The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer and the principal military advisor to the president, secretary of defense, and national security council.
I am still waiting for that amazing albeit controversial day when the Southern Poverty Law Center names the Republican Party as a Hate Group. The party’s silence makes it so.
You mean the judicial system that is stacked with deeply unethical and bigoted trump appointees and headed by a corrupt and bought Supreme Court. Nah. That ain’t going to hold. The only chance we have is community by community get out the vote campaigns.
Here in central Florida we are building up the Democratic base block by block. We have the list of all Democrats from the Supervisor of Elections with their addresses and contact information. We secure a leader on a block and then work with them to have a get-together of all the other Democrats on their block, and most do not know that the others are Democrats. We then enlist them to get more involved. And, life is so much better when one knows what others are also Democrats. We have cases where couples knew each other for more than ten years and didn't know that the others were Democrats, too. We can do this across the entire U.S.
I have knocked on doors, petitioning for candidates, and it is the toughest work party members undertake. But what most people don’t understand is that it works. In-person contact breaks the full stare of social media, and it is the best way to recruit new foot soldiers. I wish you safety and Godspeed.
Jane, it is tough work but it works best when we only knock on the doors of Democrats. And, even among them: some will, some won't, so what, next. It is a process of sorting. We keep sorting and sorting and sorting. Thank you for engaging in that essential work. Our purpose in introducing Democratic neighbors to their other Democratic neighbors is two fold: 1) they get more involved, and 2) life is better when one knows that one is not alone.
There are those of us who claim independent of either party. Some are Republicans who find themselves without a sane party but have to hold their nose to vote D party. These are important voters that can help turn the tide.
Carole: we are reaching out to NPAs locally. It is too problematical trying to "convert" Republicans. We have a fairly simple approach in many cases explaining what Democrats stand for, and we use the political philosophy of Frances Perkins, who is the woman who gave us Social Security, Workers' Compensation, and more:
"The people are what matter to government, and a government should aim to provide all the people under its jurisdiction the best possible life."
Democrats strive to install a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
For what exactly? Open Borders? Government Censorship? Crushing Inflation spending? The racial bomb throwing? Outsourcing our energy to Venezuela/OPEC? Spending
Hundreds of billions of dollars on pointless wars, and an unelected proxy government standing in for a senile president?
Remember the Trumps years? 3.5 GDP? No Wars? 4% unemployment? Energy Independence? Straight talk?
Look at the polling. Trump leads Biden in virtually every category.
Biden's approval is 39%.
Why is Trump more popular than ever after 2 impeachments, 4 indictments, and the wrath the FBI/CIA/ Elite Media on behalf of the democratic party?
Using the system, I searched your name on the system and left you a voice mail. That is how effective the system is. I will also be in touch with the leadership there in your area to see if they are doing what we're doing here in Polk County.
Please remind your voters that Scott was the CEO of the healthcare company that received the largest fine for Medicare fraud ever given as well as his plans to sunset social security and Medicare.
Yes, for sure we will tell Scott's story. It is almost beyond comprehension that such a character totally devoid of principle can get elected. The takeaway from Scott and Trump is the fact that the MAGA/KKK are voting for the politicans who will, on the one hand, punish and persecute their foes (immigrants, women, Muslims, Blacks, gays, etc.) while on the other hand driving them further into financial desperation. It is a combination of stupid and prejudice.
I think that it is important to get as many Democrats and left-leaning NPAs to the polls as possible. There are 70 million MAGA Republicans who would still vote for Trump at this time. Trying to persuade them to a different point of view would be an exercise in futility. This point was made by Profs. David Norman Smith and Eric Hanley in their study published in Feb. 2018, "The Anger Games: Who Voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Election, and Why?" That's been my experience as well. MAGA/KKK Republicans will not change their minds any more than a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian will changes his/her mind when confronted with unasailable facts that all life on earth has a common origin 3.5 billion years ago and that all life - plants, animals, insects - share the same DNA. Some beliefs are beyond rational discourse.
No, that's not what I mean. There are a slew of trump appointed judges that threw out over 60 of trump's baseless lawsuits. Judge Aileen Cannon ruled favorably for trump but the conservative 11th circuit court overturned the ruling and publicly rebuked her. And the Texas republican packed legislature voted to impeach trump crony AG Ken Paxton. Yes, there are corrupt judges and there are bought justices of a Supreme Court without guardrails. what I'm talking about a judicial system that works--that has brought 91 criminal indictments against trump. Im talking about fearless people that make decisions according to the laws despite threats to their lives, such as prosecutor Jack Smith and my girls, AGs Fani Willis and Letitia James. And those are the famous ones....
Sound hopeful, but indictments don't always work-nor does impeachments. Paxton was let off by the Senate and trump 2x by the Senate for impeachment. I am hop that with 91 charges that something will stick, preferably not a federal one so he can not pardon himself if he gets elected. That would really put him beyond the law.
Sadly, I think we should all be asking that same question. We keep wondering what it would take to apply for political asylum. These evil, power hungry and greedy people have made a real mess of our country!
WOW! I would guess that 99-100% of people who read and comment on this site vote in EVERY election...that is unless they have been prevented from doing so. But this is just a guess. Where are your facts?
I truly do understand your dilemma. You have a 2 party system BOTH obligated to money?
IF everyone had kept their heads and voted Bernie Sanders who did not have big corporations who financed his run we would not be here today. He was the US Saviour but ...........
Will molasses win this one, my prayer with every breath. Sadly, my money for donations will dry up when my government retirement check becomes a casualty of the self-righteous destroyers.
Now hear this. Hear this. Contrary to some beliefs, the sky is not falling. This is not America's first rodeo with a want to be dictator. DC Stephenson and his KKK bros, the Civil War before that. United, we stand , and stand we shall. Evil doesn't die, but rather, hides until the next opening comes along. America is a living, breathing organism, and, as such, is subject to the ebb and flow to the frailties of existence. Voting is vital. Voting them out is our best revenge.
True, SS said I would get $641 dollars a month if they could give me anything. But they can’t because I get a pissy check from Tex teacher retirement. Texas retired teachers (or counselors) get way less than it takes to survive. But Texas politicians rake in the dough
Canada certainly doesn't want us, but we have a secret plan to infiltrate via friends. I also have a dual-citizenship Greek passport so we can go anywhere in the EU. Though I don't think we have anything to really worry about, it doesn't hurt to have your ducks in a row....
Here is a quote from the Atlantic article, attributed to Trump:
"Trump has already threatened officials he sees as disloyal with imprisonment, and there is little reason to imagine that he would not attempt to carry out his threats."
My scenario isn't too far off, and I would bet the idea of executions has crossed Trump's mind.
EDIT: the next article in the Atlantic said this:
"Late Friday night, the former president of the United States—and a leading candidate to be the next president—insinuated that America’s top general deserves to be put to death."
And there it is - I can't even go as outrageous as I can imagine and beat Trump to it. He is already there.
No - before I cause a false news report myself - I made this up as a plausible threat he might make, and was trying to say that perhaps one day, news outlets will respond to these like they do the rantings of other insane people.
Interesting how (like the Onion) totally outrageous things are now in the realm of believable possibilities
I used to think of Montana as a rugged frontier of strong ,honest people. When I look at who gets elected in Montana I see a huge amount of corruption to rival that of much larger states, what happened?
We have Ryan Busse running an uphill fight for Gov. He wrote the book GUN FIGHT. He was a R but is running on the D ticket. He consults with one of the Gun safety groups. He is an example of what MT was before the onslaught of Yellowstone want to be.
Will he up hold the democratic ideology or will he just revert back to what republicans want ? The Governor of Virginia, Youngkin, lied to get elected, saying he was for the people then went extreme right wing when he got in. I hear he may consider a run for prez.
So many have moved from other states. What is expressed is the states are too blue. MT has a very very strong 2A. Traditional hunting guns have been supplanted by2A militia
Those rugged, strong, honest Montanas are white, 90% of them. Like most white people, they vote for candidates who promise to do everything they can to preserve systemic advantages for white Americans. It’s as simple as that. No other factor even rises above the noise level. White Idahoans are even worse.
Lynell, the day that HCR and the media stop calling him the “frontrunner” is the day the country begins to awaken from its stupor. The polls of only hundreds of potential voters do not make him a frontrunner. Those in the Boston area remember traffic reporter Joe Green and the “curiosity factor” that caused traffic jams. We are still fascinated by horrific novelty. A candidate who won’t debate, who attacked his own government, who doesn’t pay taxes, who seems to control thugs and bullies belongs in the comics or sports news. The Constitution says he is not fit to run for office. Dr Richardson and others need to stop calling him the frontrunner. It’s the usual tfg smoke and mirrors. 🤡🎃💩🤑💰
The standards observed in the comics and the sports news are higher than those of the defeated and indicted former president. They would be demeaned by his presence there. He is not the frontrunner. Check out Simon Rosenberg on this particular misconception.
For those of us who have a life beyond their keyboards, there's just a limited amount of time that we can spend on the internet. HCR's daily postings always share part of that time, but when she takes a day off, giving us a photograph by Buddy or by Ralston instead, I sometimes use 'her time' to see what's doing on Rosenberg's 'Hopium Chronicles.'
Thank you Barb. He's new to me and I watched a long Washington Journal interview but your Lawrence O'Donnell interview link was really on point about the polls. The video wasn't complete but I will look for it on YouTube and check out Rosenberg's Hopium Chronicles on Substack. It makes total sense to look at all the recent election results that were wins for Democrats rather than polls of hypothetical votes.
All he does is name call. I didn't know that there were so many insulting derogatory words that could be strung together. I heard part of a speech of his. He just ripped into Biden.
Thank goodness there are people who are like Milley. A comforting thought is that it takes three people to push the button. BUT if they are all trump minions, are we safe? This would be another first for trump-the first president to cause the destruction of the world. The only problem is that there would be no one to read about it.
The radio silence from Republicans on occasions like these, particularly those Repubs who still seem to possess a moral compass, is just not normal. Surely they're not stupid enough to think that a future with tRUMP driving the bus again will be anything but catastrophic? Catastrophe in fact on a whole new level. I can only wonder whether their silence is due to being scared for their lives and/or for the lives of loved ones, if they dare speak up. Given the family history of 'mobsterism', being warned to 'put up and shut up or look forward to a watery grave in cement boots', would not surprise me. If you haven't read it, check out Greg Olear's highly entertaining and informative substack on Trump's mobster ties. It's fabulous.
Let’s not forget that Mitt Romney, one of the few Republicans willing to speak up against this menace, is purportedly paying $5,000 a day for security for himself and his family. I think this says something - a lot - about Republican silence. Frightening, appalling.
Read Catherine Belton’s expose book Putin’s People about how the Russian mafia corrupted America and DJT. Putin is the worlds biggest mob boss. The Russian mob and oligarchs looted the USSR and corrupted the world. We should have helped the USSR achieve a soft landing. Not the idiot Jeffrey Sacks shock therapy approach which impoverished millions of Soviet citizens and contributors metastasized mafia
‘ We should have helped USSR..soft landing!’ Tragically, the only thing that was soft were the US legislators who voted to ease banking rules which enabled US banks to launder plundered Soviet assets of the infamous oligarchs!
Jeffrey Sachs is quite the Putin apologist these days. Dozens of academics signed an Open Letter to him. (
“In summary, we welcome your interest in Ukraine. However, if your objective is to be helpful and to generate constructive proposals on how to end the war, we believe that this objective is not achieved. Your interventions present a distorted picture of the origins and intentions of the Russian invasion, mix facts and subjective interpretations, and propagate the Kremlins narratives. Ukraine is not a geopolitical pawn or a divided nation, Ukraine has the right to determine its own future, Ukraine has not attacked any country since gaining its independence in 1991. There is no justification for the Russian war of aggression. A clear moral compass, respect of international law, and a firm understanding of Ukraines history should be the defining principles for any discussions towards a just peace.”
I think it’s naïve to assume most Russians oppose Putin. Hell, we have upwards of 74 million Americans who support Putin, and the Russian population is even whiter and probably even more racist than we are.
Older Russians get their news from Putin TV. Younger Russians have known no other leader.( I was amused by an ad for apartments for rent in Moscow, 2007. “No Caucasians” meant no one from the Caucasus, e.g. Georgia. Real Russians only.)
It is about money. If Republicans speak out against Trump and GOP undemocratic values, they would stop receiving “donation$“ and they would be primaried out by an even-stupider cult member who wants to become a millionaire.
It seems perhaps, contrary to popular belief, that there is a streak of idealism in those who choose a life of military service: Vindman also expressed confidence in the American system when he said, "Dad, do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth." He is fine, having retained his integrity, but he and his brother suffered the loss of their careers. I hope Milley is right, too, that the American people will choose The Constitution over demagoguery. And that he will be recognized for the importance of his integrity.
Trump has been saying some very scary stuff other than this. Like Putin, he wants to control one network by revoking the license of all of the networks except the ONE that will bend the knee to trump almighty.
He has also said he wants to rewrite the Constitution after he becomes President in 2024.
And people still support him over Biden who has done Yeoman's work digging us out of the myriad Trump dumps.
I am still waiting for that amazing albeit controversial day when the Southern Poverty Law Center names the Republican Party as a Hate Group. The party’s silence makes it so.
So too, Andrew, I am waiting for the day when the country ceases to pause over the rantings of one very flawed individual.
Another newsletter that invokes that where-do-we-escape-to-if-he-wins-again feeling. However, Lynell, I am banking here on our judicial system....
You mean the judicial system that is stacked with deeply unethical and bigoted trump appointees and headed by a corrupt and bought Supreme Court. Nah. That ain’t going to hold. The only chance we have is community by community get out the vote campaigns.
Here in central Florida we are building up the Democratic base block by block. We have the list of all Democrats from the Supervisor of Elections with their addresses and contact information. We secure a leader on a block and then work with them to have a get-together of all the other Democrats on their block, and most do not know that the others are Democrats. We then enlist them to get more involved. And, life is so much better when one knows what others are also Democrats. We have cases where couples knew each other for more than ten years and didn't know that the others were Democrats, too. We can do this across the entire U.S.
I have knocked on doors, petitioning for candidates, and it is the toughest work party members undertake. But what most people don’t understand is that it works. In-person contact breaks the full stare of social media, and it is the best way to recruit new foot soldiers. I wish you safety and Godspeed.
Jane, it is tough work but it works best when we only knock on the doors of Democrats. And, even among them: some will, some won't, so what, next. It is a process of sorting. We keep sorting and sorting and sorting. Thank you for engaging in that essential work. Our purpose in introducing Democratic neighbors to their other Democratic neighbors is two fold: 1) they get more involved, and 2) life is better when one knows that one is not alone.
There are those of us who claim independent of either party. Some are Republicans who find themselves without a sane party but have to hold their nose to vote D party. These are important voters that can help turn the tide.
Carole: we are reaching out to NPAs locally. It is too problematical trying to "convert" Republicans. We have a fairly simple approach in many cases explaining what Democrats stand for, and we use the political philosophy of Frances Perkins, who is the woman who gave us Social Security, Workers' Compensation, and more:
"The people are what matter to government, and a government should aim to provide all the people under its jurisdiction the best possible life."
Democrats strive to install a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Hold your nose?
For what exactly? Open Borders? Government Censorship? Crushing Inflation spending? The racial bomb throwing? Outsourcing our energy to Venezuela/OPEC? Spending
Hundreds of billions of dollars on pointless wars, and an unelected proxy government standing in for a senile president?
Remember the Trumps years? 3.5 GDP? No Wars? 4% unemployment? Energy Independence? Straight talk?
Look at the polling. Trump leads Biden in virtually every category.
Biden's approval is 39%.
Why is Trump more popular than ever after 2 impeachments, 4 indictments, and the wrath the FBI/CIA/ Elite Media on behalf of the democratic party?
Because people can see bullshit.
This is positive. Thank you.
I am in Palm Beach. May I help?
Lavinia, you may go here to get involved:
Using the system, I searched your name on the system and left you a voice mail. That is how effective the system is. I will also be in touch with the leadership there in your area to see if they are doing what we're doing here in Polk County.
Then it must be done across the country. Know your enemy, but know your friend is even more important in this situation. Great work, Richard!
Please remind your voters that Scott was the CEO of the healthcare company that received the largest fine for Medicare fraud ever given as well as his plans to sunset social security and Medicare.
Yes, for sure we will tell Scott's story. It is almost beyond comprehension that such a character totally devoid of principle can get elected. The takeaway from Scott and Trump is the fact that the MAGA/KKK are voting for the politicans who will, on the one hand, punish and persecute their foes (immigrants, women, Muslims, Blacks, gays, etc.) while on the other hand driving them further into financial desperation. It is a combination of stupid and prejudice.
Bravo Richard!
This is a good way to start.
I lived in the US for 23yrs and was aghast at how little the people knew about Politics.
Here in France when we go out we 'talk' about Politics all the time..yes it can become boring but at least we know 'who is who' and 'what is what.'
We have some nasty arguments but this can be good.
Talk to everyone. Check out Braver Angels for how to do so as close to amicably as possible
I think that it is important to get as many Democrats and left-leaning NPAs to the polls as possible. There are 70 million MAGA Republicans who would still vote for Trump at this time. Trying to persuade them to a different point of view would be an exercise in futility. This point was made by Profs. David Norman Smith and Eric Hanley in their study published in Feb. 2018, "The Anger Games: Who Voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Election, and Why?" That's been my experience as well. MAGA/KKK Republicans will not change their minds any more than a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian will changes his/her mind when confronted with unasailable facts that all life on earth has a common origin 3.5 billion years ago and that all life - plants, animals, insects - share the same DNA. Some beliefs are beyond rational discourse.
No, that's not what I mean. There are a slew of trump appointed judges that threw out over 60 of trump's baseless lawsuits. Judge Aileen Cannon ruled favorably for trump but the conservative 11th circuit court overturned the ruling and publicly rebuked her. And the Texas republican packed legislature voted to impeach trump crony AG Ken Paxton. Yes, there are corrupt judges and there are bought justices of a Supreme Court without guardrails. what I'm talking about a judicial system that works--that has brought 91 criminal indictments against trump. Im talking about fearless people that make decisions according to the laws despite threats to their lives, such as prosecutor Jack Smith and my girls, AGs Fani Willis and Letitia James. And those are the famous ones....
Sound hopeful, but indictments don't always work-nor does impeachments. Paxton was let off by the Senate and trump 2x by the Senate for impeachment. I am hop that with 91 charges that something will stick, preferably not a federal one so he can not pardon himself if he gets elected. That would really put him beyond the law.
While I am not quite so jaded on the court system, the solution is correct. Vote.
You bet. It’s the only way. It may fail in states where they have gerrymandered against Democrats illegally and unfairly.
Sadly, I think we should all be asking that same question. We keep wondering what it would take to apply for political asylum. These evil, power hungry and greedy people have made a real mess of our country!
NO. It's YOU the people who have made a mess by not voting when you thought you were the greatest country on earth.
NOT many of you realised that you are a 'capitalist' society and everything hinged on your buying! Your greed made you what you are today.
WOW! I would guess that 99-100% of people who read and comment on this site vote in EVERY election...that is unless they have been prevented from doing so. But this is just a guess. Where are your facts?
I was NOT talking about this site...I was talking about the USA.
Anyone who comes on substack usually is quite smart and looking for different points of view.
You can go on any site you want. Google voting tables since Ronald Reagan.
Right, but we can’t give up. Know your friends, get out the vote. Vote.
We won't even though sometimes we feel like this endless litany of lies is SO exhausting.
I truly do understand your dilemma. You have a 2 party system BOTH obligated to money?
IF everyone had kept their heads and voted Bernie Sanders who did not have big corporations who financed his run we would not be here today. He was the US Saviour but ...........
Will molasses win this one, my prayer with every breath. Sadly, my money for donations will dry up when my government retirement check becomes a casualty of the self-righteous destroyers.
SS checks will continue
Jeri is speaking of Federal Pension checks. They may stop, along with Veteran pension checks, which so many rely upon.
Now hear this. Hear this. Contrary to some beliefs, the sky is not falling. This is not America's first rodeo with a want to be dictator. DC Stephenson and his KKK bros, the Civil War before that. United, we stand , and stand we shall. Evil doesn't die, but rather, hides until the next opening comes along. America is a living, breathing organism, and, as such, is subject to the ebb and flow to the frailties of existence. Voting is vital. Voting them out is our best revenge.
True, SS said I would get $641 dollars a month if they could give me anything. But they can’t because I get a pissy check from Tex teacher retirement. Texas retired teachers (or counselors) get way less than it takes to survive. But Texas politicians rake in the dough
Not SS, I got conflicting opinions from Google. One for getting it, two not.
Why do you even HAVE to pay money for Politicians to work for you?
Is this Democracy?
Upside down world
Me, too, Sophia!
Apply for your visa now. Takes years. You don’t have to use it.
Visa for what?
Immigrate elsewhere.
Canada certainly doesn't want us, but we have a secret plan to infiltrate via friends. I also have a dual-citizenship Greek passport so we can go anywhere in the EU. Though I don't think we have anything to really worry about, it doesn't hurt to have your ducks in a row....
Future headline
"two days ago, Donald Trump threatened to have 30 opponents executed when he becomes president, saying he could invoke executive privelege to do this.
However, no news outlets reported this"
That would be a good day, when news outlets recognize the rantings of a deranged man are to be expected, and are not, therefore, news
I think WAPO or NYT should turn his rants into a daily comic strip. What could it be named?🤔
Bizarro World
If I hadn’t read down to the other replies, I would’ve thought your statement was true and would’ve asked you for a source.
It was very disturbing. If you’re going to post something like that state upfront that it is a “what if”
Here is a quote from the Atlantic article, attributed to Trump:
"Trump has already threatened officials he sees as disloyal with imprisonment, and there is little reason to imagine that he would not attempt to carry out his threats."
My scenario isn't too far off, and I would bet the idea of executions has crossed Trump's mind.
EDIT: the next article in the Atlantic said this:
"Late Friday night, the former president of the United States—and a leading candidate to be the next president—insinuated that America’s top general deserves to be put to death."
And there it is - I can't even go as outrageous as I can imagine and beat Trump to it. He is already there.
Did Faux news report it? MT is awash in faux news statements repeated by Daines & Rosendale
No - before I cause a false news report myself - I made this up as a plausible threat he might make, and was trying to say that perhaps one day, news outlets will respond to these like they do the rantings of other insane people.
Interesting how (like the Onion) totally outrageous things are now in the realm of believable possibilities
Wish this note had been @ the end of your original post.
It is frightening that it sounded credible that he said that.
didn't think of it till later
I used to think of Montana as a rugged frontier of strong ,honest people. When I look at who gets elected in Montana I see a huge amount of corruption to rival that of much larger states, what happened?
We have Ryan Busse running an uphill fight for Gov. He wrote the book GUN FIGHT. He was a R but is running on the D ticket. He consults with one of the Gun safety groups. He is an example of what MT was before the onslaught of Yellowstone want to be.
Will he up hold the democratic ideology or will he just revert back to what republicans want ? The Governor of Virginia, Youngkin, lied to get elected, saying he was for the people then went extreme right wing when he got in. I hear he may consider a run for prez.
Montana is the home of the fine Dem Senator John Tester, who is by trade an organic farmer! And Montana recently had a wonderful Dem governor.
In fact, within the past decade, even Wyoming had a Democratic governor!
Montana and Idaho are huge gun-support states.
So many have moved from other states. What is expressed is the states are too blue. MT has a very very strong 2A. Traditional hunting guns have been supplanted by2A militia
People should realize that there are other issues which are important and shouldn't not vote for someone who disagrees with you on one issue.
Those rugged, strong, honest Montanas are white, 90% of them. Like most white people, they vote for candidates who promise to do everything they can to preserve systemic advantages for white Americans. It’s as simple as that. No other factor even rises above the noise level. White Idahoans are even worse.
Americans not voting happened coupled with the fact you never realised that Colonialism eventually dies.
Yellow journalism now has a second meaning....cowardly journalism!
"One very flawed individual"... and the yapping and growling of his scared dogs pulling on their tethers.
Well said Peter
Lynell, the day that HCR and the media stop calling him the “frontrunner” is the day the country begins to awaken from its stupor. The polls of only hundreds of potential voters do not make him a frontrunner. Those in the Boston area remember traffic reporter Joe Green and the “curiosity factor” that caused traffic jams. We are still fascinated by horrific novelty. A candidate who won’t debate, who attacked his own government, who doesn’t pay taxes, who seems to control thugs and bullies belongs in the comics or sports news. The Constitution says he is not fit to run for office. Dr Richardson and others need to stop calling him the frontrunner. It’s the usual tfg smoke and mirrors. 🤡🎃💩🤑💰
The standards observed in the comics and the sports news are higher than those of the defeated and indicted former president. They would be demeaned by his presence there. He is not the frontrunner. Check out Simon Rosenberg on this particular misconception.
I had to look it up, thanks for the reference about Simon Rosenberg, it is encouraging...
For those of us who have a life beyond their keyboards, there's just a limited amount of time that we can spend on the internet. HCR's daily postings always share part of that time, but when she takes a day off, giving us a photograph by Buddy or by Ralston instead, I sometimes use 'her time' to see what's doing on Rosenberg's 'Hopium Chronicles.'
Thank you Barb. He's new to me and I watched a long Washington Journal interview but your Lawrence O'Donnell interview link was really on point about the polls. The video wasn't complete but I will look for it on YouTube and check out Rosenberg's Hopium Chronicles on Substack. It makes total sense to look at all the recent election results that were wins for Democrats rather than polls of hypothetical votes.
Lynell, that will be the day they run out of gaslighting fuel
All he does is name call. I didn't know that there were so many insulting derogatory words that could be strung together. I heard part of a speech of his. He just ripped into Biden.
Thank goodness there are people who are like Milley. A comforting thought is that it takes three people to push the button. BUT if they are all trump minions, are we safe? This would be another first for trump-the first president to cause the destruction of the world. The only problem is that there would be no one to read about it.
If only it were just one individual. The danger is much greater.
They are silent when decency and and duty demands they speak, and when they do speak, they sink even deeper.
The radio silence from Republicans on occasions like these, particularly those Repubs who still seem to possess a moral compass, is just not normal. Surely they're not stupid enough to think that a future with tRUMP driving the bus again will be anything but catastrophic? Catastrophe in fact on a whole new level. I can only wonder whether their silence is due to being scared for their lives and/or for the lives of loved ones, if they dare speak up. Given the family history of 'mobsterism', being warned to 'put up and shut up or look forward to a watery grave in cement boots', would not surprise me. If you haven't read it, check out Greg Olear's highly entertaining and informative substack on Trump's mobster ties. It's fabulous.
Let’s not forget that Mitt Romney, one of the few Republicans willing to speak up against this menace, is purportedly paying $5,000 a day for security for himself and his family. I think this says something - a lot - about Republican silence. Frightening, appalling.
This also says a lot about the financial inequities in this country.
And not only the threat of being put on some hitman’s list but also the hordes of brainwashed MAGA devotees coming at you with pitchforks.
Pitchforks with 25 round magazines and the ability to fire those 25 rounds in less than 10 seconds.
I just don't believe the "I was afraid" schtick, it is as always about Power and Money at any cost. They are moral cowards.
WOW! It is a frightening read!!
Read Catherine Belton’s expose book Putin’s People about how the Russian mafia corrupted America and DJT. Putin is the worlds biggest mob boss. The Russian mob and oligarchs looted the USSR and corrupted the world. We should have helped the USSR achieve a soft landing. Not the idiot Jeffrey Sacks shock therapy approach which impoverished millions of Soviet citizens and contributors metastasized mafia
‘ We should have helped USSR..soft landing!’ Tragically, the only thing that was soft were the US legislators who voted to ease banking rules which enabled US banks to launder plundered Soviet assets of the infamous oligarchs!
Jeffrey Sachs is quite the Putin apologist these days. Dozens of academics signed an Open Letter to him. (
“In summary, we welcome your interest in Ukraine. However, if your objective is to be helpful and to generate constructive proposals on how to end the war, we believe that this objective is not achieved. Your interventions present a distorted picture of the origins and intentions of the Russian invasion, mix facts and subjective interpretations, and propagate the Kremlins narratives. Ukraine is not a geopolitical pawn or a divided nation, Ukraine has the right to determine its own future, Ukraine has not attacked any country since gaining its independence in 1991. There is no justification for the Russian war of aggression. A clear moral compass, respect of international law, and a firm understanding of Ukraines history should be the defining principles for any discussions towards a just peace.”
I think it’s naïve to assume most Russians oppose Putin. Hell, we have upwards of 74 million Americans who support Putin, and the Russian population is even whiter and probably even more racist than we are.
Older Russians get their news from Putin TV. Younger Russians have known no other leader.( I was amused by an ad for apartments for rent in Moscow, 2007. “No Caucasians” meant no one from the Caucasus, e.g. Georgia. Real Russians only.)
It is about money. If Republicans speak out against Trump and GOP undemocratic values, they would stop receiving “donation$“ and they would be primaried out by an even-stupider cult member who wants to become a millionaire.
I still have that tabbed in my "favorites" bookmarks.
Kazz McKnight, thanks for sharing this link. Unbelievable. Except not.
Thank you for the link Kazz McKnight. Most interesting!
I guess we’ll never hear this on FNC.
Thank you for posting this link. “Entertaining” and “informative” is putting it mildly!
It’s down right terrifying that we are this close. If Trump gets back in it will be the end to voting.
At the core, I think
The Republican party is a terrorist organization.
The Republican party is a terrorist organization.
Andrew, we donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center. I am sure that they know how hateful the R party I call them, the party of death.
So true. Thank you for pointing this out.
Good point
It seems perhaps, contrary to popular belief, that there is a streak of idealism in those who choose a life of military service: Vindman also expressed confidence in the American system when he said, "Dad, do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth." He is fine, having retained his integrity, but he and his brother suffered the loss of their careers. I hope Milley is right, too, that the American people will choose The Constitution over demagoguery. And that he will be recognized for the importance of his integrity.
Trump has been saying some very scary stuff other than this. Like Putin, he wants to control one network by revoking the license of all of the networks except the ONE that will bend the knee to trump almighty.
He has also said he wants to rewrite the Constitution after he becomes President in 2024.
And people still support him over Biden who has done Yeoman's work digging us out of the myriad Trump dumps.