The political power play to rush with a replacement for Justice Ginsberg is an outrageous sign of disrespect. Even in their glee to appoint a replacement who is RBG's polar opposite, the Republicans could show some humanity and humility! They don't seem to respect her memory but she touched MANY and this is becoming quite apparent with t…
The political power play to rush with a replacement for Justice Ginsberg is an outrageous sign of disrespect. Even in their glee to appoint a replacement who is RBG's polar opposite, the Republicans could show some humanity and humility! They don't seem to respect her memory but she touched MANY and this is becoming quite apparent with the accolades and public displays of grief! If the Republicans had any class, they would honor a period of mourning before proceeding with accomplishing a 'win' for President Trump.
Unfortunately that's a matter of opinion. That opinion has replaced fact is another creation of the social media era Is a reality that we most certainly change if we are to regenerate trust in our government and indeed the society it serves.
I'm not judging at all, not even playing devil's advocate. Unfortunately their own opinion is the one and only one that they deem to consider. As someone quoted the little Bush "we are creating our own world" ...facts and others' opinions are irrelevant. I totally share your concer for Roe v Wade and indeed Affordable Care and much else that has been achieved since the Civil War! There is indeed a considerable cause for concern.
While I don't think he actually cares about the process, I believe he is very attached to the bragging rights of having named so many people to the Supreme Court.
He hasn't as yet named a Chief i think Eisenhower and even Reagan beat him...but these are just facts and he doesn't care a sh.. As was rightly said by Marci
I stand by what I say and it is backed up by the recordings of comments Trump made to Woodward. Obviously, Trump hasn't broken the record yet but he is salivating at the possibility! See
The political power play to rush with a replacement for Justice Ginsberg is an outrageous sign of disrespect. Even in their glee to appoint a replacement who is RBG's polar opposite, the Republicans could show some humanity and humility! They don't seem to respect her memory but she touched MANY and this is becoming quite apparent with the accolades and public displays of grief! If the Republicans had any class, they would honor a period of mourning before proceeding with accomplishing a 'win' for President Trump.
His choices are a little scary and not worthy of replacing RBG
Unfortunately that's a matter of opinion. That opinion has replaced fact is another creation of the social media era Is a reality that we most certainly change if we are to regenerate trust in our government and indeed the society it serves.
Stuart Attewell, yes it is an opinion. However, their views on Roe v Wade cause me concern. So don't judge if I am a little concerned.
I'm not judging at all, not even playing devil's advocate. Unfortunately their own opinion is the one and only one that they deem to consider. As someone quoted the little Bush "we are creating our own world" ...facts and others' opinions are irrelevant. I totally share your concer for Roe v Wade and indeed Affordable Care and much else that has been achieved since the Civil War! There is indeed a considerable cause for concern.
Thanks, Stuart😊
A LITTLE scary? Sharon, that is a gross understatement!
No, it’s a win for McConnell. Trump doesn’t give a s—t.
While I don't think he actually cares about the process, I believe he is very attached to the bragging rights of having named so many people to the Supreme Court.
He hasn't as yet named a Chief i think Eisenhower and even Reagan beat him...but these are just facts and he doesn't care a sh.. As was rightly said by Marci
I stand by what I say and it is backed up by the recordings of comments Trump made to Woodward. Obviously, Trump hasn't broken the record yet but he is salivating at the possibility! See
Absolutely frothing at the mouth...with dogs its a symptome of rabies!
Rest assured. Even if he doesn't actually accomplish a goal he will brag and say he did.