Since things are slow, I'm going to share this post I found on FB. By Elaine Griffin Baker:

“I’ve been wondering why this entire country seems to be under a cloud of constant misery.

Why we all seem to be Russians

waiting in line for toilet paper, meat, Lysol.

Hoarding yeast and sourdough starter “in case we can’t get bread”.

Buying stamps so that one of our most beloved institutions might survive.

Why we all look like we are in bad need of a haircut, or a facial or a reason to dress up again and go somewhere.


There is no art in this White House. There is no literature or poetry in this White House. No music.

No Kennedy Center award celebrations.

There are no pets in this White House.

No loyal man’s best friend. No Socks the family cat.

No kids’ science fairs.

No times when this president takes off his blue suit-red tie uniform and becomes human, except when he puts on his white shirt- khaki pants uniform and hides from Americans to

play golf.

There are no images of the first family enjoying themselves together in a moment

of relaxation.

No Obama’s on the beach in Hawaii moments, or Bushes fishing in Kennebunkport, no Reagans on horseback, no Kennedys playing touch football on the Cape.

I was thinking the other day of the summer when George H couldn’t catch a fish and all the grandkids made signs and

counted the fish-less days.

And somehow, even if you didn’t even like GHB, you got caught up in the joy of a family that loved each other and had fun.

Where did that country go? Where did all of the fun and joy and expressions of love and happiness go? We used to be a country that did the ice bucket challenge and raised millions for charity.

We used to have a president that calmed and soothed the nation instead dividing it.

And a First Lady that planted a garden instead of ripping one out.

We are rudderless and joyless.

We have lost the cultural aspects of society that make America great.

We have lost our mojo. Our fun, our happiness.

The cheering on of others.

The shared experiences of humanity that makes it all worth it.

The challenges AND the triumphs that we shared and celebrated.

The unique can-do spirit Americans have always been known for.

We are lost.

We have lost so much

In so short a time." The dems should hearken to this.

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In the first weeks of staying home in March, we put teddy bears in the window for children to spot, we thanked essential workers with signs and gifts of food, we had meals delivered to support local restaurants, checked on each other and in general felt we could get through this. And then came “open the country by Easter” and “liberate Michigan, defend your second amendment rights.” Guns in the Michigan statehouse. No Fauci press conferences allowed as we were daily subjected to Donald’s madness—bleach and zinc and the my pillow guy and whatever popped into his head. The attack on the Post Office sorting machines was the final straw for me.

By Election Day, there could be a quarter million dead mothers, fathers, grandparents, children, relatives and friends who died horrifically plus millions of long haulers who can’t shake the virus. It’s time to call Don the Con a MASS MURDERER, the first president who deliberately killed his own people for his re-election. He has no sense of decency. He has no clue how to be a functioning adult. Worse, I fear he or his enablers plan fascism over democracy.

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Thinking more clearly in the light of day, the attack on the post office sorting machines was the first inkling to me that he would do -anything - to stay in the White House. The final straw was insisting kids go back to school. Ignoring the virus, importance of masks, simplifying CDC guidelines to uselessness, holding up funds for states and schools, putting children and teachers in danger is lunacy. He is responsible for these deaths and illnesses. School should not be a place of fear but he needs to keep dumbing us down to be accepted as our fearless leader. Biden/Harris will truly inherit a mess, but they are prepared.

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I wonder whether Trump wants the pandemic to get worse so that he can delay or call of the November election. During the primaries, the Democrats delayed the election because of the virus. How would this be different other than that it would be the Republicans?

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That failing, he’ll start a war. I have no doubt.

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And with “flu season” coming up this might be a real sh** show indeed.

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It's hard to click 'like' to say I agree with you on something so sad.

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What a wonderful comment!!! You have really hit the nail on the head.

One thing that is interesting to me: people may think Trump is wonderful or hate him, but I have yet to find anybody who respects him.

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“Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

Personally, I feel that respect is like ripples in a pond, starting at home, ideally given by parents to their children. Real respect for the unique individuals they are. It will come back full circle and then when they step out into the world, solid in their understanding of how authentic love, and respect, can make a difference In human relating, others feel seen and heard. I think we can all agree that Trump has probably never felt, or given, respect in the true sense of the word. Nor does he understand it. It would be a sign of weakness to him, I do believe. Ok, back to work here. Thanks for letting me get that out there.

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Really nailed it. Though I take issue with the “White House pet” issue. I would hate to see a pet in this nest of vipers. Let the doggies and kitties live with people who love and respect them.

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I long for a government that does not make war on its citizens - not the showy degradation of everyone by this administration, and not the long-haul degradation endured by Black people and everyone else who does not "fit in".

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This resonated until the last 10 lines. The current White House does not define me, my friends and family, or the rest of the country.

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Ellie, I don’t think those last 10 lines of Gigi’s comment define us, and I’m betting that was not her intention. I think she captured the transition of the message broadcast to the airwaves.

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That is a nice image, but I think about how income inequality has been growing since Reagan with both Republican and Democratic Presidencies. I think about how Americans accept homelessness as just the cost of living in the richest country in the world. This country has been corrupted by greed long before Trump took office. Trump is a symptom of how for off we are from our ideals.

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This DOES make a difference, doesn't it! Superb insight!

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Wow, this is truly an amazing post and absolutely nails everything. The entire time I was reading it, I just kept thinking “THIS is exactly what made America great. And this administration has gutted it, under the guise of making America great again.”

I don’t know if I can post links here, but if I can, here is the original post on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/1437468005/posts/10223920358863663/?extid=OtNMA5VSBg545Qym&d=n

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I saw that on Facebook! It is so true:)

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A note on NC voting machines: The voting machines used in 2016 have all been replaced. By law, NC was required to have new machines, machines that were used for our 2019 local elections and worked marvelously well. They have both paper and electronic recording. Even though NC is known for troublesome voter suppression and people now having to show ID, some of us continue to volunteer our time to do what we can to ensure people get to vote and that each vote counts. Volunteer where you can, good people. You are needed!

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I’m awake in Texas, too! Liked the talk this evening with the group on Facebook! Don’t poop on my rug, Is my new battle cry. I have to drink from closed containers due to sneaky cats. Wine glasses are such a good idea! Especially on Zoom meetings!

Biden wasn’t wrong about the Bible being upside down in the photo op. For just a few minutes dumpty did hold it upside down until someone pointed it out and he quickly turned it right side up. And when asked is it your Bible, dumpty replied it is A Bible. So kind of surprised his hand didn’t get scorched or burst into flames!

I recorded the Biden town hall, but I did catch the first comment about it on Cuomo! Biden just had to speak in complete sentences because dumpty set the bar just that low! Ha! I will have to watch it after work, but what little I saw, like apologizing for jumping the gun to answer the woman talking about farming issues, Biden I thought sounded good. I know I’m biased. And I didn’t watch dumpty’s town hall. I just can’t take him anymore!

(If I can get back to sleep I can get a two hour nap before my alarm! Elementary teachers do love Friday!)

Thank you! I would miss it all if not for you! And it does give me hope, too! That so many people are invested in the struggle for right. I hope it doesn’t take 20 years so we can watch the recovery. And that so many people are no longer apathetic, but energized and working to solutions!

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What talk last evening?

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Just don't poop on her rug. 😆

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Heather was a guest on a group chat. I think the group is Red Wine and Blue. It popped up in my notifications on Facebook. You can probably find it!

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When instigating systemic, cultural/political change in an organization that will permanently and massively change the identity of that institution then there are several key elements that must be present for that change to prevail over the natural tendency towards inertia.....and only thus will the change not unravel and return to its original state. The Change Group must have a committed, motivated, united leadership which projects a clear, common vision of what the institution and the lives of people will look like AFTERWARDS and how they intend to achieve this vision without exception, doubt or ambiguity. The Change Support Group must grow exponentially as the leaders spread the message and new adherents spread the message to new groups. The leadership has to have a plan, a structure and coherent distribution of all-inclusive responsibilities to bring all non-supporting groups in line with the change message. Then the Change Process must offer demonstrable victories to maintain the inevitability, energy and dynamism of movement: they are moving forward and are winning! Without these preconditions, and the goodies strewn along the "golden road", the movement faulters, people feel they are no longer moving forward and start to doubt and backslide. When that happens, the rot sets in and infectious doubt sends the movement headlong in reverse and we end up back where we started.

Why this long diatribe on such an esoteric subject from my professional life as change management.....well because i think it is appropriate for our current political crisis. Trump/Koch and their people tried to achieve this permanent change but went about it all wrong....they didn't even get to "ground zero" on their attempt to overturn the political culture of this nation and massively change the lives of its people: they forgot the people and thought that brut force, administrative fiat and money would suffice. They have no leadership, no unified message, no attempt to enlarge the change-supporting circle to non-supporting groups and no victories on the road to encourage new supporters to join them. Predictably, the doubts are splitting the change support group, leadership groupis starting to contradict each other and the "the rats are leaving the sinking ship".

The lesson is clear for the Biden and Democratic forces. They are now the competing Change Group and must do a better job of meeting the necessary change pre-conditions than their Trump/GOP predecessors: they have to convince everybody that"singing their song" is good for them and good for us all. We are not going back exactly to the way we were, we are going to be much better, more attuned to all the people and not just to "radicle this" or "progressive that". What was done by previous administrations can of course be significantly improved upon and the Trump years have underlined serious imperfections in our political institutions and our constitution. We are the new Change Group and need to meet all the essential conditions of success....including a series of victories keeping the greatest, and a growing, number of people with us through to 2024 and beyond as this movement can't stop with an election.

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Lots to chew on here, Stuart! In a way, I think you alluded to something important about the Republican party in the last couple of decades. If I may riff a bit on what you said, and speaking very broadly and summarily here...

Going back to Gingrich and his "Contract With America", their party seemed primarily driven by reacting to whatever liberal and centrist Democrats were effecting in the government. It then took a steadily nastier and nastier turn, especially by Gingrich and the war on the Clintons. The focus became bringing them down. And whatever the Democrats were for, the Republicans were virulently against. Period.

Bush 2 showed up and they managed to gain some of the things they thought they were fighting for, but ultimately they squandered it all, started unnecessary wars and then tried to pay for it all "on credit", and consequently ran the economy into the ground by 2008.

Enter Obama, an even MORE polarizing figure than the Clintons. For 8 years they demonized him, fought him at every turn, but their entire identity was wrapped up in opposing him, often not coming up with anything of their own as a replacement. The "Party of No". My feeling has always been that they knew in their hearts their demographic (older white voters) was shrinking, and their power along with it. Enter gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics in a bid to cling to power. They also seemed resistant to change, but again, all they were seemingly interested in was opposing Obama. They were mired in their hatred.

Then along comes the Trumpster...who somehow managed to stumble his way into the presidency. Now the Republicans were in charge, especially 2016-18 when they controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency. But, it seemed they weren't prepared to govern and didn't quite seem to know what to do. Their 8-year-long hatred of Obama had come to define them and when the time came to actually run things, they were a disaster. All the various special interests in the party's "tent" were now jockeying for position, and leading this mismanagement (AKA "clusterf*ck") was a corrupt mafia-like don who was also clueless, but who was in it solely for himself. As HCR said in her first sentence, it's like everything has slowly been coming apart for them. But, again, I feel when you have been defined primarily by your hatred for a figure (like Obama, or the Clintons), that can ultimately come at the expense of any ideology or agenda you might have. There is no clear-cut vision that can be offered to your followers as an alternative, only hatred for "the other side". That "hatred" isn't governance.

We, Democrats of every stripe, absolutely HAVE to not fall in that same trap. We cannot let our hatred for Trump (deserved though it may be!) end up being our overriding focus. It's a daunting task for Democrats because our "tent" is much bigger and more diverse. I think Biden is trying to "herd the cats" that comprise the present Democratic party as well as he can, but we have to be careful and not make some of the same mistakes as the Republicans. Stick to your message. Let Trump sink himself. We'll see where this all ends up. Wake me when it's over...

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I am sorry for the delay in responding as today was humping boxes, shipping furnitureetc...nearly all strong arm stuff and just a little strategy...for a friend's movingbetween apartments. Not something i should be doing too much of these days!

I agree with your analysis but would add that Gingrich, as with Ed Meese, has been on Koch's payroll...directly and through jobs running by Koch Network funded think tanks since way before he came to prominence. They have their own ideas but most definitly share an objective to reduce the federal government and its fiscal capacity to as near to zero as possible. This has indeed given them an overriding single objective...and the anti-democrat party of the NO conveniently filled in the "policy window" while they got on with it. To achieve this they had to achieve and maintain state and federal power when the odds were very much against them in the face of demographics of diversity as you so rightly say....hence voter restriction, list cleaning and gerrymandering etc to counteract this unstoppable change to society which is effectively driving them all to the wall.

But what Biden needs to add very quickly is his "change story"...what will it all look like and what will peoples lives feel like when he brings the American people to the promised land. If he can do that then Trump will most definitely hang himself on his own rigid hair-do!

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Great post, Stuart! I studied change theory and practice as part of my doctoral program but for some reason I never thought to apply it to this! You have changed my perspective 180 degrees. Now, in hindsight, it doesn’t seem that the Biden campaign was cohesive enough in their message to really do a good job implementing change. Recently, though, and especially with the town hall, they seem to be hitting their stride and pulling together a solid message of how much better things will be “after”. If I get tapped for another Biden focus group may I share your post? Thanks!

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While forever widening the circle of support, refining the Vision Story so that it speaks to more and more people and scoring victories on the way through actions that build your credibility.

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Stuart, you’re absolutely correct! Democratic legislators need to actually start DOING something instead of just mouthing sugary platitudes or half assed legislation with catchy acronyms that only add to the stifling number of laws meant to modify behavior from above. They also need to acknowledge their own past willingness to gorge at the trough of corruption when they held power. Despite all the moaning and wringing of hands about absentee ballots, the deafening silence about the idea of election reform (which would make this a moot point while removing the temptation of financial quid pro quo) is depressing. If we were to simply ignore conservative fears and enact positive change that doesn’t appreciably affect working class wallets, they’ll forget about it and concentrate on their next fear of change. Nobody wants to lose their Social Security or Medicare now; even though conservative voices were calling them socialism or even communism when they were first proposed and then enacted. Effect change, and then give the naysayers a brief pause to pull out their smelling salt and loosen their frantic grip on their handbags. Then do it again!

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May I have your permission to repost your comments in Facebook, with your name attached (or without, if you prefer)?

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Certainly, Joan. I'll put on mine too.

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I watched Biden's Town Hall and it was clear he was sincere in his sympathy when someone shared their pain. He made a point to use people's names when responding to questions. A retired police officer stepped up to ask his question and before he even said a word, Biden piped up and said "Didn't we meet several years ago at..."

Quite a contrast to the president, who according to one of Pence's former top advisors, once said Covid-19 might be a “good thing” because it would stop him from having to shake hands with “disgusting people”.

Don't poop on America's collective rug and ask us to vote for you, DT. GO BIDEN/HARRIS!

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Sally Rego-Wasinack, I did not watch the Town Hall, however I have seen the clips. I thought Biden did well in the clips I saw. I loved how HCR pointed out Biden stood during his Town Hall. I am feeling optimistic.

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LOL! Looks like Heather has come up with a good one (pooping on the rug), and I like your extension of the sentiment! Having been a pet mama and a voter for many decades, I sympathize.

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Troye says “at this point it’s country over party” Why now? It should always be country over party. I’m glad she has woken up to the fact that if the GOP doesn’t step up now, there won’t be a free party system for much longer. I feel that sentiment is the disease in the party system. Should it not always be country over party first. Voting as a party does not produce the best results. I’d be a lousy party politician , because I would always vote for what I believed was right for the country, not a party, not me , not some lobbyists.

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I think you're referring to an allegiance to the "public good," difficult to define but unmistakable when ignored. We wouldn't be the first democracy to fall because political parties and power holders chose to fight to the death (of everyone else) for their own narrow interests. I desperately hope that it's not our turn to fall.

And as for sentiment in electioneering, I've been going back and forth on whether to post a cluster of yard signs advertising my chosen candidates. On one hand, I'm old fashioned enough to consider it unseemly to advertise my vote, since it's a sure-fire way to divide my own neighborhood. Considering that there may be four undecided voters (one just came out of a coma) in the entire State, I doubt its effectiveness, too.

But to my amazement, a huge swath of citizens have to be "energized" and "enthusiastic" in order to actually go vote. The various campaigns are doing everything conceivable (and probably several things illegal) in order to "turn out the vote." I guess I'm weird: ever since I could first vote (long time ago), voting was simply something one did, like brushing one's teeth, mowing the grass, and changing the oil in the car. Enthusiasm isn't required, it's just a duty, usually easy, often boring, but a necessary part of life.

So, I'll festoon my yard with signs in the hope that my display will encourage some citizen, motivated more by sentiment than sense, to get off the couch, take a lunch break, stop posting cat videos on Facebook, and go vote. After all, it may be our last chance to do so.

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I, too, have not been one to festoon the yard with signs, or my car with stickers. But displaying the American Flag seems a great alternative to expressing Country over party. We have grown weary of friends and family asking “are you republican or Democrat, or one of those “far-left radicals”?! Lol

We’re American.

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I resent the way Republicans have taken over patriotism.

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And I resent that they co-opted my favorite color, too!

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It looks from the graph in this article that 80% of Americans voted before the financial crash of the 1920s. Since then, voting declined by about 20%. Of the eligible voters in 2016, only 58% voted. https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/post-election-2016/voter-turnout

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I wish I could find a place to print yard signs to order. I'd love to make some signs like, "Early Voting Begins Oct. 12th!" and "Vote! Use it or Lose it!" I'm sure other pithy comments could come to mind. And if voting can be analogized to exercising, our Body Politic has become very flabby.

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Maybe get a bunch of neighbors, friends and put in an order.

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Thanks for the reference, I'll have to see if my "political budget" will stretch that far. I wish I had more talent at hand-lettering, but I'm sure any sign I post would me more effective if legible!

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Dan Thompson I think that's a great idea! I would think a local print shop can do it for you or even the print center at a store like Office Depot.

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Would your local city council or other election-running entity be willing to do that?

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Lovely idea, but I'd hate to see them waste money on a single crackpot like me. And I'm not just being self-deprecating - making custom signs for individual supporters could really suck up an advertising budget.

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I concur. Trump is getting desperate and the Biden camp smells the blood in the water. Kamala is poised to take a bite out of Trump's lawlessness.

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Whenever Trump accuses democrats of anything, it is usually he who is doing what he is accusing them of — in this case “MAYHEM”

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My Ex is the same way! If he says you’re in such a bad mood, it was him that was in a bad mood. The narcissistic element of his borderline personality disorder. I knew in reality tv days, dumpty had mental health problems!

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When you start noticing this trait, you see it everywhere. I know I do. I have a theory that other other people act as mirrors, in that we see in them reflections of our own personalities that we cannot or do not want to see in ourselves. I've found this to be true for myself, and I see it play out in others regularly. It can be a very helpful insight when trying to understand people.

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Typo - only one other! Paris in the the spring.

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I hate winning my bet that each day will be 100% worse than the day before.

Ummm.... in fact, if you look at the photos, Trump did hold the bible not only upside down but backwards. A good metaphor for him since birth. Upside down and backwards.

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Thomas M Cleaver, that isn't correct. Please Google. See Snopes.

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'Extinction Burst' is a term used in animal training to describe the extreme worst behavior that can happen, right before the bad behavior stops, or goes "extinct". I believed that was what was happening when Trump ran in 2016. And I believe it is still happening now, with so many worst fears realized it is clear the administration and its supporters are hell bent on dragging out the process of extinction. So as you pointed out in the interview last night, and above, the administration is acting "desperately" and fixing this mess may take "two or 10 or 20 years". I am about your age and usually think change is inevitably slow. But sometimes things happen fast (check out most of us on lockdown!) and maybe this election will be a moment when things change fast -- even if that "moment" is election week or month or season. The Extinction Burst is the worst, most dangerous behavior, behavior that makes it hard to even recognize the living thing you love. But, if you stick with the hard work, it does end. Thank you for the hope.

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I am always impressed by the degree to which adamant, focused, consistency is needed by a trainer to bring about the "burst".

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YES! Just FYI -- Regarding social change, you may also be interested in Phillip Slater's The Chrysalis Effect.

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Thanks for the recommendation. Just read synopsis and it looks wise.

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Remember when Jimmy Carter used to go to those 'shithole countries' to monitor their elections, and how smug we Americans felt, so sure that that couldn't happen here? I've thought about that a lot lately. Much of the world is surely laughing at us, or at least enjoying our humbling under this pResident.

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Dear Professor Richardson: First of all, thank you for your brilliant clarity in writing about issues and providing important historical context to current events. Your love for this country, your craft and art as an historian, as well as your compassion, shine through in your postings, despite the terrible times and events you elucidate. Your are providing an important and valuable public service.

Katrin Van den Heuvel, in a very recent Washington Post opinion piece suggests, among other precautionary measures, requesting an international observation team to monitor the US election process. Do you have any thoughts on this?

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Some time ago on here I posted an article (from what I don't remember...maybe the WaPo) that was proposing possibly having the UN help monitor some of the larger polling places in the country. I thought it an excellent idea. Of course, some (usually Republican Trumpists) expressed almost outrage at such an idea, but we need to "get down off our high horse" and admit we might need help. We've expected/endorsed election monitoring of countless other countries so maybe it's time we took a dose of our own medicine?

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I remember such an article, probably from you. But as you hint at, good luck getting support from the "other side" for this idea.

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In spite of Trump’s daily exhortations to mayhem and distrust of anyone or thing but himself, and William Barr’s trying to be the law dictator, this letter, Professor Richardson, makes me feel hopeful. With only 47 days to go until the election we must all stay awake and do whatever we can to work for the free and fair election we need.

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I really appreciate what Robert Paulson has posted from FB. I saw this same post this morning. "Living under a a cloud of constant misery." I have felt that way since the 2016 election. Yesterday in my area of Michigan the air quality was in the RED category from the west coast fires. Smoke follows the wind and so it is spreading all over the globe. What more do we need to know about climate change and that we are all in it? I am tired of having an administration behave as though they are living on a distant planet. I keep expecting something major to happen that pulls the covers totally off to reveal creatures from another world. In the meantime, those of us who have not joined the world 45 and his crowd keep pushing must keep moving forward and make this election count for big D Democracy and The Constitution. The destruction of a 233 year old fragile experiment cannot be allowed to happen. Imagine what we've been going through the past 4 years continuing ad infinitum? I can't imagine that. I will not imagine that.

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I am in Oregon. Last night we had a thunderstorm that gave us nearly a half inch of rain, but the air is still in the unhealthy category. The intensity of these fires is a direct result of climate change and not getting enough moisture for the last 30 years. There are other factors as well, but I see it as the main factor. Lots of nonsense being thrown around by Rs who are busy blaming the governor among others. She wanted to do some fire prevention work in a bill during the last session, but Rs walked out because the word compromise is something that they do not understand.

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Glad you had some rain at last Michele. The r's in this state have been making the Governor's life really difficult with their constant suits and legislation to try to cancel her ability to have emergency orders beyond 30 days, requiring her to come to the legislature for permission to issue orders based on addressing the pandemic. They are so out of touch. 60+ percent of ALL Michiganders support what she has been doing. I feel pretty certain some of that number are r's but hey who cares? Right? The gop has died.

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I am originally from Elkhart, Indiana, and went to undergrad at Kalamazoo College, so I know how things operate in that area. I am a great fan of your governor and admire her grit and courage in standing up to the Rs and the armed militia. As far as I am concerned the R party is now the party of death.

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I am so glad to hear that you got some rain! It seems that the present Republican Party wants to live in the past that they cannot see that change is happening with or without them. However, I wish that the Democrats denounce neoliberalism, but they still cannot support universal healthcare during a pandemic, so we will have to see what happens if they get in control.

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We are doing a dance here, although I hear some of the thunderstorms east of us (recently level two area) were epic. There have been some trees and wires down, but I don't see any news about it here in Salem. We are all concerned now about mudslides in the mountains and flash floods. I agree about neoliberalism which I did not really completely understand until I read a recent bio of John Maynard Keynes. The last half of the book really explains what has happened here since the New Deal. We have loaned the book to our neighbor and I can't recall the title.

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Barr's rant the other night may be a sign of the depth of the power that is slipping away. Barr has a lot to lose when tRump is not re-elected. Yesterday I pondered why Congress has not begun impeachment proceedings for Barr and/or tRump. I decided it's too close to Nov 3, and we all hope the tRump thugs will be voted out. Should tRump be re-elected, and the Dems win back the senate, and maintain congress, then impeachment will begin immediately. More than ever, we need to make sure Dems keep control of the House and take control of the Senate.

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Stand-up Joe v. sit-down Don.

Biden won the town halls.

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