Hello, Heather -

Thanks so much for mentioning my film, "The Conversation" and our webinar yesterday. We are delighted that you were kind enough to spread the word and help the film achieve its goal of getting grandkids to the polls!

Larry Sarezky; Founder, Grandparents for Democracy

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Sharing Sally Field video speaking to Red, White, & Blue on her experience as a young woman in a pre Roe America.


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Thanks for this episode. These agencies and acts are soo important.

EMTLA was an act signed by Reagan during his administration. When signed, it had overwhelming support.

(In healthcare, we name this act em-ta-la).

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And why would it be OK for anyone to tell a woman in America what to do with her body? Three Republicans screamed bloody murder when they were asked to put on a mask during Covid where 1 million Americans died. Only about a third of the Republicans I know got a vaccine. And yet , They will force American woman to risk their jobs, financial security, and health. Republican states in the south are completely OK with telling a woman who has been raped or brutalized by incest ; that her body is not her own!

The Republicans for trump party is a brutal unfeeling party!

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Violence? WW1 and WW2 were largely a European -among Christians -civil war.


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Trumps right. His comments about the Gene pools in the Country are spot on. He is the flag bearer. Nothing is More stupid than himself when he opens his big fat stupid mouth. He is the essence of the Gene pool here and we have to do something about getting rid of him and all of them

They are not only mother murderers, but babies as well. Now they have climate control. They can log as far as I’m concerned, but do it quietly and stop lying about it. In other words stop lying about anything you have said or done in the last 567 years just go away.

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