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No, but Dr. Zelenko has medical license. He was maligned in many ways, but his results were not, to my knowledge ever challenged. I've read online and of other doctors getting same results with his cure. Cui bono?

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The great problem with Dr. Zelenko's theory is that no one else was able to get the same results concerning these drugs. You must be able to repeat these studies in order to verify efficacy.

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True. And I find it curious that they will incorporate the results of Zelenkos 'study,' and not the CDC studies on the vaccines...which, as we know, now are totally vetted from independent research.

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Lots of doctors got same results, but most of them didn't care for medical board investigations and public witch hunts and did it off label. Some doctors took the risk of coming out publicly for using hydroxychloroquine with zinc, and they were banned from Facebook, You-Tube, just like Zelenko. If Zelenko had made up his "story", the New York State Medical Board would have had his hide. A Texas doctor who promoted hcq and zinc in front of the national

Capitol, the youtube of it went viral in minutes, internationally, then was killed by YouTube, was investigated by the Texas Medical Board, which later dismissed the investigation. That doctor was from Africa. Was a Trump fan. A minister. She gave a sermon on women having sex with demon sperm. In her spiritual history, that probably was something people believed in. The Bible speaks of angels coming down and having sex with human women. Anyway, looked to me that doctor failed to see the demon sperm that had infected Trump, which he was spewing everywhere and infecting tens of millions of Americans, while the doctor was vilified on national TV, even as she was saving people with Covid-19, using hydroxychloroquine and zinc, and she was not disciplined by her medical board.

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Maybe you should be asking why so many, many places and people banned this information? Why we struggle here to listen to this hogwash from you who cannot provide a single respectable source.

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тАЬAgrowing body of clinical studies indicates that hydroxychloroquine is ineffective in treating COVID-19 and may actually increase mortality. The World Health Organization, the National Institutes of Health, the FDA, and the pharmaceutical company Sanofi, which sells hydroxychloroquine under the brand name Plaquenil, have all issued guidelines cautioning against the kind of early, prophylactic use of the drug that Trump has hyped and Zelenko advocates. On Friday a retrospective study of 96,000 COVID-19 patients on six continents, published in the medical journal The Lancet, found that hospitalized patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and an antibioticтАФpart of the drug combination Zelenko has pluggedтАФwere 45% likelier to die.тАЭ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05/documents-expose-fda-commissioners-interventions-on-behalf-of-trump

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Thanks, Christy.

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And a source or sources?

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Hopefully your Key West contacts include Dr. Jack Norris. HeтАЩs addressed the issue thoroughly.

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The Lancet withdrew its article after a flood of complaints shredded it as false and contrived

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Swat gnats. Ignore Raptors.

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Love it.

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