Trump giving the Republicans whiplash by stepping to the left of them? I'm getting some popcorn.

Meanwhile, I hope the Democrats are honing their messaging blades for the moment when government services stop and people stop getting paid. Why aren't we in full attack mode?

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I can’t and won’t get caught up on the news about Kevin’s coming woes or the foibles of a junior member in a theater when we should be grateful for the leadership and diplomacy that deserves the oxygen.

Biden’s team has done well for us. I think the talks with members of the PRC will result in a cogent response to the Ukraine situation if nothing else. Xi does not and cannot be on the losing side of this conflict and he knows it. While I don’t think some of the other issues will get addressed, finding a path forward with China relative to it is good diplomacy.

The release of hostages is another important milestone. Yes 6B seems to be “unlocked” in this “deal” but as HCR points out, the headline misses the details. I expect that will be lost on the right-wing media of course…

Between all those little victories, sadly, the administration’s successes are going to be ignored as everyone wants to know about Hunter. Don’t expect any minority reports about “evidence” to last long in the right-wing media subterfuge: those voices will get drowned-out or eliminated. It’s their way.

I am and will continue to be aghast that the Right has chosen to try to take down a senior Senator, now president, who has given more years of his life than I have enjoyed life by trying to paint him as some cheap-suit grifter. Such disrespect for a clear statesman. It really is despicable.🤨

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

"…extremist Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was kicked out of a kid-friendly Beetlejuice concert…."

Voters and political parties need to take a lesson from Denver's Buell Theatre. When self-important people violate established norms and their behavior disregards the rights of the public, you remove such people so that they cannot continue inflicting their abuse. You remove them regardless of their job title, their political connectedness, or their political party membership.

Buell theatre employees deserve the standing ovation for their performance.

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When is the population at large going to say, wait a second — we are in grave danger of losing democracy and all of its benefits. Heather powerfully drives home this reality once again today. She's helped us stay well-informed about the threat, but as large as her audience is the masses seem woefully clueless.

Tom Nichols of The Atlantic tackles the issue in his newsletter today, headlined "Americans Are Sleepwalking Through a National Emergency." His opening paragraph is sobering: "The United States of America is facing a threat from a sometimes violent cult while a nuclear armed power wages war on the border of our closest allies. And yet, many Americans sleepwalk as if they are living in normal times instead of in an ongoing crisis."

He concludes by noting that daily life can proceed without everyone walking around in a state of panic. "But we don’t have to live this way, either, with voters and institutions—and especially the media—pretending that all is well while charlatans, aspiring theocrats, and would-be authoritarians set fire to American democracy."


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Who benefits from a gov shut down? Who does the Freedom Caucus serve when they disrupt and obstruct their legislative duties and violate their oaths by attempting to dismantle the institutions of government that serve their constituents? They work to sow distrust of gov and grow apathy towards participating in the people’s business. They are administrative terrorists hell bent on destroying democracy. Now, who does that serve? Their oligarchy donors, and Putin, and MBS. “It’s a war on the middle class, and frankly we are winning.” Warren Buffett. “Billionaires have more in common with global oligarchs than regular Americans.” Tim Synder.

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Re: Tuberville... Why hasn't Chuck Schumer called for a change to the "hold" rules for the Senate? I understand the reason for some limited holds by Senators as a "courtesy" to Senators from each state. That was a policy under the more collegial Senates of the past. Today, this is almost as bad a rule as the 60% vote requirement to pass anything (essentially a filibuster).

I would propose a moderate change rather than attempting to remove the option for holds entirely. Permit EACH Senator to exercise a single hold at a time, or maybe two. But no more. If you have two holds in place, that is all any single Senator can exercise until those holds are removed, either by letting a vote take place or by the withdrawal of the nominee who is held. This would let each Senator selectively hold some nominations, but no single Senator could hold 300 nominations up as Tuberville is currently doing. Of course, if he could convince other Senators to exercise holds with him, he could increase that number, but he would have to get a consensus in the GOP caucus to do that.

Allowing a single Senator to essentially singlehandedly block dozens let alone hundreds of nominations is absurd and should be eliminated immediately by BOTH parties.

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35. Thank you President Biden for doing your duty, upholding your oath of office, bringing back dignity, respect, and honor to the office.

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Thanks as always for your astute and even profound view of our current events. I don't know quite how to say this appropriately for this forum, other than that the obstructionist republicans are engaged in traitorous acts and should be charged and dealt with accordingly. The comparison between these childishly naively and evil acts and the steady as she goes Biden administration is so clear...and that there is still support out there for these ne'er-do-wells is beyond belief. And yet...here we are. Thanks Again. You are making a huge difference.

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I have no doubt that Hunter Biden did some things that were pretty slippery. But, I have a couple of questions. Where was the GQP outrage when the Trump sons were running a fake children's cancer charity? Where was their outrage when Trump University was handing out fake degrees and had to pay back the money? Where was their outrage when Ivanka got patents in China while working in our White House? Where was their outrage when Ivanka and the president were hawking Goya products? Not to even mention the $2B that Jared got from Saudi Arabia. Democrats didn't go after the president's family....

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It’s about time that Hunter Biden gives the R’s a taste of their own making! Suing the IRS so-called whistleblowers for exposing his private info is a start. He has also sued the guy who looked into his computer and revealed the salacious video of him. You know the one which the despicable MGT decided to show in the House. I just wish that MSM would listen to their audiences and not continue to give Trump any publicity. Perhaps they are thinking they will be the one station that captures him saying all the right things for Jack Smith and Company. Nonetheless, tonight on Rachel Maddow, she showed just how his base is ramping up threats to all in the court system and all in Congress. I wonder if Leonard Leo and Ginni Thomas are part of the mob. I sincerely wouldn’t put it past either of them.

Oh and did you see where Elon and Bibi got together in San Francisco?? WTF?

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Couldn’t be clearer who is competent, intelligent and most experienced in the complicated job of the presidency - age matters less in this case. Just contrast the actions and results of the two, and ignore the MAGA distractions about nothingness.

Would that Main Street media would start doing their job rather than being distracted by MAGA insinuations and absurd theatrics.

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Another home run, Dr Richardson. TY!

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

“the Republicans are in crisis, and they are taking the country down with them”

It is time overdue for the House republicans of a more ‘moderate stripe’ and the House Dems to work out some sort of sane accommodations…..

The very recent budget ‘extensions’ (of a totally manufactured ‘crisis’) are perhaps a sign….

Meanwhile the piece of advice Robert Reich gave today is oh so true “

SOME Useful political advice from Robert Reich:

Don’t waste your time and energy commiserating with people who already agree with you. Don’t gripe, whine, wring your hands, and kvetch with other progressives about how awful Trump and his Republican enablers are. Don’t snivel over or criticize Biden and the Democrats for failing to communicate more effectively how bad Trump and his Republican enablers are. None of this will get you anything except an upset stomach or worse.

— Demonstrate, but don’t mistake demonstrating for political action. You may find it gratifying to stand on a corner in Berkeley with a sign asking drivers to “honk if you hate fascism” and elicit lots of honks, but that’s as politically effectual as taking a warm shower. Organize people who don’t normally vote to vote for Biden. Mobilize get-out-the-vote efforts in your community. Get young people involved.

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"Freedom Caucus insist they will not agree to any budget that accepts the deal McCarthy cut with Biden."

With "freedom" like the "Freedom Caucus", who needs tyranny? What the "GOP" calls "free" or "freedom" these days is puerile, hubristic acting out; our national interests be damned.

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Thank you, Dr. Richardson for this wonderful update. What I'd really like to know is how any one person, in any office, can dictate what the whole Country must do. How does Tommy Tuberville, a college football coach, not exactly a prestigious job, have the power to single handedly prevent 300 military officers, on active duty in service to the entire Country from promotion? I've searched the Constitution, particularly Article I, Sections 7 through 10 dealing with rights, privileges, power, and legislating and nowhere does the Constitution suggest that ONE Senator or Congress Person has the right to dictate, or establish a rule or regulation on their own volition. What is wrong with our government that they would allow, such atrocious behavior to occur.

As to the Party of Trump holding the Country hostage, this is strictly forbidden: See Article VI and Amendment XIV, Section 4, specifically state that all debt must be paid. Period. End of Discussion. There is not a Constitutional provision for setting debt ceilings, or refusal to pay debts such as Federal and Military salaries, Social Security, VA payments, or interest on National debt. It is time for both Democrats and real Republicans to grow some courage and uphold the Constitution pursuant to Article VI, section 2. The Constitution and the laws (passed and signed into law are SUPREME whether the Party of Trump agrees with them or not. We fought two wars, the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, to maintain our rights and our Constitution, Now is the time to uphold both those rights and the Constitution.

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As I was looking for the 09/18/23 Red Wine and Blue podcast (not yet posted on Youtube), I stumbled upon this conversation HCR had in October 2022 at the University of Maine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VFEeTBebsk As Heather has said, the first "Letter" (not so named yet) was on September 15, 2019 and the Substack publishing of the "Letters" started on November 5, 2019.

Preaching to the choir here but Heather's ability to absorb, summarize and consolidate the news/politics of today (where chaos and craziness is everywhere) within historical and current context is extraordinary. The vast array of topics that she can address extemporaneously (biweekly videos without notes) is astounding . . . .including fashion . . . when pockets were introduced to women's clothing!! (on a "Now and Then "podcast with Joanne Freeman-another wonderful forum but has ended). Of course, all of what she pulls together requires an incredible amount of passion, research, time, and thought and none of us mere mortals can figure out how she sustains the level of activity she manages! And, to top it all off, she continues to be a most down-to-earth, genuine person.

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