I have commented several times in recent days on the debt calumny that Heather so chillingly describes. Over the past generation the Republicans—Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump—have six times pushed the country into temporary financial closure and employed the raising of the debt limit as their shibboleth. This is the height of fiscal irresponsibility. A temporary financial shutting down of government would abruptly suspend virtually all payments, including Social Security, FEMA, compensation for vital employees, and more. Refusal to expand the debt limit to permit payment for expenditures already authorized by Congress is nihilism to the highest degree.

At one time I was responsible for rating the credit of debt issued by sovereign states and corporations worldwide. Debt default (technically the non-payment of interest or principal on the promised date) is a most serious matter. A few years ago Standard and Poors dropped the credit rating of the U. S. Government below it’s top (AAA) level because of it’s concern about the ‘full faith and credit’on the U. S. Government.

Mitch McConnell is playing a game of chicken with the finances of the U. S. Government. In such an event, it is possible for the Democrats to prevent debt default unilaterally. This may ultimately be necessary, but McConnell’s irresponsibly partisan gun-to-head approach is simply further evidence that he and his sycophants are playing Russian roulette with the financial credibility of the United States. Trump has boasted of six major bankruptcies in which he stiffed his banks and investors and siphoned off major tax credits for himself. McConnell is following in the footsteps of his master.

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I was thinking that the Republicans are taking a page out of Trump’s playbook by refusing to pass debt ceiling legislation. They have always been such liars about spending. Forget calling them disingenuous; they LIE about spending. 1) When in power the R’s cut taxes but continue to spend money as though the revenue stream were the same. Such action is tantamount to quitting your job and going on a spending spree. 2) When

Democrats are in power, they have to raise taxes and spend money to fix all the things the Republicans broke.

3) Republicans are not the fiscally responsible party they claim to be. For crying out loud, they voted to NOT ENFORCE tax laws on the books to hold wealthy tax cheats accountable.

The list is endless.

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The rethuglicans lie about EVERYTHING!

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They have followed the Jude Wanniski and the Two Santa Clauses theory to sell supply-side economics. https://www.commondreams.org/views/2009/01/26/two-santa-clauses-or-how-republican-party-has-conned-america-thirty-years

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Where are the voices of corporate America, who have a vested interest in Republican default and debt ceiling? Are they okay with this Russian roulette?

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No. They just want to have their cake and eat it to. Get political advantage that McConnell is risking the country for, count on President Biden’s admin and Dems to keep govt running and deal with debt ceiling later because the Dems will and not put the country at risk, benefit from the investment spending tremendously that the infrastructure bills actually represent, make a shitload more money, and then pay higher rate of tax grudgingly because of the “spendthrift irresponsible Dems” until they can get next administration in to cut the tax again. So they can make more money.

That’s the way of greed. Play every angle to advantage. No side except the money side.

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Republicans are the real irresponsible spendthrifts.

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Ellie I once was part of the corporate world. With rare exceptions (Merck has been one, several Atlanta-based corporations were obliged to take a stand on an issue), corporations are monoliths who are focused on profit , not public policy. Of course they do support policies that support their bottom line and, to this end support lobbyists and friendly members of Congress. The reality is, if they take a stand on a controversial issue, they risk a boycott from an aggrieved group. They have been corporate boycotts of some cities or states on a specific issue—ie. Georgia had such an issue. Also, some corporations stopped booking into Trump properties.

Simply watch corporate stances on increased taxes. They love the Trump tax giveaways in 2017 and want no tightening. The idea that 35 of the Fortune 500 not paying federal income tax is Jim dandy for them. There is an Arab saying: ‘Never mind his eyes, my dear, watch his hands.”

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"With rare exceptions (Merck has been one, several Atlanta-based corporations were obliged to take a stand on an issue), corporations are monoliths who are focused on profit , not public policy."

Professor, I need to differ.

I worked on several major pieces of legislation for Citibank. Wrote the policy.

30 years on Wall Street showed me how it's done.

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No doubt legislation that pads their bottom line. Don’t their lobbyists help write bills that affect them? Typical fox guarding the hen house.

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We wrote the Regulations and our attorneys wrote the Tax Laws.

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I hope to hear from you this morning.

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Plato wrote:

"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth."

I know how he felt.

But he did have a way more pleasant demise than his teacher.

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NmR, Because you LIKE Truth, here's the truth of it:

Socrates, condemned to death for corrupting the young, drank hemlock amongst his friends as described in Plato's Phaedo (399 BCE).

Plato either died while being serenaded by a Thracian flute-playing girl, at a wedding feast, or in his sleep. (348 BCE)

As I mentioned, I know how Plato felt.

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More side talk?

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q.v., the stock market

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Keith, thank you for posting early this morning. Your financial experience including sovereign debt related matters & countermeasures will be very important through the end of this month & into October. Keep us posted (no pun intended).

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I heartily concur. Financial expertise in this matter is a welcome contribution (coming from someone who walks through the world where numbers do not make sense.)

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Ally I have long walked through the world of numbers which, in recent years, make less and less sense. A 10-K, back in my heyday, provided a clear indication of a corporation’s financial condition. Now with ‘good will’ and other suspect ‘assets,’ I no longer bother to read those suckers. Ditto with our national debt, a goodly portion of which we owe to ourselves. Have you ever tried to figure out the Pentagon budget? It it a maze that would gobsmack a CPA. I am reminded of the cartoon: “Numbers are very confusing.”

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"Ditto with our national debt, a goodly portion of which we owe to ourselves."

Borrowed from the Social Security Fund.

George Carlin was the expert.

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"A 10-K" is no better than an Annual Report.

Pure propaganda.

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Can you explain how the Dems can avoid debt default unilaterally? Thanks

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Doreen There is a legislative machination that McConnell accepts and highlights that would permit the Dems to expand the debt limit without Republican acquiescence. This would re-enforce McConnell’s specious argument that expanding the debt limit would principally support the Dem’s grandiose infrastructure plans. In fact it covers past expenditures approved by congressional appropriations AND the physical infrastructure bill already approved by the Senate (about $560 billion over the years in new spending.)

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I worry about the Repugnican's long game. They are giving the Democrats every reason to end the filibuster. People are clamoring for just that, and it will seem a perfectly justified action if done. But what have the Repugs up their sleeve? I wonder.

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No doubt Rs would run roughshod over us without the filibuster when they’re back in power. But, then it would be clear to all who is responsible for their legislation. Time to let each majority party show what they have to offer and let voters decide what they want.

The filibuster only obscures who stands for what and keeps us at a stalemate.

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Of course we would have the potential of loading McConnell’s shot gun, were the Republicans to win the Senate and House [a prediction that. I am NOT making] and beyond. My hope is that they can nibble at the filibuster to get the John Lewis voting bill passed.

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I have no doubt that as soon as the Rs have the Senate majority, they will end the filibuster and do whatever they want for their donors. We can’t waste this opportunity.

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If the Senate filibuster if ended or curtailed by the Democrats, were McConnell to again become Senate Majority leader in 2022 or 2024, he would utilize the 50+ non-filibuster Senate like the bandit that he is. That is one reason why the 2022 election is so important.

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And I believe that's the reason for Biden's hesitancy to end the filibuster.

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It's time for Democrat and Independent lawmakers to wake up; no reading between the lines necessary as McConnell is doing exactly what he promised to do. Solution? Double down in the best possible way. More carve outs for the filibuster on voting rights. Pass the necessary funding bills quickly by whatever means available. Take complete ownership of the Biden economic agenda now. The real risk is delay. The country needs time to see and experience the positive effects of the Biden agenda prior to November 2022. The time for hope and hand wringing is past. Delay gives Republicans more time to foment the chaos they believe will help them achieve their reactionary, discriminatory agenda.

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I agree. It does not matter what democrats do and how they act in this moment. Republicans will howl regardless and it will do nothing to change the outcome of 2022. Do what you can now and let the chips fall where they may. This would take a tremendous amount of bravery on all sides of the democratic party. It makes me wonder if they would actually win some points with some voters for going for it.

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Yes! It's now or never.

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When McTurtleneck claims that "the Dems hold all the power", I laugh. Just another BIG LIE. The dems may be in the WH and have a slim majority in the House, the Senate rethuglicans, led by dear Mitch, hold the power. Each day I hate this man more and more (and I don't like the feeling of hatred). It's time for the dems to shoot out his platform and send him to the raging common folk who dislike him as much as I do. It's time for the Dems to take control and be the grown-ups in the room. Change the filibuster and get the infrastructure and voting bills passed. Come-on folks!

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It almost seems like the establishment democrats don’t want to pass these measures even themselves. They make a lot of noise about these different bills, but when it comes time to act they just drag their feet, hoping that nothing happens while making noise about the measure.

Like, they beat the drums about it, but when it comes right down to it , they hope it dies of the filibuster or other means, and if you will notice, it’s the establishment dems that are doing it!!!

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Hate to say this, but maybe? its time for a new head of the Dems "power". This foot dragging when it comes down to the wire seems to happen more & more.

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Long past time to seize the day!!

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Well said and totally agree. Unfortunately, the Dems in power seem powerless and impotent. What's actually holding them back? Manchin? Nonsense! Get rid of the filibuster and move on with budget reconciliation and whatever procedures that get the job done.

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There is no getting rid of the filibuster without Manchin and Sinema. It requires 50+1 Democratic votes to get rid of it.

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Thank you for this reality check. All of the above comments are correct in spirit but don't take into account Manchin and Sinema. Of the two, Sinema is proving to be the most loathsome.

Does everyone remember that over-the-moon feeling when Democrats won control of the Senate with the two victories in Georgia? Finally, all good things seemed possible. Then, drip by drip came the truth. Manchin and Sinema revealed themselves to be Republican wolves in sheeps' clothing. Which mean McConnell still had the power.

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Are some Dems holding themselves in check because of mega donors? Unsavory alliances? Secret deals?

Please tell me absolutely not.

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Follow the money!! The Democratic centrists/corporatists are up to their eyeballs in unsavory alliances.

We should all be talking about this more. Given the system and given how important money is to winning, and given how hard it is to get enough moolah from people like me, most politicians from both parties are forced to fundraise for maximum return - a.k.a. hit up the wealthy often and hard. Of course, the wealthy know the system and in a real way, they created the system to make sure the politicians are beholden to them. When for example, oil companies or coal companies stand to make billions from decisions made by lawmakers, you can bet they are glad to fund campaigns to the tune of millions.

The Build Back Better legislation is going to hit the wealthy in their pocketbook. Solution? Pay off a couple of Democrats to kill the bill. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Most people don't trust politicians. Is there any wonder why?

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Don!!! Youre supposed to rell me “absolutely not”!!!!

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It appears true of Sinema, at least. And Manchin has interests in Coal.

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I have had to give up not hating certain people thanks to death star donny and the grim reaper. No Rs who goes along with this crap can call themselves patriots despite all the flag waving and complaints about the anthem and the pledge. That McCon would be willing to destroy the country and the well being of millions, economic and otherwise, speaks to how loathsome he is.

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Loathsome doesn't begin to describe this being. (Can't call him human because he doesn't have a human bone in his body!"

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He may have some bones (for example, in his head), but I'll warrant he lacks a spine, and he's missing a heart.

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I am running out of words.

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Hate is pointless. Remove him by whatever means necessary and move on with making America great for the first time.

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Usually I do not waste my energy on hate, but these two invoke a visceral hatred. We do what we can by donating and voting. I know lots of people who are not comfortable with hating people, but acknowledge that some people are so awful that they cannot help it. The hatred does spur people on to action as well. It's not either/or.

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Sep 28, 2021
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Maybe blame, not hate. All obstructionist politicians are enabled by voters. Finding a strategy that opens their eyes and exposes the damage done to democracy - that's the challenge.

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Ever since July, McConnell has been saying loud and clear that since the Democrats hold all the power, they have all the tools needed to deal with these issues. Schumer and Pelosi and Biden ignored his warning , even after seeing how McConnell outplayed the Democrats on the Supreme Court nominations.

The Democrats sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya and making S’mores while McConnell torches the forest.

Wake up, Dems. This is no surprise. It’s classic McConnell hardball. He will not cave. Not going to happen.

Stop whining and do what has to be done.

Day by day a big loss during midterms is looking more likely.

It’s now or never with the Biden agenda.

Now or never.

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It is disingenuous for McConnell to say that Democrats hold all the power. If they did, he could not be threatening the way he is doing. The filibuster is still in place.

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You said a mouthful, “ the filibuster is still in place “ , and they aren’t doing away with it because it is key to stopping good progressive legislation. They .

make a lot of noise about all of these measures, and even support them to a point, and then rely on the filibuster to stop it .

Politics by stalemate!!.,

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Sad but true

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Reconciliation avoids the filibuster. That’s the Dems way out.

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It should not have to be. Time to get rid of the filibuster so that a majority vote can prevail.

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But if they use reconciliation to raise the debt ceiling, they can’t use use it for infrastructure this year. McConnell keeps playing chess while Democrats are playing checkers and pretending we’re all on the same side.

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Raise the Debt Ceiling and Democrats look good.

Let the Republicans kill Infrastructures\ with a slow, painful death. Republicans look bad.

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You still have Manchin and Sinema. She’s worse than him because she’s skipping around collecting high dollar donors and refusing anything that would make thing work. Arizona Democrat party has said if she does get voting rights and bogeys passed they will give her a vote of no confidence. Fat lot of good it will do when she was just re-elected.

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I read a note somewhere the other day that said that now Sinema is saying she will not back any legislation that modifies Trumps tax cut to pay for the legislation.

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Don't you mean "...if she does not get voting rights...passed..."?

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Yes. I see I somehow mad a mess of that whole response. I’m not sure what bogeys was supposed to be but I’ll go with budgets/bills.

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Like in a previous post, they beat the drums, and make a lot of noise, but when it comes to getting anything done, it’s almost like in reality they don’t want it themselves. And I think it’s the bought and paid for, establishment, D. N. C. Dems that are doing it!!!

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The progressives are the only ones that are ready to move!!!

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There's money to be made by both sides of the aisle.

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And if the Republican regain the White House and congressional majorities, McConnell won't bat an eye as he nukes the filibuster.

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With friends like these, who needs enemies? The worst aspect of the GOP spending roadblock is that citizens will actually suffer financially so that Mitch & Company can “win.” Ridiculous, craven, and irresponsible, if not precisely criminal.

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Why are we allowing and negotiating with seditionists in our government firmly putting their knees on the neck of our entire country?

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Yes, why?

I understand why but don't get it.

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My 457-B and IRA plans are aching just at the thought of what is coming if the default and shut down are allowed to happen. They took large hits when Trump did it a few years ago. McConnell seems to have set up a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation for Democrats. The chaos created by the default will only solidify Trump's base and likely weaken the Democrat's moderate/left coalition. Bypassing the Republican filibuster and raising the debt ceiling will allow them to paint Democrats as spendthrifts.

What Republicans are REALLY afraid of are the successful programs that will be funded by the bills currently being put forward by the Biden Administration. For all of McConnell's brilliance, he still seems to be a two dimensional, either/or thinker. The third dimension - the Z axis, if you will, for Democrats is to at least temporarily suspend the filibuster NOW (it can be reinstated later - it's been modified by Republicans a lot over the past several years, so why not?), then message the daylights out of what the default would mean to average people - and who is behind it, and what the infrastructure and other bills would mean for them as well. Heavy lifts, requiring a lot of truth-telling, a lot of money, without a lot of time, unfortunately.

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Since I don't understand your filibuster rules ( Canadian here) how is it that McConnell can use the filibuster here ( seems arbitrarily in this case) but the Dems don't suspend its use re: voting rights bills? Dems in my opinion are too weak. They have a short window of time to prove to citizens good govt can work but they sit back. 2022 is just around the corner

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You make a very good observation here. The establishment, I/e D. N. C. dems make a lot of noise about these different measures to get votes, the drag their feet and rely on things like the filibuster to kill the measure, like they promote something and the hope, and bet on it not passing.

After all, the establishment dems actually work for the same special interest masters as the republicans, the big money people!!!

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My thoughts too. Why don't the establishment Dems act decisively? Why...cuz they benefit too from keeping the status quo

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Did you see “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell last night? It was the 11th anniversary of his show in 2010. The last 3 minutes had then Vice President Biden talking about the Republicans intransigence and how they were threatening to default the government on bills that they had already incurred. Sound familiar? He said they were against everything but for nothing. In 11 years, nothing has changed.

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McConnell used that same faulty logic 8 years ago. Polling showed that the public blamed repubs for the shutdown, he folded like a cheap suit, and ACA passed.

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I think they’ve reached the point of not caring what the public wants.

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Oh, that point was reached a long long time ago. Once the leather wingtips hit the Senate floor, the wishes of the "public" fly out of their heads. This is all about greed and power, while the rest of us are praying they don't do something stupid to erase our little savings accounts (IRAs) that we will be counting on for retirement in (hopefully for me) just over a year. They don't care about any of us. They have their bank accounts padded and their heads full of power and we are just the lowly voters who are expected to continue to put them in office. For once, I would love to see a mid-term where the Democrats are put back into power and these fat-headed greed mongers are sent home packing. I voted early just to say I am trying to help that effort.

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So afraid you are right, Sonya.

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Thanks for that bit of hope.

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Thank God for history teachers like you, who help us understand why action needed to be written into the Fourteenth Amendment about the national debt. Evidently the white supremacists in Congress are unfamiliar with that provision.

This article from Smithsonian Magazine https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/medieval-map-of-north-america-identified-as-20th-century-forgery-180978751/ confirms what has been long suspected - that the Vinland map is a forgery. And it reveals that the map was created in the 1920s, at a time of strong anti-Catholic sentiment, in this case aimed at Columbus. 😔

Maybe replacement theory is right. Maybe old white people like me do need to be replaced by people like my biracial grandson. Maybe one day the color box won’t need a “pink” flesh colored crayon and the world’s people will be one golden glow.

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“…one golden glow”…That cant be said too often.

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Thank you, Susan. I’ve said it for years, even before my precious grandson was born. I hope it will come to reality, and it’s why I’ve never changed my yellow people emojis to pink. 🙋‍♀️

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Suzanne, thank you.

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Namascar, Suzanne

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🙏 Namaskar Laxmanji

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Morning, all!! Morning, Dr. R!!

She says, "McConnell maintains that he does not want the U.S. to default on its debt; he just wants to force the Democrats to shoulder the responsibility for handling it, enabling Republicans to paint them as spendthrifts."

IMO even if Democrats were able to deny funds likely to benefit their own constituents while at the same time direct funds towards Republican voters only, they'd still be called "spendthrifts." So as my dear departed Daddy used to say, "If I'm gonna have the name, I'm gonna have the game." Let the spending begin!

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Game on, baby. Game on. And I want Janet Yellen on my team, not McConnell. ⛹🏻‍♀️⛹🏼‍♂️🤺🤾🏽‍♂️🏄🏾‍♀️🤸🏿‍♂️🤾🏾‍♀️🏋🏽‍♀️

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No one wants McTurtleneck on her team. He cheats at everything, including the truth.

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There is a BIG TEAM that scouts for cheaters.

(Hint: It's a major U.S. Political Party)

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We be standing alongside you, Team Christine!

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Morning! Republicans are accustomed to staking out the extreme position while Democrats invariably seek moderation. Then when it comes time to negotiate, Democrats are starting from the middle and immediately compromise further to the right. Haven't we all seen this happen countless times? If Democrats were to follow Lynell's dear departed Daddy's advice, it would flummox the Republicans. Democrats should start from the left extreme, and then compromise a little toward the middle. This is a lesson on bargaining Democrats never seem to learn which brings to mind this sage bit of advice - the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. "Let the spending begin!"

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This be musical, Don...thank you for the nod, and Morning!

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This be! How about some mesmerizing music to give your mind a rest? https://youtu.be/2QMH_9EzNDo

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Thank you, Don. I'm indeed mesmerized. This was wonderful.

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And a very good sun-shiny day to you, Lynell, and to all our LFAA community!

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I'll take that good wish, Rowshan, and try to make good with it. Morning!

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Morning, Lynell! I think you've said a mouthful! Great assessment of where we need to go.

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Thanks, Ally...Morning!

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Top of the morning Lynell!

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Back at ya, Daria...Morning!

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Morning, Lynell! Love that saying...may I use it?

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Feel free to use it, Alexander. Nothing I ever say is copyrighted!

Have you voted yet? I'm figuring since the Dems have a majority in the General Assembly, our votes will not be diverted to a candidate not of our choosing. At least for now.

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I have voted. As soon as voting opened here I voted...let's hope it keeps us blue in this state for another couple of years.

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Dr. Richardson. Thank you. I did not know that the fourteenth amendment also invalidated the Confederate debt.

Regarding your observation: "It is an extraordinary abdication of responsibility".

We, Americans, have done this abdication (all of us) since 1980.

The last President to run a balanced budget in the United States was Jimmy Carter. You are very, very correct that Republicans have managed to foist themselves off as "responsible on spending" while simultaneously creating gigantic debt. As you point out in to "Make Men Free: A History of the Republican Party", Republicans, under Reagan, in 1980, sought to tar Democrats with big spending programs that were breaking the the back of the US. This was a lie.

Ronald Reagan was oft heard to decry spending by Democrats as wasteful. I know, I believed him back then as a 20 year old young man off of a farm where I had worked for nearly nothing for years.

However, Jimmy Carter, and all Presidents since WW II, had run responsible, balanced budgets that also paid down WW II debt. Under Eisenhower, who knew responsibility as a former farm boy, the top tax rate for "rich folks" was 91%.

Reagan, it turns out if you look at the graphs, rocketed up deficit spending, for the first time since WW II, in non-wartime, just to fund useless military spending like the $1 Trillion (in 1986 dollars) "Star Wars" program that never produced anything at all.

He also cut taxes on the wealthy.

The combined cutting of taxes and ramping of military spending in a non-wartime situation, post 1980, under Reagan, left the US a breathless $2 TRILLION, in 1986 dollars, ABOVE the debt that Jimmy Carter had paid down. Just like Trump and the Republicans ran up $8 TRILLION under Trump (as you note). Mind boggling.

Nobody in the Republican ranks knows this because most, probably 80%, cannot read the simple xy graph that google will return when searching on "US debt as a function of time".

Also, Republicans, many, are highly trained at believing the white man at the front of the church on Sunday. Hence, Reagan and Trump's easy ability to lie and convince them. Republicans are not trained to read graphs and examine data. They are trained to believe on Sunday what they are told. I know, I was one.

The Republicans who CAN read a graph, just don't. The tiny minority that know the truth, the leadership, just want power. Lying is how they obtained it and are still obtaining it.

But, the real beginning of "It is an extraordinary abdication of responsibility"??

Ronald Reagan. 1980

We should have stopped him then, but, like I said, I was fooled as well. It was much harder for me then to discern at Texas A&M where the only editorials in the school newspaper were George Will and William F. Buckley,

Both of these "opinion" writers were just liars of the Radical Fascist Right wing of the USA.

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Great point about Reagan being a major factor in where we are today as a nation. One small quibble, Clinton was the last president to balance the budget. Even that didn’t appease the GOP, which seems to have one goal, and it’s not to represent the American people.

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Clinton only ran a balanced budget for the last two years of his Presidency.

His overall contribution was to increase debt as well.

Like I mentioned, the last President to run a balanced budget, actually decreasing the debt over his Presidency, was Jimmy Carter.

They guy Reagan lambasted as a wasteful spender.

Such a lie.

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I tip my hat to you and Mike S both.

Mike has come a long way to realize "just liars of the Radical Fascist Right wing of the USA."

And you pushed it to the goal with: "Even that didn’t appease the GOP, which seems to have one goal, and it’s not to represent the American people."

It has been heartening to me. I have spent and entire VERY LONG life pushing forward. I have been disappointed more times than I can even remember. But now we got it!

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Actually I believe that President Clinton had several budgetary surpluses towards the end of his second term. I remember Gore, in presidential debates, speaking about putting the mounting budgetary surplus into a ‘lock box.’ This led Bush Jr. to initiate a major tax reduction, after which our budgetary deficits began to soar.

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Bill Clinton flattened his spending and had a balanced budget the last two years of his Presidency.

However, like all Presidents since Reagan, his overall net was deficit because of the first six years.

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I am not as erudite as everyone else here and have not posted in some time. But this makes me so angry I have no words to adequately describe it. McConnell is evil, plain and simple. He needs to go away.

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Morning! I sometimes hesitate to post things, thinking as you that I'm not as erudite (I had to look that word up to make sure it meant what I thought it meant!) as most on this page. But then I keep hearing a little noise in my head telling me "Your voice matters." So I say to you, Karen: Your voice matters!

And IMHO you're spot on re - plain and simple - McConnell is evil.

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Even those of us (and I count myself in that group) that lack some of the depth of knowledge and experience as many who post here have something to offer. I thank you for your post, and heartily agree that McConnell is evil with every fiber of my being. He is not a statesman, he is a troll under the government bridge waiting to devour "things".

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So WHY for crying out loud - is Biden STILL "asking" for bi-partisan support? Hasnt McConnell proved out loud & clearly there is no such thing!! At least as long as he remains "in charge". And I count myself in the same group - lacking a lot of knowledge & experience.

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That is the big question. Why are they trying to reason with unreasonable people?

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And when - at least the past few years - has it been successful. As someone else said - "doing the same thing over & over & expecting a different result" sort of leans towards, well, lack of intelligence, to put it mildly.

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I have to question HOW he stays in office! There was some question about his last election, as I recall -the numbers of votes didnt jibe?? Yet there was no investigation etc. Just let it ride!

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Kentucky uses ES&S voting machines. When you vote in person there is no paper ballot, not even a confirmation of your selections. There is talk about how they can be accessed. Many people remarked that they would select the box for McGrath and watch it flip to McConnell on the screen. This would happen multiple times. Problems in Florida with the machines is why Georgia didn’t use them in 2020. Stacey Abrams lost to Kemp in 2018, would she have otherwise? You can’t really audit a vote with no paper. Democrats need to push for ALL paper ballots. Same with Graham in South Carolina. Extremely low rating but somehow still elected. We’ve seen every case of election fraud proven so far has been a Republican.

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Thanks - I believe I read about that at the time & yeah, election fraud? Repub. of course!

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I remember reading about that last winter, Maggie. IMO McGrath should have started a Stop the Steal rally over the results. Barring that, it would be nice if the newly constituted Woodward and Costa journalists did a Watergate style investigation.

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SO? Why was there no outcry - very little mention of the name switching etc. The bill to correct & legitimate voting really has to pass or - as we all know - we will be stuck in the "greatness" of America ever more.

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What travesty have we wrought? The games played with the county’s debt, wreaking havoc with the economy, and no recognition of obligation...the shame of these actions demonstrate amorality. Such despicable deeds wrought.

Whereforth justice and the brilliant light of freedom and equity? Adding to the fraught notion of facism, this development reminds of power for its own sake, corruption in the accumulation.

Without the mere acknowledgment of our out of control climate, we damn ourselves to extinction, and with us, known species.

What ignorant, egotistical beings we are, to turn upon the very planet providing the means of life. And now, given our knowledge, that idjts would wager all upon the platform of profit...

There’s nothing left but despair, or tending my garden to provide habitat for those rings we have not yet exterminated.

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And gratitude to you, dearest HCR, for the clarity, the forthright nature of your words, your knowledge, to guide and instruct. You save the sanity of a nation.

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* beings

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Kim, We got it....You're staying with us, right?

I'm hoping that the more these R's show their true selves, the more of you extraordinarily phenomenal ladies will be marching come Saturday.

Working on a comment of encouragement for all of you, from all us guys who honor and love you. May be posting it tomorrow. Now I'm off to sleep, in this time zone where most of the folks are already making coffee for a new day.

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Am also hoping all phenomenal men will join us in this Women's March for our freedoms and sanity.

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Thank You Gus! Marching Saturday!

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Oh yes, sticking around with this crowd, f’sure.

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A sad, but beautifully written, state of affairs, Kim.

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Thank you. Guy McPherson says « only love remains »

A better option than despair!

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I am so angry. When will we cease to be beholden to vengeful, unpatriotic repubs? So sick of their constantly throwing sand into the gears. Their selfishness for political “gain” (whatever that gain is after the country is in ashes) is abhorrent.

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"McConnell maintains that he does not want the U.S. to default on its debt; he just wants to force the Democrats to shoulder the responsibility for handling it, enabling Republicans to paint them as spendthrifts." Watch what he does. Don't listen to what he says. McConnell would be happy with the chaos created by a default on the US debt. He would blame Joe Biden. Would the national press and media let him get away with it? They would probably say: On the one hand, but on the other hand.

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I for one am beyond fed up with the media's handling of news these days in the one hand, but on the other hand, sports analogies, and shallow approach to serious issues. And it's more than just Fox News doing it.

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Me too, Ann. I used to watch the PBS Newshour, but now it seems too programmed, as if news is just the flavor of the day. Maybe that's not fair, but it's what I feel. I think HCR has set a high bar for plain, unembellished truth-telling. I don't know how she manages to accomplish so much and stay so real.

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IMHO, the Fourth Estate, generally, has failed miserably to uphold the basic tenets of journalism. At various times over the last 30 years, I've canceled my subscriptions to the NYT and Washington Post. Their manipulation of the facts and their willingness to subtlety place their finger on the scale of truth has done more harm than even FOX News.

Let me give just one small example. In the immediate run-up to the New York State primary and going forward to the 2016 election, articles appeared that castigated Bernie Sanders, and subtlely undermined Hillary Clinton - that's right both Democrats. What was very interesting was the sudden appearance of commenters who pushed inaccurate narratives who received greater attention when they became NYT Picks. Worse than that the NYT squelched (and still squelches) comments that challenge NYT writers, or expose their duplicity. It was complicated stuff because, on the one hand, they were pushing Clinton over Sanders, while at the same time they were undermining Clinton and giving Trump a whole lot of slack. Why would they do that?

The answer is the wealthy did not want a Democrat in the White House - they are never good for business. The NYT and the Washington Post and all the Main Street media are either beholden to or fear the wealthy. The manipulation of the public through the media is a story that is not going to be told, at least not by the media. But, there's no question that the media has mastered the art form of blurring the lines.

So, I expect that the national press won't come down hard on the Republicans and they will falsely equivocate that both parties are at least partially responsible. I also think the wealthy are betting the Democrats will blink and shelve much of their Build Back Better agenda. And, once again, everyday Americans will pay the price to keep the wealthy on top.

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How low can McConnell and his old, white cronies sink to further their destructive goals? Don't answer. That elected representatives put themselves before their constituents and the country, and are willing to sink the economy and then blame the other side, boggles the mind.

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From its supreme leader to its senatorial fascists, the GOP has hit a new low on the humanitarian scale and a new high on the immorality register. Hell hath no fury like a gaggle of old white men scorned!

"This is an astonishing position."

Thank you, dear Professor HCR, for telling it as it is with a touch of history to give it flavor, and yes, some hope!

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'gaggle of old white men' is perfect. And getting older and more out of touch, sadly

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