Prof. Richardson, thank you for being the attending physician in the trauma ward of recent American political history. I know I’m worn out after 8+ years of Trump and MAGA. I cannot imagine what it must be like for someone who needs to bathe in political history as a career.

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Oh my, thank you! Some of the best threads and comments that I have participated in come from the folks who follow your letters.

Sincerely, thank you.

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Ditto Judi.

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Thank you, I am with you and support you. However I am worried. I think Americans are too smart to allow Trump back in the White House, but I have not seen proof of that yet. I am worried but hopeful that I am right.

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Mr. McCullough. Thanks for your thought here. I fear just the opposite, that Americans or too large a portion of them do not use the potential for intelligence they have; or, are too "busy" or exhausted to do that. On the other hand, some Americans are quite smart, but use that intelligence in an attempt to undermine the apparent commitment to procedure, critical thought, logic, honesty, conversation and argument (in the best sense of the word), to take up the weighty burdens/responsibilities of citizenship. I think for the most part that is motivated by self-interest and the pursuit of actions that they believe will most benefit them. Many here are I think deluded; a smaller number are not, but are quite malevolent relative, in intent, to the greater good. I hope you and I can celebrate the "good news" on November 6 that you are indeed right about "smartness" and I am wrong about the "weight" of those who think only of themselves and "their kind."

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I see where you are coming from. I can not see why Trump is still in the discussion, If you are right our country is in danger.

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I played this in my backyard! Loud! Thank you for your intelligent and remarkable writing at this scary Moment in America. Your hopeful writings help me and many others sleep at night in peace.

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I treasure your letter, thank you. Isolde

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Wonderful. Powerful. Thank you.

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I love you and all that you stand for. Your letters bring constant happiness (even when the topic is horrible" to me for your concise and clear analysis and how you interweave the new with the old. I wish you were my history professor!

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Thank you! You give us all delight and even (dare I say) hope.

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Prof. RichardsonI look forward to your column daily and thank you personally for keeping me abreast of the real issues in America. I live overseas and find it hard to figure out the real issues through the mainline press. I think perhaps democracies the world over need to find a better way to deal with people's fears through reason, discussion, facts and sound programs rather than spouting rhetoric. Otherwise they will fall back into autocratic states, more wars and very little human progress. Democracy is built upon the concept that many citizens communicating well can solve problems in the mutual society. Perhaps that's what Trump and MAGA Republicanism have lost sight of. We can't let fear and hatred rule us.

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Happy anniversary, dear Heather Cox Richardson!

Reading and listening to your letters are part of my daily routine. Many times they have enlightened me and put things into perspective that otherwise seem hopeless and bleak.

May you find the strength to keep this patriotic enterprise and labor of love going! I will continue promoting you and your letters wherever I go.

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Offering my deep appreciation for your work.

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Thank you, I am so glad I found these letters. Keep up the good work.

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Yes, thank you very much.

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I wish every American would read and listen to your pure wisdom.

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My debt to you is indescribably vast… My heartfelt thanks. May we celebrate bringing the ship of state into safer waters and our shared love of this nation before long. ….A fellow translator

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Thanks, you are helping to keep us smart and sane!

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