Dr Richardson,

Thank you so much. I've read your book,, "Wounded Knee" and I didnt really fully understand how that D.C political rheotic accusing the Native Americans in South Dakota of atrocities was used as a polical weapon to influence voters nationally. Your ability to draw out how the same type of false accuasations leveled against legal Haitian immigrants in Ohio to influence that Senate race, which drew attention from and an intimidation presence by armed white supremesist groups and bomb threats against city leaders and buildings including schools is an alarming escaltion from cyber to reality. I'm worried that MAGA extremists will go kinetic, Turner Diares style in Ohio. Everyone has a responsilbity now to make sure that doesnt happen, that peace, understanding, refuting lies and missinformation, common sense and common dececency bring people together and say enough!

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We are so close to the lawlessness that resulted in the horrible tragedy at Wounded Knee, it is absolutely frightening. Our judiciary has been allowed and encouraged to no longer simply clarify what is constitutionally correct but to make law. This law making by non elected individuals will destroy our Republic. Our law-making body will become null and void.

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I think with Walz D's win Kentucky, West Va, PA, NC, GA, NV, AZ.

With both houses and the WH, the next new deal is on. Just vote!

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Thanks professor. Always learn something from your letters. Wounded knee is such a sad part of history not given much attention in education. Will we as mankind ever learn? Very sad for all the needles slices loss for what?

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It's disheartening that advances in humanity are slower to evolve than those in knowledge, science and technology. Technology that develops ahead of humanity without guard rails (regulation) can and does feed the ugly underbelly of a society, the place where racism, bigotry, misogyny, ageism, ableism, homophobia, anti-transgenderism, antisemitism, anti-immigrant, anti-native American, fascism and naziism reside.

My life's work was in school based education and equality rights education for adults. The fight for equality is essential but sometimes I really, really wish that everyone who engages in the above odious behaviours could just be, dare I say it, deported to another planet. They could meet every Friday to spew their hatred. Hmm! Elon Musk would be the perfect person to organize this type of space travel.

For the rest of us, the struggle for equality, freedom and dignity of the person continues. This heartens me.

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Cindy, Thank you for your service.

That is a great idea! Team Elon, Peter Theil, Jeff Bezos....an all start crew for the first and only 1 way trip to Mars. Maybe they can start a colony for the John Bircher Soceity and all the othe White Supremist / White Natinalist terrorist cells in our country. Good Riddens!

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LOL. Don't forget Trump. He'd clearly want to be the leader. So nice to meet a fellow traveller on our respective journeys. My best to you.

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Is there no way to hold people accountable for posting and promoting lies and disinformation? Isn’t this like yelling “fire” when there is none? Or worse….

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Well, In Europe....it is! THey are closer to Russia, their trolls, agents, miss and disinformation. Putin become emboldened about 2004 when Russia, due to high oil prices was able to pay off its foreing loans. 2007 Putin became beligerant as he gave the shocking "western grievecnce" speech in Munich. John McCain was there. Watch his face listening that speech by Putin. Its was dark, a lot like Donnie Trump's speeches. After that speech the new cold war started in Europe. THe cyber attacks, Hacking, Trolling Social Media, seeding of lies and missinformation, the hatred stoking of refugees from the Syria War that Russian bombers made possiible, a deliberate obliteratiing of Syrian cities, driving a humanitarina crisis and donoating billions in loans and freebies to European far right parties like LaPenn in France but also in Poland and every country. Thank Lee Atwater for teaching Paul Manafort the Southern strategy, who in turn took that strategy to Vicktor Yanokovitch's ( Former president of Ukraine but a former russian backed mob boss). History is so informting, when you read it.

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They say one studies history to not repeat the mistakes of the past. However, once you studied history you then have to endure witnessing how everyone, who did not study history, happily repeats the mistakes of the past ...

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Just wondering if all future letters are going to be delivered by audio.

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While all this gleeful celebrityistic (go ahead and insult my spelling or english usage) and money raising election excitement is going on, is anyone paying attention to the war that we're getting ready to start between Russia and NATO???

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Please, clarify your statement, "the war that we're getting ready to start between Russia and NATO". There seems to be only one person who is willing to push for any war between Russia and one of our NATO allies. He stated publicly, that Putin could do whatever the hell he wanted.

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I think james bircher is code for John Birch Society. = Troll. White Supremist/Nationalist. The deplorables who ansered Lee Atwater ( Nixon and Regan advisor and author of the "Southern Strategy".

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No. It’s really me and I am no troll. Actually I’m very concerned about it all and had been up till now, enjoying the commentary here.

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It’s about Ukraine using NATO provided weapons to strike the Russian mainland. Putins response is that that will mean a declared war. It’s okay to follow more than mainstream news. It’s not likely all fake. If we were threatened with a mainland strike, what would we do? Fall into a fetal position?

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Thank you for the clarification. Yes, NATO which, of course includes our country, are getting ready to supply the weapons necessary to give Putin a taste of his own medicine. War was automatically declared when Russia invaded a sovereign nation. It may not be on a some piece of paper somewhere but an invasion is war! Does anyone want this? No, of course not, except for Putin and the orange pumpkin head. But there you have it, you either fight for sovereign rights of nations or, as you put it, fall into a fetal position.

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Well put. You’re proving to be a better statesman than I. R. Reagan basically said ‘stick em up’ when he said; “Mr. Gorbachev Take This Wall Down”. Let’s hope something similar to that happens soon… But, that wall came down. Why does Russia continue to be such an enemy in the Wests eyes after that?

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Let’s review: Donald is unable to even consider that he has done something wrong, even while he probably considers, or actually does something wrong, illegal, or ill-advised every hour at least. He is also a sycophant to dictators because of his lust for absolute power. To that end, he would throw all the Ukrainians under the bus and into the tender mercies of the “former” stalinists who now spend hundreds of millions and more to undermine democracies everywhere that they still exist, including ours. Russia is not bombing us directly at the moment, but they are, through RT, waging active electoral and cyber war on us every day. Trump is their useful idiot since they know he thinks the way that they do: it’s all about winning power by any means necessary, no matter who gets slaughtered in the process. It seems likely that should Donald and J.D. lose, they will both call for a revolution by every neo-Nazi wing nut and other like-minded armed people, who are always thinking up new schemes to start a “race war”. I’m afraid that they will set off mass violence to that very end (and to show their displeasure at the election results). So we’re being attacked by the Russians, (and China, and Iran, etc.) like every other democracy while their stooges and proxies are attacking our majority-based society from within. That’s why we’re supporting Ukraine: our necks are on the line too.

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Where’s JFK when we need him? I know that’s beside the point however, who do we have today to perform such statesmanship?

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Russia almost became a friend of the West but Gorbachev was followed by a weak alcoholic by the name of Yelsin. When Yelsin did finally succumb to his drinking habits he was replaced by Putin. Putin did do much to fix Russia's economy, he also finished the work started by Yelsin. He established a government that is totally controlled by the man at the top. You know, a government similar to the one envisioned in Project 2025. The dumpster's playbook.

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Putin's plan all along, if you have been reading, has been to use cyber, missifnormation and tear up democarcy along the old Warsaw Pact countries. He won't stop at Ukraine. Moldova is next. THen the Baltcis. Then Poland. Thats why a year ago Poland has been building bomb shelters in every city A YEAR AGO. Sooner Ukraine takes out behind the lines strikes the sooner the Russian Oligarch Class, and military will turn of him. We can hope. But that is why so many of Putins critics or capable generals keep falling out of windows or dying in sudden car crashes.

Go crawl back to the dark web troll.

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Now Ted, be nice. James has said nothing here that warrants calling him a troll. Enjoy the threads and see where it goes. It's fun and informative even if you find something with which you disagree.

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Yes ma’mam. When I recognize Russian talking points, I feel the need to call them out. We should have no fear that a NATO intervention in Ukraine would ultimately save human lives and much suffering. It would put the Putin regime in its place. With NATO, wars over in less than hour. That is how strong we are. While we should not have gone to war in Iraq, nor ever occupied Afghanistan at all, that shouldn’t preclude NATO from keeping the peace in Eastern Europe. Only more war follows appeasement.

If I was an educated, compassionate, non-racist person, with last name Bircher, the last thing I would use as my first name would be James. Given it, I would feel it necessary to change it.

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It wasn’t James anyway, it was John Birch! “The John Birch Society”. Now you’re more educated.

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Parents do the darnedest things to their children when they name them. There are one heck of a lot of folks out there with no clue who John Birch was or I dare say, the John Birch Society. But here we are having conversations with James Bircher. Altogether, a different human being.

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Please make your posts shareable on Social Media WITH a photo or preview of the article rather than the generic “Letters from ..” so that people will have a chance to be interested in opening it.

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If you are a historian... please keep your private comments to another site. If this is not a historical recording site, please direct me to another site.

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Sad, violent history in The Land of the Free. On it goes. So it seems.

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