I draw the line at the death penalty, but yes, they deserve to be totally disenfranchised and made penniless for life. Gitmo has always been my choice for their confinement. Then again, a firing squad...wouldn't that be just desserts for the traitors who have bastardized the intent of the second amendment?
I draw the line at the death penalty, but yes, they deserve to be totally disenfranchised and made penniless for life. Gitmo has always been my choice for their confinement. Then again, a firing squad...wouldn't that be just desserts for the traitors who have bastardized the intent of the second amendment?
I just think some people are too dangerous to live. For severe acts of treason, such as attempting to overthrow a democracy preferred by majority, it can be presumed they will never stop trying - even in prison.
I draw the line at the death penalty, but yes, they deserve to be totally disenfranchised and made penniless for life. Gitmo has always been my choice for their confinement. Then again, a firing squad...wouldn't that be just desserts for the traitors who have bastardized the intent of the second amendment?
I just think some people are too dangerous to live. For severe acts of treason, such as attempting to overthrow a democracy preferred by majority, it can be presumed they will never stop trying - even in prison.
You're right, they will never stop trying.