I often wonder what kind of flawed candidate the GOP would have to nominate so the swing states will resoundingly vote for Democrats. The former guy not only is the oldest ever nominee and is obviously losing his marbles, he's also a draft dodger who refused to serve his nation when called upon, cheats on his taxes, disparages women and actually raped some when he was younger and did not need diapers. A guy who is a convicted felon with a long list of pending indictments. Someone who has a historically high number of former cabinet members and influencial Republican denouncing him, incl. his own former VP. A person, who has desecrated the Arlington National Cemetery for a photo opp grinning like an idiot and giving the thumbs-up at the headstone of a fallen soldier after calling fallen soldiers losers. A wanna-be dictator, who openly says he will abolish democracy, has instigated an insurrection and a violent attack on the US capitol to stay in power. A former president, who was twice impeached and presided over a catastrophically mismanaged pandemic that cost 900k American deaths and an economy that lost millions of jobs and policies that added trillions to the deficit.

I mean he has it all and still it's a close race? What worse nominee would the GOP have to have so they lose in a landslide? What's wrong with American voters?

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Trump is popular with millions, but there are also many voters who will vote AGAINST the Dems, and would vote for any Republican candidate. They vote for Repub policies - anti-abortion, lower taxes, protection from illegal immigration, etc. They don't take seriously the warnings of fascism, and see the attack on the Capitol as a popular reaction to a possibly stolen election. Personality isn't all-important in the selection of a president. I'm not one of them, but it's important to understand why they vote as they do.

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Thank you for the audio version also!

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Trump is so wrong on interest rates and inflation get this to Walz before the debate. Military members have to move when the military wants you to move. In 1980, I bought my second home ever when I was 30. Reagan was president. Mortgage rate for 30 year fixed was 13.74%. Interest rates were 12.5%! Under President Ronald Reagan, it reached an all time high of 18.63 in October of 1981. Part of the cause was he cut taxes and increased government spending. It was the end of a progressive tax policy.

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I didn't realize interest rates were that high under Regan...all I remember about then was my parents lost our house and jobs were hard to find. People who Master's degrees were applying at McDonald's.

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I love the audio!

This letter has an amazing amount of material to take in. Superb!

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Donald has obvious cognitive decline (if not something worse - that runs in the family, including his father). As you suggested, he would not be in top shape to make critical decisions, even more now than before. Also, he is not known for leadership or making good decisions. Most of his past decisions are disastrous.

Kamala Harris introduced herself to him and extended her hand, which he shook. This seems to have destabilized him from then on. He apparently didn’t seem to understand that as an experienced prosecutor, put together with his supremely fragile ego, she would confront him with all of his past enormous failures and vile deeds and crimes, and expose his inability to admit even the tiniest failure, such as losing in 2020 to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. He claimed today that he won the debate and doesn’t know why republicans are queasy about him bringing Laura Looper along on his plane. She must have really worked him over with the racist “they’re eating…” tropes which J.D. is also promoting.

So should Donald and J.D. win by calling all democrats communist socialist fascists whatever, Donald could be accommodated in wrecking the country and the world, until he became unable to function at all. Then comes the 25th Amendment time and Donald is eased into a much deserved retirement, then J.D. is used to further wreck the country and the world (he cleverly aligns himself with “hillbillies” (a plug for his book?). Far as I remember, not all the hillbillies in the Civil War era were confederates or slavers. But there it is: the (potential) decline and fall of American democracy: that’s what they promise to deliver. Loopy Laura Looper for White House Press Secretary?

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Sorry, I meant Loopy Laura Loomer!

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No Loopy Laura FORTH LADY?

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this is the 2nd time that I have paid. please acknowledge receipt

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Definitely enjoyed listening to you.

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