. Like the pre-WWII German Establishment swells. ("The Forgotten History of Hitler's Establishment Enablers" by Adam Gopnik in The New Yorker:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/10zcGyk9Qmx-ZRzCITrfcmelD_UL0pJIB/view?usp=sharing). Those who try to stand on the sidelines will find themselves quite lonely; neither side will trust them.

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No, no other POTUS has inflicted the hate and madness of Trump. So he’s just not another “iteration” of anyone who came before him. He’s actually trying to destroy our democracy a d replace it by the autocrat he intends to be - just like Putin, KJU, Xi, Orban and every other dictator he knows. And no doubt has promised all the rich in our country the status of Oligarchs in his regime

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The rich in our country ARE already oligarchs. What do you think Citizens United was for? Have you noticed that at most, there are 3 or 4 giant companies that between them control the lion's share of every key industry? Whatever this is, it is NOT CAPITALISM, which is characterized by reasonable entry and exit into and out of markets as suppliers, labor, capital, etc.; reasonably distributed information; COMPETITION. What we have instead of Capitalism is "winners" who, once they achieve "success," lock in their positions permanently, stop competing, control the markets, and the regulators and legislatures supposedly regulating and overseeing them. Sure smells like an oligarchy to me, comrade.

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Agree completely and understand. But if they think their oligarchs like in Russia, they would understand Donny can take however much Donny wants just like Putin does.

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Why doesn't our mainstream media report on this? Where are the news anchors from NBC, CBS, ABC? It would not be pejorative to report his statements and then the facts.

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Trump brings $$$$$$$$$$ to their coffers bc he’s so entertaining. And money surpasses honor and integrity.

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Because it’s Corporate Media…

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But if The Rump wins, it could be State Media, not good for anyone.

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Exactly. But that’s the problem in corporate America. The quarterly profit report.

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Major media has profits and shareholders. They make money by creating uncertainty, keeping everyone on edge with both sides-ism ( the candidates are equal when they are not even close).

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That makes sense. It also seems true of weather forecasting. Dread makes bread.

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“Is it a declining ability to grapple with reality?”

Yes. It sure seems so.

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Thank you for incisive analysis. Trump is a menace. I hope he flees soon.

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Thanks for taking time off your time off to highlight this.

Your sense of ‘significance’ in this event is bold-faced-and-underlining a feeling of outrage/concern at how ridiculously dangerous the main-stream press coverage of Trump really is. I have followed news coverage since your post.

The debate and its follow up coverage will be most telling whether our new norm for outrage — has become truly outrageous.

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Where is the MSM?

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What protections do voters have if the candidate has very questionable mental status? I can foresee, god forbid, he wins and the cabinet removes him using 25th Amendment and JD becomes president. Thanks

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Professor Richardson: What gear (camera, lights, microphones) and software (recording, editing) do you use to record, edit and produce your "Chats" ("Politics," "History," etc.)? I am about to start a podcast (Working title: "About Democracy;" I will cover democracy, un-democracy, education, particularly in early childhood, and critical reasoning) Your presentation style is my initial template: Content. While I will deliberately avoid getting into "horse race" political journalism, I do want to cover the consequences of the election for democracy asap. So if you might take a moment to answer my question, I'd appreciate it.

Also: if you'd like to know what you can do to substantially increase the Harris/Walz ticket's chances of victory, and give democracy in the U.S. another lease on life (Yes, you can. It does not require you to do anything via "Letters from an American," "Politics Chat," etc.): robert.henry.eller@gmail.com

Thank you for your time, attention and consideration, Professor Richardson.

It is difficult now to remember what life was like pre-pandemic, pre-Letters-from-an-American. It is more difficult imagining going back to that life. I will not go back.


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Going to spam.

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