I continue to be puzzled by the “undecided” voters when the choice seems so clear. I had a couple of people knock on my door this weekend, canvassing for Harris/Walz and, in my deep red area, that takes more than a little testicular fortitude. They told me that they have come upon a number of people who say they “don’t know Harris well enough”, or “haven’t heard her put enough details on her economic proposals”. In normal times, with two normal candidates for president, I could perhaps understand these comments - although, you would have to be living under a rock for the past few months not to know something about Harris and her economic proposals. But we have only one normal candidate in VP Harris, and a very abnormal and dangerous one in Trump. To me, this is like going into a restaurant, you are starving, and there are only two items on the menu: (1) a nice, healthy salad with dill dressing, and (2) a week-old, maggot-infested, dead rat. You sample the dill dressing and think that perhaps there is just a pinch too much dill seasoning, so you are now considering going for the rat. Really?

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Well said.

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Harris should go ahead and have a debate without Trump since he is such a coward. It could be interesting as she took questions, answered them within the allotted 2 minutes then the camera could shift to the other podium where a sign said "Donald Trump" Coward and Traitor". Of course, I am only kidding but I do wonder lol.

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Trump is Trump and nothing he does surprises me any more. He is a sleaze bag through and through. But what about all the sycophants who join his parade? It is really pathetic and worrisome.

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Especially, the Musk Rat. Take away his govt contracts, and the Tesla subsidies which are larger than those for other electrics. Stop funding that MAGA ALIEN!

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What kind of rotten candidate would the GOP have to nominate before the Democrats are projected to win in a landslide? I mean, Trump is flawed in every way possible. His mental and overall health appear to be in rapid decline after all he is the oldest candidate ever running for president, he's a convicted felon, his "businesses" are as much imaginary successes as his tough guy image, he's openly mocking soldiers and disrespecting their families while dodging his military service when this nation called on him to serve, many people that had previously worked in his inner circle are either in jail or going to jail or/and warn of him being unfit and a danger to democracy, he's a misogynist, a scammer, a racist, and a pathological lier, who only gets endorsed by weirdos or sycophants ... This is easily the single worst candidate one can imagine.

Yet, somehow the race is still close? I want to see Texas and Florida vote for Harris as well as other red states fall ... If not now, when?

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Personally I don’t think the race is still close as polls are a snapshot in time and we really don’t know who is being polled, not to mention how are the questions asked and what are the options of answers. That said I believe MSM is again giving so much wind to Trump it makes it sound like everyone loves him. That is not to say even I have been surprised by a few people I know who echo “I don’t like him but his policies were better” or “She is so dumb. She cannot speak without a teleprompter”. These are the regurgitation of DJT and JDV showing me they have not looked anywhere else for information. As for people like Romney who cannot endorse her, I wonder what DJT has on him or what threat he has posed to him and/or his family. I cannot judge the latter as I don’t know how I would respond to significant threats.

All that said, I feel there are simply lots of voters out there who just don’t want to say who they are voting for to maintain privacy and avoid conflict. For all voters in that group I will hope that they also will Vote Blue up and down their ticket in order to give us another chance to save our precious democracy.

And yes it nauseates me to see us get this low in our politics, but remember all that HCR has taught us over these past few years, there have been similar times like this and the people spoke through their vote and saved democracy for another day. It will never be over to fight for this because there will always be people who lust after power and money and will do anything to attain one or both.

VOTE BLUE UP AND DOWN YOUR TICKET. It is the right thing to do in this election.

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As a Louisiana republican I truly appreciate the sincerity and kindness of your words. The other posts in this thread have called me a sycophant, moron, weirdo, and racist.

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Mike, I am truly sorry people are rude to you. The only thing I would like to say is that I sincerely hope you realize that the old Republican party is NOT what's going on today in the GOP. The "Grand Old Party" no longer exists and has been replaced by people who are only serving themselves, not the country. What they have planned in Project 2025 is horrendous and takes away our freedoms, destroys our democracy and puts ONE person in power. When Trump recently said, "vote one more time and you will never have to vote again", he meant every word. I have read Project 2025 and as an American I know ALL Americans need to stand up to this horror of a plan and vote out Trump before it's too late. I hope you will also. In spite of Trump's lies, the Democratic Party is more like the old GOP, not left extremists as Trump would have you believe. Listen to what Kamala and Walz have to say, they believe in traditional America, and I think you and many like you should give it a chance before it's too late.

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I read the short version of Project 2025. That’s what got me taking another look at the Democratic Party. I abhor Christian nationalism. However, you can’t run the country on the whims of special interest groups either. Another question I have about Mrs. Harris: does she have the fortitude to stand up to the world leaders who will discredit her simply because she is a woman? These are a few of my concerns. There are many others. I like what I’m hearing from her, but will she be able to follow through? Enough with the emotions let’s discuss our concerns as intelligent human beings. But where does such a discussion exist.

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Mike, I think from what I have seen and know about Harris, she would set anyone straight who tried to treat her differently or mansplain or disregard her as a human equal to anyone else. She has already met successfully with world leaders. Trump and Vance lie all the time about Democrats because they are terrified that they will lose power. Today's vast majority of Democrats are not Alt-left, most are centrist and have the integrity, love of country and morals that today's GOP circus lacks. Harris can only do so much at the border without control of the House and Senate. Are you aware that just recently there was a Bi-partisan border bill that got shut down by the GOP because Trump was afraid it would hurt his election ratings if it went through? Right now, in an obscene disregard of our Constitution, Trump controls the GOP even though he is not in office. What does that say about the GOP? Political parties are there to support the people, not Trump. Trump wants to take over this country and has made multiple threats against anyone who has defied him. He is a mentally sick person that had no business in the White House in the first place. He knows nothing about politics and frankly, he isn't that bright. He's a shameless criminal and morally vile. I would be much more worried about that than anything to do with Harris and Walz.

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When I first heard about Trump controlling the GOP I must admit it was unsettling to say the least. I hope you are right about Mrs. Harris. BTW President Biden has a great news conference today. He put some naysayer reporters in their place.

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Sleazy Lying Mentally Ill Trump is our National Shit Show! International as well. When are the maga morons going to realize he doesn’t give us anything it’s all about him saving his CORRUPTED ASS and taking everything he can from them and there will be anything left for them because they didn’t read project 2025 because they are morons!

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The simple fact that Trump and Vance are vehemently opposed to fact checking should be concerning to his supporters.

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I sure hope people on the other side get to hear this! Why are so many people anxious to listen to his lies and meanness? Is it just racism? Is it lack of education? Is it stupidity? My favorite college class was sociology. I loved the statistics. My numbers seem to be the truth. The comparing of the numbers Seem to explain why things are. In this race, the people who can least afford Trump‘s policies are the ones fighting for them.

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It's the lack of education in the poorer RED states and lack of critical thinking skills. From the videos I've seen, these people are incapable of self-thought or independent thinking. They just feed on Trump's lies and become part of the "virus" like the walking dead. I wonder if it would make a difference if they knew Trump privately calls them "Basement Dwellers"? Probably not.

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Isn't it against the law for a private citizen to make foreign policy?

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The incredibleness of the Post Truth media world... Along with this fact, the conned people will not accept the reality that they have been tricked because that would make them not only look stupid but they have fully accepted the lie...

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