My answer is equally sincere. Nothing guarantees preserving democracy, and the most probable outcomes lead to its demise. The 74 millionare in the driver’s seat because of gerrymandering, rural power due to the way the Senate is designed by the Constitution, and the Electoral College and other Constitutional provisions concerning presidential elections.
My answer is equally sincere. Nothing guarantees preserving democracy, and the most probable outcomes lead to its demise. The 74 millionare in the driver’s seat because of gerrymandering, rural power due to the way the Senate is designed by the Constitution, and the Electoral College and other Constitutional provisions concerning presidential elections.
My answer is equally sincere. Nothing guarantees preserving democracy, and the most probable outcomes lead to its demise. The 74 millionare in the driver’s seat because of gerrymandering, rural power due to the way the Senate is designed by the Constitution, and the Electoral College and other Constitutional provisions concerning presidential elections.