Heather, your analysis on the erosion of democratic norms by Trump's rhetoric struck a chord with me. It reminded me of how crucial it is to expose the emptiness behind the loud voices that seek to dismantle our institutions. The crux of the issue isn't just the noise but the lack of substance—policies, plans, and coherent strategies. The loud shouts are devoid of real solutions, and that’s what we must bring to the forefront. In my own reflections, I’ve come to see that the way to counteract this shadowy threat to democracy is to emphasize the substance—policies that actually address the real concerns of the American people. If the media and the public focus on demanding specifics, not just slogans, we might be able to turn the tide against this alarming trend. The more we expose the lack of viable policies, the more we can undercut the appeal of demagoguery. Thank you for your continued dedication to uncovering these critical issues. Your work inspires us to stay vigilant and committed to the truth. Warm regards, Dickson Beall

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I agree with you. However I noticed that when a reporter tried to get Trump.or J.D.Vance to answer in specifics they get louder deflect to another topic or direction. They slither like greased snakes to not answer in specifics. To me, its infuriating.

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That was more disturbing than most. The notion Trump isn't even going to try to win because he is going to try to steal instead, is alarming enough that responsible people should be preparing to handle the attack that is forthcoming. Hopefully, the intelligence services are sufficiently awake and involved, to handle something of this magnitude. Putin, who is also increasingly desperate, seems likely to be pondering how he might throw in an incendiary to the mix, post election.

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Dr. Richardson, I was listening to the Strict Scrutiny podcast with Leah Litman, Melissa Murray and Kate Shaw and some of the discussion was around the current existence of a shadow government with Trump as the leader and the Republicans in congress and state governments who are answering to his commands and significantly impacting national issues. I'm concerned that this will continue to be an obstacle regardless of the outcome of the upcoming election. Is this something you're aware of? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

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The ongoing gall of this (con) man!

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