The direction that FDR with leadership from Francis Perkin to establish Social Secuity and safety net policies and programs were pragmatic. They helped stabilize our nation, its workforce and businesses after a crippling depression resulting from degenerating business and economic practices which gambled with our nation as collateral.
The direction that FDR with leadership from Francis Perkin to establish Social Secuity and safety net policies and programs were pragmatic. They helped stabilize our nation, its workforce and businesses after a crippling depression resulting from degenerating business and economic practices which gambled with our nation as collateral.
The three trillion dollar "soft infrastructure " bill simply modernizes, bringing up to date the New Deal that European nations improved upon after WWII that makes them the envy of anyone who travels there and experiences their high quality of life for most if not all citizens. Europe is not "socialist". They are pragmatic.
We are not going to be great or even survive under the narrow minded, backward unthinking Republican view of the world. We desperately need practical solutions based leadership and citizen support that we have lost. We haven't won a war since WWII. We haven't created anything from scratch equal to the TVA, interstate highway system, landing on the moon, the internet or the New Deal. Our only achievements have been profit driven creations to establish needs ie 24-7 advertising where they don't exist, while letting real needs fester until their unmet demands rot our society. But we have Facebook and FOX.
Our children and grandchildren are buried in monthly subscription charges that we never had. Eating away at their ability to buy a house, a car, pay for their healthcare, advance their education without tremendous debt, etc. Ironically, three major free access TV networks over an antenna paid for by a modest amount of advertising in the 1950s and 60s was higher quality and less invasive than the infinite subscription choices over a monthly cable subscription.
The Invisible Subscription continue for a lifetime. Think Microsoft, think the anti-virus software that is required to protect your Microsoft software...
So buy a Mac. Problem solved. I gave up Microsoft software development in 2000 because of all the annual add ons, in addition to having to pay for OS upgrades.
I'm not saying Apple is perfect but I will say "Go Mac and don't look back." Unless you're a real renegade and want to tackle Linux.
Great suggestion. My comment was referring to All the long-term payments that are extracted from us. Other examples are Hulu, Netflix et al, and my most despised Amazon Prime, where you pay a subscription for the right to buy things and receive Amazon Prime Video that ensnares you with add-on costs. Extraction.
I just bought a new computer and Microsoft Office is now an annual subscription instead of something you download once and upgrade at your own choice. I've been perfectly happy with MS Office 10 and have never upgraded it!
Check out "Open Office". It's a free office suite that can support MS Office products. Warning, there is a learning curve. Or consider going Mac where their word processing and spreadsheet apps are included with the OS **which has free updates**.
Thanks. Not going Mac though I have had a little experience using others Mac computers. I'll take a look at Open Office. The subscription MS Office is free for a year with my new computer but there's no reason I must renew & pay if I can still access my documents with Open Office. Thanks for the suggestion.
I started using Open Office when I was still using Windows and just stuck with it when I made the migration, er mac-gration. The computers are more expensive but you save so much on updates and so, so, so many fewer headaches with hacks and virus infections and blue screen crashes.
I refuse to pay for programs that are reruns that I already paid to see the first time. I have an Antenna and if I want I can rewatch movies I already bought. I was always more the Reading type than TV. And there’s still Libraries.
Way back when cable, etc., was first coming out, I didn't subscribe because at the time I was watching entirely too much TV, so didn't want to pay for something that would encourage me to watch even more! To this day all we have is antenna. If nothing "good" is on, so be it.
Oh, don't get me started. I'm calling Xfinity for what it is. I just received a $20.00 increase without prior notice for internet-only service. I thought I was clever in dropping TV and switching to occasional streaming, but now my bill just increased by nearly one-third.
Right now I’m paying $106.00 for internet and cell phone. Higher than my electric living in Fl.But my electric is as low as it is because I know some good tips.Everything is going up here.
I was given a good piece of advice during a period that I was in life-combat with the government. He looked at my situation plainly, as a Black man with his unique life's experience, and counseled:
"This is the government you got when you were't looking".
The direction that FDR with leadership from Francis Perkin to establish Social Secuity and safety net policies and programs were pragmatic. They helped stabilize our nation, its workforce and businesses after a crippling depression resulting from degenerating business and economic practices which gambled with our nation as collateral.
The three trillion dollar "soft infrastructure " bill simply modernizes, bringing up to date the New Deal that European nations improved upon after WWII that makes them the envy of anyone who travels there and experiences their high quality of life for most if not all citizens. Europe is not "socialist". They are pragmatic.
We are not going to be great or even survive under the narrow minded, backward unthinking Republican view of the world. We desperately need practical solutions based leadership and citizen support that we have lost. We haven't won a war since WWII. We haven't created anything from scratch equal to the TVA, interstate highway system, landing on the moon, the internet or the New Deal. Our only achievements have been profit driven creations to establish needs ie 24-7 advertising where they don't exist, while letting real needs fester until their unmet demands rot our society. But we have Facebook and FOX.
Your second paragraph.
Yes, it is now crystal clear that we have sold out to the profiteers. Let's give them what they deserve at the very least: crushing defeat.
"Our only achievements have been profit driven creations to establish needs ie 24-7 advertising where they don't exist"
Ever notice how much stuff we pay for that isn't stuff?
Just look at the "Subscription Service" business model, where you pay monthly but receive nothing (or close to it).
Our children and grandchildren are buried in monthly subscription charges that we never had. Eating away at their ability to buy a house, a car, pay for their healthcare, advance their education without tremendous debt, etc. Ironically, three major free access TV networks over an antenna paid for by a modest amount of advertising in the 1950s and 60s was higher quality and less invasive than the infinite subscription choices over a monthly cable subscription.
The Invisible Subscription continue for a lifetime. Think Microsoft, think the anti-virus software that is required to protect your Microsoft software...
That's a Extraction with Synergy.
So buy a Mac. Problem solved. I gave up Microsoft software development in 2000 because of all the annual add ons, in addition to having to pay for OS upgrades.
I'm not saying Apple is perfect but I will say "Go Mac and don't look back." Unless you're a real renegade and want to tackle Linux.
Great suggestion. My comment was referring to All the long-term payments that are extracted from us. Other examples are Hulu, Netflix et al, and my most despised Amazon Prime, where you pay a subscription for the right to buy things and receive Amazon Prime Video that ensnares you with add-on costs. Extraction.
I just bought a new computer and Microsoft Office is now an annual subscription instead of something you download once and upgrade at your own choice. I've been perfectly happy with MS Office 10 and have never upgraded it!
Check out "Open Office". It's a free office suite that can support MS Office products. Warning, there is a learning curve. Or consider going Mac where their word processing and spreadsheet apps are included with the OS **which has free updates**.
Thanks. Not going Mac though I have had a little experience using others Mac computers. I'll take a look at Open Office. The subscription MS Office is free for a year with my new computer but there's no reason I must renew & pay if I can still access my documents with Open Office. Thanks for the suggestion.
I started using Open Office when I was still using Windows and just stuck with it when I made the migration, er mac-gration. The computers are more expensive but you save so much on updates and so, so, so many fewer headaches with hacks and virus infections and blue screen crashes.
I refuse to pay for programs that are reruns that I already paid to see the first time. I have an Antenna and if I want I can rewatch movies I already bought. I was always more the Reading type than TV. And there’s still Libraries.
Way back when cable, etc., was first coming out, I didn't subscribe because at the time I was watching entirely too much TV, so didn't want to pay for something that would encourage me to watch even more! To this day all we have is antenna. If nothing "good" is on, so be it.
Oh, don't get me started. I'm calling Xfinity for what it is. I just received a $20.00 increase without prior notice for internet-only service. I thought I was clever in dropping TV and switching to occasional streaming, but now my bill just increased by nearly one-third.
Right now I’m paying $106.00 for internet and cell phone. Higher than my electric living in Fl.But my electric is as low as it is because I know some good tips.Everything is going up here.
About the same for me, Marcia.
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say "...we've been sold out..."?
I was given a good piece of advice during a period that I was in life-combat with the government. He looked at my situation plainly, as a Black man with his unique life's experience, and counseled:
"This is the government you got when you were't looking".
An important distinction.
If Switzerland is “socialist” I’m an extraterrestrial writing in from way beyond Alpha Centauri.
Your third paragraph!