Trump is Rabid!!! He has gotten worse as his mind is deteriorating! If he won’t sign all the necessary papers prior to the elections he must be off the Ballot-with Vance!!! Trump has to be punished for all his crimes - he has not once told the truth! He is EVIL THE HERITAGE GROUP WORSE THAN NAZISM SHOULD BE DISBANDED BY NEW LAWS!!! Trump is a TRAITOR TO THE US AND THERE IS PRECEDENT OF. HOW TRAITORS ARE PUNISHED. EVIL MUST BE STAMPED OUT!!!! Citizenship is NOT FOR THIS TRAITOROUS GROUP! Trump and Company must BE DEFEATED!!! Stripped of all rights they lied cheated and stole to make them rich. ERGO DEFICIT WILL GO AWAY WITH THEIR ILLEGAL GAINS . THEY MUST BE SOUNDLY DEFEATED AND PUNISHED BEYOND THE NTH DEGREE! RID THE GENE POOL OF THESE CONNIVING FELONS AND THEIR FAMILIES FROM OUR COUNTRY!!!

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Anybody else think that DT has given Putin our nuclear secrets? Why not?? He will do anything to please the murderous dictator. And Putin had to ADVISED DT not to tell anyone. Because his mouth is so big, and he can't shut it.

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I’m sure of it, just based on how his craven sociopathic mind ticks. Quid pro quo?

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Each episode is more troubling than the last. Thank you Heather!

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Horrible...at the very least, Trump could have thrown in a bottle of bleach.

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Your providing context to the present is appreciated.

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This is some scary shit. Everyday the Trump agenda gets more and more ominous. Seriously, how do MAGA loyalist support this charlatan? God help us all if he actually wins this election.

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Trump freely gave away our precious resources, to our enemy-Putin, shipping & handling including. Paid for by taxpayers under the cover of the Presidency and with no accountability. 40+% of Americans need to wake the F up and understand that this man is self serving and selfish. A criminal who is deeply flawed on so many levels.

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Heather Cox Richardson wrote a home run with 10/9/24 "Letters from an American". Bravo, and thank you!

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

Are you telling us that preparations are being made for Trump to actually take office??? This is our end.

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All the more reason for us to vote. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the map was mostly blue with just a touch of purple?

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And now for more bad news......

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Trump is a Manchurian Candidate definition: A person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. He needs to be tried for treason. Let us all call him what he is——A Manchurian Candidate!

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Just joined for a year! Thank you HEATHER! Awesome dialogue and reporting

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Is the guy still roaming around?

There will be chain& steelball for him after the election,

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There’s one word defining Trump’s behavior and actions: treasonous.

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Brace yourselves. Be Bold and be brave. Trump must lose.

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I have a strange feeling that Trump & Neo-Nazi friends (and international corps and oligarchs) actually want Trump to lose the election….. the idea being that it was rigged against him from the get-go; therefore his loss is the final provocation to the white Christian nationalist armed wings, to spring into widespread insurrection and violence as a consequence of losing the election. Now this may be delayed after Election Day by their machinations to 1) throw the electoral process to the House. This would not be reliable since the democrats are poised to take back control of the House. So, 2) or plan A might just be what they tried on January 6 2021; or 3) take out any competitors and just declare martial law (Dictator On Day 1); in that case, why wait for certification? Why not launch the revolution on Nov 6 or 7? Trump’s recent talk about a day of violence ( see: “The Purge” sick movies) is projection that he will “Release the Kracken”), in other words, call for violent mass violence “Like You’ve Never Seen Before”. Sort of like what Charlie Manson dreamed about; to start a race war that is really just a putsch.

To support this, consider the possibility that the Jan 6 2021 violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was just a poorly planned rehearsal.

This would be a great gift to his Master, Vladimir. So beware of this tyrant : he is nobody’s sweetheart, and he means to work his wrathful retribution whether he wins or not (with lots of encouragement from Vlad)!

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