Thank you Sandra! I want to know more about this statement in the article: " he finds that many aspects of social life that are often seen as antisocial or malicious - such as gossip, moral judgments, and status hierarchies - are fundamental to social order." That certainly is an eye opener for me - and a nudge to re think my automatic judgements.
Thank you Sandra! I want to know more about this statement in the article: " he finds that many aspects of social life that are often seen as antisocial or malicious - such as gossip, moral judgments, and status hierarchies - are fundamental to social order." That certainly is an eye opener for me - and a nudge to re think my automatic judgements.
"Gossip," aka the grapevine, is an essential news source and probably always has been, especially for those marginalized by the supposedly legitimate media -- which is most of us. It puts the burden on each of us to be a reliable source, to recognize the reliability of sources, and to corroborate information before passing it on. Needless to say, plenty of people don't do this, or don't do it all the time, but in general those who consistently spread info that's malicious or just plain wrong eventually lose credibility. (I wish that would happen to Fox News and the GOP, among others. Maybe it is happening. We'll see.)
"...moral judgments...are fundamental to social order..."
An unpopular thought to ponder:
Is not such fundamentalism supported by Americans' exposure to the copiousness of our contemporary wisdoms of convention?
Can you imagine our social order, instead, being inspired by the wisdom of our FATHER in Heaven as taught throughout the many stories our Holy Bible, e. g. Matthew 7:1 & Luke 6:37, Etc., Etc., Etc.
Such love would surely better homogenize Americans into a safer more peaceful United States of America, Eh!?
I can barely wrap my mind around what you seem to be saying here. Willl keep trying, but I'm curious about why you think a homogenized populace is a desirarable outcome. The MAGA Republicans are homogenized behind their leader. The Evangelicals are supposedly homogenized behind their FATHER in heaven, though I suspect the real unifying factor is whiteness . USians from the late 1940s onward were homogenized by the anti-communistm of Joe McCarthy and others. And of course we have the examples of Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia . . .
Perhaps the concept of homogenously should have been defined as, тАЬLove thy neighbor as thyself, which is the desirable outcome needed to reunite the United States of America.
Remember now the comment you are referencing cautioned that it would be unpopular. This response is given for a better understanding hopefully.
(1). The Maggot republicans and all those complicit in their silent support of white supremacyтАЩs bigotry not only hate color but also those who support love of neighbor of all colors.
(2). The clan of evangelicals are NOT Christians and do not know about our FATHER in Heaven. Christians are about love not the hate that spews from the frothing quivering lips of evangelicals against their neighbors of every color.
(3). USians, (quaint elocution!) of the 1940тАЩs rallied around the pride of patriotism spurred on by the shared commonality due to anxiety of, тАЬThe WarsтАЭ and the тАЬFox-Hole-EffectтАЭ affecting AmericanтАЩs during daily preoccupation of the haltered of distant neighborsтАж
(4). MaoтАЩs China, for just one example, authorization of executing female babies supported by the parents of those female babies certainly was not love of neighbor nor was hitlerтАЩs minions of extermination of over eight million jews an expression of neighborly love nor was the Stalinist labor camp referred to as Cannibal Island due to the depravity of cannibalismтАЩs most extreme example hating neighbors.
Hopefully your mind will become calmed by understanding the ONLY WAY America can survive the republicanтАЩs slavery to their deceitfulnessтАЩ destruction of American Democracy is love of neighbor as oneselfтАж oneтАЩs self.
Thank you Sandra! I want to know more about this statement in the article: " he finds that many aspects of social life that are often seen as antisocial or malicious - such as gossip, moral judgments, and status hierarchies - are fundamental to social order." That certainly is an eye opener for me - and a nudge to re think my automatic judgements.
"Gossip," aka the grapevine, is an essential news source and probably always has been, especially for those marginalized by the supposedly legitimate media -- which is most of us. It puts the burden on each of us to be a reliable source, to recognize the reliability of sources, and to corroborate information before passing it on. Needless to say, plenty of people don't do this, or don't do it all the time, but in general those who consistently spread info that's malicious or just plain wrong eventually lose credibility. (I wish that would happen to Fox News and the GOP, among others. Maybe it is happening. We'll see.)
Chaplain Terry Nicholetti
"...moral judgments...are fundamental to social order..."
An unpopular thought to ponder:
Is not such fundamentalism supported by Americans' exposure to the copiousness of our contemporary wisdoms of convention?
Can you imagine our social order, instead, being inspired by the wisdom of our FATHER in Heaven as taught throughout the many stories our Holy Bible, e. g. Matthew 7:1 & Luke 6:37, Etc., Etc., Etc.
Such love would surely better homogenize Americans into a safer more peaceful United States of America, Eh!?
I can barely wrap my mind around what you seem to be saying here. Willl keep trying, but I'm curious about why you think a homogenized populace is a desirarable outcome. The MAGA Republicans are homogenized behind their leader. The Evangelicals are supposedly homogenized behind their FATHER in heaven, though I suspect the real unifying factor is whiteness . USians from the late 1940s onward were homogenized by the anti-communistm of Joe McCarthy and others. And of course we have the examples of Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia . . .
Hello Susanna J. Sturgis:
Perhaps the concept of homogenously should have been defined as, тАЬLove thy neighbor as thyself, which is the desirable outcome needed to reunite the United States of America.
Remember now the comment you are referencing cautioned that it would be unpopular. This response is given for a better understanding hopefully.
(1). The Maggot republicans and all those complicit in their silent support of white supremacyтАЩs bigotry not only hate color but also those who support love of neighbor of all colors.
(2). The clan of evangelicals are NOT Christians and do not know about our FATHER in Heaven. Christians are about love not the hate that spews from the frothing quivering lips of evangelicals against their neighbors of every color.
(3). USians, (quaint elocution!) of the 1940тАЩs rallied around the pride of patriotism spurred on by the shared commonality due to anxiety of, тАЬThe WarsтАЭ and the тАЬFox-Hole-EffectтАЭ affecting AmericanтАЩs during daily preoccupation of the haltered of distant neighborsтАж
(4). MaoтАЩs China, for just one example, authorization of executing female babies supported by the parents of those female babies certainly was not love of neighbor nor was hitlerтАЩs minions of extermination of over eight million jews an expression of neighborly love nor was the Stalinist labor camp referred to as Cannibal Island due to the depravity of cannibalismтАЩs most extreme example hating neighbors.
Hopefully your mind will become calmed by understanding the ONLY WAY America can survive the republicanтАЩs slavery to their deceitfulnessтАЩ destruction of American Democracy is love of neighbor as oneselfтАж oneтАЩs self.