What Liz Cheney said. Appeasement is bad policy, both domestically and abroad.

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Unlike so many in her party, Liz Cheney makes her decisions based on the facts of history and the constraints of the Constitution. Although I disagree with a lot of her positions probably, it's reassuring that she's paying informed attention. In that respect, she's a role model for all of Congress.

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Unfortunately she lost her seat, standing up for basic principles. This just goes to show how extreme Wyoming is.

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She lost her seat but kept her integrity. She also won the admiration of those who otherwise don’t agree with her politically.

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A breath of relief on October 1. This morning’s tea tastes extra special with the news carefully presented by Heather Cox Richardson along with highly intelligent..some passionate..responses from her readers.

I have a feeling that Liz Cheney and a group of other Republicans are organizing a coalition to return their party to a sane course. Me-thinks they got the speake’rs ear; he may be a wobble toy but this time he wobbled the correct way.

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Let's hope!

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Yes! That would be wonderful. I love the LOYAL opposition, we need balance. And an intelligent 3rd party too.

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Loyal opposition depends on who the people are. trumpers are very loyal to trump as is a lot of the extreme politicians.

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Totally agree

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It shows you how extreme the GOP in Wyoming is, not the state itself. When Trump is finally in jail, maybe people will think differently.

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Thanks for noting the GOP in Wyoming - and not the people of Wyoming. Most are ranchers, herders of sheep - just keeping their heads down and working hard. Wyoming also is home to one of our largest and most beautiful national parks, Yellowstone. So they are caregivers too

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...and FIRST National Park

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She could be the nucleus of a new conservative party once the MAGA melt away as fertilizer into the grass at Mar a Lago

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Yes, Liz Cheney is positioning herself to remain relevant until MAGA fever subsides. I don't think she is done with politics.

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Certainly hope not (in spite of how I see her father)

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Liz Cheney was a carpet-bagger from Texas who thought she could use Wyoming like a private fiefdom. She didn’t really bother to campaign against her opponent, Harriet Hageman, who fought to get Trump’s nomination thrown out of the 2016 Republican Convention before seeing the political light and embracing MAGA doctrines. Harriet is a snake, but she is a snake from Wyoming. I much preferred Liz’s response to Trump’s treason, but before Trump went totally bat-shit crazy, Liz voted with Trump more than 90% of the time, not for the interests of Wyoming. Don’t over-simplify local politics.

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Yes, she did the right thing in this instance (J6 committee) but 2028 is in the future - she may be thinking long-term possibilities. Just thinking to the many/most times she voted WITH Trump. Up till now - its been party first.

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Agreed. She may be ethical, for a given value of "ethical", but she is also an unrepentant right-wing conservative. She may not be an actual MAGAt, but her policy positions are or at least have been totally unacceptable in the America we want to live in.

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Yeah - Its hard hearing people praise her for doing the right thing! As rare as that is currently.

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Thank you.

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Yes and don't worship anyone. But Liz Cheney is admirable.

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Self-serving people aren't admirable.

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I don't label her as such. I don't think she is her father. I think people can evolve and even put aside their core beliefs to dangers more important to battle. This she has done. In her recent role, she is not in my opinion self-serving if you believe her words, or even if you don't. She is admirable.

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Not to put too fine a point on it, but when you're fighting for your life (and the non-fascists in this country are doing just that, whether we realize it or not) demanding political purity from your allies is not the best strategy.

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Yikes. Didn’t know she was so on tRumps side😬

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Liz !, May have LOST, Her Wyoming, Earthly Seat, BUT !,, She has 'MOVED UP !, the Row, at GODS TABLE !, to GODS Delight !! COMMON SENSE PRINCIPLES, ARE Given, into the HEARTS ! , of GODS Children ! AMEN !

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She shows that you can be a republican and not go along with almost all democratic ideas, but when it comes to integrity she carries the ball.

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What complete lies!🤣🤣🤣

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Her old daddy helped create this mess, good on her for calling out the parallel

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Not to mention "her old Daddy" is responsible for hundreds of thousands of innocent, dead, or wounded, Iraqi men, women and children AND thousands of American soldiers. Also, the complete destruction of thousands of historic buildings, palaces, towns and cities in one of the oldest human civilizations on earth.

Also, the bombing of schools and hospitals in Iraq.

All for "No Bid" Contracts to Haliburton which resulted in a 500% increase in Haliburton stock.

Can you say Pure Evil?? I personally would be a bit careful about too much praise for his daughter. Very careful actually.

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Liz Cheney should be acknowledged for her appeasement warning and her respect for the Constitution. Acknowledged as being normal. Good stuff.

Beyond that, if she had a more complete sense of integrity, she would publicly condemn and chastise her murdering monster of a father.

A vote for Liz is a vote for the subjugation of women and the continuing impoverishment of Americans.

Thanks Liz, but until you see the big picture, you are just another thief of freedom and the National Treasure.

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I completely agree. As is most common for your posts.

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see my above

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the "murdering monster" ,if you can blame the whole Iraq war on one person, could have been stopped where the buck stopped.

Regarding Liz, you give lightly with one hand and smack down hard with the other. This is quite harsh and inappropriate imo. "thief of freedom'? gimme a break! Let's leave the hyperbole to those immature on the other side.

Yes I know, you are entitled....

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You are right. Old Dick was hardly a loner when it came to promoting a bogus butchery of a war. He and "W" should be sharing a cell.

You and I are "entitled" to the facts about Liz Cheney. She stood firm and assisted in the investigation of the January 6th insurrection. Something we should expect from any normal patriotic political leader. Good. Hear my applause.

But anyone who takes the positions she has on a woman's right choose childbirth or not... is definitely a "thief of freedom". That is not "hyperbole". That is fact. Read about her and return to this forum to explain how she is not an extremist who thinks like an old white bigoted male. You want harsh? Do your own further research on the outrageous positions she has maintained. She is her fathers daughter in blood and beliefs. Of course, she is hardly alone. And I would rather have a beer with her than MTG.


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I applaud her integrity and devotion to the Constitution, but would I vote for her? She voted with Trump more than 90% of the time. No, I would not vote her into office.

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I would vote for a Democrat. But in Wyoming it's meaningless. In the primary you would have voted for her Trumpist MAGA competition because she voted with Republicans 90% of the time during the Trump admin?

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I wouldn't have voted in the primary because I'm a Democrat.

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Agree with every word. And I thought W/Dickie were as low as they could go. I appreciate her position on chump, but nothing else.

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Could not agree with you more. It gives me the oogies to hear this high praise reaped on Liz. We are all pretty confident who her political advisor is.

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I get the oogies too. This and the comment above and others are a disappointment, a partisan drag down at this time when the ship is sinking and all hands are needed on deck. Most Democrats, some as fearful as Republicans, and only a handful of Republicans cannot deal with this by themselves. Republicans getting on board and speaking out are more important actually.

Regarding ,Dick Cheney, who I dislike, & am no fan of, especially in his later career as VP...

"......blasted former President Donald Trump, calling him a "coward" and labeling him a "threat" to the country in a new campaign ad for his daughter U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney.

"In our nation's 246-year history, there has never been an individual that was a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney said in the one-minute ad posted to his daughter's Twitter on Thursday. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters rejected him." CBSNEWs 8/2022

So who influenced who? And does it matter? Or are we going the grudge on about VP Dick Cheney?

You don't agree with her politics. Okay, neither do I. But what I heard from her lately has been admirable and brave. She paid a price. Your comment shows plain partisanship above all. That's not better than Trump and what he promites and thrives on.

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Your comment is really annoying. Dick Cheney started out in government with a great deal of high regard. And then he changed to the dark side, and became smarmy and unlikeable as he worked GW Bush ( who is really responsible). Cheney is obviously not regarded well by the wider commentariat in his retirement, and is irrelevant.

On the other hand, Liz Cheney, without disrespecting or dissing her father, took her own course. She is NOT her father anymore than you are yours or responsible for what they do.

I disagree with her political philosophy but she, like we, realizes that without this country's foundations, we all sink regardless of political philosophy.

She risked her powerful position and lost in Congress and fell on her sword for taking the correct moral stance on Trump, more than many Democrats along with the almost completely cowardly Republicans on both sides of the aisle have been able to do.

Liz Cheney is not Dick Cheney. She has done the country a service by making it possible to call the Jan 6th committee bipartisan but more as well by taking a strong lead as sub or co chair in her many strong statements.

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Good words for Liz.

Perhaps she does deserve some respect for showing courage when almost all of the rest of the Republicans are cowering under Trump's large arse.

I will give on that.

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The sins of the father should not be visited on the children and visa versa , We must each find our own way. Family ties are on a different plane from their public lives.

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I would be careful about assigning what her father did and was for to her. I would give her a chance as well to evolve. She stands out from the rest in what she understands about the goals and meaning of this country and seems to be pushing her Conservatism, such as it is anymore, to the side at least for now.

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Ok, but I just can’t forget her creepy tribute to Teflon Ron at the beginning of her impeachment summary.

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Then TRY to remember her role on the Jan6 committee - making the TRUE REVEAL of Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony. Good grief, people! You’re totally losing perspective here. MS Cheney is one person AND she did a great job with that monumental investigation. I’m giving her my unabated Democratic gratitude!

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Mike ! Check the WORD !, of GOD ! There are MANY iNSTANCES, Where God, inspired ' the Next Generation' , to pull a 180 degree spin, unto the GLORY ! , of His People , AND ! ,,,,,,,,HIS JUSTICE !!

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Leave the magic sky daddy out of this

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Please, just stop.

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Jesus Christ, Cramer, if you are actually trying to make a point, can't you just express yourself as a normal human being would, and lose all the CAPS AND .... sTrANgE KEYBOARD GYMNASTICS and .... be....unto...some SE<mBlance of fucking SANE???? You people are either irrational or "bots" sent here to inject noise. I truly hope you dry up and blow away. But now I guess you can say you've accomplished your mission, and so my only recourse is to unleash my unbounded resources within the global internet hacker's community to identify, your precise location, light your laptop up to, say, 3,800 degrees C, and send it straight up your idiotic ass! Good night.

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WOW !. LeMoine !, You ARE, Going to DIE ! Carrying ALL THAT HATRED !! YOU, and Your Family, are on a GIANT PRAYER LIST , ,,,, BLESSINGS ! MATHEW 7, Verse 6 I Feel SORRY, ,,,,, for your SOUL !

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Which God Mark??

There are more than a thousand in India alone.

Let me know.

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Mike ! , There is Only ONE, TRUE GOD ! JOHN 14 , Verses 16, 17 BLESSINGS !, Mike !

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Take a break.

Many think God is on Trump's side.

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Which God? There are thousands.

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It is reassuring democracy means more to her than party.

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She needs to repair all the damage wrought by her father and W.

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She does not.. we do... we the country. And we have to be careful about who we vote for.

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Liz is a defender of our democracy … but before that, she acknowledges she voted for The Criminal Defendant in 2020. She’s a very mixed bag.

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DO raise your hand if you’re perfect. Give us all a break Raul - and all the rest of you “oh so perfect” people. GEEZ

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Yes, her work to preserve and protect our democracy against the lunatic fringe in her own party is very admirable. She has carved out...along with other members of the Jan 6 Committee...a significant place at the table of true American patriots who have the courage to do the right thing for our country when it really matters.

The victory over the MAGAs of trump is another important milestone on our road back to normalcy as a nation. Lots of good and important work ahead for the smart and dedicated elected leaders who represent what we want and need as a nation. Let’s elect more people like them.

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KD, I always wonder how best to judge people. Do we praise them for their best moments or condemn them for their worst? Can and should we do both? Liz Cheney is a case in point.

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Interesting question, Marge. I think you framed it very well. We all have our moments when we’re pretty terrible or great. Her body of opinions is right there for us to see in her voting record which she, owns. What Liz did though in response to the coup attempt led by trump, though, carries a great deal of weight because she knew it would cost her dearly….her fellow republicans would surely disown her. She made the leap anyway because of her oath to preserve and protect our country. Very brave of her and selfless. Our founders would understand why she did it and so would the guys who stormed the beaches of Normandy or those who ignored their own safety as they searched for victims in the WTC pile on 9/11 and for months afterwards. We admire heroes because they shed their personal fear and go into the breach. What she did was heroic and will be long remembered as such. So we have to take people as they come…and love them for their selflessness and try to forgive them when they’re not at their best.

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The only thing that matters right now is stopping the fascist overthrow of the USA. I'll take any allies I can get in that fight.

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She and the single other Republican on the committee - plus Democrats.

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I suppose that we can say that Liz Cheney is a "conservative" as that term once meant: limited government, fiscal responsibility, individual rights. Of course, today the term conservative is hollow, meaningless. I've asked and asked Republican political pundits to tell me what conservative means. Nothing. No answer. Frances Perkins understood the reality of what government should and must be. Perkins is the person most responsible for Social Security, Workers Compensation, 40-hour work week, end of child labor, etc. Her philosophy of government: "The people are what matter to government, and a government should aim to provide all the people under its jurisdiction the best possible life." Perhaps Liz could and should read Frances Perkins' biography.

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Well said!

"Conservative" once meant "individual rights" - but just for straight white men. The current crop of "conservatives" have pulled back the curtain and ripped off the dressing on the awful bloody wounds their philosophy represents. It's the ultimate expression of classism, sexism, racism and elitism - a style of thought exemplified by land owning southern plantation owners. A vicious style still worshiped and being resurrected under the banner of MAGA.

I had often used the word "conservative" in its original meaning. For instance, in our personal finances or in terms of conserving the natural world. But I find it makes me gag now. But maybe we should repossess the term!

Lets' talk about conserving women's rights and mother's rights to adequate nutrition for their kids. Let's talk about conserving voting rights for everyone. Let's conserve our oceans so there will be enough protein to feed billions of people. Let's conserve our potable water supplies so humans can survive.... Let's be the "New Conservatives" who want to make Progress on Conserving our Planet. What do you think?

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When we try to study any discernible “Conservative,” values in the modern Republican Party even the connection to Laissez Faire policies become pretty vague and are used in a manner that harms. The pretenses of applying free markets to the fossil fuel industry intensifies emissions and accelerates Climate Change.

All free markets mean to fossil fuels is high profit.

But the main thrust of the American Republican Conservatives in the 20th Century was banning abortion and the National chaos caused by that victory has resulted in vast new layers of state and federal governance.

Conservatives insist the second half of the 2nd Amendment is the Law of the Land with multitudes of gun bearing nuts forming disastrous and deadly results. One result of the ensuing additional Government necessary to license guns has been the open carry and even permit free experiments which bring nightmares to the parents of school children.

My conclusions are the phenomena of unforeseen consequences perfected by the disgraced former President have been incorporated into his cult, the former Conservative Republicans.

This development of nightmares as governance has been amply displayed for the past two weeks in Congress.

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Old bumper sticker I would like to see again: if you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one.

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I like the idea and when asked by some Republicans, I tell them that I left the Republican Party during Reagan's term in office because I am fiscally conservative. I objected then and I object now to the plundering of the national treasury, increasing the national debt exponentially to benefit the wealthy and large corporations, mortgaging the futures of those to come after us. It's unethical, irresponsible and immoral. We are the conservatives, they are the irresponsible, selfish plunderers. They've stolen trillions of dollars. For starters, we need to revise the tax code to get back some of that money.

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While Reagan talked out one side of his mouth about "fiscal responsibility" he raided the treasury out of the other side of his (whole body).

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Like your thinking, Bill…

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Bill, Dr. Richardson's new book discusses the origin of "conservative" in America.

Pretty interesting.

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Richard, I just started reading "Democracy Awakens" (the Professor's new book). I couldn't quite finish reading the chapter (either 2 or 3) but she delves into this, and the iteration of what the definition of "conservative" was. Since I fell asleep whilst reading, I'm not going to quote it here but it is well worth reading.

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Just ordered HCR's book from a local bookstore! Looking forward to reading.

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Me, too! I'll pick it up in a couple of weeks when I visit my niece (to our shame, as the State capital, and almost unbelievably, there are NO "local"/independent bookstores in Augusta, ME - all we have is a Barnes & Noble - so I'm supporting the local bookstore where my niece and her two young daughters live). And when I finish with it, I'm donating it to our library!

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I just ordered both from Amazon, "Democracy Awakens" and "How the South Won the Civil War." I will read through them quickly and share with my Democratic neighbors, all of whom I now know.

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I recommend Dr. Richardson's new book. In that book she reviews the origin of the word "conservative. Very interesting.

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In 1980 Ronald Reagan was elected and promised to cut the top marginal tax rate. This he did, and the top marginal tax rate was lowered over his 8 years in office from 73% to 28% on incomes over just $29,750 - the lowest this rate had been since 1925.[6]

The Tax Reform Act of 1986 lowered the top tax rate for ordinary income from 50% to 28% and raised the bottom tax rate from 11% to 15%. This was the first time in U.S. income tax history that the top tax rate was lowered and the bottom rate was increased at the same time.

The first tax cut (Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981) among other things, cut the highest personal income tax rate from 70% to 50% and the lowest from 14% to 11% and decreased the highest capital gains tax rate from 28% to 20%.[1]

The second tax cut (Tax Reform Act of 1986) among other things, cut the highest personal income tax rate from 50% to 38.5% but decreasing to 28% in the following years[2] and increased the highest capital gains tax rate from 20% to 28%.[1

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In my next life, I want to have the direct gaze and articulation of facts that Liz Cheney possesses. I find it interesting that both she and Nancy Pelosi both have five children each. Eleanor Roosevelt had six but one died in infancy. All three of these women come well equipped to deal with infantile tantrums.

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"All three of these women come well equipped to deal with infantile tantrums."

Assuming that they, not their nannies, are actually raising their kids. Which, I would have some doubts about.

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Liz’s main interest is ensuring oil and gas make as much money as possible. She is a complete climate change denier, and underneath all the talk about the constitution and standing up to Trump’s treasonous impulse, her real beef with him was that he was upsetting her own plans to take over the government to make the tax situation perfect for oil and gas interests.-$

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Maybe it's not either/or but both. Knowing her father's association with Halliburton and his unfailing insistence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction long after the intelligence said Hussein did not, I was highly suspicious of Liz Cheney, but it seemed to me she served nobly in an environment where there was treachery in her party that she was diligent and brave. It seems simplistic to me that she was investigating the insurrection simply to further gas and oil interests. I would agree with you, though, that the battle for control of our democracy is tied up in the urgent need to address climate change, and oil and gas are at odds with that.

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I was not clear. I loved the articulate stance she took against the insurrectionists. She believes in democracy. What she doesn’t believe in is climate change or a social safety net. She’s more than happy to have people see the patriot. We all just need to be very careful to ask her the right questions when she decides to put herself back in the spot light. Whatever pain and chaos her Daddy and W wrecked, it’s old news, and the focus needs to be on what she would chose to do to guide our country and the world going forward, if she takes a run for the Presidency. Having grown up in Wyoming, I recall one of the first political lessons my father gave me. He said,”Always vote for the stupider politician, they cause less trouble than the smart ones…” Liz Cheney is not stupid. One of the reasons why I like Biden so much, is that he keeps telling everyone who will listen that the things he does are designed to make ordinary people’s lives better. That is a question that Liz needs to be asked over and over (as well as every single politician who runs for any political office. What are you planning to do? How will it make my life better?

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Thanks for the clarification. As for my part, I would never VOTE for her.

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Yup. Appeasement doesn’t work with narcissists and psychopaths. The next time, they simply want more, because last time, they got their way, and they want it this time, too; it never ends.

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This should be the headline everywhere. Not only for repubs, but for RFK,jr and the no labels nuts.

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It’s imperative in fact. It’s a movement like none other, which will take sustained application . It’s a war , this battle of which has been won but needs continued forward motion. Like my (many greats) Uncle Joshua Chamberlain , the leaders who wish to maintain victory must follow at a consistent pace, continued resolve . US TOO.

The enemy -greed, selfish gain, and cheap notoriety needs stopped.

That’s a L O N G list .

WE have too long allowed the silent creep of callous business and self aggrandizement practices the spotlight. There are too many humans in danger, severely neglected, not even recognized.

The slow steady gains eliminating poverty need strengthened even more, incrementally !the days of getting rich off the backs of the poor or taking advantage of those who know not their worth...done!

Fair trade

No monopolies

Lies called out lighting false advertisement or based on NO FACT

I actually thought this was what we labeled integrity

Man was I wrong.

Hold their feet to the fire comrades , the new resolve .

The rich have plenty to GIVE BACK...have plenty to fund , to absolve greed , and specifically autocracy...have plenty to live in far more comfort than the worker bees ever will...let them -THE RICH- pave the new resolution .

I can guarantee plenty of worker bees will do THE WORK NEEDED.

Our world has plenty of room to compromise. If a program doesn’t accomplish what’s intended then cease or INcrease it as needed. No pork in the bill. No pirañas in our government. No more BS . No deadbeat politicians.


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Wonderful dream and worth putting our arses on the line for.

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Was it not The American Dream? I worked 32+ years upholding this active in the system,now on a mere subsistent income I put lovingly in a $3-5 dollar offering. But we’re still helping the neighbor(s). It may sound like I’m standing on a soapbox but rather that than contributing to a soap opera!

Thanks for believing, and wonderful posts, Jeri. Glad to be in your boat.🫶

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I suspect those people are just conscience-free hustlers. Well, except for RFKJ, who just seems to be a loon.

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Indeed, his moronic rhetoric about vaccinations has cost lives. Then he had to go full stop lunatic

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We are not appeasing. We had a choice and decided on war if we could not expand NATO into the Ukraine and Russia’s border. Joe Biden’s administration is the Party of War. A war that may grow much larger and we may be soon obligated to fight. Forever War. We may all soon have to choose what side we are on. We and Congress get another chance in 45 days. War.

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Actually, we chose to help Ukraine defend itself after Putin chose to invade it. We should have done so much earlier, when Putin invaded Crimea. That we allowed it emboldened him to invade further.

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Ukraine was humming along, prosperous, beautiful and successful by any measure. And damn, here comes the devil knocking on their door. I know there is a long history here, and I know that some leaders of America have been warmongers. But, they wanted to continue on their path, and Putin tried to destroy them. Well, duh, Hitler redux. Rather my tax money go to them than it be added to the billionaires billions.

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Go back further - Putin should have been stopped when he invaded and annexed part of Georgia in 2008. Maybe that would have prevented him from invading and annexing part of the Crimean peninsula, encouraging him to think he could just keep biting off chunks of land at a whim. I mean, without NATO's presence, is anyone willing to believe he wouldn't try it with Poland? We - the democratic nations of the world - HAVE to say THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER, return all Ukrainian land and repair the devastation you have wrought - the damage to buildings and land at least, to the extent it can be, although the damage to people can NEVER be mended. There really are no words sufficient to excoriate and damn that individual properly.

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Putin didn't annex part of Georgia.

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Cheryl we did not choose to defend the Ukraine after they invaded the Ukraine. We knew and chose to expand and threatened Russia. We chose to risk war and expand NATO along Russia’s border. Putin sees himself defending Russia’s security. As for the Crimea, it had been part of Russia since 1793 when Russia annexed it after defeating the Ottoman Empire. The Crimea was merged into the Ukraine in 1954 by the Soviet government. It is as strategic to Russia as New Orleans and Houston are to America. Joe chose to fight this war. According to Jans Stoltenberg, Joe refused to negotiate with Putin in late 2021. Putin then invaded the Ukraine. We chose this war. Biden is leader of the Party of War.

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No disrespect, but do you realize you’re parroting Putin’s claims? Read Timothy Snyder’s online history of Ukraine.

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Why do you think Ukraine wanted to be part of NATO? Could it be to protect itself from the orcs of Russia, perhaps? After Ukraine (and the rest of the world) witnessed both Russia's invasion and annexation of part of the Republic of Georgia in 2008, and ditto the Crimean peninsula in 2014, both ineffectively opposed, if at all? Jeez, with a neighbor like that, I'd be wanting to get the friendly folks on the other side to help me protect myself, too. There has never been any justification at all for Russia's violent land grabs - none. And after that earlier behavior of Putin, how could any responsible other country refuse Ukraine's request? This war is not on the US, or on Ukraine, or on NATO - it is solely on the head of Putin the Insane.

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"We chose to risk war and expand NATO along Russia’s border."

This is a lie. The countries along Russia's border CHOSE to become part of NATO when that was offered. Their own free will choice.

Stop crawling at Putin's feet and sniffing around his arse. Kinda gross.

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Sorry, this is not the time for Biden bashing.

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We took eight years arming and training Ukraine to invade the Donbass republics, who broke away after the U.S.-supported neo-Nazi takeover of Ukraine's security establishment.

Crimea escaped first.

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Read more essays from Professor Heather Cox Richardson. It's a protection, not an aggregation for an endless war. We can not allow the aggressor to succeed because he will only go for more!

We need to stick together through NATO to preserve Democracy around the world and stave off fascism and autocratic rule!

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You buy the Cool Aid. The U.S. is NATO. We pressed for war, threaten the security of a rival, then blamed them for starting starting the war. We and Joe knew. We knew Putin would likely respond. We wanted war. We see ourselves as the new Empire fiat currency and all. Now we own it. War.

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I don't recall anyone invading Russia in recent years, not since the Nazis tried it in WW2. So, no, there was no threat to Russia and its oligarchs except in the tiny mind of Putin the Insane. And apparently, David, sadly, that insanity is contagious. Please read more deeply and broadly than Russian propaganda.

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Wow. Do you really believe that? You must have dug so deep that you ended up in Putin's Propaganda Land!

So sad.

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I seriously disagree. History shows that appeasement does NOT work. Try studying it. We are trying to preserve democracy. Appeasement gave hitler the ability to gobble up much of Europe before we stepped in. The world knew over 50 years of fewer wars worldwide after WWII. I grew up in a time of great peace. The rethuglicans -- koch brothers (raised by nazi nannys), murdoch (extremely greedy lying capitalist/oligarch) and the rest of the uber-rich who have gotten away with paying very few taxes at all --- need to be voted out of office, and return to the loyal (too the Constitution) opposition they once were. And remember also that the rethuglicans are the ones who kept the Afganistan war ongoing so they could get very very rich.

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Appreciate it. You have made your choice. You are officially a Neocon, Party of forever War adherent.

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Anyone who accuses others of drinking the Kool-Aid....has serious anger issues.

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Since this is partly a history newsletter, it's interesting to find out who among our own contemporaries would have rolled over, applauded, or blamed the victims when Hitler, Kaiser Wilhelm, Napoleon, Julius Caesar and other aggressive warlords were launching their armies and invading my continent.

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I hear you David, and I hate war -any war, no mother wants to see her child die for our country and yet proudly stands by them...But the alternative is NOT a choice for me And anyone who doesn’t understand this , wants to stand with the MAGA Republicans-THAT is your choice - and while you still have one ...I’m glad to know who you are.

A lot of people surprised me , many even regretted ,some apologized , some came ‘over’. This whole sham of a era has taught me I was sorely lacking in awareness though deeply involved in a social work profession...but I saw it happening before when I was very young (but old enough) and this time it’s far worse ..and I’m still learning. Thank God , Thank this marvelous community , and even thankful for the lesson.

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The alternative to defending yourself and your allies against aggression is to become a slave or see them become slaves. Success is not assured, but failure is if nothing is done.

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Appeasement is caving in to blackmail. It NEVER produces the desired result because one party intends to act in bad faith.

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The same result with bullies of all ages & size!

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Beautifully put

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Here's hoping it was a one-time concession in order to achieve what seemed impossible: driving a wedge into the GOP and showing what is possible when adults are in charge. Well, one can hope, no?

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Heather Cox Richardson continues her shameless, sickening support of Ukraine's oppressive neo-fascist thug regime, where all the opposition parties have been suppressed after Zelensky capitulated to neo-Nazi war-mongers and reneged on his campaign promise to bring peace to the Donbass region.

Recently, both Zelensky and Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau applauded as the Speaker of Canada's House of Commons praised a Ukrainian who was a real-life Nazi, a member of a Nazi SS unit that committed genocide against Poles during World War II. After international condemnation, Speaker Anthony Rota quickly resigned.

When Zelensky became President, he initially moved toward fulfilling the Minsk Agreements that had "frozen" the civil war in the Donbass and outlined a pathway toward peace. But then he capitulated to the Neo-Nazis (who controlled Ukraine's Interior Ministry, in charge of the police stations) and eventually re-ignited the frozen war, precipitating the Russian invasion. We are being lied to.

In August, after U.S. Secretary of State Blinken announced more aid for Ukraine, Zelensky posted a video showing him with Ukraine's most prominent Neo-Nazi Andriy Biletsky:


See also "Ukraine is Brutally Repressing the Left, Criminalizing Socialist Parties, Imprisoning Activists"


See also "How Zelensky Made Peace with Neo-Nazis"


See also "How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion"


See also (from 2019) "Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine":

"Five years ago, Ukraine’s Maidan uprising ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, to the cheers and support of the West. Politicians and analysts in the United States and Europe not only celebrated the uprising as a triumph of democracy, but denied reports of Maidan’s ultranationalism, smearing those who warned about the dark side of the uprising as Moscow puppets and useful idiots. Freedom was on the march in Ukraine.

"Today, increasing reports of far-right violence, ultranationalism, and erosion of basic freedoms are giving the lie to the West’s initial euphoria. There are neo-Nazi pogroms against the Roma, rampant attacks on feminists and LGBT groups, book bans, and state-sponsored glorification of Nazi collaborators.

"These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity."


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How do you know all the news links you post aren't Russian propaganda like Fox News? Do you not believe that our US Intelligence would understand that your accusations are lies to assist Putin? It is Putin’s argument to his people to support his vicious war.

In no way is Professor Richardson reporting anything untrue and far from shameless. Everyone knows the Russians are experts at creating & disseminating propaganda, and now you are part of continuing this insidious scheme of lies on this forum. You are the one being lied to. I don't buy it, and probably no one else on this Substack page does either. Not many ‘Likes’ are there? Spread your fear-laden propaganda elsewhere, and quit insulting our country's intelligence, the people on this thread, and all Americans who know propaganda when we see it!

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He (or it) is a troll. Like tfg he (or it) revels in getting a reaction to what he/ it writes. Whether it’s a negative or positive response doesn’t matter. Getting a reaction, any reaction, is what a troll wants and sees as a “win”.

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Yup. Report it and move on.

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I hope that George T is not trying to cover up his fascist proclivities by calling me a troll. Once again, quoting that 2019 article from "The Nation" (a mainstream liberal source):

"Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine"

"Five years ago, Ukraine’s Maidan uprising ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, to the cheers and support of the West. Politicians and analysts in the United States and Europe not only celebrated the uprising as a triumph of democracy, but denied reports of Maidan’s ultranationalism, smearing those who warned about the dark side of the uprising as Moscow puppets and useful idiots. Freedom was on the march in Ukraine.

"Today, increasing reports of far-right violence, ultranationalism, and erosion of basic freedoms are giving the lie to the West’s initial euphoria. There are neo-Nazi pogroms against the Roma, rampant attacks on feminists and LGBT groups, book bans, and state-sponsored glorification of Nazi collaborators.

"These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity."


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"The magazine [The Nation] has also aligned with the interests of Vladimir Putin in the modern Russian Federation, including after the Russian dictator’s invasion and seizure of Ukrainian territory in the Crimea and parts of Donbass in late 2014". https://www.influencewatch.org/for-profit/nation/

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Report the troll and move on. Don't engage.

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Why does Joyce Kell-Sanders avoid talking about the following quote? Is Joyce Kell-Sanders anti-semitic?

"These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity."


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Yep, he drank all the kool-aid.

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Neo-fascist minions want others to ignore the evidence of rampant far-right bigotry in Ukraine.

"These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity."


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5 years ago…

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Actually it has been four years since that article in "The Nation" was published. And what has been going on since then? See this post:


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Johnny Sméagol is a troll, likely paid by Moscow or the "Internet Research Agency". I'd say: report and ignore.

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Honey, don't take this guy seriously. Or, do. And Report.

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I'm not surprised that Judy Dyer, the (paid?) Biden troll, wants others to ignore the evidence of rampant far-right bigotry in Ukraine.

"These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity."


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I don't read your nutty rants.

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You go girl! Just what’s needed to reply with dignity and intelligence to his twisted comment.

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Once again, you and others are welcome to refute any of the facts presented in the linked articles. You and others have consistently failed to do so. Instead you raise the McCarthyist boogeyman of "Russian propaganda" as a fig leaf for your despicable support of Ukraine's oppressive far-right regime. Shame on you.

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Keeping Democracy in any country that has been infiltrated by Nazi Fascist is difficult and it's happening all over the world; The United States and Ukraine not withstanding. We must continue to assist in keeping Ukraine a Democratic country whatever the cost. It doesn't belong to the Nazi fascist Russian thugs. The United States doesn't belong to MAGA and Trump alone either. So we fight to keep them at bay. I understand your fear, but to panic and spew propaganda to support that fear doesn't help anything. Just makes you look like a Troll.

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Gayle Cureton, my basic point is that all the fascist minions around here refuse to address the following quote:

"These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity."


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5 years ago... What about now?

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I don't believe that.

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What are you wearing for Halloween, John!

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Don’t feed the troll.

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Said the troll who's trying to diet.

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Oh, sorry, John, this is Meredith.I tried to have honest conversation with you. Remember that? It sorta worked for a bit, but then you retreated to your usual tropes.

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"Usual tropes"? Why is almost everyone around here incapable of engaging with the following quote?

"Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine":

"Five years ago, Ukraine’s Maidan uprising ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, to the cheers and support of the West. Politicians and analysts in the United States and Europe not only celebrated the uprising as a triumph of democracy, but denied reports of Maidan’s ultranationalism, smearing those who warned about the dark side of the uprising as Moscow puppets and useful idiots. Freedom was on the march in Ukraine.

"Today, increasing reports of far-right violence, ultranationalism, and erosion of basic freedoms are giving the lie to the West’s initial euphoria. There are neo-Nazi pogroms against the Roma, rampant attacks on feminists and LGBT groups, book bans, and state-sponsored glorification of Nazi collaborators.

"These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity."


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I hope you're not the kind of guy who dresses up as a Nazi SS officer for Halloween, so he has an excuse to keep the uniform in his closet.

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1. Show me a source other than fringe media 2. Show me the alternative

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Ignore and report the troll. Just scroll on by. There's no "there" there.

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...said the neo-Fascist minion who wants others to ignore the evidence of Ukraine's far-right oppressive bigotry.

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Show me a rebuttal of any of the points made in the linked sources.

"Tne Nation," with that extended quote about rampant neo-Nazis in Ukraine, is hardly a fringe source. It is well over a hundred years old, the heir to William Lloyd Garrison's "The Liberator."

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You’re the one who needs to back up your assertion and propose alternatives to appeasement

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Perhaps your word "appeasement" is inaccurate. And perhaps you're trying to change the subject away from Ukraine's disgusting far-right thug regime. Why would anyone but a fascist do that...

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Does everybody know this is a Putin financed troll.

Russia dedicate huge amounts of money and resources to making sure that there is one in every conversation on the web.

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Liars like Christopher Colles want others to ignore the evidence of rampant far-right bigotry in Ukraine.

"These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity."


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Actually, this is A. I. , a programmable bot. It will generate massive amounts of text to drown out and distract from reality. It will get better at it by the week.

It is programmed to deny this.

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...said the apologist for neo-fascist bigotry and hate-crime terrorism.

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Supporting Putin’s talking points is troubling to me given his fascistic form of government and lies about Ukraine. Support for Ukraine is necessary to help stem the tide of authoritarianism. Allowing Putin to annex Crimea was a major mistake opening g the way to this horrific war of aggression.

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Neo-fascist minions want others to ignore the evidence of rampant far-right bigotry in Ukraine.

"These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity."


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...said Brian the Troll as he looked in the mirror

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I jolly well hope Putin is paying you a decent wage for all your hard work on his behalf. Otherwise, you sound like a right mug.

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...said the neo-fascist minion who wants others to ignore the evidence of Ukrainian far-right hate-crime terror against its own people.

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To quote that now famous line from the Snake Island defenders: иди на хуй

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To quote former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: "It is with your bitter enemy that you make peace."

Zelensky has no power to make peace. He is in effect a slave, and through him Ukraine has been enslaved by the International Monetary Fund and NATO.

As Putin said, "The decisions are not being made in Kyiv. They are being made in Washington and Brussels."

I suspect that Zelensky the "acting" President will continue to be a puppet until "we" arrange for his untimely death.

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Rabin was murdered by an extremist - the kind of people in Israel who now support Putin.

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If you see:

John Schmeeckle

Scroll on by.......

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...said the (paid?) Biden troll

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said the nut with accusations pulled out of thin air.

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Think appeasement with Hitler in WWII. Let's see, all of Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans, Eastern Europe, North Africa, and U boats along our eastern seaboard sinking merchant ships. Then the boa ate a porcupine (Russia) and died (for real).

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I don't believe there are absolutes.. but I do respect Liz

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I was very surprised that the shutdown was avoided. Wiser minds than mine have accepted the delay (at a minimum) with a shrug that promises, “We’ll get to it later”. Perhaps (probably?) this is so, but I can’t escape the feeling that is on a par with trying to enjoy a long-planned day at the beach while fighting back a severe toothache.

Put yourself in the position of the MAGA bomb throwers who are being told endlessly that they were sold out by their colleagues, McCarthy being at the head of the parade. When you regroup, what will you double down on? No aid to Ukraine, naturally.

One would assume that there is time for one more tranche of aid to go to Ukraine before the vagaries of election season make it politically necessary to turn off the tap. I see the hard right caucus using every procedural trick in the book to delay getting that money out until it is too late to do so.

Eric Swalwell waved this fear away without specifics. I was not reassured by that. Ukraine has had a very difficult second season of fighting and it’s nearly over. Nobody should have any illusions that the Russians are going to give up. They have proved their tenacity throughout history, especially in WWII. They may feel they are turning the tide on the battlefield, albeit with grinding slowness. Last night’s bill has the seeds at least of comfort to Putin.

Americans have all been protected for 45 days by this CR. That is fair, although this was, to be sure, a manufactured crisis. Once again the creaky American way of government has shot itself in the foot and stole away on crutches. But the moral opportunity was cast aside in favor of a tactical compromise. The toothache continues to take its toll and will do so until the country has once again backed Ukraine at a pivotal point.

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I wasn't. It seems to be a regular occurrence - go to the wire to show you mean business, then negotiate with the other party. Negotiation is the only way to avoid extremist Neinsagers, including those on one's own side.

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Interesting point. There is definitely a pattern.

But I could not conceive of McCarthy effectively backhanding Trump, breaking his long-standing policy of gladhanding him. I think Gratz’s moment in the sun is about up, but Trump was baying for a shutdown and I thought McCarthy would cave.

On the other point I’m a bit of a hawk on Ukraine and also a general pessimist. I really did not want the aid sacrificed, if only temporarily. Zelensky owes it to his Allie’s to be relentless in cleaning out internal rot. If he holds true to that, then I think we are in that part of the marriage bow that says, “through thick and through thin, in good times and bad, for better or worse. . . “ (I may have that out of order - it’s been a while since I got married.

Perhaps the aid will flow after the CR dies. In that case, yours is the salient point.

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I thought he would after he threw down the gauntlet and told his MAGAlites to go ahead and fucking call a vote on his Speakership. Also, I understand that the Republican Congress members from districts that voted for Biden were creating a counter-pressure.

I agree with you on Ukraine.

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MTG throwing a tantrum is definitely a win! 🤣🙏🏻🇺🇸

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A big hug to AOC.

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She is such a treasure! Brilliant. And always prepared. 💖

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She and Leigh McGowan are birds of a feather.

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AOC is a very smart and beautiful women. I suspect she has learned a great deal from Nancy Pelosi. She is definitely someone to watch develop going forward.

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Gangrene cannot take a loss. She is like every other MAGA baby when she doesn't get her way. I wonder if these fools ever think about how they come across to people other than wing nuts. I hope she is wailing like a banshee. In some good news, Heather's book has arrived.

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Gangrene. Perfect.

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She is a perfect example

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Absolute YESSS , Alec ! Rotten, ..... & DEAD !

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Those fools outnumber decent human beings by about four to one among white voters in her district. Magat voters, not gangrene herself, are the crux of the problem.

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Agreed. The voters put all of these extremists into office. I guess they are happy to waste their tax dollars on people who do not govern, scream, and generally cause chaos. Those same voters would be first in lint if they needed government help. But owning the libs is important.

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I think that they don't know what they don't know, that they are being conned because their hatred of Blacks, female rights, immigrants, gays, Muslims, Jews, "Libtards," and others blinds them to the fact that they're being manipulated to vote against their own best social and financial interests.

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THEY, DON'T KNOW! Richard !, BeCause, THEY All! , Hold a PERFECT VACUUM, !, in Their PEA BRAIN SKULLS!!

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First in lint may be-a typo but it is so appropriate!

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Not a typo, but autocorrect helping me out. It was late and I didn't reread. I usually do, but wanted to go to bed.

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The prpblem is when they hold the balance of power.

Disproportionate power.

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They shouldn't hold the power they do, but Keystone Kev wanted the speakership. He and the rest of us paid for that dearly. Thankfully, the government didn't shut down and I hope this is the beginning of a very large crack in their power.

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You are EXACTLY right, Rex. I live one county down from her district, and the MAGAt voters in her district ARE the problem. Backwoods, gun toting hicks are the majority in her district. Same goes for the area of my county i live in, my family are the lone Democratic household here.

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You may not be the only Democrat there. What we found here in Florida was that the Democrats "were in the closet." When I sent out notices to the residents of a 55+ community where I lived that I was holding a meeting to see if there was enough interest to form a Democratic club, I reserved a room for 20. But, more than 100 showed up. A number of couples who had known each other for more than ten years DIDN'T KNOW THAT THE OTHERS WERE DEMOCRATS! Surprise! Surprise! You may not be alone, John.

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So sad that democrats were in the closet. We are a silent majority (sorry Falwell). So ROAR

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The whole Trump/GOP vilification of Dems is just another piece of their movement toward fascism. First, they came for the Black's & Jews. Then they came for LGBTQ+. Then they came for the FBI. Then they came for the DOJ. Then the judges. Then the Jurors. Then the Elections workers. Then the Voters. Then the entire Democratic Party. They will keep expanding their targets until we stop them.

What First Amendment rights do any of us have if we dare not speak our political preferences for fear of violence?

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It’s true that you csn find many Democrats just anout everywhere, but “many” doesn’t mean “majority.” Democrats aren’t a majority in Florida.

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That is so reassuring, Richard. I often have wondered whether some of these seemingly reasonable, decent folks aren't secretly Dems where I live in FL. However, there aren't enough of us to make a difference in this largely RED county that always votes in Republicans! But maybe there are more Dems than I imagine. I'm still moving out of this state, however. It's become too fascist for me.

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Carol, are you in the Ft. Myers area. If so, the hurricanes are enough reason to move. I live in Lakeland, which is far enough inland to avoid the brunt force of the hurricanes. It's red here in Polk County, but the number of Democrats and NPAs combined outnumber the Republicans.

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I found the same thing in my small Keys community. Great party being able to speak so freely! That, and having people whisper from the side of their mouth, “I like your bumper sticker”. It says OMG GOP WTF.

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I would not be surprised if a few I & republicans disgusted with their parties direction snuck in. Montanans for Decency is trying to gather together people based on democratic values rather than party

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Thanks, Richard, for sharing and all you do !

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Thats GREAT !, Richard ! , For US!, and John ! ( " THERE'S AN ARMY !, RISEN' ,,,,, UP !! ) Read 2nd KINGS ! Chapter 6, VERSES 15, Thru 18 !! ( GLORY !! )

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Excellent Richard!!

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Never assume that JOE will win in 2024, these cretins have been empowered by leadership (and Rupert) hate for decades. They are neighbors of us all. The fight continues…

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DEMS ! , THINK !, ,,,,,,David & goliath !, ( One Good SHOT ! , ,,,to the HEAD ! ) = BIG !, FACEPLANT !!

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LORD !, Have MERCY !, John T ! ( GOD !, I Pulled Enough " guard Duty !" in VIETNAM, ! ) GOD BLESS YOU !, and Your FAMILY !

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Take care

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Thanks for the link. That explains her presence in the House. I had to stop reading though, it hurt my heart. That the GOP is home to these elements of hate says it all. There is no place for that in civil culture. And the supposedly sane remnants of that party are complicit in their silence. The one thing for certain is that this cancer will ultimately kill its host. Let’s keep it isolated in the GOP and keep shining the light of truth and compassion.

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Thanks for the link. This story is so familiar-it’s happened all across America over centuries.

Yet, most people don’t want to talk about racism. It’s the underlying issue that we don’t face head on..we fought a war to defeat Nazism but ignore and deny racism.

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I had to stop, too. My caffeine membrane isn't thick enough to repel such horrible and disgusting actions and beliefs.

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Sure does explain the push to change "history" taught in the schools, though, doesnt it? Certainly wouldnt want to cause students to question what they were taught at home!

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LOL. I get that!

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Stomach turning. As for Gangrene, I always wonder how she made her living before Congress. So ignorant.

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Morning, Lynell.

Thanks for the link. It explains a lot, all of it completely disgusting. It also explains the lure of the MAGAt philosophy.

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Morning, Ally! Yes, it is most disturbing to see that this one person is just a reflection of her constituents.

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Thank You Lynell. I think. I have relatives in that beautiful area. This history is new to me, and beyond heartbreaking. To Think MTG actually "represents" her district is sickening.

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Hey, MaryPat. Not an excuse but does explain her behavior.

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I'm sorry, I don't agree. The crux of the problem is that Kevin McCarthy walks in fear of them. The vote yesterday shows him that at most 40% of the Rubbish caucus (20% of the House) are willing to go down with the ship, in the name of MAGA and The Loser. May he learn the lesson.

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He created this mess when he bowed down to chump after Jan 6. Chump could have been marginalized but Rupert and Kevin kept him alive. As I said, Republican created chaos.

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All Republicans walk in fear of Trump’s base. Those that don’t fall in line get primaried back to the stone age.

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The majority of the Rubbish caucus broke ranks and voted against the MAGA/QAnon line yesterday. We gotta give them SOME credit -- better late than never. And McCarthy's decision to allow a non-MAGA CR come to a vote was a pleasant surprise; he really broke his conditioning. I'm not suggesting that any of these folks should be re-elected because of this but we might give them a smile instead of a glare as we walk into the booth to vote against them and the Dark Lord.

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Well, I won't fart in their general direction, but that's as far as I go.

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True, but she spreads it worse than Covid

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Not only has Heather's book arrived, it is fascinating reading. I'm half way through and hate to put it down.

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Not out of the package yet. I know if I open it, I will immediately start reading and I am busy putting our garden to bed. Also part way through Song of the Cell. I think I could easily go back to that however, after treating myself to Heather.

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Mukherjee's writing is always excellent. I'd forgotten about this one - thanks for the reminder.

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I am enjoying it and I want to read the one on the gene. I find science fascinating even though I am a history person.

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Have you read "The Emperor of Maladies"? I recommend it, although if you know anyone with cancer or who was murdered by it, it can be a hard read - as the beginning pages of "Song of the Cell".

Edited to correct the name of the book - it's "The Emperor of All Maladies".

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Gangrene! Ha! Best tag yet for that despicable excuse for a human being.

Thanks Michelle.

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You are welcome. I can't help myself giving these monsters a nickname. I was education for many years and around kids who were very good at taking a name and making it into a nickname of some kind, usually not very nice.

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"Democracy Awakening" is a tribute to HCR's brilliance and nonstop efforts for Democracy, for America, for history, for facts.

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I almost know for certain she is wailing like a banshee, she don't seem to know how to present her sorry self any other way. I almost hate to acknowledge i am from Georgia because of her.

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I am not from Texas but I feel tainted by the evil trio running things here. The Paxton trial was a sham because Patrick and Paxton assured that it would be. They are Texas’ worst MAGAts

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I live in Oregon, but grew up in Indiana and there are plenty of wing nuts there to make me not want to acknowledge that I am Hoosier born.

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My nephew moved to Bloomington when his best friend and her husband moved so that Katherine could get her Ph.D. He lasted about a year, maybe a bit longer, but had to leave because of the awful politics there.

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We moved to Indiana in 1989 and left 5 months later. We hated it. I've lived in 10 states and Indiana is the only one you couldn't pay me enough to go back to. The only good thing about Indiana is Kurt Vonnegut was born there and I met my best friend of 35 years there. He passed away a few years ago.

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Cole Porter was from there too and is one of my fav composers of the great American song book. Just keep in mind that it was the biggest hotbed of KKK activity in the 1920s and that aspect is still there. I do know Ds and progressive people who live in Indiana.

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HCR’s interview about Democracy Awakening on CBS. I think the interviewers are out of their league.😉


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There's also a good interview on the Boston Globe site (referring to HCR as "luminary" - so accurate!): https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/09/26/arts/small-town-maine-substack-luminary-heather-cox-richardson-discusses-her-new-book-about-rise-authoritarianism-us/.

And of course someone in the comments "outed" her residence, AFTER the Globe article indicated she preferred to keep it unpublished, for privacy. FGS.

The article includes an interview on the Globes's opinion blog, Say More with Shirley Leung.

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I just got it on my Kindle😊

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Happiness. I look forward to reading it.

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I finally got down to J Michael's books yesterday and picked it up. I fell asleep reading Chapter 2 (I NEVER fall asleep reading; I was exhausted yesterday). That book is so, so worth it.

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I started it yesterday and gave up when it was time for me to go to bed.

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OH! HCR book is available electronically! I must find! THX!

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Maggot Traitor Gangrene. Thanks - I'd been looking for a good word to use rather than "Greene" for that unspeakable individual. I'd been referring to that individual as "maggot traitor gross", but "gangreen/gangrene" is MUCH better. That word for individual epitomizes the rot that is the republican party today. It's just the Party of Rot, not representation, or responsibility, or reason. Just rot.

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Yes, just rot that will kill you.

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Slowly, painfully, noisomely, over time. We have to make sure she fails in everything she tries to do going forward - people like her, like the people she represents, do not deserve to be listened to, although I suppose they must be permitted to speak. In support of my contention that we need to know they exist but must not support them IN ANY WAY, including by listening to and paying attention to them, I'm copy-pasting the link provided by Lynell(VA by way of Md & DC) above: "Here is the story of MTG's voters: https://news.yahoo.com/sickening-history-marjorie-taylor-greene-095713316.html". Sickening is the word; she and they really are rotten to the core, broken wanna-be human beings.

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Thanks for the cite. We were in the south before the 2008 election, first in Savannah and then in Charleston on election night. I remember one young man telling someone else that he was going to vote for Sarah like John McCain did not exist. While visiting the house where General Sherman headquartered during the Civil War, the docent was elderly and had tears in her eyes like the Civil War was last week. I read Saving Savannah and I recommend it if you haven't read it. Then in Charlestown, the news was coming in on the election and the bar was full of white people who paid no attention. We were on the top floor of the Francis Marion Hotel near the College of Charleston and had to wait until midnight for the final results. There was much revelry on the streets from people in the surrounding area, but I doubt much in other places. Lots of people were outraged the we had a black man as President and this resentment has gone on ever since. It is not enough to be a white male Christian straight anymore and that's part of the bad behavior. No matter how bad white folks were, they could tell themselves they were better than blacks.

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Just looked at the article. None of what was there surprised me. A couple of us have recommended Fever in the Heartland, about the KKK in the 1920s mainly in Indiana where I was born and raised. Not surprised either that it is a rich place. One of my worst encounters was with an ex-classmate who although intelligent, was made crazy by the idea of a black president. She lives in Naples, Fl., and probably has an echo chamber all around her. She was ranting about something and I told her the factual background and I was treated to an all caps rant that said she didn't care about the facts. It was as she said. That ended our conversation which was email. I also have a reiki sister who wrote a book about her wealthy upbringing in New Orleans which when I passed it around changed people's opinion about some of the celebrations during Mardi Gras.

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A BIG TIME! Thank You !! , HEATHER !, I Know !, Your WRITE !, .... IS GOOD !

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I like the good new as much as I detest the deplorable Mtg.

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Glad to see some pragmatism still exists in the non-maga republicans, if not workable ideas. The force needs balance, so a functioning right wing is important. Except for environmental issues, which both right and left need to be extremely aggressive on.

I think Trump’s rambling, incoherent, cognitively impaired speech this week in California, his open flirtation with assassinating Gen Milley (!!!), and his grotesque physical decline were quite sobering for many.

Maybe this vote to keep the government open will be the start of something better. I would isolate the maga wing, and keep building bridges with any Republican leaders displaying even a modicum of newfound courage and principles, and sanity.

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Good diagnosis, Doc! Thank you for all that you are most certainly doing for so many of us, as well. Your dedication and that of your colleagues means a great deal.

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I heard Pence condemn X 's rant on Miley . R silence on this is deafening

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Pense is such weak sauce. Profiles in Courage he is not.

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And I think most Democrats would welcome that “newfound courage and principles, and sanity.”

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Throwing tantrums is all that Goon, (MTG) is good for. She has a BIG mouth too and a penchant for confrontation with people who call her out and tell the truth about her. She is the most hateful and arrogant Goon i have ever seen. She should have been shown the door a long time ago in Congress. She is a total disgrace and also an insurrectionist.

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Well, she and her little pet Matt Gaetz who isn't quite as hateful but certainly equally arrogant and confrontational. Mattie has had the wind taken out of his sails--for a time at least. All that posturing so the little Butt-head clone could get his name out in front to run for Governor of FL. Ronnie best be looking behind him!

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Aside: Gaetz comes off as a buffoon in “Enough,” Cassidy Hutchinson’s book. On The View, Joy Behar said, “You were too old for him.” (25) 😉

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He is a most annoying insect and I would really like to give him a well-deserved swat. Put that pest in Putin’s gulag and give them all a taste of true authoritarian living. Let’s give them all a one-way ticket to Dear Leader and see how long they last.

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Dear Lord...please, please let it be so!!!! That arrogant little insect more than deserves a hearty slap with a fly swatter.

I think his unearned hubris is riding for a fall, however. I very much doubt the 'Gaetz of Hell' can gather the votes necessary to bring McCarthy down. Of course, the rest of the R conference is also very unhappy about McCarthy going to the Dems to get the CR passed, but since they are 'a little' busy with their infighting, I'm not sure what may happen.

I think the Dems would be wise to let them slug it out in front of the entire country so that everybody understands just how dystunctional the Rs have become. (Looks like that may be Jeffries strategy).

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She is a Yam Face extrodinaire.

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Is it on video anywhere? 😂

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MSNBC last night,

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"MTG throwing a tantrum is definitely a win!"

Holding her breath 'til she turns blue is a nice metaphor.

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I’d like to see a video of that. It would be worth it to see it posted on Facebook

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Win win!

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Isn't that her MO? She belongs on reality TV, not in Congress. It's all show.

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Another example of her sense of proper decorum.

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Is it, though? MTG throws tantrums on every day that ends with “y.”

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The fig leaf that MTG secured for "no aid to Ukraine" is a shredded one. Remember that there is $300,000,000 in frozen Russian assets that can be used for that purpose, in a pinch.

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And the administration can tap those frozen Russian assets without going through Congress. It’s my understanding that there are multiple precedents for such actions, and they can be taken in many countries where Russian assets are frozen. So, there is a lot more than $300,000,000 that can be used to support Ukraine’s efforts to defend themselves.

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Just now checked this. According to the Council on Foreign Relations, there is at least $200 billion in frozen Russet assets that are accessible to Western governments fof the purpose of helping Ukraine, and possibly as much as $300 billion.

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They should use it. This war seems like it will go on forever.

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Hey, Gary & Rex, I fear you need another set of 0s if you are talking about $300 billion (= $300,000,000,000) rather than the $300,000,000 (300 million) you posted.

It DOES get confusing when one gets into figures that big!

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That’s what Senator Dirksen said, “billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money."

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Yes. That’s why I wrote $300 billion in the note that cites a source. I new $300 million was chump change.

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Thanks, John. I sincerely thought it was ONLY 300 million.

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Thanks. Didn't know that.

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Why wait?

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Good question. I'm sure there is an answer, we just don't know it.

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Agree. Maybe saving it for when other funding ends or as negotiating point with devil Putin.

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It might get his attention in a meaningful way if the US and other countries began to draw down some of that money f/b/o Ukraine, with BIG publicity; I can't imagine anyone in Russia to whom those assets "belong" would be very happy about that, and might treat him as he has treated "his" detractors and unsatisfactory henchmen. It would be good to hang on to some of that money until after Putin the Insane withdraws from Ukraine, in order to repair and rebuild the horrific damage done by him and his orcs.

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All true.

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I thought I’d read something about that . Thank you 🙏

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You're welcome. Another reader noted that it is actually $300,000,000,000.

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Score for democracy, diplomacy, and common sense...grateful for saner minds and open hearts

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Kathy, I think that McCarthy showed the common sense of realizing that Matt Gaetz was going to try to unseat him no matter what he did and opted to have the Freedom Caucus (and TFG) mad at him rather than the American people. Unless some Republicans are willing to cross the aisle to support Jeffries, I don’t see anyone else with enough votes to be speaker.

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And for all his bluster, Gaetz couldn’t get more than a dozen or so votes from Republicans. Go ahead morons call the vote on McCarthy, if you really want to see what the rest of the party thinks of you.

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Kevin asked for this. Did he learn something?? He didn’t after Jan 6

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His move convinced me he’s a shapeshifter in the Lindsey Graham mould.

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Kinda like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski but more egregious.

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Do you mean Susan "I'm sure he's learned . . . a pretty big lesson" Collins? That Susan Collins? That useless, irresponsible, I'm-embarrassed-she's-a-Mainer, Susan Collins? Maine's shame.

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People whose conscience and integrity are for sale.

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There’s a really good discussion about this in Substack Feathers for Hope.(I hope I got the name right).

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Susan, thanks for letting us know about the discussion.

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Thank you, Heather! I was terrified this would never happen. Kudos to Kevin McCarthy for the courage to do this in spite of threats to his leadership. While we are safe at home tonight, I am so very pleased that the Democratic Caucus will revisit Ukraine 🇺🇦 funding as early as next week. We must remember winter is setting in and the President gave his word that funds would be forthcoming. Perhaps we have chipped a bit of Putin out of our business! You’ve earned a few days off! Quite the debate or more correctly hostage taking coup AVERTED. I will sleep 😴 well tonight! 🕊️

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Kevin McCarthy has neither spine nor courage. He may have finally understood that bowing to MAGA is a fool’s errand that would end with his party losing tens of seats. Maybe.

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McCarthy is shallow. His depth is likened to a specimen under a slide under a microscope. The irony is that he’s so transparent about his love affair with speakership, that humiliation turns into his iron man self worship that somehow twists humiliation into doggedness toward his self belief he’s a hero.

He doesn’t understand the gravity and gravitas of statesmanship.

Archetype narcissist and believer in his blindside lies republican powerbroker.

I hear him talk - and a I feel drained. Same same little putin guvnah in FLA., yada Texas and that nitwit. Remember Uvalde. I sure do. And don’t get me started on women’s issues with that jack.

What a rolling clown show we’re all watching play out in this moil.

Other important topics. Thank you, Professor. Your book scared me. It dropped into my audible at 1200.

I was listening, lights out, by 0001.

I made it to chapter 10. I’m going to finish it in the daytime.

We’re so lucky the buffoonery was botched, but the level of organization is very sophisticated.

There WILL be a next an attempt. From president clampet or a spin-off from one of his acolytes.

Frank Figliuzzi has been FOR YEARS, warning folk that we need to stand up a domestic terrorism department and enact laws so that we can indict, arrest and Rico the hell out of yaks who crap on the Constitution.

Papa hoodlum Clampet absolutely knows he’s pushing the social limits and boundaries because he’s fully aware he’s sparkle to the disaffected.

I get that. I mean from childhood on, we all learn that tribe might not be everything but it’s safe. Especially in numbers.

I’ve been on a rant.

I was born in South America. Lived in Chile while Pinochet was cooking his murderous coup (aided and abetted by Kissinger - aka aided and abetted by America) against Allende.

The coup was bloody - and the Chilean economy and psyche is STILL dealing with PTSD over that.

I know from experience EXACTLY what will happen if 🤪 gets elected by a populace he’s showboated and gas lighted into believing his circus tent show.

So many issues to uncork. Dark money fueling un democratic or rather democracy busting platforms and agencies.

Media promoting itself as news.

We as a “melting pot population nation, Team USA need to pitch in and support democracy. We need to elect better leaders. And our leaders need to start legislation that mends some of the holes in a Constitution that the Clampet clan turned into Swiss cheese.

And they are so f’ng arrogant.


Apologies to Jed and his crew. Granny was a hoot. Ellie Mae Clampett (correct spelling) set all the church ladies and insecure crew into a titter she so OUT there. Men dreamed and girls wanted Ellie Mae’s bust building secret. Those were innocent times for me after South America. Later in life, I learned that the struggle is real always, and the Clampetts upped their lives in a way we could all daydream.

This current nightmarish band of Clampets is set around a mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, D. C. is all about taking fire cannons to the very noble institution they got born into, used, crapped in and finally crapped on. As far as I’m concerned they should be expelled to the countries they’ve embraced.

I just can’t with that kind of maniacal greed and avarice.

Sorry. I ranted all over hell and back. I kept a lot of that tucked away pretty good for a while.

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You speak from a place of knowledge and pain. And have respect for a flawed country. Never watched the Clampetts but glad they helped you dream

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Here's the lead in to the show. It's called "The Ballad of Jed Clampett"


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This is the place to let it out. It's a heartfelt and well written rant that we can relate to. I loved the Beverly Hillbillies!

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Was just gonna say - Jed Clampet was a good man!

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Thats ALRIGHT , P J ! ' Ya' GOTTA' LET It OUT !! , CAP'n ! or, IT, WILL Eat YOU ! From the INSIDE, OUT ! Please !, BE AWARE ! When " THE DAY !" Comes ! NO ONE ! Will ESCAPE, The JUSTICE !! , IF, Justice, ,,,,,MUST, be SERVED ! ( LORD !, ,,, Have MERCY ! , on the UNjust ! [ Don.'t !, STIR UP ! , FATHER GODS WRATH !] )

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I believe they still will anyway. The pendulum is going to swing hard in 2024 and knock the crap out of this mess of creeps' priority to destroy our democracy.

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Starting with Virginia, Tamera, November 7, 2023!

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Still plenty of crazy and voter suppression. They only want to win by cheating. Don’t assume anything.

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A quick skin-save.

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And likely nothing more than that. It’s not like he grew some principles in an afternoon.

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Yes. The rejection of the trump led MAGAs sends a strong message to their followers and quiet sympathizers; “your time is up!”

In a country, and world, that is so crazy about sports, people can very easily see a Win or a Loss for what it is. Good work lies ahead to be done. Unity comes from hard work, determination and victory. More!

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He should have realized that Jan 6

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Hostage taking coup averted.

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Not so sure it was not simply kicked 45 days down the road.

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Has indeed been kicked down the road. Question is, has Kevin learned anything. I would vote NO

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Judith, you said all I would have if I knew how. Thank you.

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Perhaps a segment of my remarks were a result of the CR finally getting passed that I wrote “kudos to Kevin McCarthy” for finally getting the work done. Other readers have pointed out this was a manufactured crisis and after some desperately needed time away, I agree completely. He deserves whatever comes in regard to his precious gavel. I certainly have no respect for the man or the manner in which he obtained his speaker’s gavel; bargaining with the MAGA extremists. So much real work might have been accomplished with another Speaker. To think he is third in line to the presidency is nauseating and terrifying!

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We have got to press for funding Ukraine. The “Freedom Caucus “ knows nothing about sacrifice or freedom. I suspect they know nothing at all and yet they have the audacity to threaten all of us. No more of this bs. We are stronger and smarter and more filled with good spirit than all of them put together.

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Thank you, Heather. We can breathe a little easier for 45 days. My daughter was worrying about working and not getting paid. This issue needs fixing. I feel sorry for all of the folks that work for the USA and have that constant worry it seems annually. Have a restful night. Hugs

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THANK you HEATHER!!..... your letters are sooo EXTREMELY helpful!!.... the explanations... and information....soo VITAL for these times!... KUDOS!.. your AMAZING knowledge and comprehensive notes/documentation!!..

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Thank you, Dr. Richardson. It is encouraging to see a crack in the wall built by the MAGA extremists.

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The media today is full of reasonable and accurate statements of progress and of the compromise necessary to govern, not obstruct. The media must continue to do so and it must turn its back on the sound bites of division it has been chasing, mistaking volume for winning.

The fact that 129 Republicans voted for this measure shows that there is still hope for a two party system that can be effective.

It is said that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference. Let's continue to isolate the MAGA extremists until they are reduced to a distant mutter along with their rambling figurehead DJT. Our leaders in Congress must recognize that a party label is one word, while workable policy needs many words spoken by many voices.

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KEM, I remain surprised and appalled that neither the Republicans remaining in the televised debates nor the media routinely remind us of the very real, legal blockade which does and will exist to tfg even getting on the 2024 ballot. Yes, he makes a lot of noise and yanks on the strings of those he imagines will remain loyal to him but the sooner we all can consign him entirely to the past tense, the sooner he will fade into the most stunning example, the very apotheosis of propaganda and electoral manipulation that he was.

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JohnM upstateNY, I think that this action, and McCarthy's awakening of the need for bipartisan action, may well be the crack in the dam--or in the stonewall, if you will. Please don't misunderstand--McCarthy acted only in self-interest, not from any well-spring of principle. Nevertheless, he showed understanding that we must move forward from extreme and empty rhetoric and carve opportunities to work together. Once the GOP candidates and the media recognize that this trickle quickly becomes a river, I believe their stance(s) will change. At least, I hope so. Rushing water tends to sweep away debris, and wear down rocks.

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There was a tyrant in antiquity who was so despised by his subjects that he arranged to pay mourners to keen at his funeral. Let’s hope Donald Duck meets the same fate. He deserves it. It would be a fitting fate for Putin and the other bullies as well.

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Stunning, isn’t it? How things can happen. How fast change can happen. How about more evidence of sanity and actual governance?

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Kim, Your comment brings to mind the fundamental truth, that while change, rather than occurring at a steady pace, typically proceeds in fits and starts, it’s impossible to foretell precisely when conditions will reach critical mass, suddenly creating transformation. This could be even just the start of a moment that reveals the link between our persistence in the face of difficulty and profound systemic change.

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True, change often happens very quickly. The work leading to the change, however, is almost always slow, difficult, and wrenching.

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Let’s just do what President Biden and HCR do. Get up every day and keep working for We the People and democracy.

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Very moment is transforming. Act accordingly.

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kim WA it appears that the "fast change" was only an abrupt change by Kevin. The leaders in the Senate (Schumer AND McConnell) and Hakeem Jeffries in the House did a LOT of prep work passing the necessary bills in the Senate which provided this last minute off-ramp for McCarthy to finally change his approach.

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But watch him vaingloriously bask in praise today for averting a shutdown, - without acknowledging the work of anyone else.- especially the Dems.

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Well said.

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With any luck, the courts will be raking the FFP, over the coals financially, soon. The charming “ billionaire “, may be losing his charm.

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The tides seem to be changing Professor ⭐ a reprieve is good for people. Now the DoNothings know that calamity will be laid at their feet if the course isn't corrected.

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SLRLucky Chix, I like those words, "The Do Nothings". Thanks!!

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I'm kibitzing from history:

"Although the 80th Congress passed a total of 906 public bills, President Truman nicknamed it the "Do Nothing Congress" and, during the 1948 election, campaigned as much against it as against his formal opponent, Thomas E. Dewey. The 80th Congress passed several significant bills with bipartisan support, most famously the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and the Taft–Hartley Act, but it opposed most of Truman's Fair Deal bills"

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SLR LuckyChix, great, sounds like good words to resurrect for the D campaign. Maybe even add a couple words and make it, "the barely do nothing good ---- Republicans in Congress". Thank you for the history lesson, appreciate it!

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It was a nail-biting day, but in the end, governance won.

I like that you inserted the bracketed period at the end of AO-C's quote.

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Nice and early,Professor! Good for you....rest on the Sabbath!

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Do Republicans not understand that they are Putin's puppets?

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Hard to say how many of the MAGATs are what Putin's old Soviet bosses used to call "Useful Idiots" and how many are just lovers of fascism. No doubt some are simply on his payroll.

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I'm not even sure that they're really lovers of fascism. I'd call them nihilists, eager to break and tear down without necessarily having any idea of what might replace what they're intent on breaking.

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They know, at least chump’s crowd and the Ronnie lovers from decades ago. POWER

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Yup. And I don't think they understand that fascism is a double edged sword. They'll like it a lot when they have a sword. But when they lose it and the sword gets picked up by a competitor...they will scream for mercy and "democracy".

Maybe there should be a required course for newly elected legislators called: "How to govern - AKA how to help your constituents". Vengeance does not put food on the table or pay for hospital visits.

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And Bill, I'd like to add that it is ALWAYS "when", not "if", the sword is picked up by another. Always. Which is why it is useful and prudent to study history - actually study it, not just memorize names and dates. Sadly, that seems to be beyond so many politicians these days, which is why we have such a shortage of "statesmen" (gendered, I know, but "statespeople", or "statespersons", just sound clunky).

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Oct 1, 2023
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Excellent idea!!

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If you are talking about the red hat wearing MAGAt brigade, I'd say that they are "useful idiots" (I'd extend this to the Klown Kar Kawcus in the house). There are some, however, that so, so want a white Christian Nationalist government that will put any non-white, non-straight, non-Christian right into third class citizenship so many restrictions on women's freedom that they become chattel.

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It's all of a piece. Fascists see bullies like Putin as "strong" because they define strength as the ability to inflict harm on others. The hate representative government because it means they can't always have their way.

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It could be that they want to align themselves with a white Christian dictator , while they ignore his murderous tendencies. They admire him it seems.

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Eric, of course not.

If you go into any "confirmation bias bubble" - in any social media, - left or right, - maga or liberal, - religious or secular, - moderate or extreme, - anywhere... and ask the question :

"Do the bad guys really know that they are the bad guys? "

You will always get the same answer. Always.

I know, I've done it many times.

This is especially strong in fascists, they really believe they are the besutiful people.

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Some know it well

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Thanks to Trump and Tucker, they think Putin is cool!😎

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Not that I can see. I have tried to engage many of my friends who are retired Cold War veterans on this very topic. I cannot fathom why they are so pro-Russia now, unless it is that they are uncomfortable with freedom for all, and not just themselves.

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Ally House (Oregon), I think that's it. I just listened to a youtube discussion of two American men, one interviewing the other, who claimed to be a former Officer (it's possible) in the Marines. It was awful hearing one of ours be a Putin and his oligarchs' propagandist. I was disgusted. I could have poked a lot of holes in his and his pal interviewer's ridiculousness.

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It is disgusting.

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Ally House (Oregon), It was. I felt dirty listening to it. He painted Putin as a choir boy and Zelensky and the US as the ones in the wrong. It was our fault historically and present day that caused Putin to invade Ukraine and that Putin is actually a peacekeeper, he said.

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The very definition of gaslighting.

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As I said the other day, the cracks in the dam were finger cracks, growing, spreading, water leaking through. Today, chunks started falling off around the larger cracks. As the bigger cracks spread and get bigger.

The biggest loser today was Trump. Maximum Leader's orders were not carried out. Along with all his losses in court, with the loss of his estate, with the coming defenestration in New York on Monday, as his Orcs sit in Congress and try to make sense of what happened to them today, The Enemy is teetering. Teetering.... teetering... twisting... turning....

Soon to topple.

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The Fall of the Cin Man Citadel is hopefully imminent

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Daniel Streeter, Jr, I thought you meant "Cin" as "Sin Man Citadel' and I thought it was clever alliteration. But 'Con Man works too!

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Teetering 🙂

And the whole world watches, with bated breath

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Orcs. So apt.

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The Loser in Chief

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Liz Cheney is right: “Appeasement didn’t work then. It won’t work now.” But she is misinterpreting the intent of the magat caucus. They don’t want appeasement. They want capitulation. They like the way Putin rules Russia. They want to rule the US the same way and are counting on Putin’s help in keeping the magats fired up.

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