As the Jewish New Year is upon us, I will be suspending all news coverage as of sundown tonight. It will resume tomorrow evening, so whatever you post will have to wait. You have given me such hope in a time of deep despair, even if your messages are sometimes dire. Your calm and reasoned approach is very uplifting to me, and it helps to know that whatever happens and whatever I wake up to, my heart is still beating and my mind is still functioning. You have helped keep me going despite all of the attempts to derail me. Thank you, Heather, if I may be more familiar in addressing you. And to all of you, I wish you peace and the strength to persevere in this adversity.

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Actually, I just had a thought for you, Heather. Rather than feeling obligated to post things on the weekend...Don’t. Either that, or set up some sort of robo-posts that automatically send a short message with a new photo every Saturday and Sunday. Even the best of us need guilt-free days off.

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As I said to my friends who are freaking out: our job is to stay mentally strong; resist propaganda, VOTE--and make sure everyone we know also votes. Not much else matters right now. Thanks Professor Richardson. I gifted your newsletter to an Egyptian driver in Boston yesterday--an educated man who is a limo driver who loves America and was despairing. He was depressed and feeling BOTH candidates were bad. "What happened to America?" he asked me. (He's a US citizen and came here 20 years ago.) I reminded him that the choice is between a divider and a unifier. I'm pretty sure he will lean Biden now--and he'll vote. We must each reach out and hold a vision of America and the future that would make RGB proud.

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You need to schedule time off every week - like on the weekends :). Self care is critical, especially for the next rocky months.

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Please take note Heather that you are a an anchor for my sanity. May you be blessed in every way

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I cannot thank you enough for your "letters" - I can't imagine the time that goes into each. I am relieved to see you take, at least, one day of rest a week from them. Take more if you need to - we will get through this, it's just a matter of how much pain and damage along the way.

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Thank you! We can all take a short break and allow ourselves a little respite from the turbulence of gastrotRumpitis.

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We love you!!

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Wishing you and all awareness of every blessing around! Thanking you, Heather, and all who are in support of integrity, truth and fair relating.

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Normally Dr. Richardson asks a question on Sunday evenings. Last week's question was whether we thought the government was now illegitimate. Please read this op-ed from the Washington Post. As always when I post from WAPO I hope all of you can read it behind the paywall. But it is chilling and speaks to our discussion from last week. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/minority-party-electoral-college-court-trump/2020/09/25/1163b954-fdfc-11ea-8d05-9beaaa91c71f_story.html

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It's not only the nomination, but the way repubs have brazenly used their power to push this through. I was glad to see this Twitter video this AM with Amy Klobuchar ripping into Ted Cruz and the rest of the thugs.


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Please do not EVER apologize for being tired! You truly are our “grace under pressure.” As always, thank you from Texas. 💕

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Yup. What a gorgeous picture! Thank you for everything.

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…” Get rid of the ballots and you’ll have a very-we’ll have a very peaceful-there won’t be a transfer frankly.” “There’ll be a continuation.” The words of President Donald Trump in response to a reporter’s question on September 23, 2020. Does this “Cross the Rubicon?

The Rubicon refers to the river that bordered Italy. Julius Caesar had been appointed a governorship near Italy, but as his term expired he was directed to disband his army and return to Rome. It was explicit that he does not cross the Rubicon with his troops, but in January 29 B.C., but he led his 13th legion across the river. Reportedly saying "alea iacta est"—the die is cast—as his army began its march through the river. That phrase crossing the Rubicon has become a metaphor that means to pass a point of no return. The Roman government felt that this was treason. But, for Caesar, it was the beginning of the dictatorship of the Roman Empire.

There is no question in my mind that Trump sees dictators like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un as models for his leadership. Is becoming a dictator his aim? Is his statement cited above his “Crossing?”

I am alarmed. Trump named a replacement for beloved Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She has maintained views inconsistent with my beliefs. He was complicit with Mitch McConnell in stealing an Obama pick. No SCOTUS appointment in an election year. Hypocrisy! He demanded loyalty to himself above service to country. He’s debased military service. He’s not rebuffed Putin’s bounties on our soldier’s heads. He’s claimed to be the “Law and Order President” while breaking laws that inhibit his actions. His actions to invalidate our elections to deny voting rights have threatened democracy.

Robert Woodward in his book Rage declared Trump as being unfit for office. Trump gives himself an A+ for his leadership in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. With the U.S. having about 4% of the world’s population and having about 25% of the cases and deaths, how can he be seen as anything but a failure.

The country is the most divided that I have seen in my lifetime. Trumps declares the Democrates to be the enemy. We are not! He rails against the press. He extols the Second Amendment while slaying the First Amendment.

We are approaching 30 days before the November 3 election. The Democratic Party must rise to the occasion and show such overwhelming voter backing. The Senate must be taken out of the hands of Republicans who have failed miserably to provide the checks and balances that were foreseen by our founders.

I will close this section with the last paragraph from yesterday’s writing from Heather Cox Richardson in her “Letters from an American.”

“It is time to reassert our core American values, so they dominate the public realm, demanding of our representatives a free and fair vote for everyone, a free and fair vote count, and a government of our own choosing.”

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As so many have written, I also look forward to your summations of the days news and so

appreciate the historical information you add. Years ago many history teachers taught

dates and facts....not stories about people's lives....so I never enjoyed it until now when

you so aptly refer to history in your writing. At 72 one is never too old to begin

to appreciate something anew.

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