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" “[u]se of force is justified to restore Donald Trump to the presidency.” " is idiotic on the face of it. Who would use "force" against who? It is analogous to the idea that "liberals want to take guns away from people". Who would do the leg work of such an enterprise and who would turn over their guns? Actually, the only force that can restore Donald Trump to the presidency is his re-election. By the time of the next election he will have traveled down a path of so many lies, frauds, and felonious actions that he will be declared unfit to hold public office by criminal convictions and vast public contempt. In fact, at this moment, he is just shooting off his mouth to make money. The tragedy is the mass media is helping him do it for their own profit and to the detriment of our democracy and society. In a sense, Trump is the true virus raging through our country. The only vaccine to use against him is indifference, sadly not everybody is inoculated.

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100% agree with you

...until the last line.

His Followers are far from indifferent, so we (and our representatives need to be VIGILANT).

Our indifference is how he came to power in the first place.

(I learned this lesson the hard way. I was persecuted by the government and fought the wrong battle. A wise pol explained it all to me in one sentence: "This is the government you got when you weren't looking.".

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Hi Daniel. I agree with both “indifference” and “vigilant” as necessary attitudes. I agree with Tom as supporting something I’ve observed about President Biden. He has presented an attitude of ignoring, indifference, and an almost uncanny way of not even mentioning the former’s name. I like that merely because it doesn’t feed the media’s incessant attention on the former and personally, I relish the idea that it must make the former gnash his teeth and reach for another burger and steroid shot.

I believe our President has done the one thing that serves to negate the power of a bully. And that can be characterized as indifference, even if it is carefully orchestrated. I do not believe our President underestimates the situation in any way. But he is the one with executive privilege now and must recapture America’s focus.

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The Presidency is not the place to attack from.

Think Justice.

Think Congress' ability to Investigate.

Think NYS AG!

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Agree. And I support Atty Gen Merrick Garland and the DOJ team as re-formed under the current administration 100%. I dislike how slow the wheels of justice turn as most do but that’s why checks and balances are designed in any system with moving parts.

My comments about Pres Biden support your comment about attacking. But tactics play a huge roll during current “crisis”. What I have said repeatedly is “the media is not the place to attack from”. It is a role that many social media and mainstream media outlets have assumed for $ and entertainment’s sake.


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Very much agree. Peril continues to exist.

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Christine, you stated most well my own sentiments!

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It makes sense to me, when the entire platform of the current so called “Republican Party” is to annihilate the “libs”, then don’t engage. Keep your head down and do your work and not get drawn into their wanna be ridiculous battle.

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This. Thank you.

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I’ve been asking this question for months. What do folks think this “civil war” they are afraid of will look like. These raging Trumpsters do not have the courage of a jihadist. They will not go against our military unless they are just lacking any brains at all. But, then I read this and do believe this is what TFG and friends have been trying to do for years is incite the mentally unfit to take out minorities in public places. They have zero/zilch sense of morality. They do not comprehend this is murder. TFG has brainwashed them to believe this is how to fight. It is beyond evil. There are no words. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/jan-6-has-given-the-right-hundreds-of-new-martyrs/

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It is a civil war IN THEIR HEADS. Gives the purpose and a sence of solidarity. I also agree that it is the extremely marginalized, not just those simply disaffected, who act out violently.

I keep coming back to our first incident in the neighborhood. That was handled and resolved so beautifully, that even though I am disappointed in this "break through" virus making it here, we are immunized.

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The “in their heads” makes sense for the aggressors, but my question is asking those on the side of democracy, what do they see a “civil war” in 2021 looking like due to these “ragers” with guns?

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I don't see no civil war.

That to is in the heads of "those on the side of democracy"

for many of the same reasons

and fueled by fear.

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I see it as a civil war. And lest we forget how easily it could become problematic, I'd like to point out McCarthyism... And now this debacle of the last four years.

Obama really pissed in Donnie Tramp's Cheerios, at that Press Club Dinner. And this carnival barker came to the fore with his cult.

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Please explain what "TFG" refers to - I have only seen it as a reference Too Far Gone - extreme right operatives.

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LOL Debby that’s an excellent interpretation. Many in the community use it to refer to The Former Guy. In my mind I am thinking of a different F word though.

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It's usually the former guy since like me, many people refuse to use his name. In fact, I never referred to him by his name or by the title president while he was occupying the WH.

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I have only uttered his name about 4 times in the last 5 years and that was by mistake, TFG to me means that fucking goon, pardon my French, as it were 🤷‍♂️😎 He’s way pasted loathing, that was step one and we have been on a long journey.

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Oh, I use that same word often in referring to death star and his minions. I have run out of words to say how much I loathe him. I sometimes think about all the wonderful names that the Scots have come up with for him. I did see one this week that I liked Trumplethinskin.

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Trumplethinskin! What a perfectly descriptive word

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Actually, "Trumplethinskin" is a FB page -- or it was during his presidency.

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And never-ever the name and title together, then, now, or ever!!

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Thank you! I was wondering myself. I looked it up and found Too Far Gone, which does make sense...

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Trump wanted to employ the Military for his own ends. He had already used force against the protesters in DC, was advocating violence against BLM protesters during the summer of 2020 and there were those mysterious white vans rounding people up in Portland.

A lot of press is being given to Milley circumventing Trump from pushing the button. It is important to note Milley's public statemen on October 11, 2020: "As the presidential election looms, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, tells NPR's Morning Edition that the military plays no role in politics, and that he has complete trust in America's institutions to manage election disputes.

"We have established a very long 240-year tradition of an apolitical military that does not get involved in domestic politics," Milley told NPR's Steve Inskeep on Sunday.

Milley, who has said in statements to Congress that he wants to stay out of all election disputes, tells NPR that he is "very confident in the resilience of the American institutions and the American government and the American people's adherence to the principles of rules of law."

"This isn't the first time that someone has suggested that there might be a contested election," Milley said. "And if there is, it'll be handled appropriately by the courts and by the U.S. Congress. There's no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of a U.S. election. Zero. There is no role there."

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"Trump wanted to employ the Military for his own ends. He had already used force against the protesters in DC, was advocating violence against BLM protesters during the summer of 2020 and there were those mysterious white vans rounding people up in Portland."

In the summer of 2020 Trump was testing the waters to see just how far he could push the envelope. Having Milley walk beside him to Lafayette Square was supposed to signal the military's support of the use of force. Thank the gods it backfired.

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I and others have personally thanked General Mark Milley in phone calls and personal notes for publicly taking blame for his walk with the former president and also for standing up to him. Wishing more people would show the courage of a Mark A. Milley.

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“He had an army. An army for Trump. He wants that back, “ Brad Parscal, Trump’s former campaign manager said privately in July 2021. “I don’t think he sees that as a comeback, he sees it as vengeance.” (On the back cover of Woodward and Costa’s book “Peril”)

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