Margaret, it’s the “if it bleeds, it leads” reporting—a term first “coined by journalist Eric Pooley, in 1989, for an article he did in the New York Magazine – “Grins, Gore and Videotape. The trouble with Local TV News” (quote popped from online search), as did this interesting article:
Margaret, it’s the “if it bleeds, it leads” reporting—a term first “coined by journalist Eric Pooley, in 1989, for an article he did in the New York Magazine – “Grins, Gore and Videotape. The trouble with Local TV News” (quote popped from online search), as did this interesting article:
Margaret, it’s the “if it bleeds, it leads” reporting—a term first “coined by journalist Eric Pooley, in 1989, for an article he did in the New York Magazine – “Grins, Gore and Videotape. The trouble with Local TV News” (quote popped from online search), as did this interesting article: