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I genuinely do not understand. HOW can Matt Goetz of Florida and Tommy Tuberville of Alabama have so much influence over the whole of the government? (Anyone ?) How does on small group’s “no” determine the course of our nation?

What mechanisms are in place to prevent the small group from destroying the country at their whim?

I don’t understand the math.

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I am no expert in government, but I believe that the rules that have evolved in the House and Senate have largely created this situation where a single person or very small group can hold up the entire government. For example, the filibuster is not a law. It is simply a rule made by the Senate, and it can be undone by the Senate. I believe there are many such rules, and BOTH HOUSES need to revisit a lot if them@

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Yes! Please! Democracy is about majority rule...no? If a couple of idiots can use antique rules to block the normal functioning of our government, change the damn rules!

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When Ben Franklin advised Democracy would only work if you can keep it relied on his instinct of human weakness. Representative Government relies on trust and good intentions to govern in the Public or Common good.

In this Century the Republicans have turned trust on its head and have learned to use the normal tools of Parliamentary Procedures as tools of propaganda. With near criminal news and media enterprises willing to spread their poison we are at the threshold of permanent chaos.

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While we are at it, we should update the metrics of Congressional Apportionment so every state and district gets the accurate representation. Also statehood for DC and PR!!!

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Sounds good to me!👍

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Gaetz is able to do so because Kevin has no spine. Tuberville is able to because of senate rules.

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Schumer finally did an end around Tuberville yesterday and is moving three high level military nominations through. About time Schumer stood up to Tuberville’s treasonous BS.

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About two months too late.

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Shuck, meet Jive.

Flunkies doin' they flunkin'.

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No one expected such treason in a young America. Hanging or death by firing squad was the fate of traitors.

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Obviously, not much.

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