Stop the Electoral college from stealing the election.

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The president of the United States must be determined by whomever wins the popular vote: one person, one vote: that’s a pure democracy.

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This travesty MUST be stopped! The GOP has weaponized it and is their only way to "cheat into office". PLEASE PLEASE end this madness

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Wasn’t Lindsey Graham the guy that said, after Jan.6th riot on the Capitol, If we vote for a man like trump again, we will get exactly what we deserve? Or something to that effect. Hey Lindsey, thanks for reminding us that Hitler got in Germany politics legally, and that many citizens stood up! It’s past time for republicans to STAND UP! Your party may win an election, but American democracy will lose the war.

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Clearly every system has its benefits and dangers but this present system is not working. It means many people’s votes are meaningless which is the reason a lot of people say their vote doesn’t count.

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If the republican candidate is successful in tweaking the rules of the election, we are well on the way to an authoritarian government. The republican candidate will then be correct, we will no longer have a need to vote. All will be decided for us by those in power. Strange, God gave us free will but those with above average egos evidently think God made a mistake. Stranger still, this comes from folks who are self-proclaim God fearers. Interesting don’t you think?

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GOP heading for a Nasty November. They can try to eek out a win, but their actions have upset too many voters, especially females. Lady Graham can try his Nebraska game, but his efforts will not work, again. I enjoyed this history lesson. Thank you.

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And now we get to what I have been worried about for months.

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I’m grateful for this schooling in history!

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I’m wondering what the measures are?


Electoral votes must be received by the President of the Senate Kamala Harris and the Archivist Dr Colleen Shogan no later than Christmas.

If votes are lost or delayed, Dr Shogan may take extraordinary measures to retrieve duplicate originals.

(What measures, I do not know.

Personally I envision the scene in National Lampoon's Christmas when the police break down the door. But that’s just me.

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The electoral college definitely need revisiting. It would maybe take a committee of an equal number of D's & R's to agree on a compromise.

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Am I missing it? When there are recordings, are there also transcripts?

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HCR sends out a daily email with the written Letter. This is usually followed several hours later with another email that has the recording of the Letter.

You can go to your Substack profile, choose Settings, then Subscriptions, then Letters From an American. Then under Notifications you will see options for both email and audio versions.

There is also a link to help in troubleshooting email problems.

My personal experience is that this is best done on a computer with a decent size screen and keyboard using the web version of Substack. https://substack.com/home

I hope this is helpful.

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I have the same question

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Ohhh....it's a worry 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

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