IF ONLY... Voters would read or listen to this information and understand our recent history. It is a terrific recitation of the progress which has been made. Thank you!

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I wish this one could be made public! So many Trump fans constantly complaining that Biden hasn’t done enough for America! I tried posting this to my site, but it won’t post even the written one. Not enough people are putting this info out! I think it could help make a difference. Maybe just a couple a month could be posted on social media sites and it would increase the subscribers? More info like this needs to be available!

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Are transcripts of these recordings available? I much prefer reading these commentaries than listening to them. I do not listen to the audio essays. I’m a print guy.

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Here's the url for the letter versions. You can sign up for free, but you can also be a paid subscriber


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I understand Heather writes and publishes her letters on substack and FB , THEN records herself reading them the next day.

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Thank you!

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I normally don't "steal" things from artists and others on the internet, but I downloaded the .mp3 file of this edition because it is simply too accurate and too good not to share with my friends. I will make sure to credit Heather and I hope, as a result, she will add more listeners and subscribers (like me) to her audience.

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Sharing the knowledge helps everyone (well, hopefully everyone except Trump).

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Does anyone know if there is a list of these accomplishments? That way we can use it to educate young people.

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Biden may have helped sustain capitalism -and taxing the rich to provide more for the rest of society is a very helpful thing. But he has not focused on the COST OF LIVING for the lower working class. These have not been helped by the wars in Ukraine and the middle east which Biden has enabled and are now getting much worse. He also has not acknowledged the huge numbers of immigrants who still enter the US work for such low wages that lower working class US citizens cannot compete and have had to live on much lower wages or lost jobs for decades. I saw this from Princeton NJ already in the 80's when women's work cleaning houses an caring for kids, etc. came to be done by non-citizen immigrants who were much cheaper than black workers from Trenton - and ditto for male labor doing work on houses, etc. came to be done by immigrants becasue they were cheaper. The people who owned the businesses grew richer but black Trentonians lost their jobs and grew much poorer. This trend seems to have continued throughout the country.

Biden has indeed rebuilt the economy and capitalism, but at a tremendous loss to lower working class US citizens. Trump's agenda seeks to help them by reducing cheap labor coming in through the southern border.

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Trump may claim that's part of his agenda but don't you remember what he did while in office last time? We barely had a functioning government. Everyday was a complete sh*t show and the economy was not better than it is now or at anytime during the last 4 yrs. I understand your concerns. Personally, I think high prices are the result of price gouging by large companies.

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I think the ridiculous minimum wage levels over the last 4 decades and the killing of most unions, has contributed far more to making life at the bottom of the economy more miserable and difficult. Migrants do not get the snap food subsidies nor do they get Medicaid, or many other gov't subsidies that allow the poor to survive. We definitely have a multi-pronged problem with no simple or easy solution.

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Contrary to what trumpers believe , undocumented people do not get social security (have to have a social security number) but have paid 96 billion dollars (34 billion into social security) into federal taxes.

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Well, Virginia, you are welcome to present your solutions here. How would you stop people from leaving Venezuela and Central America? Do you believe the Republican lies that Biden invited them in? Is it morally correct to murder these people with razor wire in the Rio Grande or machine guns? Should we ignore global warming so that crop failures occur in Central America? Should Biden build a wall? Are you aware that a little work with a radial saw can make a hole in a metal wall, and that tunnels have been made under them? How do we stop the significant number of immigrants that fly in as tourists? Now, please tell me your theory on how Biden has enabled the war in Ukraine, and your solution. Did Biden encourage Putin to invade? What do you think Trumps solution will be if he is elected? I am pretty sure he will cut off support and Russia will offer a peace plan in which almost the entire country is made part of Russia. What do you think this would lead Zelensky to do as his only option? Could that option be the cause of WW III? Now tell me how a "weak" Biden, that has stood by Zelensky could be that cause of WW III? Have you studied what happened in WW II? A so-called "Strong man" leader was elected in Germany to solve their economic problems, and that didn't work out well. Trump will be using plan 2025 if elected. Read it.

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Who hires these undocumented workers? Americans looking to make more money by cutting labor costs. Solution: Don't hire undocumented workers. It would be interesting to see how many Americans would work picking crops or meat packing companies or lawn services, or construction workers.

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I am about 75% sure that Harris will win this election, but the thought of Trump potentially "Taking back America" seriously concerns me.

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President Biden will go down in history as the best president of half a century ! The man of the moment! Of course if trump gets elected there will be no more truth telling in history books or any where else.

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Response to Tracey Angle: I'm a firm Democrat and do not comment as I have as support for Trump, but rather to show why Trump has support for his border policy. Harris/Walsh are strong capitalists and supporters of the middle class. But lots of poorer, lower class Americans WGHO VOTE have suffered lots from the capitalism that promotes small business and welcomes immigrants whom they don't need to pay much. The people I found near Princeton whom I had hired for housework and child care, and work on our house, I learned were living with many other families squeezed together in poor housing, and were eventually moved to Washington state where they were needed more since so many had come to N.J. I also realized that I and others had ceased hiring black workers from Trenton because they were asking for a fair wage that they had worked hard to earn.

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So you were part of the problem. Thank you for your honesty.

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I guess Harris's desire to separate herself from Biden has kept her from using this information. I am not sure this is a good idea, but I am not running her campaign.

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