Dickie laughed all the way to the bank from his Iraq financial rape of a war he lied about and started, essentially. Liz voted 97% of the time with douchebag and she is still very conservative about women’s rights. She got the message when her sister came out. OMG.
Dickie laughed all the way to the bank from his Iraq financial rape of a war he lied about and started, essentially. Liz voted 97% of the time with douchebag and she is still very conservative about women’s rights. She got the message when her sister came out. OMG.
Dickie laughed all the way to the bank from his Iraq financial rape of a war he lied about and started, essentially. Liz voted 97% of the time with douchebag and she is still very conservative about women’s rights. She got the message when her sister came out. OMG.