The governor of Tennessee refusal of emergency aid in lieu of prayers and fasting reminds me of the joke, Two boats and a helicopter. Where a devoutly Christian man refuses all rescue aid sent to him, telling rescuers that God will save him. As floodwaters engulf his house, he drowns and goes before God and asks him why didn't God save him? God replies, I did. I sent you two boats and a helicopter.

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Thank you! I think this is the only laugh I have had today and it's already 7 p.m. in WA State.

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And yet, when I read the NYT story, "For Hours, He Clung to a Tree and Cried for Help. But None Came," I cried. (Still cry when I think about Mr. Tipton and his friends and family and everyone suffering after "Helene."} I think Imagination can produce humor, but in the horrors of reality, there is no humor.

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In no way am I attempting to minimize the severity of suffering the residents are experiencing. I'm very disgusted with the TN Gov for his comments telling his citizens to pray and fast instead of accepting emergency federal help. My one yr old granddaughters, their mama and grandma are in NC. They are safe but without food, water, or power for a week now. I'm very worried.

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Having just listened to today’s letter, two items stand out to me. First the fact that Trump and his minions have the gall to use Christian values to support his twisted lies. There is nothing nor has there ever been an iota of morality, integrity or Christianity in any of his actions, as a President and now as a “candidate” . I’m an immigrant who attended Catholic schools in the Midwest, then taught for 18 years in an elementary school after switching from a corporate job. Education is key to every child’s success, be it private or public.

But finally, at the end when we hear the countries agencies coming together despite the MAGA insanity, and tending to the business of providing aid, food, housing and whatever’s needed today, in response to Helene’s devastation. The actions of our citizens speaking louder than the words of the liars…thank you Heather for ending on a hopeful note !

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Yes, a hopeful note. Please, Ms. Richardson, begin your next letter with more hope, and devote the entire letter to Harris, her visions, and her policies. What you told me today is that the Trump/Vance campaign is predicated only on lies. Nothing more. I already know that. The focus you gave his campaign today is exactly what he and his team wants. Clog the airwaves with his lunacy (a poor word choice, but you get the idea) and crowd out any mention of Harris and Walz.

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Lying in politics is not a new innovation, but the Republicans of today seem to have taken it to a whole new level. I was going to say they’ve turned it into an art form, but I think that is the wrong way to put it. Their lies are not subtle and clever; they are obvious and crude. It’s more like they have just turned up the volume, hoping that everyone will simply suspend reality and believe them out of sheer force.

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It's like they keep pushing the bar higher and higher to see what they can get away with and perhaps to "normalize" their autocratic vision and verbage? It all reminds me of a very abusive, controlling, and narcissistic relationship.

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Reminds me of 1930s Nazis

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31 day fast? Is there a body count going on somewhere? There goes the Republican majority.

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I have actually wondered if Republican’s refusal to get the vaccine, wear masks, social distance, etc… during the COVID pandemic would slightly tip the balance in the voting in the 2024 election toward the Democrats, just due to greater attrition among the ranks of conservative voters. I can’t remember seeing any study on this.

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Disturbing commentary. Republicans have given President Biden the one tool he could use to stop their insanity but in using it the Dems would become the MAGA’s . If it truly is just greed for money , power, and will over the people, I don’t see sanity on the near horizon. We are in dangerous waters where 1 side is adhering to our constitution while the other has already reduced it to ashes and continues its asymmetrical warfare. Vote. Our lives depend on it.

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Everyday the MAGA rhetoric gets more and more absurd.

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just like the orange menace signed covid checks which he should not have signed because it was not his money, Biden and Harris should sign each check helping all those affected by the hurricane disaster

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Significantly illuminating in the extreme!

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I'd like to point out - with pride - that our President is going to bat for an entire region that is particularly red in their political leaning. The exceptions here in NC are the counties of Wake (Raleigh), Mecklenburg (Charlotte), and Buncome (Asheville). The other 25 counties of Western NC and those of Eastern TN are staunch red. And there is no selectivity, as it should be.

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Vance is scary.

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I almost fell out of my chair hearing that last sentence!

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Yes, one wonders if Trump/Vance win, will there be trials in Salem, MA and burnings at the stake?

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Thank you KEM for letting us know about the death of first responder Connie Millard.

On another topic entirely, has anyone noticed Trump’s hair looks lavender ? Also, is Vance wearing eyeliner?

Kamala looks great always.

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Shame on Governor Lee!! Another do nothing, do little, Republican governor of a southern state. It is a mystery to me why the people in Georgia, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, to name a few; put up with the blatant disregard for the people that voted them into office.

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I keep wondering, is this the fresh new (man-made, in this case) disaster the will make the people of the southern states wake up and realize that their Republican leaders are not serving their interests, much less protecting them from catastrophes…. Nah.

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The only phrase on these morons is they are UNLEAVABLE...!

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