One only need look to the reported "salaries" being paid to Kimberly Guifoyle or Lara Trump, or the finances of Brad Parscale to understand how the Trump organization is profiting off of the campaign. It speaks volumes that he announced his candidacy for reelection the day after his inauguration in 2017. We know this to be consistent with his past. See: Ivanka Trump $747,622 "consulting fee" on a hotel for which she is an executive.
And while we know campaign contributions can be spent on legal matters, it makes you wonder where else those contributions may have landed.
One only need look to the reported "salaries" being paid to Kimberly Guifoyle or Lara Trump, or the finances of Brad Parscale to understand how the Trump organization is profiting off of the campaign. It speaks volumes that he announced his candidacy for reelection the day after his inauguration in 2017. We know this to be consistent with his past. See: Ivanka Trump $747,622 "consulting fee" on a hotel for which she is an executive.