Dr. R's continued focus on the GOP's voter suppression efforts and attempts to replace nonpartisan election officials is most appreciated. This area is where a new front has opened up in the battle to save voting rights. Just last night I received my assignment as a poll worker for the Nov. 2nd Virginia gubernatorial election. My 5th year of serving as an election officer, and I can't wait! My local elections office needs several hundred poll workers and had over 1,000 requesting to serve - that gives me hope

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ClairBlue, I’m postcarding for you all in VA💙!

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That's wonderful, AshleyR! Thank you so much

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Where are you located in VA ClairBlue?

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In Northern Virginia - you, too?

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I’m in Mathews County on Gwynn’s Island…Mathews is rural red trump country 😵‍💫 but more and more of us BLUE FOLK are retiring here!

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I've been on Gwynn's Island!! Growing up and sailing on the Bay, my family often went to the Fishing Bay Yacht Club on a weekend sail, passing Gwynn's Island on the way in. You've just set off a rabbit hole of memory. We stopped at Gwynn's Island to meet up with Gilbert Klingel, author of "The Bay" (c1951). I'm pretty sure my father already knew him (he had been sailing on the bay since the 1920s and seemed to know everyone); the purpose of the visit was to ask Klingel to inscribe my father's copy of "The Bay" to me, have it still.

Realizing that I knew little about him beyond this book, which is a wonderful account of his naturalist studies above & below the Chesapeake Bay, I looked him up on Wikipedia.

"Klingel wrote articles for National Geographic and The Baltimore Sun,[6] mainly on topics related to the Chesapeake Bay.

His article, "One Hundred Hours Beneath the Chesapeake," in the May 1955 issue of National Geographic featured color photos by Willard R. Culver (1898-1986) that were among the first taken from beneath a temperate estuary. These images were taken from inside a diving vessel invented by Klingel that was lowered into the waters off Gwynn's Island in the Chesapeake Bay."

Then, the article mentions Thomas Colvin, who my father also knew, and who built steel & aluminum-hull sailing vessels, as did Klingel. I knew of him as Tom Colvin and remember encountering him sailing on the bay in his steel Chinese Junk with red sails. Such fun to remember all of that. Thanks for the memories.

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Ha ha - we'll win them over yet!

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This memo will not help their case.

Indeed! They knew they were lying and lied anyway. That's called "actual malice" and as I learned in "Avoiding defamation for writers," actual malice wipes out all the other defenses to a defamation suit. The Three Stooges are staring down the barrel of a billion dollar lawsuit standing their in their legal "birthday suit." If you want to fuck up a Republican, take what they love the most - their money.

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And power

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Power is the thing. A friend's father was once a governor and a vice president. He said that in Washington, POWER is the aphrodisiac.

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Not just in Washington, ergo the age old adage, power corrupts. My favorite book on this subject is by Eduardo Duran, Buddha in the Redface. I would love to learn if this was ever formally taught at institutions like West Point or the Ivy League. Obama gave voice to understanding it and spoke of taking steps to insulate against it, like getting out of the WH and spending time with the people who power the engine of our country instead of just those choosing the direction. Voters would do well to learn to discern between those who are committed to serving versus those who are committed to being served.

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In today’s US, there is no power without wealth.

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…and that of all their descendants and relatives for 9 degrees.!

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At least!

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And yet... millions of dollars are being funneled into Secretary of State/Supervisor of elections races so as to overturn elections. Big money that was never spent like this before, to replace and physically threaten law-abiding people who uphold the legitimacy of fair elections. As for these new revelations, no matter how many facts come to light that reveal the truth about this blatant attempt to overturn the presidential election and the coup attempt to overthrow our government, there is an ever-growing number of Republicans who are doubling down on believing the Big Lie. That and the anti-vaccine movement insistent on “freedom of choice,” while vaccinated people are dying because they can’t get medical care that is now rationed... its all more than I can wrap my head around.

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Now THAT is scary. KKK tactics

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Pamsy, I can't wrap my head around it either.

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Oh, Dr. R, it is hard to believe that every morning I can be more appalled about Trump & his henchmen and their evil deeds than the morning before. Yet, it is so.

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I agree….but must add that I am most appalled at people like McConnell, et al who have allowed and even supported this behavior. They are despicable human beings who have used us…all of us…as pawns for power, and left us divided, angry, sick/dying. Hatred is not a word I use, but it has crept into my heart for these people. We are watching, in real time, our country’s destruction by these evil people. It’s past time for justice!

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Hillary's term "deplorables" comes to mind more and more these days.

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Let's replace "deplorables" with "despicables."

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It's fine whatever term one wants to use, but evil is also a most appropriate word.

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I agree!

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And detestables.

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Personally I thought her phrase "basket of deplorables” was perfect . . . the only beef I had was it should have been 100% of republicans belong in that bucket :)

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Clinton eventually acknowledged that her name calling diminished her election chances by causing the ‘deplorables’ to vote in mass.

Leave the name calling to Trump and Company .

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She could have called them heroes. She was never going to get their votes. Ever. There's a teensy chance it could've been another story had she been a man.

Though I'm not suggesting that liberals go full sociopath, seeking affirmation or even acknowledgment from these people seems a waste of time at best. At worst, it's a kind of madness.

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People (including me—I can’t resist a good put-down) keep forgetting the perfectly sound sense to be found in the Bible.

“It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles.”

…Then he said, “Are you also still without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth enters the stomach, and goes out into the sewer? But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this is what defiles.”

But the most striking—and uncomfortable—thing of all is how our aspersions and insults may or may not tell something about those at whom they’re aimed but will invariably betray the unacceptable contents of our own mind. If you want to know what Trump, McConnell & Co. plan for Americans, you have only to look at what they accuse their opponents of. Cheating and the theft of election results tell nothing about actual practice but everything about GOP plans and actions.

Why not apply this principle when investigating the Q merchants? You know what to look for...

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Well we owe a lot to Republican election officials in states where Voldemort tried to undermine or overturn democracy in 2020.

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But now they seem to be tucking in their tails and running back to the fold.

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She wasn't wrong!

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There is nothing in or about McConnell that has ever been worthy of note. He exists simply to enrich himself... His wife committed crimes as well. What a circus

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Every time I see his ugly face, I start to feel nauseous.

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Moscow Mitch seems apt!

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C'mon! Ya gotta give the Donald some credit. When he sez his niece and the Times' reporters are part of some "insidious plot," he speaks from experience! His accusation comes from someone who has spent a lifetime carrying out "insidious plots" against anyone with whom he did business including the vote-hungry suckers in the Republican Party, the American people and most of all those who were, and are to this day, sufficiently ignorant or gullible, to support him in Congress, State Houses and at the ballot box. Don't laugh. Cry.

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What people say about others, they are talking about themselves. No?

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Yes, it takes one to tell one, but they usually won't admit to it. But that logic can be applied in both directions, not only to the former president, but to his critics as well, so words should be chosen carefully, which I try to do.

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Yes, words matter and thoughts become things!

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Exactly. Because people put so much meaning to words. It takes us out of the moment to think so much. Better to take positive action to advance the candidates and causes in which you believe.

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What amazes me (maybe I should say "sickens me,") is the vitriol that keeps spewing from the minions. How did they get that way? For what ends?

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It started 4 generations ago. (Only because I am having difficulty tracing back further, so probably more.).

The Trump Saga continues...

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Thank you is far too tepid Professor Richardson for your extraordinarily fine-tuned and astute reporting. It's more than a wakeup call to the infamy concocted by anti-democratic individuals in the Republican party, it is a clarion call to all those who love our country and its flawed form of government. We are a continual work-in-progress but these forces sought to stent and kill it. Again, your work is so, so appreciated by this citizen.

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Yes, indeed. The facts. Clearly presented. Their relevance succinctly explained. These letters are a treasure.

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I second that emotion.

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If Trump does not pay a price for his evil America is a failed state.

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I think that sadly, we are already seeing that not only will he pay no price whatsoever, he may very (and will likely be) the next President. I'm certain that he's going to run again in 2024.

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I'll be shocked if Donald is alive in 2024, but I was shocked that he became president and stayed president for a full term. I've kicked most of my family out of my life over his presidency. The orange god-king has revealed to me just how foolish a great swath of the species is. Him and the other little god-kings dotting the lands we inhabit.

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Treason. Sedition. McConnell tolerates it. Moscow Mitch could do something.

Time to light up the switchboard to the Senate. Gotta get voting rights passed or we are screwed.

202-224-3121. Tell them you support Freedom to Vote snd John Lewis Voting Rights acts.

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Trump would not have been possible without the support of Mitch McConnell.

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Yes, I almost think he's the bigger villain!

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He is.

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Mitch is an evil man in his own right. He committed this Democrat-paralyzing behavior under Obama. Refusing to allow anything good to be accomplished by a Democrat.

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That's absolutely true.

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Okay ... so I made a call. I know that they may not listen to phone calls nor read emails, but they do count them. They only pay attention to the numbers, however, if the margin of victory which put them into office were a narrow one. The real answer is strict legislation limiting campaign financing, eliminating so-called "Dark Money." (See Jane Mayer's book with that title.) Ideally, making more than token minimal donations to any candidate or PAC financially supporting candidates should be a felony. All campaigning should be equitably financed by taxpayers through the government.

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You are spot on, Jack. Thanks!

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And end the filibuster. There is nothing sacred about it. You can contact any senator or rep through that number when you get the switchboard. Is there a Republican with a brain or any sense of decency???????

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Senator Murkowski. Senator Cheney.

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Yes, why is Senator Cheney voting strictly down Republican lines? I thought she was for democracy?

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Liz Cheney is a representative, not a senator

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"Time to light up the switchboard to the Senate." I laugh and laugh hard. My senators are Blackburn and Hagerty. You think those wingers are going to do the right thing? I must rely on swing staters.

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Yup. In Indiana also. Young and Braun.

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Braun - a special kind of Rethuglican. Hate him with a passion. If you are going to be a wingnut - act like a wingnut at all times, like the witch Marsha Blackburn. Now there's a wingnut's wingnut. He's is the "intellectual wingnut". The most dangerous kind IMO.

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Exactly! I can't tell if Young & Braun are trump wannabes or trump lapdogs. Either way, they are firmly RFP (Rethuglican Fascist Party) members.

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Right here with ya, neighbor. Grrr!

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Perhaps not "foolish," but unwittingly subject to the propaganda campaign that has been waged for the last 40 years by the movement conservatives... the most sophisticated, the most successful campaign in history. The more successful the propaganda, the less aware are its victims.

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And their pockets are deep.

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💯times 10!

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I told my 19 y/o grandson that these politicians are old and won’t live forever. But there are younger ones waiting to step in and I am hopeful none of them will be able to control 50 Senators like McConnell does and the Trump cult won’t just follow the next guy because cults sometimes falter when their leaders die. That being said, the Moonies are still out there and probably worse than they were.

I am trying to give him hope because he’s having a tough time feeling like college will improve his actual life. He has a what’s the point attitude. I told him the point is he needs to focus on himself and what he wants, to work towards his goals and not let the awful people make choices for him. This was easier 25 years ago when my daughter was ready for college.

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According to Woodward, he will run in 2024 as vengeance towards Biden. I used to think he would not run but would support someone else.

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I hold on to the “pie in the sky” belief that many of his one time voters won’t stomach him again. 🙏🏻

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What about Pence? I read something yesterday that indicated he was seriously considering. I know, in the deplorable basket, too.

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His dementia should be full blown by then. Although, in saying so I realize it may not impede his electoral chances.

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If Democrats cannot bar him from running again we are a failed state.

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Oh the constitution doesn't prevent, even if indicted. The R's, like always, will assess what the best path forward is to get power in the White House. If they believe it is the orange dumpster fire, then they are going to do it. Country be damned. Failed state? Well, I'd say failed society, or a strong part of it.

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"Failed state? Well, I'd say failed society, or a strong part of it."

Is a failed state different from a failed society?

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Yes, the Constitution has a couple of ways of preventing rule by a demented executive.

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Or will not.

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And Cut, Run, Surrender and spend is any better? He cannot even answer a question. Beyond pathetic. Sad.

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Beyond pathetic is anyone who would attempt to defend Trump whether by distraction or decree.

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A bit absolutist but a tough one to cozy up to....

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Indeed - lol.

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I think the GOP would prop him up and take him around like the movie "What about Bob" if he didn't make it to 2024. 🤣

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I think he will try to run again, but I think his body and mind will continue to deteriorate to the point of such visible humiliation that it will turn out to be a scramble for all his 'wannabes' to hop into the clown car and the fiasco will fall flat. Wishful thinking I guess.

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I think this is why their is so much effort to paint Biden as mentally deficient. They need to distract from how bad Trump is.

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Cynthia, I hope you are right about Trump but I am certain you are right about the wannabes....we have one here in FL, the current actor playing the role of the Gov. Of FL. The problem with the wannabes is that they will be smarter, more adept at running the machinery of governing and exponentially more dangerous than even TFG!!!

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If Trump runs again, he will be like the Charlton Heston character in the movie "El Cid," dead but strapped upright on a horse to look as his he's leading his troops into battle. But unlike in the film, Trump will be severely mentally and physically depleted and unable to inspire victory.

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Love your wishful thinking!

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Can’t run if he’s in prison, exiled or dead. It’s not going happen! But don’t worry, there are many other power grabbing minions who will scramble to take his place! We simply Must Vote Blue!!!

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I'll take door number 3.

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Ha, haha, ha…

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Gayle, I agree with your Vote Blue!!!, up and especially down the ticket for local offices. However, there is no constitutional bar to running for federal offices by incarcerated persons. The most famous example is Eugene Debs, who in 1920 ran (for the fourth time) while in prison for sedition. He got over 900k votes. Clearly there would be new, real problems if an incarcerated person actually won. A short, readable summary is at:


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But convicted felons can’t even vote, can they??? Yet they can run for office???

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Voting rights--other than Constitutional protections for gender, race, and age--are set by individual states. The result is a hodgepodge of specifications for current or former felons. For a summary see:


But the requirements for holding federal elective offices (in the Constitution) are minimal: age, citizenship and residency. There may be restrictions on current or former felons in some states for state or local offices, but I am not familiar with that issue. Perhaps someone else can comment.

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Recall that Eugene Debs ran for president from prison.

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