I hope you are right - I have talked with some women here in Gilead Tennessee who are all for this. My mind still has the memory emblazened in it forever of too many women failing us in 2016 and not voting HRC - a would-be president who would still have a couple years left in perhaps a historically great presidency. So sad, what could have been.
I hope you are right - I have talked with some women here in Gilead Tennessee who are all for this. My mind still has the memory emblazened in it forever of too many women failing us in 2016 and not voting HRC - a would-be president who would still have a couple years left in perhaps a historically great presidency. So sad, what could have been.
I hope you are right - I have talked with some women here in Gilead Tennessee who are all for this. My mind still has the memory emblazened in it forever of too many women failing us in 2016 and not voting HRC - a would-be president who would still have a couple years left in perhaps a historically great presidency. So sad, what could have been.